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UNKNOWN CAUSES: Montage Video Goes Viral

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posted on Sep, 24 2022 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: Kurokage
Most of the sports deaths I think arise from underlying conditions. Athletes are now pushing themselves to far greater levels than previous generations.

BBC News Article from 2018

The risk of footballers dying because their heart stops beating is higher than experts thought, a study suggests.

There have been high-profile deaths, including that of Marc-Vivien Foe while playing for Cameroon aged 28. Former England defender Ugo Ehiogu, who was a Spurs coach, died last year aged 44.

The study, in the New England Journal of Medicine, comes from two decades of data on 11,168 youth players in the UK.

Doctors said there was a duty to protect players.

Diseases that affect the heart muscle - cardiomyopathies - are silent killers. The first symptom can be the heart suddenly stopping.

This is why clubs have a screening programme for academy players at age 16.

The dangers are higher in elite athletes because taxing the heart can trigger their underlying disease.

Adrenaline, changes in electrolytes and dehydration all increase the risk of triggering a cardiac arrest.

Weak sauce. These deaths have accelerated massively since 2021. Research it and see, and not just some random “a study suggests”. What study? Who “suggests” it? How do these random incidents compare to the substantial increases in these deaths we have seen over the past 18 months?

posted on Sep, 24 2022 @ 04:02 PM

People are more likely to die at a hospital, so that isn't a good indicator of mortality amongst the population at large.

We're much better than we used to be over the past few decades.

In the US more people die at home than in the hospital, for the first time in decades. And the trend will likely continue.

More Americans Are Dying at Home Than in Hospitals
edit on 24-9-2022 by Mahogany because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2022 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: Kurokage

So you use evidence of prior underlying conditions being a problem historically to prove it's not COVID vaccines, but completely ignore that the vaccines have at least a 1 in 5,000 risk of also exacerbating the exact same underlying conditions? That's called being willfully blind.

You guys chase your tails and make nonsensical statements constantly now, because you're consuming news rather than processing information. You didn't even think about the logical conclusion of the asinine excuse you're parroting. It's the same braindead excuse the media rolled out months ago. You followed the logic just far enough to confirm your bias. Old articles don't disprove an emerging trend and in this case it actually supports it. You'd realize that if you weren't vaccinated against logic by paid-for media.

It's embarrassing for you to continue proposing asinine narrative-driven excuses that contradict themselves while acting as though you're defending science. This doesn't debunk athletes dying from the COVID vaccine, it further supports the assertion that it is killing at least some of them. Aggregate data from official sources confirms large spikes in mortality not associated with COVID. This correlates with the deployment of vaccines. It's not going to change just because you refuse to accept it.

If athletes were already dropping dead from underlying cardiac conditions it's a foregone conclusion that a 1 in 5,000 chance of cardiac adverse events will cause more deaths. It also doesn't provide them any benefit, preventing neither transmission or illness. You should be ignored until you can demonstrate a rudimentary ability to follow logic or admit to at least one of the many lies that you've been brainwashed to defend.

There has to be some small part of you that recognizes how utterly illogical you're being. Denying that an injection known to cause cardiac events is also causing an increase in what you acknowledge is deaths from exacerbated cardiac conditions makes no sense. There is no escape from that simple logic. I don't know how you expect anybody to take you seriously when you are unable to acknowledge it.

Continued denial of reality only makes it all the more obvious to everybody, those not brainwashed by media, exactly how intellectually dishonest the unipolar "vax good" narrative has become. You have to deny basic logical analysis of the data even when it's data you yourself brought to the table as "proof".

What a joke.

posted on Sep, 24 2022 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM. Nuclear devastation right there.

posted on Sep, 24 2022 @ 08:22 PM

originally posted by: Mahogany

People are more likely to die at a hospital, so that isn't a good indicator of mortality amongst the population at large.

We're much better than we used to be over the past few decades.

In the US more people die at home than in the hospital, for the first time in decades. And the trend will likely continue.

More Americans Are Dying at Home Than in Hospitals

My point is that if you go to the hospital you are more likely than not to die there versus out in the street.

I wasn't commenting on hospital versus home death.
edit on 9/24/2022 by Creep Thumper because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2022 @ 10:30 PM
a reply to: Creep Thumper

Yes, I know. But it's not true for United States. People don't go to a hospital to die, they go there to get treated and get better. There are accidents in hospitals and people die and there are accidents at home and people die.

But overall in US, people die more in their own home then they do in the hospital.

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 12:31 AM

originally posted by: Mahogany

People are more likely to die at a hospital, so that isn't a good indicator of mortality amongst the population at large.

We're much better than we used to be over the past few decades.

In the US more people die at home than in the hospital, for the first time in decades. And the trend will likely continue.

More Americans Are Dying at Home Than in Hospitals

Yes, I know. But it's not true for United States. People don't go to a hospital to die, they go there to get treated and get better. There are accidents in hospitals and people die and there are accidents at home and people die.

But overall in US, people die more in their own home then they do in the hospital.

Yeah, did you read the link and intentionally leave out the important detail of natural causes?

In 2017, 29.8 percent of deaths by natural causes occurred in hospitals, and 30.7 percent at home, researchers reported on Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine.

These are not accidents or injuries they're talking about, only deaths by natural causes. Nowhere does it say people dropping dead of sudden death is somehow normal and increasing over time. Combined with the additional medical facilities in the study it still accounts for the majority.

Medical errors

Recent studies of medical errors have estimated errors may account for as many as 251,000 deaths annually in the United States (U.S)., making medical errors the third leading cause of death.

The US is not really getting better and it's abysmal compared to other 1st world countries. I would guess a fair bit of that can be traced to how we've trivialized handing out dangerous drugs that are marginally beneficial. The COVID vaccines are a good example of how benefit has been removed from the pharma money scheme. Now that people can be brainwashed to deny the reality in front of them there's no limit to the irrational things they can make people believe.

So, your secondary support of pro-vax agenda posters is just as void of intellectual integrity as the pro-vax posters themselves. Either you didn't read your source closely and verify the study it cites or you're intentionally misleading others. If you're going to post propaganda at least find propaganda you don't have to lie about.

These vaccines are junk, the video doesn't have to prove what official data and science already shows us.
edit on 9/25/22 by Ksihkehe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 02:22 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

This line made me laugh, thanks that's always good to start the day like that. I'm going to use that line...

if you weren't vaccinated against logic

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 03:55 AM

originally posted by: Klassified
It will take several years at least, and probably more like several decades before enough truth comes out about this to prosecute someone, and by then those who should have been prosecuted will be dead and no one will be held accountable for the many deaths caused. It's happened before, and it will happen again.

Each time, there are those who sound the alarm, those who ignore it, and those who want to kill the messenger.

Wash, rinse, repeat.


we'll know who killed JFK before that comes out.

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 04:48 AM

originally posted by: Spacespider
Humans die all the time
Trust me I work at a hospital

What, young, healthy athletes and other young people die of unknown causes daily in your hospital?
That alone needs an investigation.

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 06:28 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 06:34 AM

originally posted by: Roedeer

originally posted by: Kurokage
Most of the sports deaths I think arise from underlying conditions. Athletes are now pushing themselves to far greater levels than previous generations.

BBC News Article from 2018

The risk of footballers dying because their heart stops beating is higher than experts thought, a study suggests.

There have been high-profile deaths, including that of Marc-Vivien Foe while playing for Cameroon aged 28. Former England defender Ugo Ehiogu, who was a Spurs coach, died last year aged 44.

The study, in the New England Journal of Medicine, comes from two decades of data on 11,168 youth players in the UK.

Doctors said there was a duty to protect players.

Diseases that affect the heart muscle - cardiomyopathies - are silent killers. The first symptom can be the heart suddenly stopping.

This is why clubs have a screening programme for academy players at age 16.

The dangers are higher in elite athletes because taxing the heart can trigger their underlying disease.

Adrenaline, changes in electrolytes and dehydration all increase the risk of triggering a cardiac arrest.

Weak sauce. These deaths have accelerated massively since 2021. Research it and see, and not just some random “a study suggests”. What study? Who “suggests” it? How do these random incidents compare to the substantial increases in these deaths we have seen over the past 18 months?

I have researched it, thats why I posted the story, anti-vaxers seem to forget all previous deaths from before covid? People are only more aware of it because of more televised events with people dying on camera.
edit on 25-9-2022 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 06:40 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Maybe posting some proven evidence to back up claims would be nice.
But as usual you guys hardly ever do...

There has to be some small part of you that recognizes how utterly illogical you're being. Denying that an injection known to cause cardiac events is also causing an increase in what you acknowledge is deaths from exacerbated cardiac conditions makes no sense. There is no escape from that simple logic. I don't know how you expect anybody to take you seriously when you are unable to acknowledge it.

The problemn is athletes were droping dead from heart attack long before covid and the jab, so there has to be a small part of that sees the truth rather than the doom porn..

The Guardian

I was 11 when I first blacked out, under water, in a primary school swimming lesson. I was a strong swimmer and determined to finish ahead of the girl next to me. As I dived in, I remember thinking “I’m going to beat her”. I got as far as the lifeguard and woke up pool-side, wrapped in tin foil, with my teacher standing over me, having administered CPR.

That was the first sign of my rare heart abnormality, also known as sudden death syndrome. It refers to a number of different cardiac diseases that together affect around 1 in 7,000 people. All I recall about that first attack was vividly picturing my little sister, Bronagh, and the sight, as I came to, of school friends being ushered out in tears.

For months the doctors were at a loss as to what was wrong with an otherwise healthy and sporty pre-teen. I was pretty relaxed about what had happened – I was 11, after all – but I became more aware of myself. Once, during a school test, I looked down and felt my heart race so rapidly I could almost see it beating through my jumper.

Health Line - Sudden Death syndrome

SADS Foundation

Each year in the United States, approximately 210,000 Americans die suddenly and unexpectedly due to Sudden Cardiac Arrest. (American Heart Association 2017)
10-12% of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) cases are due to Long QT Syndrome
LQTS is now known to be 3 times more common in the US than childhood leukemia
1 in 200,000 high school athletes in the US will die suddenly, most without any prior symptoms—JAMA 1996; 276

edit on 25-9-2022 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: Kurokage

The problemn is athletes were droping dead from heart attack long before covid and the jab, so there has to be a small part of that sees the truth rather than the doom porn..

I don't think anyone has denied that athletes dropping dead before covid is a reality. What they are saying is that it has increased, and you appear to be making the claim they have not increased. The onus is just as much on you as them to show evidence of your assertion.

My problem is finding information that at least tries to back up their assertions with a reference to sources that aren't obviously biased. Not an easy task, but here's one that at least makes an effort to stick with the facts...
Athlete Deaths Are 1,700% Higher Since 2021 and Nobody’s Allowed To Ask Why

Note that it's easy to find articles asserting both sides of this debate. Good ones are harder to find.

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: Klassified

I do agree with your statement, but then biased opinion pieces is all that seem to get posted and that tends to be by anti-vaxers.

ONS.GOV.UK - Sudden adult deaths from 2016 - 2021

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: Kurokage
According to those stats, sudden cardiac deaths are down in 2020, but sudden unknown cause deaths went up by a substantial percentage. It will be interesting to see their 2021-22 chart.

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 08:32 AM
Look, another one:

Police Officer Dies From Cardiac Arrest During SWAT Team Training

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0


Tyrell Owens Riley Cause Of Death Explained
Tyrell Owens Riley died of a cardiac arrest that he suffered while undergoing a fitness assessment at the SWAT facility. The department has announced cardiac arrest as Tyrell Owens Riley’s cause of death.

He was taken to the hospital by the EMS where the doctors confirmed that the physical fitness portion of the assessment caused him to suffer a cardiac arrest.

Columbia PD

Earlier today, Master Police Officer (MPO) Tyrell Owens Riley suffered a medical emergency while participating in a CPD Specialized Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Assessment. During the physical fitness training portion of the assessment, MPO Owens Riley became ill. He was transported by EMS to Providence Hospital in downtown where he suffered cardiac arrest and could not be revived.

What you don't seem to be able to understand is some people with underlying heart conditions die in these kinds of stressful situations. It happened before covid and the jab and will continue to happen as long as these conditions go undetected.
The sad thing is people like you are using these peoples names and details to falsely promote your agenda.
Were does it say he was recently vaccinated or was even vaccinated? For all you know he was an anti-vaxer!

edit on 25-9-2022 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

You Know Damn Well what they are Dying From Too ! I Saw this Coming when the Covid-19 Lockdowns First Started during the Planned FAKE Plandemic Over a Year Ago . And No , I did not take the " Poison " back then and I am Still Just Fine...

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 06:47 PM
a reply to: Kurokage
What do you think think existing prior to COVID vaccines proves and why are you obsessed with some label you were told to apply to those that post data you don't like? The only disease or condition that didn't exist before COVID and COVID vaccines was... COVID. The increase in mortality in 2021 and 2022 is not explained away by a condition existing in 2017. What branch of science is it you think provides an avenue for this to be "proof" vaccines aren't causing deaths? Do you believe this or are you just leaning in to being intellectually dishonest?

You are a liar. Stop making claims I said things that I didn't. If you persist in doing it then I'll respond accordingly and we can have a review of who has said what with quotes. I have not made any doom porn claims. I said that logic dictates that a least some of these cardiac deaths will be caused by the vaccines and previously said the risk outweighs the benefit. If you want to fabricate statements I made or try to imply I was involved in false information being promoted I have no problem providing quotes of your actual prior statements. Careless agenda posters seem to forget we have a record of the things they post going back before a few weeks ago.

Cardiac adverse events are cited by multiple official sources to be 1 in 5,000 and I've linked you to my thread. Nobody has managed to refute those claims because they've been made by official sources that we've been told for two years are "The Science". I'm not linking it over and over so that you can ignore it over and over. It's my last thread and it sits unrefuted.

You have stated underlying cardiac conditions are exacerbated in atheletes causing sudden death. You yourself assert this and I have not refuted it.

This is all the evidence you need to ascertain that at least some of the cardiac event deaths since the vaccines were deployed will be caused by the vaccine.

You do not need to associate me or my statements with any other person who made any other claims. I have given you the only evidence you need. No matter how many things you link it doesn't change that unless it refutes the cardiac adverse events from vaccines with data. No matter how much you try to discredit me with lies and implications about what a I've said it will never change that.

You allowed yourself to fall for a logical fallacy where authorities and officials dictated junk science to you based on manipulated data and weak methodology. The whole time they told you they are the science and can't be questioned. Being obsessed with identity politics you internalized their projections of insecurity, which they told you are only questioned by MAGA terrorists, rather than doing the work to simply evaluate it for scientific integrity. It's just easier that way, right? It's almost like they know that all they have to do to get you to turn off your brain is get you hot and bothered over fake derogatory labels and political dogma.

You have blindly accepted authorities as honest for so long that you now find yourself unable to admit to rudimentary logic, because it doesn't match the fabricated reality you allowed to be constructed in your head. You need literal cult deprogramming to force you to start back at the beginning to address the lies that you have somehow managed to completely disregard as being real events. You are unwilling or incapable to do so through honest discussion, which is exactly how cults operate. You immediately reject anything as soon as it goes against a unipolar childish view that "vax only good", even the logical conclusions based on data you yourself have presented.

Until you can accept some of the old official data is lies, face them full on and stop basing current opinions on them, you are not capable of having a rational discussion. Your failure to engage in honest inquiry is not my failure to provide evidence. You and anybody else still this deeply in denial are going to have a rage-filled few years as you increasingly have to ignore reality to maintain the scientifically illiterate opinion that COVID vaccines should be used on healthy young people. You do not live in the real world if you are unable to admit there are any adverse events happening or that these events are far in excess of any previous approved vaccine. You'd have to ignore the reports of the top health agencies in nations across the Western world.

I have no intention of addressing irrelevant information you post as "proof" that basic logic no longer applies. If you keep making disingenuous claims about things I've said I will remind you of your statements during the early parts of COVID. I'll remind you that it was a disease that overwhelmingly impacted people with multiple comorbidities and in specific age demographics. You were willing to ignore the demographic data to support horrible abuses of human rights during COVID and now you want to ignore demographic data to support the continued maiming and killing of health young people. You're applying two contradictory standards to the disease and the "cure" to justify irrational "settled science".

It is morally reprehensible to believe that any number of deaths should be swept under the rug. Serious side effects shouldn't be ignored because you and a few others are not grown up enough to accept that unipolar "vax good" isn't a valid and defensible scientific position.

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