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Meanwhile in Denmark

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posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 04:55 AM

originally posted by: StoutBroux

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: Kenzo
a reply to: musicismagic

Oops, sorry typo ...yes i mean chances

I meant no harm. I just spotted it and being a Good Person I only wanted to bring it to your attention.
I've been so bad with English grammar here on ATS that some members have even stuck up for me. I've just returning the kindness of ATS here.


Couldn't resist after the other correction. Just giving you options.

P.S. just picking on you in fun. I don't correct spelling and grammar because I realize that many here don't have English as their first language and I appreciate everyone's opinion, mostly. Plus my grammar sucks.

Hey, no problem. We all should have a little grammar fun in life.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 05:00 AM
a reply to: nickyw

It`s hard to allways stay knowing what they are up to.....the science, MSM storys etc are changing often.

2 weeks to flatten curve was first if i remember , then all changed and science was forgetted.

Now the conspiracy theorist and otherwise wiser part of people are in better position without dangerous injections.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 05:06 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

i've tended to think they are doing it for personals reasons, even in Bexhill, Eastbourne and Worthing its rare to see even the elderly masked..

as for other settings, where I am the ratio of GPs to patients is 14,000 to 1 so the chances of seeing inside a gps surgery is not far from zero.. and for that reason if they demanded patients hop on one leg I'm sure many would comply to see a gp..

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 05:18 AM
a reply to: nickyw

Some places are insisting people wear masks according to a family member, GPs, jobcentres, places like that. My GP doesn't.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 05:22 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

from what i've seen the science that said we just needed a couple of weeks to flatten it was right, as was injecting the vulnerable that's getting clearer in the data.. for the uk the over 65 spiked first wave then it took the next 2 waves for the displaced death rates to return to the long term average, so they are not dying from the vaccine.

the non vulnerable & under 65s are another question with lots of factors killing them which i feel will come back to reduced access to health service due to bouncing into and out of restrictions and fear mongering over waves.

it'll all come out in the wash though.. but the damage has been done to trust as we see a reverse of those seeking vaccines from 90% to 10%... it'll become a case study of what not to do..

the problem is we'll end up with 2 lots of politicians those who promise to never use those tool and those use will see those tools as the hammer as every problem becomes a nail for that hammer..

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 05:35 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

fair enough having worked in the NHS I am sure some obsessives exist out there, though I've not come across one yet, the only one i did see that enforced a no mask no entry policy has now go out of business.. not that I'd wish that on anyone.. but some really do struggle to read the room for fickle ever changing public mood which is now fixated on surviving economically..

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 06:20 AM
a reply to: nickyw

Who's to enforce things?

Sounds like a recipe for disaster enforcing such rules in a public place that provides public services. There's no emergency and no laws to enforce.

I mean at the height of covid I had to go to ER for a little hand accident, as always there was resident police and plenty of mask-less people too. Lots of "please put your mask on" being uttered and free masks for all. No arrests or refusal of service though.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 06:44 AM
a reply to: nickyw

Injecting anyone unapproved vaccine was not right, all who take part in the COVID-19 vaccination program are de facto participants in a medical experiment .

I dont see the point why anyone should be injected it, specially now after reading so many drop dead or get sick .

The Nuremberg Code requires that the consent be knowing consent. The person must be informed that he is taking part in an experiment involving the COVID-19 vaccine that has not been demonstrated to be safe or effective.

There was / is better treatments than vaccines, also as preventive for special groups.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 07:39 AM

originally posted by: nickyw
a reply to: RAY1990

fair enough having worked in the NHS I am sure some obsessives exist out there, though I've not come across one yet, the only one i did see that enforced a no mask no entry policy has now go out of business.. not that I'd wish that on anyone.. but some really do struggle to read the room for fickle ever changing public mood which is now fixated on surviving economically..

Japan has now open its doors to the outside world. Comes down to the economy.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 08:04 AM

originally posted by: Kenzo

Are the Danes now saying, your chances are better with the virus than taking mRNA shots
at least ages under 50 . Quite contrast policy to many other countrys , like Canada for example.

Denmark Bans Covid Vaccines for Under-50s But Doesn’t Properly Explain Why

Why Have the Danish Health Authorities Not Properly Explained Why They've Banned Covid Vaccines for Under 50s?

Denmark ENDS Covid vaccinations for almost everyone under 50.

For those of you who care, Denmark has reached herd immunity, and has ended its booster program for under 50s with no comorbidity, because it thinks the time and effort would be better spent on those most in need rather than divided among the entire population.

Under 50a can still get boosted, but they need to arrange this themselves as with other vax.

Sources to the ops own sources,
But also here

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

I always does the science we had was specific... the damage we've done is totally self inflicted as will the pain this winter, future generation will marvel at the moral cowardice and ineptitude of so many governments in the face of minority activists driven by media barons..

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 08:40 AM
How does one reach 'herd immunity' from a virus the reinfects over and over again? If that were possible, shouldn't the common cold have died out hundreds of years ago?

Lord Fauci Says Herd Immunity Is ‘Unattainable’ for COVID-19. Oh, the hoops one has to go through to support the ever-changing 'science'!

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: nugget1

the science pre covid was know about the human coranviruses, simply put you keep getting it as a kid but always weaker until you hit 40-50 where you can get hit hard if you have underlying conditions and you can catch all the various ones at once.. there wasn't a vaccine the best hoped was it would cycles faster infecting more and gets weaker this was known before we got given the immutable "science" from god on stone tablets..

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: Kenzo

Are the Danes now saying, your chances are better with the virus than taking mRNA shots
at least ages under 50 . Quite contrast policy to many other countrys , like Canada for example.

Denmark Bans Covid Vaccines for Under-50s But Doesn’t Properly Explain Why

Why Have the Danish Health Authorities Not Properly Explained Why They've Banned Covid Vaccines for Under 50s?

Denmark ENDS Covid vaccinations for almost everyone under 50.

For those of you who care, Denmark has reached herd immunity, and has ended its booster program for under 50s with no comorbidity, because it thinks the time and effort would be better spent on those most in need rather than divided among the entire population.

Under 50a can still get boosted, but they need to arrange this themselves as with other vax.

Sources to the ops own sources,
But also here

For those that care this poster has been widely discredit across multiple threads for quite some time and are once again fabricating things and trying to be misleading.

Your fact check makes a point of saying that the claim of a "total" ban is false.

“Denmark coming clean that kids shouldn’t be vaccinated with a TOTAL BAN on Covid vax for kids,” a Twitter user falsely claimed.

But Denmark’s guidance around COVID-19 vaccines for the fall and winter for children is only being modified.

They are no longer offering it for healthy children or anybody outside high risk groups. They do not recommend any of the vaccines, including the original, for healthy people under 18.

You completely fabricated the herd immunity. You have fabricated this to make it seem as though the situation in other countries may differ and it doesn't. They stopped because it's not needed, they explicitly say the purpose of the vaccination is preventing serious illness, from your own AP "fact check" which quotes the same guidelines I already linked you to in another thread.

The agency’s vaccine program states that since children and young people “very rarely become seriously ill” from the COVID-19 omicron variant, from July 1, those under the age of 18 will no longer receive the first dose. Starting Sept. 1, youths will no longer get the second dose although those who are at risk of developing serious illness can still get the vaccine after a medical assessment.

In fact, you can read from 2021 that they gave up on herd immunity.

It is not realistic to achieve herd immunity, understood as meaning that we will not see any spread of infection at all.

The other site you linked specifically states this in their footer.

The older you are, the greater the risk of serious illness with covid-19. Therefore, mainly people over 40 will benefit from vaccination with the 1st and 2nd jab. However, younger people can also benefit, especially if they have risk factors such as chronic disease, severe obesity, etc.

So they have also admitted that even the first and second vaccination mainly only benefit those over 40 or with risk factors.

Denmark's guidelines from the official site I already gave you.

Children and adolescents rarely become severely ill from the Omicron variant of covid-19.

From 1 July 2022, it was no longer possible for children and adolescents aged under 18 to get the first injection and, from 1 September 2022, it was no longer possible for them to get the second injection.

A very limited number of children at particularly higher risk of becoming severely ill will still be offered vaccination based on an individual assessment by a doctor.

So now you're intentionally misleading people about something I've already shown to you twice, tried to mislead them about the contents of your own sources which you didn't quote, and you flat out fabricated things that were not in those sources. They are no longer recommending it because those people are at virtually no risk of illness. You can quibble over the term total ban and play semantics, but you've gone above and beyond to make up lies about herd immunity and the vaccine still being available to everybody.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Thank you Ksihkehe
edit on 15-9-2022 by Kenzo because: (no reason given)

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