posted on Sep, 6 2022 @ 03:29 AM
a reply to:
1 and 2 would be the same thing, it's what all the theoretical physics, the hadron collider and demons from the other side is all about. What's the
make-up of the elements and therefore everything else? In the past they spoke of the aether. But there's stories like the well of Mimer which are most
definitely stories of questions and questions of stories. The only new thing to us is our ability to actually define things and we've gotten
considerably farther than the elements.
3 is why I love threads like this, I have my suspicions about life and the universe. Elements know nothing but they're bound with information, how
long they've been around, how long they have left, what they are and what they've been... Even what they'll become. Life is similar but nowhere near
as stifled in it's ability to exchange information nor express it.
How "our" minds work is quite possibly a brilliant choice of words. As a human I'm a collection of many different cells and some of them are not mine.
Thinking on the elements ever notice how rare they are in nature by themselves? So why is a human a human? A tree a tree? The reality is I'm a very
sick human without my gut bacteria and trees don't last very long without their fungi.
Might seem like I'm waffling on there... I am. Yet life is life, matter is matter. Non of it works differently from one another. If it did we'd
probably have cults naming it God.
edit on 6-9-2022 by RAY1990 because: (no reason given)