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This maybe a fact. The 3rd jab is death sentence.

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posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 12:26 PM
facts from other members won't help you...because you believe the jab is the only answer...a one track mind.
no other option for are committed.... a reply to: AaarghZombies

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 12:27 PM

clownworld logic in full force.

I hear it on the TV sometimes when I am in a store.
a reply to: incoserv

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
The US has an additional 35,000 people dying a week (or month can't remember) over average.

Source, please.

In fact source for literally everything that you've posted on covid, ever.

No, how about you go to hell?

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

So far, most of them haven't even attempted to provide any facts. I'm just getting a lot of unsourced comments that don't match up to any fact that I've ever seen, and people trying to claim that documents form early 2021 are documents form mid 2022.

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: chris_stibrany

That's like saying that people don't die form weed, they just die from stabbings by rival dealers, and auto wrecks.

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Look who's on the clock!

What's your pay grade?

'That's like saying that people don't die form weed, they just die from stabbings by rival dealers, and auto wrecks.'

People don't die 'form' weed....end of story.

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 02:47 PM
When AIDS first showed up back in the 80s, my eccentric uncle was right on that conspiracy. We talked about his research a lot. No internet back then, he was going to college and university libraries to do his research.

So, one day I asked him something like how many people did he think would be dying from AIDS. His reply was "none". Because the virus attacked the immune system, people would be dying from other causes on their death certificate.

I believe this is likely the same for COVID considering they spliced some components from HIV into it. I have sources that indicate such is the case and will produce them if demanded to, but I really don't feel like doing that now.

posted on Sep, 3 2022 @ 05:40 AM

originally posted by: chris_stibrany
a reply to: AaarghZombies

People don't die 'form' weed....end of story.

No, but they do fall down flights of stairs while high, or have auto-wrecks while high, or get killed in gang feuds over weed.

Weed is one of the leading causes of fatal wrecks Link in the US, and the percentage has increased in line with increases i in weed usage.

But you seem to have missed the crux of my comment. People with comorbidity and covid often die from their comorbidity, not from covid, because covid has messed them up enough that their comorbidity finishes them off.

Similarly, it's not the weed that kills you, it's the semi that you front end while high.

posted on Sep, 3 2022 @ 05:54 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

That's almost like saying the cigarettes don't kill, smoking them does. 🤣

posted on Sep, 3 2022 @ 06:36 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: AaarghZombies

That's almost like saying the cigarettes don't kill, smoking them does. 🤣

No, it's like saying that smoking doesn't kill you because nicotine poisoning is rare.

It's the emphysema or the heart attack that gets you.

posted on Sep, 3 2022 @ 07:17 PM
I got 3 jabs. I will confess I must have died some time ago and must have reanimated my body. I also produce a lot of body heat especially when cutting grass or riding a mountain bike. A lot of water comes out of my reanimated body as well when doing these activities. I also see back from the dead videos in YouTube including one person who was shown the future. Apparently if I heard it right central banks or governments do away with fiat paper currencies in 2024 and control people with social credit scores where they can start to limit what you can buy and sell. Trump wins the election in 2028 and brings paper currency back to the US. The other stuff for 2060 sounded like civil war talk for the US. I don’t plan to still be here in this body in 2060.

Since I already took 3 jabs and must have died already , I guess I have certain advantages over all the still living suckers on this planet. I understand for example in Europe, they shut down 17 nuclear reactors and driving people from farmland because cheap and plentiful energy and food doesn’t allow them to control the people. Putin is getting the blame but they planned this. They are creating scarcity so that people will depend on them.

I believe after all this control with masks, vaccines, etc, they will try to enact control here in the US as well while blaming either climate, disease, or whatever they can pin the blame on to control us.

Good thing I took 3 jabs and died already, I can see from beyond and see what they are up to.

It does seem amazing everyone around me doesn’t appear to behave any different around me. You would think if I was really dead from 3 jabs people would ignore me. One thing I thought was slightly strange, I may have stopped aging. I told someone my age and they said you don’t look that old. Hopefully the 3 jabs didn’t activate some hidden strange genes.

On the other hand I could argue I never died. I did some occasional intermittent fasting on weekends and vacation days by sleeping in and eating a large brunch and or one large meal 3 times in the past 12 months and cut out soda and a lot of sugar. I lost over 20 pounds so far. I haven’t heard of too many in their 50’s losing a lot weight. I think I’m alive and well but if I already died from 3 jabs, I may know things. I caught COVID too months after the 3 jabs. They definitely don’t stop infection. I know of someone who died from it so I do not regret getting the jabs.

posted on Sep, 3 2022 @ 07:34 PM

originally posted by: orionthehunter
I got 3 jabs. I will confess I must have died some time ago and must have reanimated my body. I also produce a lot of body heat especially when cutting grass or riding a mountain bike. A lot of water comes out of my reanimated body as well when doing these activities. I also see back from the dead videos in YouTube including one person who was shown the future. Apparently if I heard it right central banks or governments do away with fiat paper currencies in 2024 and control people with social credit scores where they can start to limit what you can buy and sell. Trump wins the election in 2028 and brings paper currency back to the US. The other stuff for 2060 sounded like civil war talk for the US. I don’t plan to still be here in this body in 2060.

Since I already took 3 jabs and must have died already , I guess I have certain advantages over all the still living suckers on this planet. I understand for example in Europe, they shut down 17 nuclear reactors and driving people from farmland because cheap and plentiful energy and food doesn’t allow them to control the people. Putin is getting the blame but they planned this. They are creating scarcity so that people will depend on them.

I believe after all this control with masks, vaccines, etc, they will try to enact control here in the US as well while blaming either climate, disease, or whatever they can pin the blame on to control us.

Good thing I took 3 jabs and died already, I can see from beyond and see what they are up to.

It does seem amazing everyone around me doesn’t appear to behave any different around me. You would think if I was really dead from 3 jabs people would ignore me. One thing I thought was slightly strange, I may have stopped aging. I told someone my age and they said you don’t look that old. Hopefully the 3 jabs didn’t activate some hidden strange genes.

On the other hand I could argue I never died. I did some occasional intermittent fasting on weekends and vacation days by sleeping in and eating a large brunch and or one large meal 3 times in the past 12 months and cut out soda and a lot of sugar. I lost over 20 pounds so far. I haven’t heard of too many in their 50’s losing a lot weight. I think I’m alive and well but if I already died from 3 jabs, I may know things. I caught COVID too months after the 3 jabs. They definitely don’t stop infection. I know of someone who died from it so I do not regret getting the jabs.

You're doing some extreme mental gymnastics here to avoid the truth. It usually starts with someone making a sarcastic remark about how bad the jabs injured them when they never had any issues from them. Here's the thing dude: not everyone got the same batch. Not everyone is having the same side effects. There are scores of people who did or who did die after them, but acting like it's a joke doesn't help anyone, it only prolonges this criminal scam. You also don't know about long term side effects. No one does. You're the experiment.

You seem confident though, so are you gonna get a 4th booster and the omnicron shot that was never tested on humans?

posted on Sep, 3 2022 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: chris_stibrany

It is tending to look like the warnings were correct. Covid death rates are minuscule but the vax death rates seem to be climbing week on week. 82% above the pre covid average now in the working population. Anecdotal figures for disability around a 10% increase. These are doomsday figures. Which are increasing.

posted on Sep, 3 2022 @ 09:48 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Being generous it was a plan concocted by a few, and they let a beurocracy just let it do its thing for backhanders. Because that's what humans are like. They knew the vaccine was a dud and thought they could cover it with bs but it might have killed a bit too quickly for the subversion to be contained.

posted on Sep, 4 2022 @ 05:16 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: chris_stibrany

It is tending to look like the warnings were correct. Covid death rates are minuscule but the vax death rates seem to be climbing week on week. 82% above the pre covid average now in the working population. Anecdotal figures for disability around a 10% increase. These are doomsday figures. Which are increasing.

Source for literally any of that.

posted on Sep, 4 2022 @ 05:21 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: xuenchen

Being generous it was a plan concocted by a few, and they let a beurocracy just let it do its thing for backhanders. Because that's what humans are like. They knew the vaccine was a dud and thought they could cover it with bs but it might have killed a bit too quickly for the subversion to be contained.

Give that there are half a dozen different vaxxes being used in over 100 different countries, you're talking about giving backhanders to hundreds of thousands of people in the respective governments alone, and that's without having to bribe academics and professionals, not to mention the news media. So, possibly a couple of million people at the very least.

If things were as crooked as you seem to think I'm left to wonder why nobody has offered me a brown envelope stuffed with money, you'd think that I'd have gotten my bribe by now, I mean, it's been what ... almost 2 years now.

If local coroners and CDC field agents are getting in on the act, I think that I'm owed at least enough for the down payment on a nice cabin somewhere.

posted on Sep, 4 2022 @ 07:18 AM

originally posted by: chris_stibrany
a reply to: Waterglass

My point is no one is dying 'from covid'
They are dying from normal things like we have had for years, pneumonia, old age, heart problems.

Does anyone die from AIDS, or from other causes exacerbated or triggered by AIDS?

Ergo, like AIDS, does not dying from covid mean that covid couldn’t have lead to the death.

for the sake of argument the same question goes for vaccines if we hypothetically assume unforeseen, or undisclosed side effects.

posted on Sep, 4 2022 @ 07:28 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: musicismagic
OK, why am l saying this.
Japan now is showing a death rate of over 300 COVID deaths a day. And steadily increasing daily.
So multiply that by 365 days, what do we get.
I don't know the age group since it's confidential so far from the public, but l will ask around.
We are vaxing kids from 12 and up now.


Rember this

Japan has a problem getting elderly people vax. Not just for covid, but for regular things like the flu. The country is well known for having a problem with communicable diseases due to cramped living conditions, multi-generational households, and a dependence on public transport. Not to mention vax shy seniors.

This isn't anything new, it's just business as usual in Japan.

Plus, Japan has an absolutely brutal culture when it comes to thing like colds and the flu. People feel compelled to come in even when sick.

All of that can be simply proven with stats that show no great difference in excess deaths compared to all the previous stats.

Could you source that data, please?

posted on Sep, 4 2022 @ 08:32 AM

originally posted by: McGinty

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: musicismagic
OK, why am l saying this.
Japan now is showing a death rate of over 300 COVID deaths a day. And steadily increasing daily.
So multiply that by 365 days, what do we get.
I don't know the age group since it's confidential so far from the public, but l will ask around.
We are vaxing kids from 12 and up now.


Rember this

Japan has a problem getting elderly people vax. Not just for covid, but for regular things like the flu. The country is well known for having a problem with communicable diseases due to cramped living conditions, multi-generational households, and a dependence on public transport. Not to mention vax shy seniors.

This isn't anything new, it's just business as usual in Japan.

Plus, Japan has an absolutely brutal culture when it comes to thing like colds and the flu. People feel compelled to come in even when sick.

All of that can be simply proven with stats that show no great difference in excess deaths compared to all the previous stats.

Could you source that data, please?

No, because as you well know the overall number of deaths are up. Just not because of the vax.

As with the US, many people with comorbidity such as obesity, heart disease, lung disease or diabetes are catching covid but surviving, but never getting fully back on their feet again afterwards. Leading them to die later on, of their comorbidity.

I know that you're fully aware of all of the vax death threads that have been debunked. Go see those threads for the sources, and a discussion at length. Just check your old posts that I've debunked for details.

posted on Sep, 4 2022 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0
I didn’t intend to joke or make sarcastic comments about how anyone else feels about the jabs. I didn’t want to get them myself. They caused some serious side effects especially the second one. However, I do believe they decreased the severity of COVID when I finally caught it and was 100% confirmed I had it. I was making light sarcastic comments about stating everyone who got 3 jabs is going to die. That statement implies everyone who got 3 jabs will die. That includes me, my friends, my family, almost everyone I know. If we all got 3 jabs and you can’t joke about surviving something that may end up killing you in the end, then life isn’t much fun living anymore. COVID was not fun and I know people who died.

I also believe the title of this thread is misleading. I have read reports about some vaccinated people dying but nothing anywhere stating the vaccination leads to death nor is it a death sentence. If the op or someone provides a link to confirmed news that the vaccine is a death sentence, I will read it. I found out I was vaccinated for smallpox when I was less than a few years old and they knew back then that a certain percentage of kids were dying after getting the shot. I’m not sure if everyone knew. So far some people dying after getting vaccinated is a long long way from the many millions and millions of vaccinated who received the jabs.
edit on 4/9/22 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

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