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To Our Friends in the UK How to Stay Warm

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posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Don't worry. That nice lady Liz Truss will be along shortly to solve all our troubles.

posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

That made me chuckle.

She is one scary and either stupid of out of touch with reality horrid person.

Something tells me she will be more like a corrupt south American junta banana republic leader minus the uniform than a real PM and of course she does not have the confidence of the British public no matter how share prices may react to her becoming PM.

I wish oh I wish we had the old guard back, the old MP's and ministers in both party's from the 70's and before were so much better than we have had since even if there world was very different to ours.

Remember when both the Conservatives and Labour used to talk about investing in our youth, about investing in our education system.

Now we have Conservatives often more than 20 or 30 years younger than those old politicians used to be that whinge about there being too many old people, that never talk about investing in our kid's but instead invite India to send it's kids to take up our highly skilled jobs etc, part of the problem is we went from a parliament of seniors that knew what they were about and whose life ambitions were to make a better nation on both sides of the political spectrum to a parliament of politicians for whom politics is just a job and they are looking toward there life after politics so are only looking to get what they can for themselves out of there time in power.

Like how BJ hung on so that he would receive his full Prime Minster pension of about half a million a year which if he had not hung on through the partygate scandal and had resigned then like any honourable prime minister of the past would have (even for far less serious infractions) he would not have, may was not in power long enough and I don't know how long Cameron was but he probably will not get the full pension either but Boris hung on just long enough and that was his game.

Cut the state pensions for our people, raise there retirement age so more of them will dies before they can claim it while he walks away with a lifetime pension like few other's.

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 10:09 AM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
She is one scary and either stupid of out of touch with reality horrid person.

Give her a chance. She has not even started!

She will have her work cut out for her. A complicated domestic situation caused by a war in Europe, and the aftermath of the pandemic.

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: paraphi
Nonsense, our nation has the ability to turn all this around right now I mean they were quick enough to bail out the bank's and yes that was New Labour but with the full backing of the Tory's and the Lib Dem's.

But bailing out our people, never that does not suit there IDEOLOGY.

Cutting welfare just so they could cut tax for the richest also destroyed much of our retail industry as most of those on benefit's barring a very - extremely - small minority of middle class whom were fiddling the system (pretty much like the politicians do with there expense claims) actually spent there entire income on utility's, food and clothing.

The minute Cameron cut the welfare the high streets up and down this nation started to suffer, jobs in retail were lost, job's in transport that later came back due to the boom in online shopping were also at first lost in there droves and our town centres are nothing like they were before he did what he did.

In what way should I or the British People give an Unelected Tory Despot a chance, don't you think that is asking a bit too much I mean we are not all clown's and we are damned well not all stupid.

(not meaning to come across Narky at you but it is a bit rich asking for us to give another Tory front man a chance when they have killed according to the unreleased report over a 125000 people through there sanctions and universal credit schemes - the real figure being definitely far higher as it is only the actually provable figure they use to back up there statistics one that despite massaging it down as far as they could was still too high for the ugly fat woman in charge of that department to release it, basically the Tory Party are guilty of Corporate Homicide).

edit on 2-9-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 11:55 AM
I think the government still have a £1000+ winter hardship fund for pensioners, vulnerable and similar which is a huge help - they keep it well hidden though so most people don't know about it.

Link to claiming the grant here - Winter fuel allowance grant

There are hardship funds from gas + elec suppliers to reduce bills if you're in debt - A friend recently recieved a £4000+ bill and it was reduced to £500 or so after explaining they're on the breadline.

Personally I only use less than £40 per month for gas and electricity. I don't understand where the £3000+ average bill figure is coming from.

Eon had raised my direct debit to £120 or so which was a big shock. I phoned them up and they looked at my account, realised I hardly use anything and it was immediatley lowered down to £60 per month which I could budget on.

For warth use layers, keep curtains closed when it gets dark and tuck them behind the radiator to keep the warmth in the house.

Close doors and turn off radiators in rooms you dont use much so you can heat the main rooms you use.

Eating warm food at least once a day is essential to general wellbeing, it can be something really quick like beans or porridge and I guess it heats you from the inside a bit.

edit on 2-9-2022 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 07:21 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: LABTECH767

Don't worry. That nice lady Liz Truss will be along shortly to solve all our troubles.

Arizonans are quickly opening a wood pellet factory using logging waste from our mountain regions, and plan to ship all production to Europe at very low cost before the end of the year.

Wish we could do more, but democrats stole an election and cancelled our oil/gas production leases, pipelines, refinery expansions, and additional LNG terminals.

It may (will) get challenging for you folks this winter, but we won't let you freeze to death, biden or not.

We still have plenty of oil & gas reserves stored, but without support from democrats we don't have any way to get it to you yet. Unfortunately, it will likely take teevee images of Europeans suffering to get democrats to turn on biden and force him to send what we can.

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 10:06 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
To our dear UK friends, I’ve read about the gas spikes and the fear of the upcoming winter.

Here in the Midwest it gets very cold, much much colder than you are used to. We know how to stay warm.
Please accept these tips and prepare as much as possible now. Once it starts some of these thing might be hard to come by.

Real down is quite possibly the warmest material on earth. Don’t go cheap, buy the best and it will pay itself over many times
Make sure to have a small tent. If things get bad it’s easier to heat a smaller area. Get sleeping bags too.
Wool, silk, alpaca are amazing warm materials
Eat warming foods
A small electric ceramic heater feels similar to fireplaces
Read up on all Carbon monoxide risks and get a detector
Buy hot water bottles now, those filled with hot water and a down blanket will keep you very warm for a long time
Always keep your feet, neck and wrists covered. Some say your head should be covered but I was taught this is not true, heat must be able to escape your head.
Acclimate yourself to cooler temps.
Stay hydrated
Buy insulation for windows and doors now

This is not to keep warm, but to save on electricity!
Buy any solar lighting now
Solar chargers, even during cloudy days solar still gets some energy
Buy battery backups
Think long term if things get real bad, are you able to relocate? Can you combine households?

U.K. residents face 80% spike in energy bills as war in Ukraine drives up natural gas prices

Chiming in from Scotland here, we're pretty used to the cold up here, your tips are appreciated though, i have some close to me who don't fare as well in the cold as myself, I'm semi rural, fuel for a fire, fish, seafood, game, herbs and berries are all sithin a manageable radius.

I worry for those in cities, smaller communities tend to look after one another more.

I've read that some businesses face 500% increases in prices. I already know of several businesses that have either just had to shut ip shop or are about to.

According to Baw Jaws we all just need to buy more expensive kettles...

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 10:09 PM

originally posted by: paraphi

originally posted by: LABTECH767
She is one scary and either stupid of out of touch with reality horrid person.

Give her a chance. She has not even started!

Let's see how long you stand by those words!

Her track record is proven, the Tories will not survive the next General Election, i feel my statement will age far better than yours.

posted on Sep, 3 2022 @ 02:20 AM
a reply to: djz3ro

Sorry that I triggered you. I just suggested you let Truss start in the job before you write her off.

posted on Sep, 3 2022 @ 03:51 AM
a reply to: djz3ro
Check out 'don't pay uk' online.

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