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Mark Steyn Questions Why Young Healthy People Are Dying Across The UK

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posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 06:23 PM
A bit of advice

You all have heard me discuss my dad before. He began his medical career (Bacteriologist) in the mid 40s, attended 7 or 8 colleges, including Stanford. Did his internship in San Francisco and Oakland, then side-stepped into a career as a Microbiologist and Chemist. He has multiple titles, including Director of Research for a Fortune 500 company and was summoned to a meeting in Washington to meet with the Vice President of the US and Secretary of Agriculture. He was also featured in headlined after building a PC in the 70s from scratch, before anyone had one at their home.

Here is a picture of him from 1970 in Egypt. He had just come from Russia where he did a smuggling contraband operation. His next stop was Israel (You couldn't fly directly from Russia to Israel then)

Here is the warning he gave me today- He said stay away from people who received the injections, if at all possible, and limit my exposer and time spent in stores like Walmart. He said people who received the injections are shedding and you can be affected. Stay safe.

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 06:26 PM

originally posted by: visitedbythem
A bit of advice

You all have heard me discuss my dad before. He began his medical career (Bacteriologist) in the mid 40s, attended 7 or 8 colleges, including Stanford. Did his internship in San Francisco and Oakland, then side-stepped into a career as a Microbiologist and Chemist. He has multiple titles, including Director of Research for a Fortune 500 company and was summoned to a meeting in Washington to meet with the Vice President of the US and Secretary of Agriculture. He was also featured in headlined after building a PC in the 70s from scratch, before anyone had one at their home.

Here is a picture of him from 1970 in Egypt. He had just come from Russia where he did a smuggling contraband operation. His next stop was Israel (You couldn't fly directly from Russia to Israel then)

Here is the warning he gave me today- He said stay away from people who received the injections, if at all possible, and limit my exposer and time spent in stores like Walmart. He said people who received the injections are shedding and you can be affected. Stay safe.

Ask him about CDS for breaking up the "stuff" that's being shed.

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 06:47 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

clonidine-displacing substance?

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: visitedbythem
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

clonidine-displacing substance?

Chlorine dioxide solution. Apparently there is science showing it can breakup and dissolve various forms of graphene.
edit on 25-8-2022 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0
I can ask him. It will be a few days until I visit him again. I was just there today. Its difficult to discuss things over the phone. His hearing is going fast. He will be 96 soon. He was blown up by mistake with TNT in basic training for WW2. He blames his hearing loss on that

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

People don't realize that these sociopaths are incapable of having empathy for anyone. They only care about their ridiculous ideology.

You know that's a tender spot for me, if you want me get serious
real quick. Bring up their psychology. My mom always had long
talks with me about the people running this world.

I doubt if I forget anything she said. All I've seen since that started in
63 has only confirmed to me. She some how knew what she was talking
about. After JFK she knew Bobby wouldn't live either. How she knew
these people were "Very Wicked" people. Back in those days before
anybody even thought like that at all?

She told me one night when I was in high school. She seen John
Lennon on Dick Cavett. She told me that man better keep his
mouth shut if he wants to grow old. I don't think it was close to
a year maybe nine months later.

I was watching the rain fall on a Monday night football half
time. As Howard Cosell broke the horrible news. The shock
ran thru me so hard it stood me straight up off the coach.
I said out loud "Holly Sh1t she did it again" My friends were
all "what"? I sat right back down and said nothing never mind.

I don't even know if she ever realized how she opened my
eyes. When no one I grew up with could see why I even was
trying to tell them the few times I did try.

But from the time I was four years old. Think of the history
I've seen unfold. And at every event like Bobby would flash
across the TV screen. I remember me and her shocked by
the news. But we just looked at each other like yep there
you go!

But I was thinking damn she was right. So I've never been
able to close my eyes. And also I learned very young. That I
couldn't just try to tell people what I was coming to know
about the people running this world.

Back then they would've thought I was loony. So their
psychology? The most vile wicked thought you can imagine
is no match for what they have all done. Imagine what a
human being is who completely lacks empathy. A man or
woman completely devoid of empathy? Is the definition of
the word monster. So now it's that time again.

See what you've done?

So to be blunt unless we want a planet filled by their blood?
Just be sure that's beyond any doubt exactly what they want.
And they're going for it not now but right now.
edit on 25-8-2022 by Randyvine2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 08:45 PM
edit on Thu Aug 25 2022 by Jbird because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: visitedbythem

...stay away from people who received the injections...

Did he elaborate on this? Was it from possible prion disease?

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 09:48 PM

originally posted by: Zenchuck
a reply to: visitedbythem

...stay away from people who received the injections...

Did he elaborate on this? Was it from possible prion disease?

I believe he was referring to the protein spikes. He said they are continuing to shed

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 11:08 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

And again you are either ignorant of what is "normal" ( because you never cared about the subject before. ) or you are just pushing misinformation.

These Sudden Deaths are and have always been there. In New Zealand we get about 90 a year.( we only have 5 million people ) 30% of the causes are never identified even after an inquest.

Please stop pretending to be an expert or have any kind of relevant knowledge or even genuine concern. Everything about it feels fake.

Here is a paper from 2016 ....

What we have found in the mortuary is the body composition is leaning towards clinical obesity in younger and younger cases. But most research still uses BMI so that is not discussed openly. Not very PC but this is meant to be science.

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 11:18 PM

originally posted by: thedeadtruth
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

And again you are either ignorant of what is "normal" ( because you never cared about the subject before. ) or you are just pushing misinformation.

These Sudden Deaths are and have always been there. In New Zealand we get about 90 a year.( we only have 5 million people ) 30% of the causes are never identified even after an inquest.

Please stop pretending to be an expert or have any kind of relevant knowledge or even genuine concern. Everything about it feels fake.

Here is a paper from 2016 ....

What we have found in the mortuary is the body composition is leaning towards clinical obesity in younger and younger cases. But most research still uses BMI so that is not discussed openly. Not very PC but this is meant to be science.

I posted a video of Mark Steyn. You didn't watch it obviously. Wow, 90 a year? You have 94 fresh dug graves in a small town.

By the way, Mark is mainly talking about the UK, unless you are getting triggered about highly vaccinated countries experiencing the highest rates of all cause mortality, which they are. And yes, New Zealand is getting crushed from vaccine side effects.

Well, not very unexpectedly they (NZ) had a surge in all-cause mortality in the 60+ cohort that almost perfectly correlates with vaccine delivery intensity. More jabs = more deaths and fewer jabs = fewer deaths. It deserves to be looked into more carefully, but responses from New Zealand’s health authorities indicates that maybe they don’t have any such interest. No surprise there.

There is no ignorance here, but there are 100's of threads you haven't seen or posted in that you clearly don't have an argument for.

So either wake up, or crawl back in your hole.

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 11:24 PM
a reply to: havok

"cause unknown"

How do autopsies across the world not have the cause?

It is far more common than you realize. Especially if many systems are at the point of failure. Remember a Coroners report needs to be definitive.

As for young people having a cardiac arrest. Approx. 30% no medical reason is ever found. This is well know and has not changed over the decades.
See , nothing new. Just new to you.

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 11:29 PM

edit on 8/26/2022 by Zaphod58 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 11:37 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

" New Zealand is getting crushed from vaccine side effects. "

You know I am in New Zealand right. ? We are NOT being crushed, in fact kind of quite.

The thing is, the people who actually do the work are getting sick of people like you spreading lies. And people are starting to question where all the Funerals are ?

You and others who for whatever reason choose to scare-monger / scam others have painted yourself into a corner, and you are running out of room. With every lie and prediction stated as fact since 2020 falling or already fallen over. And your ego will not let you admit the game is up.

Sure on here you are anonymous, but I am sure you have tried to brainwash and lie to enough real people there will be REAL LIFE consequences for you behavior.

I can only hope it is sufficient enough to make you re-evaluate the damage you may have done. In the mean time, you have two choices, start apologizing now, or make it worse.... But don't ever say you had no choice.

posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 12:58 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Yes I had seen Mark Steyn's video. He is NOT some intellectually honest presenter. Who likes to educate by giving full disclosure.

Eg... The graph shows exactly what was expected. We had a slow and gradual uptake of the vaccine as we only had so many to give out The sickest who needed it the most got it first, then the oldest decade by decade.

As predicted by those in the death industry most of those who were given them first, died as per expected. With or without a vaccine or Covid.

Remember we only started our first shots in Feb 2021.

They strung out the jabs as they came into the country and the ages got younger, as we were not in panic mode like over-seas. So the graph shows exactly what you would expect given the scenario. It certainly does not take a higher thought process to see that. Your presenter just "forgot to mention all that though" Yea right.

And this is the same guy whos #1 idea to halt Covid 19 killing people was to cure Obesity ?

He also has zero issue trying to make out masks are not a serious part of PPE and Behavioral barriers used to stop transmission of airborne pathogens and hence save lives. But then uses New Zealand as an example in his little talk KNOWING that is how we had Covid 19 running around the country, but managed to eliminate it. ( unless he believes in magic )

If he was an honest person, he would have told the whole truth. He would not have been scared it would spoil his theories . He is operating out of fear.

Note: And to top it off.
If the anti-vaxxers were right all along, shouldn't the cause of all deaths just keep going up. As more and more people have now had it. 90% +. At no point did the number of vaccinated people drop.

The fact is we should all be watching our friends die by now.

P.S. Do you know our Govt is NOT pushing the last booster. Quite the opposite. Just advice if you are at risk you may want to take it. ...Does that sound like story you have been pushing.

posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 01:16 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

A point to ponder actual truth seekers.....

(a) Most countries Coroners reports from 2021 have NOT been released yet. As everyone is swamped and their is a global shortage of Coroners . Most countries are looking at an 18 month wait at best. Some 5 years ( not joking )

So all these people, anti-vaxxers and drug companies etc..are working on raw data, or voluntary reporting systems that have been infiltrated and sabotaged by those with an ideology thinking they are doing some good. When in fact all they have done is made one side look as unethical as they claim the other side is. Good work.

posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 01:57 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

equally if you put the shoe on the other foot there is a reason why the British elite have kept their bums on the same seats of power for the last 1,000 years is because they've learnt you don't screw over those who prepare your food, look after your kids and guard you at night.

though to be fair in this world it does appear we have an elite that thinks its has the power of the gods..

as for where we are whats been done rather than save healthcare has ironically destroyed it.. and thats the level of planning this lot have, totally inept and incompetent its why they can only see printing rather than manufacturing as their way out of trouble..

posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 02:20 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Mark Steyn is either one of these idiots or acting dumb. Either way it feeds the media the wrong message.

It's definitely the case that he is playing dumb. He's being sarcastic and indirectly mocking the conclusion that it is "cause unknown." He's pointing out the stupidity of ignoring the biggest elephant in the room without directly stating it. Sometimes repeating the narrative in such a sarcastic manner helps people to see how silly said narrative really is. Towards the end he literally says, "anything going on in the 3rd quarter of 2021? Well that was actually the peak of vaccine mandates." He's pointing out the obvious. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so devastating...

In another video he interviews some people affected by the jab and gives them a voice when the system tried to ignore them.

edit on 26/8/22 by DwindlingHope because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 02:20 AM
a reply to: thedeadtruth

the raw data is telling us a few things.. the first is the pandemic is over and hit in one wave, we see that with the peak rise and peak decline of the mortality of the over 65 which has git back to average..

The second is the rise and decline in the under 65s has yet to peak.. and that looks to be caused by the restrictions & healthcare turning into a single issue monoculture..

the third is we're now in the blame phase with health care becoming a monoculture it was always going to end in this space and as a the problem it risks collapsing the West with so many dying from treatable conditions..

ultimately with both left/right allowing science to lead it'll also ends up baring the brunt of the blame..

posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 02:24 AM
a reply to: nickyw

I do not think those who talk about " The Elite" read much history. The fact is global domination has been tried many times in the past, but due to incompetence and infighting / no trust etc..., the elites screw it up every time.

They indeed might be evil, but they are NOT evil geniuses. There is a difference. ( I think mainly Americans think if you are rich you are automatically smart. Brainwashed into thinking that way I suppose )

For people to think any combination of powerful groups could actually pull something global off is just giving them far too much credit. Eg... The W.H.O. are mainly ex- politicians who are so busy fighting each other, passing a resolution is as far as they get to doing anything solid.

It is the one thing that helps me sleep at night.

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