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Thermographic imaging and analysis of live blood after COVID-19 injection.

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posted on Aug, 24 2022 @ 07:23 AM

originally posted by: Sander1976

originally posted by: olaru12

Rumble huh?

Missed the Pubmed link?

You know some actual research!

The pubmed link explains the technique that they claim is being used, but it is otherwise completely unrelated to the article. In fact none of the reputable links are related to the article except as background reading.

Article is very fake, the pictures predate it and thus can't show its finds because they're too old. None of the data described backs up the conclusion. It's also published on an alternative health site not a scientific one.

A first year undergraduate can pick this thing apart.

posted on Aug, 24 2022 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

The pubmed link explains the technique that they claim is being used, but it is otherwise completely unrelated to the article.

The article explains that thermography is indicative of potential deep-vein thrombosis in people who have taken the "vaccine." The pubmed article establishes that link between deep-vein thrombosis and thermographic scans. What did you expect it to do? State that an article disclosing research that wasn't conducted when it was written is correct?

In fact none of the reputable links are related to the article except as background reading.

"Background reading" as you put it is a necessary part of establishing any hypothesis, including one that is based on empirically-derived data.

I get it: it would be soooooo much easier if we could have multiple published articles on news sites that simply declared something is true without making people actually study the information presented in one article. But that simply does not happen outside political circles which use media manipulation to establish political versions of "truth." Real, actual science requires that one actually read that dusty, dry background material, understand the underlying science, then approach the experimental data with that understanding. Spoon feeding is not a college course.

Article is very fake

A generalization with nothing to back it up.

the pictures predate it and thus can't show its finds because they're too old.

When did simultaneous verification of every aspect of a conclusion become a prerequisite? If NASA finds life on Mars, are they required to simultaneously redesign the process they used to indicate life? Do they need to go through a complete redefinition of what life is? Or can NASA base their conclusion that they have found life on known scientific phenomena that has already been accepted as accurate?

None of the data described backs up the conclusion.

Doesn't have to. The conclusion stands on its own merits. If you wish to dispute those conclusions, feel free to repeat the experiments or peer-review the data presented using accepted scientific methodology.

It's also published on an alternative health site not a scientific one.

How does that discredit the statements made?

A first year undergraduate can pick this thing apart.

But you apparently cannot... interesting...

I suspect that, like olaru12, you have taken the jabs and are now becoming so terrified of what you did to your body in your rush to accept the official story that you will do anything, make any excuse, to alleviate your fears. I will tell you the same thing I told him: I hope you will be fine and there seems to be a decent chance that you will be fine at this time. But no one forced you to accept the jab and there is no way to negate it now. What's done is done. If you're that worried, it is no reason to attack every bit of research that indicates a potential problem. If you are having asymptomatic issues with microclots, they will still happen no matter how many studies you discredit. All you are doing is preventing others from accessing information you already chose to ignore.

Buck up.


posted on Aug, 24 2022 @ 11:19 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: AaarghZombies
All you are doing is preventing others from accessing information you already chose to ignore.

This times 1000.

posted on Aug, 24 2022 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: Sander1976

Whew, I'm glad I never took the rushed Trump vaccine!

posted on Aug, 24 2022 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Why not go back to them and tell them you changed your mind?.

posted on Aug, 24 2022 @ 05:11 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

No one here is wanting you to die. It sounds to me like you took the jabs and now are having second thoughts. Else, why would you ask such a question?

Sorry, it was my poor sarcastic attempt at dark humor. I had a feeling it would fall flat.

Actually I never even give the jabs a second thought. All of my IATSE brothers and sisters were required to get vaccinated if we wanted to continue working but I would have gotten the jabs anyway. It seems the antijabbers are more obsessed about it than I am.

I would be interested in some actual evidence. That Rumble Brazilian analysis looked janky.

btw..."I'm not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens"...W. Allen
edit on 24-8-2022 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2022 @ 05:20 PM

originally posted by: olaru12

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
From the article:

In these never-before-seen images of individuals who received the experimental mRNA shot, we can see extensive abnormal vein imaging suggesting blood clotting in both deep venous and superficial venous system. These individuals are completely asymptomatic and do not feel anything, nor do they have swelling.

This means many people have microclots but the feel perfectly fine. Eventually these will get worse and something bad will happen. Just because you feel fine doesn't mean it's not going to happen.

Will it make you happy to see your obsession legitimized? You put a lot of effort into it!!

It won’t make me happy, however, it will make you wrong.

How will you feel about that?

Advising people to blindly take an experimental drug comes with responsibility.

posted on Aug, 24 2022 @ 05:27 PM

originally posted by: NorthOfStuff

originally posted by: olaru12

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
From the article:

In these never-before-seen images of individuals who received the experimental mRNA shot, we can see extensive abnormal vein imaging suggesting blood clotting in both deep venous and superficial venous system. These individuals are completely asymptomatic and do not feel anything, nor do they have swelling.

This means many people have microclots but the feel perfectly fine. Eventually these will get worse and something bad will happen. Just because you feel fine doesn't mean it's not going to happen.

Will it make you happy to see your obsession legitimized? You put a lot of effort into it!!

It won’t make me happy, however, it will make you wrong.

How will you feel about that?

Advising people to blindly take an experimental drug comes with responsibility.

Why are you answering a question I directed at virtu0s0? I'm sure he's capable of answering for himself.

posted on Aug, 24 2022 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: olaru12

Public discussion.

I don’t think I set any new precedent.

posted on Aug, 24 2022 @ 11:57 PM
a reply to: olaru12

Sorry, it was my poor sarcastic attempt at dark humor. I had a feeling it would fall flat.

It did.

You do come across as someone who is scared to admit there might be an issue with the "vaccines." As a matter of fact, one of your statements stood out to me:

All of my IATSE brothers and sisters were required to get vaccinated if we wanted to continue working but I would have gotten the jabs anyway.

That indicates to me that you were indeed afraid of the Chinese virus. Otherwise, why bother getting the "vaccine"? People normally, in my experience, get vaccines against things they are afraid to catch. For example, I am a bit concerned about polio... and I am glad I was vaccinated against it. I no longer need worry about polio.

When it came to the Chinese virus "vaccine," I wasn't worried about the disease, so I felt no need to take the "vaccine." Turns out that may have been a good choice for me. I hope your choice turns out to be good for you.

Anyway, with the number of times I have seen you poo-poo any discussion of potential side effects, your words ring sort of hollow. Might be a good idea to have a little heart-to-heart with yourself.


posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 01:31 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Here is an analysis of the clots, this is very weird. The vaccines have been analyzed as well and found to have a load of heavy metals that should not be in anything that's put into a human body.

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 03:43 AM
a reply to: olaru12
Do not invoke fate. Boosted or not, this cyclist would not have thought that he was going to die. Rest in peace Rab Wardell.

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 04:02 AM
a reply to: anonentity
Dr. Dolores Cahill said that with just one shot, people would die within 3 to 5 years. I personally find it incomprehensible that a doctor with such a CV makes such a bold statement.
People always want to be right, including those who defend Dolores Cahill's statement, but in this case I hope people see that it is absurd to defend this statement. Is Dolores Cahill mentally okay?
If so, we will soon be living (and above all dying) in Absurdistan.

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 04:20 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Well done.
Btw give AaarghZombies some credit. He (or she) deserves it. Not for making me feel he (or she) is cynical and provacative, but for keeping the discussion going. Although I have to admit that it is impossible to argue with him for a long time. Just agree that you disagree and stop. (Just my opinion) At the moment no one knows the truth. But the signpost is getting bigger and bigger. And he points to 'independent investigation of possible vaccine damage'.

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 05:16 AM
a reply to: zandra

I would ask why a doctor with her CV says such a thing unless it was backed up with experience. Science is being politicized in many fields. By any yardstick, even common sense is going the same way. We had better get some good leadership soon or they will become irrelevant.

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 05:33 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Here's to a prayer of mine. In all sincerity, I do pray, that those who
got the jab and remain in good health. Have nothing to fear in light
of what's being discovered ever to slowly as the censors have enabled
their argument greatly. There's a good chance the reasons they are
still here arguing is by the luck of the draw. If a placebo was also being
administered and in regards to other medical members no longer posting?
Well it just maybe that they simply weren't as fortunate.

Sincerely, Amen

Now that said, I really have a big problem with the selfishness of
any comment made in such manner.

"Well I got the shot and I'm perfectly fine"

How crushing that must be to read for anyone who isn't or who has
a loved one who is not. Many of which are members here. What a
cold narcissistic isolating comment that must be for them to read.

I site Mama Beth for one who sadly hasn't joined us for sometime.
But her daughter died shortly after receiving this vaccination. Mama
was heart broken and obviously wasn't able to continue here much
after that. I really miss her taking big chunks out of me for not being
a better Christian.


Further more Olaru12 I doubt very much that you were attempting
humor in your comment. It was very poor in taste without
compounding it like that. At least I'd rather not believe that. How
ever I would certainly agree with you that we all need to be more
respectful mindful of others if we all will.

I'm still a work in progress Mama "but I'm trying real hard to be
the Sheppard".

edit on 25-8-2022 by Randyvine2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 05:54 AM
a reply to: anonentity

Things you would find in a Terminator?

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: zandra

Btw give AaarghZombies some credit.

He does keep the conversation going, that is true. However, he also tends to make a lot of excuses for the "vaccine."

One thing that is always frustrating to me: when I make a decent-sized purchase online (as I tend to do often) I rely on reviews. However, I do not always know which reviews to rely on. So I am basically guessing... is this guy just upset over something silly? Is he trustworthy? Is he just getting his yucks?

I see the same thing with AaarghZombies. If someone is looking for alternate information on the "vaccine," they probably don't know he is so pro-"vaccine." His statements may cause someone who is sensitive to the spike virus to go ahead and take it, with potentially harmful results. So I tend to rebut him whenever possible.

At the moment no one knows the truth.

I know that statement is the truth.


posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Yeah, but equally there are so many on here who claim the vaccines are murdering millions and folk are dropping like flies?

I have never supported mandatory vaccines and only post to balance the huge amount of sheer vitriol from some folk who seem to have a near religious belief that people are dropping like flies and treat anyone who disagrees as heretics.

They assume that just because I object to this site being constantly spammed by certain folk who post constant vaxx doom porn that I am a big pharma pro Faucci shill (I'm English and have no real interest in him) which, as this site is supposed to be about denying ignorance, depresses me no end.

Same with all the recent new members popping up spouting pro Russia propaganda.

Excuse me for trying to bring some sanity on here.

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

I have come down on several of the sillier anti-vax positions as well. The "magnetic arms" fad was one of them... physically impossible. And I dispute it on that basis whenever it pops up its ugly head.

My actual position is that the "vaccine" is unproven; it has been admitted to as having limited efficacy; it has been shown to have detrimental effects on some individuals; many in the government have tried to mandate it despite the detrimental effects. When it first came out, I was more or less ambivalent, with a "let's see how it does" approach; I am not big on playing guinea pig, especially when the disease it supposedly prevents has such a low fatality rate. Now I am, admittedly, raising a red flag only because of the deleterious effects and the movement to mandate it. I choose to err on the side of caution.

There was a thread a while back where a medical researcher discovered that some people, when their heart is exposed to the spike protein, exhibit a kind of allergic reaction that can, indeed, damage the heart. His research seemed reasonable and answers a lot of questions. Prime among them may be: why are only some people affected and others not? That's the kind of information we need to be exposing, not some binary good/bad position based wholly on what the idiot on the TV screen wants us to believe.


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