For a long time now I have had serious doubts about who and what Donald Trump really is. His history as a democrat (notwithstanding the fact that
can have ideological ephiphanies), his historical ties to many who are in the progressive camp, and especially his continued promotion
of the death shots all weigh on my mind and color my perception of him. His membership in the 1% club (it's less than 1%, actually) and his apparent
penchant for hiring people into his administration who turned out to be foes to his agenda doesn't boost my confidence, either. I can't believe that a
man with his level of experience in the world could be that naive. Add to this that he is a bona fide
scripted reality TV actor, and it makes
me question.
I see three different posibiliies about who and what he really is. Each is mutually exclusive and I lean toward one of the three. I'll comment on that
after listing my three theories.
Donald Trump, the real MAGA patriot: This is the persona that he projects, that he clearly wants the world to see. He wants to be perceived
as a true defender of the Constitution, a cleaner of the D.C. swamp, a defender of everyman. He's on our side. He says that they are only going
through him to get us us. This is the man whom the MAGA crowd adores, whom many consider to be some kind of saviour. He's expected to come
riding back in on a white horse to save us all.
Donald Trump, the NWO plant: There are many who think that he's part of the over all plan to bring in the new order. In this scenario, his
political shennagins and all of the overt opposition are scripted, planned out and coordinated to deepen socio-political division and draw out the
true constitutional conservatives in order to make them easier to target. There could be two possible eventual outcomes to this scenario. Either he is
temporarily and falsely sacrificed before the public in order to create massive social rebellion and usher in a purposefully initiated and controled
civil war (like his home being raided by the FBI), or he is allowed to return to power as the unconquerable champion of truth, justice and the
American way when, his followers being completely enamored by him and under his Hitler-esque spell, he will carry on with the implementation of a
fascist global takeover under the guise of leading a Constitutional Renaissance.
Donal Trump, the egomaniac: As a business man who had reached untold levels of success, wealth, and influence, he wanted to leave his mark
on history. He wanted to make sure that he was remembered in the history books as something more than just another rich guy. He wanted to be something
more than just an incredibly wealthy real estate developer, and he had the resources to make that happen. He saw the general dissatisfaction of the
American public with the state of politics in the country and figured that he could run for president,
maybe win and build a brand and a place
in history by upsetting the apple cart. Maybe he really did not personally give a rat's ass about the state of things, but saw it as a soapbox on
which to build a brand and a political platform to act out his quest for becoming historically sigificant. Only, once he got into the thick of it (I'm
not even sure he actually expected to win the election in 2016), he was in much deeper than he initially calculated. Now, it's not about clearing out
the swamp or defending the Constitution; it's become about keeping his brand and image up and making sure the history books remember him.
I lean toward the third scenario, but frankly, I'm not certain. I think that the first (
Donald Trump, the real MAGA patriot) is the least
likely; not impossible, and hopefully what's really happening, but I'm not convinced as I see too many red flags that seem to indiciate otherwise.
I'd say I lean this way in terms of probability:
Scenario 3, the egomaniac: 60%
Scenario 2, the NWO plant: 25%
Scenario 1, the patriot: 14%
"That's only 99%! Where is the other 1%?" you ask. Well, that falls into the "
at-this-point-literallyl-anything-could-happen" category. Hell,
if we were told that aliens showed up and Trump was one of them, it wouldn't surprise me. (Not that I'd believe it, but it wouldn't surprise me to be
told that.)
So, ATS, what do we think of my three scenarios? Which one do
you think most likely?
edit on 2022 8 10 by incoserv because: I could.