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Kids Were Told They Were 'Homophobic' If They Didn't Wave A Pride Flag

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posted on Aug, 3 2022 @ 11:37 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

I accept everyone for who and what they are.

I don't judge people.

I just pray for them and love them as variations of God's Creation.

That doesn't mean I have to participate in their movements or agendas.

posted on Aug, 3 2022 @ 11:49 PM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
a reply to: Xtrozero

I accept everyone for who and what they are.

I don't judge people.

I just pray for them and love them as variations of God's Creation.

That doesn't mean I have to participate in their movements or agendas.

Does that mean you must participate in their events too to show you accept everyone? Most gay pride parades have been sexualized to the point I would say they are well past a R rating, something well into the adult category and not kids.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 12:52 AM
this reminds me in part of my 70s religious childhood being taught by BCP tankies

I'm mindful that instead of creating a generation of BCP socialists they created a generation of heathens who embraced neoliberalism, the likes of Maggie Thatcher and became capitalist yuppies.

the way it is going today I can see scope for a similar scale of unintended consequences.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 12:59 AM
a reply to: infolurker

The parents could have a good case agaisnt the school for bringing this up on their children/youth.

edit on 4-8-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 01:22 AM
a reply to: jtrenthacker

a private corporation, institution or school doesn't sit outside of the law, they can't do what they want, some might think they can but eventually it comes back to haunt those that do.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Your called unamerican for not displaying the stars and stripes, too.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

I'm with you, but only to a point. Believe it or not, I am completely in agreement with not promoting Christianity in the classroom. Or Islam. Or Judaism. Or Hindu. Or Buddhist. Or Sikh. Or Satanism. Leave Sunday School for Sunday. I do support a moment of silent prayer at the beginning of the day... that simply reinforces that we accept all religions and teaches respect for others. It's not a heinous thing to bow one's head in respect for one's peers for a moment.

But you're not in agreement with being proud of the American flag and saying the Pledge of Allegiance?

We in the USA are all blessed beyond measure. The bum lying in the gutter in the USA is a lot better off than people living in some third-world countries. There are places on this planet where children literally drop dead of starvation, because there's nothing for them to eat. There are places where medical care is a myth. There are people who have nowhere safe to sleep at night.

Oh, sure, we cry and complain... we don't have enough money for the "good" food... we can't take that vacation this year... we pay too much for gasoline... we don't like the latest law the idiot with the head tourniquet passed... but at least we have food, at least we might someday take a vacation, at least we have cars that use gasoline, and at least we do have laws that (usually, theoretically anyway) protect us.

And we can't respect the flag of the country that lets us have all that? We can't say a pledge to be faithful and true to that country? We can't even show our neighbors (who are a part of that country, the backbone of that country actually) a little respect?

That's something that applies to everyone who lives in the USA. We don't have Spanish citizens attending our school (except through special programs). Same with French students. People who live in Guyana do not attend school here. We are Americans, and if we are ashamed to be Americans, why are we even here? Why aren't we living somewhere else? I swear, sometimes it seems like people just flat can't decide where they want to be.

I cannot go along with comparing respect for the country we all live in to demanding participation in some alternative lifestyle. School should be there for learning facts, and alternative lifestyles are not facts; they are choices. Same with religion... it is a choice. Being an American isn't a choice if one is living in America and attending an American school; it is a fact.


posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 08:15 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Of course not.

I have already stated we have the freedom to participate or not.

I think forced participation of any sort is a form of Draconian Fascism.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 08:18 AM

originally posted by: AccessDenied
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.
That's what I learned in school.
Just because someone calls you a name doesn't mean that's what you are.
I learned that in school too.
You can refuse to participate in the illusions/ delusions of others.
I taught myself that one.
And lastly....
What others think about you, is none of your business.
I think that one is gaining momentum.
That's a hell of a lot of money to teach your kids to be in lockstep with the woke.🙄

Tell that to the Liberal Socialists. They equate "names" with "violence". You will comply or you will be cancelled.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 08:18 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: infolurker

I probably said this 5 years ago, but it's not enough to accept alternative lifestyles, now you have to endorse them.

True, one is expected to "endorse" them notwithstanding the fact that one might have nothing in common with them or be an actual participant in the lifestyle. So, you may not be a memeber of their "Tribe" but you're expected to wave the flag of their "Tribe" and endorse their activities. So, it's comparable to Christians being forced to fly the Muslim flag during Muslim Pride Month.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES

I have already stated we have the freedom to participate or not.

I think forced participation of any sort is a form of Draconian Fascism.

For kids we typically force them to do all kinds of things. Could you imagine asking them each morning as to what they would like to do today when they can't even put on the same two socks? You end up with something like Hunter Biden in the

Your point is more adult driven, but kids are led/forced throughout their childhood as part of development and teaching them social norms, rules etc. etc. What this means is we as the adults need to be carful in how we do that and we can't just open up the freedom gate and let Judy the trans with her talking dildo do story time. (I jest) but you get my point.

Freedom from religion doesn't mean you can't have one minute of silence to either silently say your prayer or sit there in silence as a form of respect to others (if anything it helps build a level of self discipline). Also to say the pledge of allegiance to the flag is something long missed that we should have kept in place, and it shows in today's generations why.

edit on 4-8-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 12:24 PM
a self h8ting italiian friend, who i have been friends with for damn 30 years, told me, i had to kneel for c0llin kappernick and b-l-m skum.

i said, EVERYONE is equal, not just one 'special' group.

he told me, nope, thats not good enough, if i do not kneel, he cannot be my friend.

the libral mini0ns are a pathetic bunch. the problem is they bunch together, and v0te dyst0pian lawz into place.

we are d00med as a Republik, because too many of my friends are mini0ns.

'not good enough' that EVERYONE is equal.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

I grew up in the 80s, not once was anyone ever forced to do the pledge. In fact my buddy was a Jehovahs Witness and the teachers would ask who ever was JW or not feeling well could sit it out. No big deal.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: Butterfinger

Not every teacher or district makes it mandatory.

I have been hearing reports of it in some areas with some educators too.

It's not a National Mandate, it's certain people within the system.

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 08:13 PM

originally posted by: Butterfinger
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

I grew up in the 80s, not once was anyone ever forced to do the pledge. In fact my buddy was a Jehovahs Witness and the teachers would ask who ever was JW or not feeling well could sit it out. No big deal.

I grew up in the 50s, can't say the same.

JWs -- they made them stand outside in the hallway until the Pledge was over.

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