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What's going on with Cigarettes and the Government

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posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: musicismagic
they put a chemical in them to burn slow. most dangerous stuff.

The only chemicals that are put into a cigarette are government mandated .
Does that tell you something ?
Only happened after the 70's and the Surgeon General's warning .....
Those lab tests were absolute cruelty to rhesus monkeys .
40 packs a day , directly to the lungs , was horrible.

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 03:43 PM

originally posted by: Mandroid7
a reply to: Gothmog

the only way a human body can absorb nicotine is through the skin .

Especially your lung skin

There is no "lung skin"

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 03:56 PM

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: Mandroid7
a reply to: Gothmog

the only way a human body can absorb nicotine is through the skin .

Especially your lung skin

There is no "lung skin"

Yeah, it's as mysterious as sarcasm.

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 04:40 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
But what is going on here? Is this a ploy to get people to actually buy more and hoard?

It'll get people to buy the full-strength and tax-free ones at reservations.

Don't know if that's the intention, but it'll certainly be an effect.

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 04:44 PM

originally posted by: gb540

originally posted by: JAGStorm
But what is going on here? Is this a ploy to get people to actually buy more and hoard?

It'll get people to buy the full-strength and tax-free ones at reservations.

Don't know if that's the intention, but it'll certainly be an effect.

Cigarettes were always "tax free" .
They had labels that stated "taxes prepaid"
Which this old boy used to maximum effect when purchasing .
That was a lawsuit that most stores didn't want to face .

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 04:48 PM

originally posted by: Mandroid7

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: Mandroid7
a reply to: Gothmog

the only way a human body can absorb nicotine is through the skin .

Especially your lung skin

There is no "lung skin"

Yeah, it's as mysterious as sarcasm.

"Was that sarcasm ?" "I don't understand sarcasm."
I post in my best Sheldon style .

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 05:20 PM
Smoking cigarettes is one of the most admirable things that one can do in today's world.
I don't think I'll ever quit.Here's to 'the modern age', filled with extension cords, lamp shades, shadows and smoke.

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 05:43 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
As a halfassed horticulturist, I grow many crops in the garden, greenhouse and indoors under lights.

I smoked store bought smokes for years but when I started growing, curing, smoking my own tobacco from seeds from my NA brothers.
I have found that I'm not addicted to nicotine anymore and seldom smoke anything and I feel 20 years younger, calm, but with an energy I thought I would never regain. The free floating anxiety is gone thanks to the other plants I grow monkey glue and Gelato OG made into a tincture or cookies.

Wow this is really cool that you grow your own tobacco. You must have to grow quite a few plants to support your smoking? I honestly have no idea how much tobacco you would get per plant

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: MisguidedAngel

I grow my own as well. It is easy to grow. The problem is in getting it cured and processed. If you have a little greenhouse you can grow the plants in it , then at any stage of leaf growth hang them in bundles from the rafter of the greenhouse, i have a bamboo pole I hang them from. When they have turned brown and brittle, Put them over a steaming pot to rehydrate, remove the stems, and then put them above a boiling pot for twenty minutes as this releases all the flavors and kills the nasties. Then press into blocks and shave, I use a screw with a blanked end, I remove the blanked end and shave with a sharp knife after each then gets put on a plate over the steamer, tossing by hand until it feels the same moisture as the store-bought, then put in a jar in a dark place, it only gets better with age. Their is no substitute for home grown done right.Thank me later.

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 06:09 PM

originally posted by: andr3w68
a reply to: ancientlight

Referring to weed making you sleepy, it depends. There are different types of weed. Indica's (Cannabis indica) amd Sativa's (Cannabis Sativa) differ greatly. While Indica's are typically a night time, sleep inducing smoking experience, Sativa's are quite the opposite. The taller, less bushy variety can actually give you energy and help you concentrate once your body is used to THC. That is why you will find a lot of heavy smokers use Sativa's during the day, and Indica's at night.

Either way, I find that the devil's lettuce helps open your mind and allows you to travel down thought path's that you normally wouldn't. Whether this is in a creative sense, or just how you interpret an event that takes place, the mind altering effects of MJ can be beneficial in more way's than one.

All of that said, I would take anything that the FDA states with a salt flats sized grain of salt after this Covid 19 debacle.

Great post! I back this...

I would like to add that indica/sativa is a good simple way to separate the strain and the direction of desired effect vs another......sleepy vs creative......anti anxiety vs energy ect.......

However these days with more research we are finding that the plethora of terpenes along with all the other cannabanoids that you don't typically hear of. (Cbg, cbga, cbdA, CBD, CBN, CBC, thcA, thcV.........ect....)

All have their own effect which may potentiate one another...

Terpenes actually help carry thc through the blood brain barrier!

So there are actually Sativa dominant strains "gorilla glue" for example that many consumers have reported "feels like an indica"......

So it's truly so complex......

This is why it is a travesty the way this country has prohibited and demonized this medicinal plant while they could have been funding research this whole time and this information wouldn't just be coming out.
edit on 2-8-2022 by GoShredAK because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 06:53 PM
a reply to: just4fun

Simple Math here . Less Nicotine in a Pack of Cigarettes means Smokers have to Purchase More Packs than they Usually do Now to Satisfy their Cravings . The More PACKS Sold , the MORE State Governments make in Cigarette TAXES . It's All about the Benjamins as Usual......

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 08:30 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

Yeah lol in my area a pack of smokes is about $10, it costs the tobacco company like $.37 to make a pack. Thats alot of dough

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 09:28 PM

originally posted by: ancientlight

originally posted by: imitator
a reply to: JAGStorm

Nicotine wakes you up to reality!

The gov. is pushing for derealization, nicotine and other natural alkaloids are in the way.
Yes, vaping helps me focus and calm my anxiety. While weed has now be legalized in many states (if not all) , weed puts you to sleep from what I hear ?
I've known weed to give extreme motivation to do creative things, or even to get through mundane things you can't get motivated to do. I gave it up yrs ago, and now don't trust buying it on the street, so just waiting for it to become legal in this state

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 09:55 PM
a reply to: Gothmog

The only chemicals that are put into a cigarette are government mandated .

Not exactly true.

The tobacco companies use chemicals to speed up the curing process. That's for profit only. The majority of the chemicals used, however, do come from government regulations. A great example is the chemical that makes cigarettes "fire safe." That is little rings of this chemical painted on the inside of the tube every so far apart; if one looks at a cigarette against a bright light, one can see those little lines.

The chemical? Carpet glue! I am not kidding. It's just carpet glue. Now, imagine if you saw someone smoking carpet glue; what would you think? I know what i would think... "that guy is gonna kill himself." But the government has decided that all smokers must smoke carpet glue.

I do not use "fire safe" cigarettes... tried one once and it tasted terrible! I actually threw away most of that pack. Instead, I roll my own cigarettes. A pound of tobacco and three cartons of empty tubes costs me about $20... for almost three cartons of smokes! That works out to something like 75 cents a pack. The rolling machine I use is a little slide model... tried one of the nice crank models and it broke after 6 months. A slide machine is just as fast (once you get the hang of it) and costs $7 instead of $60-$80. It also can last me a year or more.

And no carpet glue. I use high-quality tobacco that is naturally cured; no cornucopia of chemicals. When i switched, I went from a pack and a half a day of Marlboro Soft Pack (aka "cowboy killers") to a pack a day of home rolled, so I am getting more nicotine per smoke.

Next step is to grow my own tobacco. I figure 25 plants will cover me for a year, so I'll probably grow about 50 to be sure.


posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 10:05 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

At some point in the next few years, the 30 million smokers in the United States could wake up one day to find that cigarettes sold at gas stations, convenience stores and smoke shops contain such minuscule amounts of nicotine that they cannot get their usual fix when lighting up.
Such scenarios inched closer to the realm of possibility in June, when the Food and Drug Administration said that it would move toward slashing nicotine levels in cigarettes in an effort to reduce the health effects of an addiction that claims 480,000 lives a year.

Firstly, I hate smoke and my mom died of lung cancer from being a chain smoker...

But what is going on here? Is this a ploy to get people to actually buy more and hoard?
Is this because they REALLY did find that this helps prevent covid? Or maybe prevent other illnesses... There is a strong link that cigarette smoke may help ward off Parkinsons.
Is this so more people will turn to much more unhealthy vices like over eating, drinking?

Maybe I'm just super cynical whenever the government says it's doing something for the health of people I think the exact opposite.
If my cigarette addiction had anything to say about it the entire food and drug administration would be dead.

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 10:34 PM
Good Stuff Premium red pipe tobacco. A pound costs about $30. Can get about 4 cartons out of it.
Zen tubes. The brand of tubes is what changes the taste more than anything in my experience. $4 a carton.

I have had the same hand crank roller for a few years. I bought a quality one which was about $40 at the time.

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 10:43 PM
I guess I will have to buy around ten pound bags more of tobacco to stock otherwise I will have to increase my tobacco use a lot to account for the lower nicotine. A carbon substance in tobacco causes cancer, not the nicotine. People will smoke more if they lower the nicotine. I smoke around ten cigarettes a day, mostly when I drink coffee because it combines nicotine or nicotinic acid is the antidote for caffeine...I get the jitters without a cigarette when I drink a couple of cups of coffee.

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 10:46 PM

originally posted by: Grimpachi
Good Stuff Premium red pipe tobacco. A pound costs about $30. Can get about 4 cartons out of it.
Zen tubes. The brand of tubes is what changes the taste more than anything in my experience. $4 a carton.

I have had the same hand crank roller for a few years. I bought a quality one which was about $40 at the time.

I usually get two cartons out of a pound of tobacco. It costs me about fourteen bucks for the pound of sun grown tobacco and two seventy nine a carton of tubes to use in my machine...comes out to about ten bucks a carton with tax.

Are you sure that isn't a two pound bag?

I see that the Zen tubes are two fifty to a box instead of two hundred like the gamblers I the extra price of a carton for the zens is not much more. I will have to try a box, I think they have them at the tobacco shop where I order my sun grown tobacco from.
edit on 2-8-2022 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 11:52 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

After reading the rednecks post about the prices I started looking online.

I had always thought that the tobacco had to come from a shop. I was wrong.

As for how many cartons I get out of a pound. $ may be pushing it but I am definitely getting 3+ out of it. If I let it dry it would probably be less but I don't like it really dry.

I remember when I originally started looking for tobacco the searches online were always coming up for local shops.

Next time I am ordering a 5-pound bag online. It will come out to about $11 a pound. Maybe a little more with shipping. Or I may try some different brands first. If I do get the 5 pound bag I will split it up into some ziplock bags to keep it from drying.

I will have to look around for cheaper Zen tubes. I didn't much care for the Gambler taste in tubes but everyone's preference is different.

posted on Aug, 3 2022 @ 12:34 AM
Our household is nicotine addicted.

My husband and I are on different ends of the spectrum.

My cartons are the most expensive on the market due to their quality.

He buys in bulk and hand rolls.

He can't "taste" my preference at all and I can't smoke his because it tastes like whiskey to me.

It's a really weird dichotomy how people respond to different blends.

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