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White progressive moms love having "trans" kids as much as they love wine & antidepressants

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posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: infolurker

They are extincting themselves.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: The2Billies

I can understand wanting to let kids be free to express themselves but its bizzare that quite a few people are supporting highly questionable puberty blockers and other transgender methods.

I honestly dont get why people are so willing to risk harmful effects on kids.

The only thing i can think of is that these people are so entrenched in their own echo chamber circles that they can't even consider that there is serious negatives.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: CptGreenTea
a reply to: The2Billies

I can understand wanting to let kids be free to express themselves but its bizzare that quite a few people are supporting highly questionable puberty blockers and other transgender methods.

If you are a male to woman transgender -- do you want a beard and Adam's apple?

At what age do these puberty changes happen?

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 05:30 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: CptGreenTea
a reply to: The2Billies

I can understand wanting to let kids be free to express themselves but its bizzare that quite a few people are supporting highly questionable puberty blockers and other transgender methods.

If you are a male to woman transgender -- do you want a beard and Adam's apple?

At what age do these puberty changes happen?

I get that, but it seems risky to allow life changing decisions at such a young age. Plus the potential health affects.

Do most 12-14 year olds at the age of puberty know they will want to be the opposite gender the rest of their life and risk any potential health affects?

I understand that they want to look how they feel inside but i couldn't imagine making life changing decisions at an age when my mind wasnt fully developed and my emotions are running wild.

I think the conversation needs to better though. Too much far rights who think transgenderism is a curable mental disorder and the far left who think any criticism is being a bigot.

edit on 1-8-2022 by CptGreenTea because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 05:51 PM

originally posted by: CptGreenTea

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: CptGreenTea
a reply to: The2Billies

I can understand wanting to let kids be free to express themselves but its bizzare that quite a few people are supporting highly questionable puberty blockers and other transgender methods.

If you are a male to woman transgender -- do you want a beard and Adam's apple?

At what age do these puberty changes happen?

I get that, but it seems risky to allow life changing decisions at such a young age. Plus the potential health affects.

Do most 12-14 year olds at the age of puberty know they will want to be the opposite gender the rest of their life and risk any potential health affects?

I understand that they want to look how they feel inside but i couldn't imagine making life changing decisions at an age when my mind wasnt fully developed and my emotions are running wild.

I think the conversation needs to better though. Too much far rights who think transgenderism is a curable mental disorder and the far left who think any criticism is being a bigot.

All meds have side effects. All meds are going to have patients/reports of those side effects. Those against transgenders blow hormone blocker reports out of proportion.

I'm going to assume most transgender minors are in -- probably have been in counseling for many years. I doubt it's the norm to go to your GP and demand hormone blockers.

The point of hormone blockers for teens entering puberty is to get them to legal age without the physical effects of puberty -- so they can then decide what they want to do.

Surgery for minors is rare.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: infolurker

White progressive moms are Known to be Complete Morons . Ignore Them .

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 08:19 PM

originally posted by: The2Billies

Enough or do you want more?

yeah actually, i don't see anything at all about transitioning as many kids as possible and as young as possible, not one bit. I do see a fair bit of alarmism about trans people existing at all, a whole lot of histrionic handwringing and conflation, but nothing concrete that backs up your claim of "as many as young as possible".
See, simple fact is even for trans adults there is a lengthy counselling and medical process that must be followed before any sort of prescription will happen and i can tell you outright they're not waiving that process for children!!! They are NOT just throwing out estrogen scripts like candy in the lunchroom, no matter what breitbart tells you.
You've cherry picked a bunch of right-wing sources that make their bread and butter off of your outrage and, and this is important, were already invested in an anti-trans narrative. You're going to the town butcher to ask if a vegetarian diet is for you and acting like his anger is proof.

I recommend you check out what some reputable orgs have to say about the matter, you might find people whose job is to care for children's health have something different to say than people whose job is to make you angry!

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 08:38 PM

originally posted by: CptGreenTea
but i couldn't imagine making life changing decisions at an age when my mind wasnt fully developed and my emotions are running wild.

okay first of all, i appreciate your attempt to be understanding and meet in the middle, that's quite rare with this topic! So please understand that i am not attacking you in any way here, this is a genuine question i'd like you to think about;

do you think that when you were young you could have been lead into transition? or do you feel that, even as an early teen, your core identity - not your interests or your pastimes but who you are - was strong enough to know your own truth?

The problem with talking about trans stuff is that people who aren't trans try to imagine themselves doing something so totally alien to themselves and their soul rebels a little. This is too extreme! But that feeling is because you know your own self deeply. You can kind of sympathise but you can't really get your head around it because you would never do it in a million years. I'd really appreciate if people taking part in this conversation could try and appreciate that even though other people's decisions about their lives might be different to yours, they understand themselves just as deeply as you do.

In effect what this entire conversation does is deny the agency and internal reality of other people, casting them less as other players with every bit as much depth of thought & emotion, belief, and motivation as yourself and more like mere shadows of your own desire. "i wouldn't do that so you don't know what you're thinking". doesn't that feel a bit gross?

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: continuousThunder

"as many as possible, as young as possible" was hyperbole

Seems you are a bit defensive, wonder why?

I see the misogyny in all of this and wonder what it is doing to the psyche of biological females and young girls.

Drag Queens in schools as models of what a "woman" should be, exaggerated infantile eyes, pouty oversized lips (like the women who desperately want to hang on to their man do with injections), dressed specifically to sexually excite males. This is now a role model for young girls and women? Seems so since libraries and schools are having them come in to entertain young children. Message: Girls should dress to sexually excite males, put on lots of makeup to make their eyes look infantile and pout their lips to be the best woman they can be. Misogyny at it's best.

Transgenders, by law in some places, who have been convicted of raping and sexually assaulting women being locked in a cell with a biological woman. If the woman prisoner complains she is punished for being transphobic. The reasoning, transgender "women" need protection from rape in a mens prison. The solution according to liberals and Democrats, lock rapists who say they are women in a cell with their choice of victim. This policy and law in some areas has resulted in documented rapes and pregnancies. Misogynistic to the core. People with a penis deserve to be safe from rape, people with a vagina don't. Interesting that every liberal I have mentioned it to has roundly rejected this solution: Make a law that transgender "women" who are convicted of rape or sexual assault of a biological woman are sent to men's prison. Yet liberals reject this. Seems they are adamant that a person with a penis deserves safety from rape and a person with a vagina does not, even though statistics tell us that 80+% of vagina's in prison, have been attacked sometimes brutally by a penis at some point in their lives. That doesn't matter, biological women don't matter, only the biological males who say they are women matter.

Then there is the Judge who declared that girls with vagina's have no right to bodily privacy, that the school can force them to change and shower with "girls with a penis". Girls who complain have been punished as transphobic. Even though statistics tell us that 40% of them have been attacked by a penis at some point. Guess who has a right to bodily privacy, the penis, guess who doesn't according to a judge and his ruling has not been overturned, the vagina. Misogynistic to the core. People with a penis deserve bodily privacy, people with a vagina don't.

Now schools are legally transitioning children, it is well documented, without telling parents, even using drugs. Haven't you read the latest from even the MAYO clinic that these drugs can cause sterility? How informed are 9-11 year olds by the schools or even their parents or doctors? Are they thoroughly informed about the possibility they can never have children if they take these drugs and will absolutely be sterile if they have transition surgery. I don't think so. But you think this is a good thing? I think even doing this to one child is one child too many. Transition at 18, I don't care, transition a child before puberty, horrific as children are constantly changing identities - do you still want to be what you wanted to be at 5 or 9 or 12, I seriously doubt it. But I take it you support all of these things and rather than seeing the harm, see only the good because that is the liberal ideology that is worshiped and never questioned today.

I see this all as supporting the erosion of rights of biological women, and degrading biological women.

Like the term "birthing person" has replaced mother and motherhood in the liberal lexicon. Women with a uterus are now no more than cows to liberals who breed people, the vocabulary chosen to replace the word mother says this quite clearly. Rather than being a "Mom" women are now relegated to being the person who happened to birth a human being. Dad is still in the lexicon, misogyny at its best.

I see the liberal mindset as subconsciously degrading people with a vagina and now eroding their rights to their bodies to send them back in their place in the 1800's. Just look at the latest women of the year, many whom have a penis.

I really don't care if adults choose to transition. I do care that the law now says that a "woman with a penis" has more rights to safety and privacy than a "woman with a vagina".

My opinion, any transgender who has vaginoplasty or nirvana surgery is and should be legally considered a woman, (they can store their sperm). Transgenders with a penis who don't want a vaginoplasty or nirvana surgery, and never plan to have one, I question their "right" to be considered a woman since they will not fully commit to being the same as a biological woman.

I really do despise the many liberals who insist on either social or actual punishment of women and girls with vagina's who don't want to be forced to see the penis of a total stranger or be in a dorm room or jail cell with a person with a penis. This is happening without any consideration of the very high rate of PTSD of women with a vagina, due to being attacked by a penis at some point in one's life, 40% in the general population and 80% in prisons. I despise the punishment of these women/girls with vagina's because it is the ultimate in misogyny.

Seems old fashioned feminism is now rejected as transphobic.

BTW there are several transgenders/drag queens in my area, I have encountered and interacted with a few of them. I am always kind, respectful and nice to them. Most have been kind and respectful back, even the one with a bra on a hairy chest in spandex pants and high heels. Although a "couple" tried their best to shock me and get me to react. I wouldn't and treated them with the respect they would not give an old woman with a vagina. Everyone should be treated with respect and kindness.

Everyone should have the legal right to bodily privacy and safety from harm, even biological women.

edit on 8/2/22 by The2Billies because: format

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: Annee

Okay, interesting. It is hard to get a fair viewpoint on these issues as things tend to get blown out of proportion, like you said.

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 10:38 AM
angry much?a reply to: continuousThunder

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: CptGreenTea
a reply to: Annee

Okay, interesting. It is hard to get a fair viewpoint on these issues as things tend to get blown out of proportion, like you said.

That's why I try to stick to as simple and logical as possible.

It took years for people to accept that being gay is not a choice.

Same with transgender.

So many factors in creating a human -- you're gonna get variety.

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