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White progressive moms love having "trans" kids as much as they love wine & antidepressants

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posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 07:20 PM
So, serious question - Is blue, purple or green hair like a uniform or something for this trans virtue signaling and activist movement? It seems more times than not when we see the crazies, they are sprouting some kind of crazy color hair. On the plus side, if I see one of my grandkids teachers sporting the "crazy hair" I will have a pretty good idea which way the wind blows with that one.

So, True or False?

White progressive moms love having "trans" kids almost as much as they love wine and antidepressants

It gives them a way to have secondhand oppression points and signal how virtuous and tolerant they are

This mom says her 4-year-old is “exploring his gender” and she encourages it. He’s sometimes a boy and sometimes a girl

+2 more 
posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 07:26 PM
Seriously, I think you are spot on.

It is a fad among liberal and progressive parents to let even their toddlers decide they are transgender and start transitioning them.

What they don't realize is that the MAYO clinic has documented that the drugs used to transition children does sometimes cause sterility. Surgery absolutely causes sterility.

What liberal parents don't realize is that children today say they are a masculine fireman, tomorrow they are a fairy princess, and the next day they are a preacher. Children are very fickle and change their identities constantly throughout childhood. But it is "the thing" for progressive/liberal/and Democrat parents to jump quickly on it if a child says they want to be the "other" gender. Same with teachers at schools where in places like California they transition children at school, even using drugs without the knowledge or consent of parents who they say "don't deserve to know".

I clearly remember playing around with a rag as a child wondering what a penis/testes were like. Thank God my parents just ignored it and now I've been happily married for almost 50 years and was what liberals call a breeder or birthing parent of children with grandchildren I adore. If my parent had been a liberal Democrat parent like those of today, I'd be a sterile male trapped in a female body.

However, I don't think hair color necessarily means a child is transitioning. My granddaughter loves "hair chalk" and constantly colors her hair with stuff that washes out. She did this a great deal in early elementary school and still loves pink hair, and is in no way transitioning. Hair color isn't permanent and doesn't cause sterility, it is harmless. I have a very straight and very religious grandma friend with bright purple hair, on purpose.

edit on 7/31/22 by The2Billies because: format

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 07:35 PM
Back when I was in school, we had Goth, Scene, Emo, and Punk girls, I was a sucker for that style. They had rebellious attitudes and natures, great taste in music and movies too, at least for a while.

I am not sure when the hair color became a symbol for these types of people,(2010's) but back in the day, those chicks were trouble in very different ways!

I will agree that the mentality is seriously out of hand, and it is being weaponized against our youth.

Unfortunate, but we have no control in regards to these things. Those calling the shots are laughing to the bank.
edit on 31-7-2022 by AnnihilateThis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 08:16 PM
Someone sure loves their stereotypes.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 08:45 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
Someone sure loves their stereotypes.

If it weren't for the fact that I know one exactly like he's talking about, I'd be inclined to agree.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 09:07 PM
a reply to: infolurker

I really pity the father of that woman’s kid because he had to have sex with her.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: RazorV66

A Walmart greeter is standing at the door and a pink haired woman walks in with two kids, clearly brothers and clearly about 18 months apart. Greeter says, "Oh, what cute children! Are they twins?"

"No, dumb ass," pink-hair replies, "can't your see they're not the same age?"

Yeah, well, I did notice that, but they look like siblings and I couldn't fathom somebody having sex with you twice."
edit on 2022 7 31 by incoserv because: Ba-da-boom... CHING!

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 09:15 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

Stereotypes where stereotypes are in order. Or as the old age goes, "If the shoe fits..."

Do I need to embed a couple dozen YouTube videos to prove the point?

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: RazorV66

Are we sure? She might have had a turkey baster - you know, modern feminist, woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle and all that.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 09:45 PM
yeah, just like every republican voter is a fat, gun-totin' slob with a face the colour of a brick who married their cousin. I could embed plenty of clips showing people like that too, what's the point here?
You notice stereotypes because they are loud but if you look into things just a teeny tiny bit you'll find that people are all unique, with their own strongly held beliefs and reasons for doing the things they do.

As an aside, do we not need any sort of subject matter on ATS anymore? a thread can just be KIDS LOOK WEIRD and away we go? Honestly i'm struggling to parse what the OP is even saying - Mothers love trans kids, therefore something something rant about hair colour? Old man shakes fist at cloud! love denyin' me some ignorance!

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 09:56 PM
I do no understand where people get off on labeling their children at an early age,
My little brother loved to play with dolls, when he was little there was no problem,
we never teased him
He is 6.4, 275 and tats from head to toe. Heritage special and a Hell Cat in the yard.
The most amazing father and grand father you will ever meet.
My step son had a Mrs Beasley doll and still has it, 43 years old.
You should see him with my grand children, amazing.
Being a man with an instinct to look after children is a defiant positive trait.
These guys are all man.
People need to settle down.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 10:34 PM
a reply to: continuousThunder

See, the comment about the blue hair was due to the actual story (and she happened to have blue hair like I am seeing with most of these crazies).

So, I just asked if the blue hair thing is like an identity... which seems to fit.

Get it?

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: infolurker

So, serious question - Is blue, purple or green hair like a uniform or something for this trans virtue signaling and activist movement? It seems more times than not when we see the crazies, they are sprouting some kind of crazy color hair.

With all respect and you don't have to like it but I wear dark purple or chestnut red hair for the greater part of my life and it's a personal preference that has nothing to do with my sexual preferences. It's not like I really care if you or other close minded people think this is "crazy color hair".

You can spout your religious stuff here without being called crazy, let other's wear their hair like they want it without labeling them crazy.

I am bisexual and I DESPISE the LGBTQ crowd as well as I despise religious nutcases that are closeminded.

Thank you for the attention.

That's all.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 11:19 PM

originally posted by: AnnihilateThis

I am not sure when the hair color became a symbol for these types of people,(2010's) but back in the day, those chicks were trouble in very different ways!

Haha, that was so me in the 90's. Punk girl. Out of control.

What bothers me most is that the trans "thing" has become kind of a status symbol in some circles and for those parents that "trans" child seems almost like the newest fashion accessory without any thought of just letting the kid explore being a kid.

When I was young, kids were looked upon as a creation of the parents, trotted out as a bragging point if they were academically gifted or successful, overlooked if otherwise. Things haven't changed except for the nature of it. For the rare truly trans teen it would be much easier to grow up now but for the very young ones there too often seems to be a parent pushing an agenda.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 07:39 AM

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: AnnihilateThis

I am not sure when the hair color became a symbol for these types of people,(2010's) but back in the day, those chicks were trouble in very different ways!

What bothers me most is that the trans "thing" has become kind of a status symbol in some circles and for those parents that "trans" child seems almost like the newest fashion accessory without any thought of just letting the kid explore being a kid.

Perfect analysis. Transgender kids ARE the latest fashion accessory of liberal progressive parents.

Also the latest status symbol of schools in California, schools transitioning as many children as possible and as young as possible, without parental knowledge and consent raises their status as "the best" schools in the eyes of the teachers associations, Governor, and legislature.

edit on 8/1/22 by The2Billies because: addition

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 08:28 AM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
Someone sure loves their stereotypes.

Without them the left would have no one to claim victimhood for.
That door swings both ways.
Eta: Regarding "punk"; it was never about hair, clothing, safety pins but DIY. That was an ethic that still feel hold special merit.
edit on 1-8-2022 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 08:59 AM
a reply to: infolurker

You're making an assessment and assumption based on hair color?

I thought you were intelligent?

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 09:48 AM

originally posted by: The2Billies
schools transitioning as many children as possible and as young as possible

got some uhhhhhhhh numbers for that claim? any sort of source of any veracity?

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: continuousThunder Maryland school district REQUIRES assisting gender transition ... lying to parents Parents sue MA school for .... transition without ... knowledge CA school helps children transition without parental knowledge r-AAUdJRE CA school has transition closet to help students hide gender...from parents Florida school sued for daughter.. transition without parental knowledge

Although there were two controversial bills Newsom signed last week, we’ll focus here on AB 1184.

As reported by California Family Council, this bill “prohibits insurance companies from revealing to the policyholder the ‘sensitive’ services of anyone on their policy, including minor children, even though the policy owner is financially responsible for the services. These ‘sensitive’ services include abortions, sexual assault treatment, drug abuse and mental health treatment, cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, and sex-change operations. In California, minors can consent to all of these sensitive treatments, except for sex-change surgeries, after the age of 12 under certain conditions, and consent to abortions at any age.”

Perhaps you want to read that again? Not a word is exaggerated or misreported. This is exactly what this bill entails. Yet for Newsom and other California leftists, this is a cause for celebration. Oregon passing legislation to allow children to take puberty blockers without parental consent edge School nurse giving children puberty blockers in CT without parental knowledge CA teachers association wants to give children puberty blockers without parental consent.

Enough or do you want more?

edit on 8/1/22 by The2Billies because: format

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: TzarChasm
Someone sure loves their stereotypes.

If it weren't for the fact that I know one exactly like he's talking about, I'd be inclined to agree.

I like how you said "one". As in singular. That's the definition of generalizing.

originally posted by: incoserv
a reply to: TzarChasm

Stereotypes where stereotypes are in order. Or as the old age goes, "If the shoe fits..."

Do I need to embed a couple dozen YouTube videos to prove the point?

Do I need to assemble a few hundred arrest files to demonstrate that racial profiling has affected the statistical average of wrongful prosecution, because surface characteristics equate to criminal intent? No I don't. Because everyone here knows what prejudice is and how it often works like a broken clock. If you are convicted of sex crimes and exploitation of a minor, I'm 100% on board with throwing away the key. But first you have to be guilty. That requires due process, not stereotypes.

For a conservative you don't seem to understand how the Constitution outlines these basic courtesies for the safety and dignity of our society.

edit on 1-8-2022 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

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