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Pfizer says tweaked COVID-19 shots boost omicron protection

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posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 07:45 PM
a reply to: litterbaux

It's deeply insidious, because the advice regarding gardening & contact with the soil is designed to stop people from grounding themselves electrically...

With all the electromagnetic smog which surrounds us & permeates us these days, we naturally build up a positive electrical charge which is unable to ground because we spend our lives insulated from the ground, from the Earth itself. The second we make contact with the Earth & soil, all that built up charge is dissipated & the body becomes electrically neureal again.

It has been shown in repeated studies that build-up of positive charge in our bodies leads to oxidative stress affecting all our body systems. By grounding ourselves habitually, by having our skin in contact with the Earth, we are massively reducing the problems of stress, insomnia, anxiety, depression, immune disorders, heart attacks, and many more such conditions.

I have been grounding myself using a bedsheet with silver thread stitched through it, which is plugged into the wall socket with an earth pin present (it's a UK style AC socket with three pins, your american DC ones may e slightly different). But in the three days since I plugged it in, my sleep has been fantastic (I had chronic insomnia for years), my mood has been totally relaxed, less stress & no arguments in the household. My circulation & libido have also increased, which is great news of course! And that's only three days. The effects are astonishing.

And to know that these evil bastards are deliberately cutting people off from their natural healing connection with the Earth by dpreading their lies, damn lies & statistics, makes my blood boil! Grounding can be incredibly beneficial for human beings who are otherwise insylated fromt the Earth due to the type of shoes they wear, and the houses they live in, and the lifestyle they live. If everyone were to take off their shoes & walk on grassy fields or beaches every day, the healthcare burden of every Western nation would instantly reduce.

Watch the documentary, you will be surprised, then convinced:

The Earthing Movie - The remarkable science of grounding

Please, give it a try, it seems to be an amazing opportunity to bolster our health - perhaps it would help us to recover from COVID, or mitigate the toxic effects of the vaccines, and that's why they are saying such ridiculous things about gardening being bad for your health/ lethal. I think it's far more likely that they are weaponising their choice of 'huidance', trying to couble & triple the kill count by stopping people from grounding in a health-enhancing manner.


edit on AugustMonday2218CDT07America/Chicago-050048 by FlyInTheOintment because: Changing to link as YVID tags wouldn't work...

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