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Your personal experience with the 8 propaganda techniques regarding Covid-19 vaccinations

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posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 08:43 AM
a reply to: litterbaux

When I was in grade 10, around 2002, my science class teacher talked about vaccines because of SARS and "swine flu" outbreaks here.
I specifically remember him talking about how the future of vaccines would be basicslly synthetically made.

I only realized he was right when I heard about the mRNA vaccines technology within the last few years. The history of those vaccines goes back to the 1960s by the way.

As for the propoganda, as in classic propoganda, like state run nonsense shoved into my daily life. The odd advertisement on YouTube videos, and such was about it.

Otherwise it was just friends and family asking if I was vaccinated and then they reacted accordingly. My company never mandated them.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: CthruU

This is why you have fire drills. Plan the mind into the action that needs to happen before the situation actually happens. I don't want to change the world nor do I have the influence to do so.

I'm not sitting back, looking at everything presented and not saying anything.

The pandemic polarized people, a lot of people took sides. Vax vs unvax. The next polarizing event might not be the same people vs other people. If we don't understand how this happened we are going to be further divided into sub groups, and more sub groups.

We're all more similar than different and we need to understand how we are divided, then understand the why.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: strongfp

Dig deeper. Robert Malone was a pioneer in MRNA vaccine technology.

I would offer more information but I would be going against the very meaning of this thread.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 08:56 AM
I am 53 and have had Covid twice since 2020

I am still unvaccinated...Why ???

There will Never be a True Vaccine for Any MERS or Sars 2 or whatever number you want to put after it...Period..

Vaccines take Years to make not 12 to 18 months lol

Stay Safe


posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: Riouz5

There has never been a vaccine for coronavirus and there never will be.

Now that we are watching this version of corona virus, how many variants have been admitted so far? Alpha, Delta, Omicron, we went to variants like BA.5.

At some point we need to all admit to ourselves, this isn't going away. Furthermore, we need to understand how we got here.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: litterbaux

I 100 % agree with you

But alas i dont think the Actual Truth will ever be known...

Stay Safe

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: litterbaux

Yes, I know all about the guy who hasn't worked in that field for a few decades now...

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: litterbaux

Pretty much every one of those was a red flag for me.

I've always been the guy in the room who makes it a point to question. You've seen that video of the people in the waiting room standing up when the bell rang? I can assure you, I'd be sitting on my ass, laughing and asking them what in hell they're doing.

However, the first warning I had was the rapidity with which they came to market. No "safe and effective" vaccine has ever been developed, tested and marketed in that kind of time frame. It's simply not possible. This was wrong from its inception.

The rest of the coercion techniques that you mention really just underscored, to me, that it was all wrong. They had the opposite intended effect on me.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: incoserv

Wow, amazing!

Thank you for that video. As much as we think we are free thinkers, social norms are something ingrained in our psychology which we basically have no control over.

Understanding these connections in our brains, although we don't have control over them, is very important in how we base our decisions.

Thank you again for that example.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: litterbaux

We're all more similar than different and we need to understand how we are divided, then understand the why.

For the short story, human history is littered with war, conflict, power and control. Divided by culture and ideology and driven by the power of resources and more. As the world has become smaller as technology advances, new tools, weapons and ways to get things done have emerged. The nature of conflict is evolving as the division between the super wealthy and average man continues to expand.

Ronald Bernard is an ex Dutch banker and provides some insight into the cultural division that has occurred between these wealth cultures. Blackmail has been commonly used for one to gain leverage over another. It does look like some of these rituals are designed to break ones compassion and connections with other people. These kind of techniques help force evil agendas and get people to do things they would not otherwise. With how money has been used to pressure many unwilling people to take the jab is another tool that is being used against the population.

The law of the jungle is much older on this planet than the law of man. As a small wealthy group take a war posture against the rest of the population with how covid is playing out, a depopulation aim is likely. The transhumanism aim also look possible with all this medical experimentation going on. Maybe they have just gone mad as too much power has gone to there head and blown a few things out?

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

All of the things you said are true with tribalism and the evil of money and corruption.

With the advent of IOT and people realizing the forms of propaganda and manipulation in their lives, things will whipsaw fairly quickly. People are not going to put up with this for very much longer.

I'm going to work on some projects up north.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 10:25 AM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: litterbaux

Yes, I know all about the guy who hasn't worked in that field for a few decades now...

Consulting with the DoD isn't working?

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: litterbaux

Hi Lee-Turbo.

The Vaxx™ Propaganda™ never had a chance with me :
as the whole crap-show displayed itself as Kabuki-Theatre™, right from the outset, end of January 2020.

It arrived on our doorstep as a Scamdemic™, and never changed.

Would like to offer you another way that the Propaganda™ works :
Non-Conscripted-Useful-Idiots™. ( NCUI™ )

As opposed to paid Shills™ : these NCUI™ are the loud bleating sheep, that have been Convinced™ by The-Scammers™ and Shills™, and continue their work : free of charge.

Like the Karens™ and Kevins™ of this world, that are will willing to scream at strangers, to get them to Conform™.

We see the presence of these Convinced™ Believers™, on these forums, and in this very thread.

The Technocrats™ version of Brownshirts™, if one can stretch one's mind to see it that way.

Just my way of seeing it.
Not necessarily relevant for anyone else.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: litterbaux
I'm not sure which applies but it's interesting to have it broken down into categories.

I've been skeptical of government, media, advertising and the status quo since I was taught about it in grade 8, so just looking around and not seeing any sick people at any point during the "pandemic" was suspect to me, so the need for vaccines was massively suspect.

However, your post does leave me wondering if I was subject to propaganda when I was taught about it originally. I could see many of those techniques working on a young person to create a "conspiracy theorist", especially the tiny group of unpopular but bright oddballs that were chosen, the secrecy of our class in the textbook storage area under the bleachers, the feeling of finally not being bored in school, the fascinating subject matter that would turn us into amateur detectives for life. It all certainly felt good to the ego at the time. It also felt experimental but not in a bad way, more like we were learning wisdom but we could very well have been manipulated with some of those techniques.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

If there's a mRNA branch of the DoD, then I guess?

From my understanding he worked on some of the earliest findings on the technology and he went onto work on other things while others continued to contribute to the discovery and advance the technology.

That's like Noam Chomsky still thinking he's the leading mind in linguistics and still pushing his ideas that were written in the 70s, and 80s. The field has grown around him exponentially.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: litterbaux

"Name calling" , Hmmm ... who did that to me in my personal life? Oh that's right! My narcissistic ex

"Democrats" use the same technique . Shocking . None of these worked on me, as I am skeptical/distrusting of any government agency , medical staff etc. I don't trust my extended family, so why in the hell would I trust 'government'

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 11:27 AM

originally posted by: incoserv
a reply to: litterbaux

Pretty much every one of those was a red flag for me.

I've always been the guy in the room who makes it a point to question. You've seen that video of the people in the waiting room standing up when the bell rang? I can assure you, I'd be sitting on my ass, laughing and asking them what in hell they're doing.

However, the first warning I had was the rapidity with which they came to market. No "safe and effective" vaccine has ever been developed, tested and marketed in that kind of time frame. It's simply not possible. This was wrong from its inception.

The rest of the coercion techniques that you mention really just underscored, to me, that it was all wrong. They had the opposite intended effect on me.

The experiment, the people, soooooooooooo gullible

Why in the world would you 'confirm' to anything, yet alone to something that makes ZERO sense !

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: litterbaux

I am probably a rare individual. I have not experienced any of the 8 pressures put on people. I retired on the same day the lockdowns were put in, I only do telemedicine, I ignore any and all requests for tests, vaccines or any other attempts at brainwashing.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

If there's a mRNA branch of the DoD, then I guess?

From my understanding he worked on some of the earliest findings on the technology and he went onto work on other things while others continued to contribute to the discovery and advance the technology.

That's like Noam Chomsky still thinking he's the leading mind in linguistics and still pushing his ideas that were written in the 70s, and 80s. The field has grown around him exponentially.

Are you trying to discredit everything he says by saying he's not "current?' That's ridiculous. Are you able to argue with what he's saying or are you just gonna use ad hominem?

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 11:31 AM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: litterbaux

As for the propoganda, as in classic propoganda, like state run nonsense shoved into my daily life. The odd advertisement on YouTube videos, and such was about it.

I'm surprised as you are in Canada too but maybe BC is different.

Our government here has spent many millions on advertising covid lockdowns, measures, mandates, vaccines. It was all over facebook, twitter, local news rags, government buildings. Facebook themselves censored me after I asked among friends if anyone was worried extended lockdowns would affect our children's futures. There was warning boxes all over anything considered against the narrative. There are still BC government ads all over Facebook with people jumping for joy and a tagline saying "vaccines give you a lift", a cheap red bull rip off. Someone had to pay for that.

Then there is CBC online where very little world news got out for a year unless it was covid going hard 24/7. CBC is taxpayer funded so when there is a dearth of anything but covid, that's propaganda and fear mongering. Their comments section banned any questioning voices from day one. I've been banned many times over for politely stating facts. They still haven't reported on the dutch farmer protest to the best of my knowledge or the doctors dying in Ontario which was reported by CTV. So any event on taxpayer funded media should be honest and transparent. Instead we got paid propaganda. All the big news agencies did this too but they aren't tax funded so not my business.

The hardline pro covid people are the way they are because they had no idea anyone felt different from them. They feel the whole herd has spoken and has no idea how much we were silenced.

Our prime minister said that the unvaccinated were "extremists, racists, misogynists" and all his minions started believing it. Also propaganda meant to divide and destroy our country.

I'm glad things are so different in Ontario, Center of Canada, compared to BC, Toilet of Canada.

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