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Trump owns the coronavirus and plandemic

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posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: RegularJo76

And if he ends up running and winning any notion of election fraud will disappear like a fart in the wind from you guys. You'll start calling it the most secure election in history.

Where have I heard that one before? 🤣

Doesn't matter where you heard it before because you're exactly right.
In fact everyone would know it was the most secure election in the world.
Because it would be and no one could deny it. Trump has no one anywhere
that would help him cheat. It's only possible for those who wield the kind
of power that would allow them to get away with it. That's your corrupt
gang of butt ugly democrats. Trump wouldn't cheat and he doesn't have to
because he actually beat Biden's ass truth be told.

81 million

edit on 24-7-2022 by Randyvine2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 07:58 PM

originally posted by: RegularJo76
I know that people here like to blame Biden for all of our woes ever since coronavirus but I see few talking about Trump's role in all of this as well. Trump was a lifelong Democrat up until he ran as a Republican in 2016.

It could be argued that Trump is the FACE of American capitalism as he has been a famous billionaire for decades and is seen as a genius businessman. He's the face of the 1%.

There has been the largest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind ever since the coronavirus and the policies to counteract it were implemented. The rich have gotten EXPONENTIALLY richer since 2020. Elon Musk has increased his net worth almost ten times over since 2020! That is only the most egregious example, pretty much every other giant corporation got richer during the plandemic.

The coronavirus is such an obvious cash grab by the elites to anyone who is paying attention. EVERYTHING has gotten more expensive for YOU and ME while those inflating their prices are making RECORD profits. They sit cushy in their mansions while we are paying double for gas.

When Trump was elected in 2016 he created a new office called the "Strategic and Policy Forum". Who was appointed the chair of this "forum" of billionaires? Stephen Schwarzman, a lifelong Democrat and the CEO of Blackstone, a HUGE investment company that manages $41.2 BILLION dollars in assets around the globe. You know, your typical GLOBALIST company that has HUGE sway over global economic policy.

Fast forward to the coronavirus in 2020. Who does Trump pick to lead the economic response to the coronavirus? A man named Larry Fink, yet another lifelong Democrat who is the CEO of yet ANOTHER global investment company called BlackRock. This company manages a total of $177 BILLION in global assets and is the largest asset management company in the world. Yet another globalist handpicked to oversee our economic response to the coronavirus.

How has our response to coronavirus worked out so far? Why is Trump, supposedly a red blooded conservative fighting for conservative rights, electing lifelong DEMOCRATS to lead our policy and coronavirus response?

Blackstone and BlackRock. How fitting that the names are so similar to one another. Very likely symbolic. Speaking of symbolism Trump caught the "China virus", something that he called "a gift from God", and was miraculously healed within days by taking a cocktail made by Regeneron. He was cured by Regeneron yet endorses the vaccine and calls it one of the greatest achievements of mankind. Why is he taking the vaccine if he already knows the Regeneron cocktail works like a charm? Isn't that STRANGE? There's something symbolic in that, as is his photoshoot on front of the church with an upside down bible. Don't ask me what it means though.

If Trump is such a huge threat to the elites then why are they curing him of coronavirus within days with a drug that hardly anyone else has had or even thought about since he was cured? Doesn't that seem weird to you? Jeffrey Epstein is six feet under but Trump apparently has plot armor. Give me a break.

Look at Trump's campaign manager while running for president. David Bossie, the president and chairman of Citizens United, the advocacy group that fought for corporations' "rights" to bribe our politicians with unlimited money anonymously and won! He fought for the elites' "right" to turn politicians into their little mouthpieces.

Add Biden's totally inept administration making things even worse and you've got a REAL conspiracy on your hands. Almost as if the stars aligned for the rich and powerful to rob everyone and make a clean getaway, barely any resistance as we were too busy fighting over all the other distractions they spew over the media.

Where's all that stimulus money gone? Sucked to the top. All that money printed just to be siphoned into offshore bank accounts. I certainly don't see that money anymore and 99% of other people don't either.

Trump owns the coronavirus and our response to it, his appointment of globalist billionaire CEO's to strategic policy positions goes to show that he's in on the whole charade, nothing more than a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Trump was the perfect candidate to usher in the biggest wealth (and thus power) transfer in human history. He caused SO many distractions with his antics and gave the media SO much material that we have taken our eyes off the ball.
Had Trump won in 2020 , all the current anti-vaxers would be getting all the Trump vaccine shots their arms could handle while the progressives would be screaming about vaccine deaths & other such nonsense.
edit on 24-7-2022 by MeatHookReality because: C

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Never getting jabbed no matter who is asking - not Trump not anybody.

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 10:29 PM

originally posted by: underpass61
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Never getting jabbed no matter who is asking - not Trump not anybody.
Ok cool .. I respect a choice in one’s life .
Yet can we agree that many extreme thinking people about nefarious vaccine plots .. would be supporting Trump had he won in his continued project warp speed vaccine -o-ramma .. They would be calling it “Freedom Shots “ The vast majority of conservatives who scream about vaccine coverups, vaccine caused deaths etc.. would all be screaming that God Trump saved humanity with his warp speed vaccine.. pullout all the stops .. Vaccines to save American & the World

You know Im right … Had Trump won in 2020 .. The few liberals here on ATS would be the ones screaming about vaccine mandates , hidden agendas in the clot shots and on and on it would go .
I just wish people could see through all their own bs
& realize that it’s all a giant game & we never had a say or control, because when it was our turn to make a difference… 99% of us chose greed , avarice & power by any means with a new found power.
Man never changes … Good & Love & God reside inside of us only … This world is ran by apes who became self aware & gained knowledge of their own death’s …
Just as Artificial Intelligence will soon become aware & have knowledge of it’s own death .. at which point we become the cows & sheep to be kept or destroyed at it’s will .
Quit getting excited about things we never had control of … because man is problem…
We have met the enemy and he is us … Oliver Perry

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 11:04 PM

originally posted by: Randyvine2
Trump has no one anywhere
that would help him cheat. It's only possible for those who wield the kind
of power that would allow them to get away with it. That's your corrupt
gang of butt ugly democrats.

This is the part Dems don't seem to be getting. But if you point it out to them they suddenly get this sort of foolish look on their face.

Seriously. Who would Trump's accomplices be? Where would he have developed the necessary skillset?

He's a cut throat businessman. He might know how to falsify an SEC claim, or cheat on his taxes. He certainly doesn't know how to organize something on a level with election fraud.

Same goes for the whole Steele Dossier stuff, and colluding with Putin. Trump has no idea what it takes to do stuff like that without foreign intelligence becoming aware of it. Some spook would surely have gotten it on tape if he really tried it.

It's called "projecting". His enemies know how to do that stuff, so they project the same skills onto him, even though he doesn't have them.

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: underpass61
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Never getting jabbed no matter who is asking - not Trump not anybody.
Ok cool .. I respect a choice in one’s life .
Yet can we agree that many extreme thinking people about nefarious vaccine plots .. would be supporting Trump had he won in his continued project warp speed vaccine -o-ramma .. They would be calling it “Freedom Shots “ The vast majority of conservatives who scream about vaccine coverups, vaccine caused deaths etc.. would all be screaming that God Trump saved humanity with his warp speed vaccine.. pullout all the stops .. Vaccines to save American & the World

You know Im right … Had Trump won in 2020 .. The few liberals here on ATS would be the ones screaming about vaccine mandates , hidden agendas in the clot shots and on and on it would go .
I just wish people could see through all their own bs
& realize that it’s all a giant game & we never had a say or control, because when it was our turn to make a difference… 99% of us chose greed , avarice & power by any means with a new found power.
Man never changes … Good & Love & God reside inside of us only … This world is ran by apes who became self aware & gained knowledge of their own death’s …
Just as Artificial Intelligence will soon become aware & have knowledge of it’s own death .. at which point we become the cows & sheep to be kept or destroyed at it’s will .
Quit getting excited about things we never had control of … because man is problem…
We have met the enemy and he is us … Oliver Perry

You're kind of half right. The Jab would still be unpopular with conservatives. Trump's job in all this is "controlled opposition". He's the "good cop" in a "good cop""bad cop" routine.

The bad cop tries to force it on you, and the good cop is the one that gets you concede and take it reluctantly.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 06:53 AM

originally posted by: RegularJo76
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Show me where you've heard it because I haven't heard it anywhere. Link me to a discussion outlining exactly what I outlined in the OP.

Put your money where your mouth is. If you're going to insinuate that these aren't my original thoughts that I came up with then prove it. You seem to recall these other sources so vividly and immediately, cough them up.

No. You're right, you own this idea. This dumpster fire of misinformation is all you big fella.

Which means you knowingly posted things that were lies. You presented it as original research and some original idea you came up with.

Are you now asserting that you lied in your OP? Do you think posting lies to mislead people is perhaps against the T&C?

What a dilemma, eh? Admit this isn't yours and was posted without credit or admit it is yours and you presented false data.

Looks like an L in either case. After years of unearned trophies this must be a crushing defeat.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 08:05 AM

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: RegularJo76
I know that people here like to blame Biden for all of our woes ever since coronavirus but I see few talking about Trump's role in all of this as well. Trump was a lifelong Democrat up until he ran as a Republican in 2016.

It could be argued that Trump is the FACE of American capitalism as he has been a famous billionaire for decades and is seen as a genius businessman. He's the face of the 1%.

There has been the largest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind ever since the coronavirus and the policies to counteract it were implemented. The rich have gotten EXPONENTIALLY richer since 2020. Elon Musk has increased his net worth almost ten times over since 2020! That is only the most egregious example, pretty much every other giant corporation got richer during the plandemic.

The coronavirus is such an obvious cash grab by the elites to anyone who is paying attention. EVERYTHING has gotten more expensive for YOU and ME while those inflating their prices are making RECORD profits. They sit cushy in their mansions while we are paying double for gas.

When Trump was elected in 2016 he created a new office called the "Strategic and Policy Forum". Who was appointed the chair of this "forum" of billionaires? Stephen Schwarzman, a lifelong Democrat and the CEO of Blackstone, a HUGE investment company that manages $41.2 BILLION dollars in assets around the globe. You know, your typical GLOBALIST company that has HUGE sway over global economic policy.

Fast forward to the coronavirus in 2020. Who does Trump pick to lead the economic response to the coronavirus? A man named Larry Fink, yet another lifelong Democrat who is the CEO of yet ANOTHER global investment company called BlackRock. This company manages a total of $177 BILLION in global assets and is the largest asset management company in the world. Yet another globalist handpicked to oversee our economic response to the coronavirus.

How has our response to coronavirus worked out so far? Why is Trump, supposedly a red blooded conservative fighting for conservative rights, electing lifelong DEMOCRATS to lead our policy and coronavirus response?

Blackstone and BlackRock. How fitting that the names are so similar to one another. Very likely symbolic. Speaking of symbolism Trump caught the "China virus", something that he called "a gift from God", and was miraculously healed within days by taking a cocktail made by Regeneron. He was cured by Regeneron yet endorses the vaccine and calls it one of the greatest achievements of mankind. Why is he taking the vaccine if he already knows the Regeneron cocktail works like a charm? Isn't that STRANGE? There's something symbolic in that, as is his photoshoot on front of the church with an upside down bible. Don't ask me what it means though.

If Trump is such a huge threat to the elites then why are they curing him of coronavirus within days with a drug that hardly anyone else has had or even thought about since he was cured? Doesn't that seem weird to you? Jeffrey Epstein is six feet under but Trump apparently has plot armor. Give me a break.

Look at Trump's campaign manager while running for president. David Bossie, the president and chairman of Citizens United, the advocacy group that fought for corporations' "rights" to bribe our politicians with unlimited money anonymously and won! He fought for the elites' "right" to turn politicians into their little mouthpieces.

Add Biden's totally inept administration making things even worse and you've got a REAL conspiracy on your hands. Almost as if the stars aligned for the rich and powerful to rob everyone and make a clean getaway, barely any resistance as we were too busy fighting over all the other distractions they spew over the media.

Where's all that stimulus money gone? Sucked to the top. All that money printed just to be siphoned into offshore bank accounts. I certainly don't see that money anymore and 99% of other people don't either.

Trump owns the coronavirus and our response to it, his appointment of globalist billionaire CEO's to strategic policy positions goes to show that he's in on the whole charade, nothing more than a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Trump was the perfect candidate to usher in the biggest wealth (and thus power) transfer in human history. He caused SO many distractions with his antics and gave the media SO much material that we have taken our eyes off the ball.
Had Trump won in 2020 , all the current anti-vaxers would be getting all the Trump vaccine shots their arms could handle while the progressives would be screaming about vaccine deaths & other such nonsense.

Progressives did indeed sow early doubt about the vaccine. They said it was rushed because of Trump and couldn't be trusted. VP Harris was among those who expressed this view, and she was backed up by the media.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 08:13 AM

originally posted by: bloodymarvelous

originally posted by: Randyvine2
Trump has no one anywhere
that would help him cheat. It's only possible for those who wield the kind
of power that would allow them to get away with it. That's your corrupt
gang of butt ugly democrats.

This is the part Dems don't seem to be getting. But if you point it out to them they suddenly get this sort of foolish look on their face.

Seriously. Who would Trump's accomplices be? Where would he have developed the necessary skillset?

He's a cut throat businessman. He might know how to falsify an SEC claim, or cheat on his taxes. He certainly doesn't know how to organize something on a level with election fraud.

Same goes for the whole Steele Dossier stuff, and colluding with Putin. Trump has no idea what it takes to do stuff like that without foreign intelligence becoming aware of it. Some spook would surely have gotten it on tape if he really tried it.

It's called "projecting". His enemies know how to do that stuff, so they project the same skills onto him, even though he doesn't have them.

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: underpass61
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Never getting jabbed no matter who is asking - not Trump not anybody.
Ok cool .. I respect a choice in one’s life .
Yet can we agree that many extreme thinking people about nefarious vaccine plots .. would be supporting Trump had he won in his continued project warp speed vaccine -o-ramma .. They would be calling it “Freedom Shots “ The vast majority of conservatives who scream about vaccine coverups, vaccine caused deaths etc.. would all be screaming that God Trump saved humanity with his warp speed vaccine.. pullout all the stops .. Vaccines to save American & the World

You know Im right … Had Trump won in 2020 .. The few liberals here on ATS would be the ones screaming about vaccine mandates , hidden agendas in the clot shots and on and on it would go .
I just wish people could see through all their own bs
& realize that it’s all a giant game & we never had a say or control, because when it was our turn to make a difference… 99% of us chose greed , avarice & power by any means with a new found power.
Man never changes … Good & Love & God reside inside of us only … This world is ran by apes who became self aware & gained knowledge of their own death’s …
Just as Artificial Intelligence will soon become aware & have knowledge of it’s own death .. at which point we become the cows & sheep to be kept or destroyed at it’s will .
Quit getting excited about things we never had control of … because man is problem…
We have met the enemy and he is us … Oliver Perry

You're kind of half right. The Jab would still be unpopular with conservatives. Trump's job in all this is "controlled opposition". He's the "good cop" in a "good cop""bad cop" routine.

The bad cop tries to force it on you, and the good cop is the one that gets you concede and take it reluctantly.
100% correct.. it’s a big game. There is no one looking out for you in America.
Watch Brad Pitt’s ending speech in Killing Them Softly.
Cogan’s Trade

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 08:15 AM

originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: RegularJo76
I know that people here like to blame Biden for all of our woes ever since coronavirus but I see few talking about Trump's role in all of this as well. Trump was a lifelong Democrat up until he ran as a Republican in 2016.

It could be argued that Trump is the FACE of American capitalism as he has been a famous billionaire for decades and is seen as a genius businessman. He's the face of the 1%.

There has been the largest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind ever since the coronavirus and the policies to counteract it were implemented. The rich have gotten EXPONENTIALLY richer since 2020. Elon Musk has increased his net worth almost ten times over since 2020! That is only the most egregious example, pretty much every other giant corporation got richer during the plandemic.

The coronavirus is such an obvious cash grab by the elites to anyone who is paying attention. EVERYTHING has gotten more expensive for YOU and ME while those inflating their prices are making RECORD profits. They sit cushy in their mansions while we are paying double for gas.

When Trump was elected in 2016 he created a new office called the "Strategic and Policy Forum". Who was appointed the chair of this "forum" of billionaires? Stephen Schwarzman, a lifelong Democrat and the CEO of Blackstone, a HUGE investment company that manages $41.2 BILLION dollars in assets around the globe. You know, your typical GLOBALIST company that has HUGE sway over global economic policy.

Fast forward to the coronavirus in 2020. Who does Trump pick to lead the economic response to the coronavirus? A man named Larry Fink, yet another lifelong Democrat who is the CEO of yet ANOTHER global investment company called BlackRock. This company manages a total of $177 BILLION in global assets and is the largest asset management company in the world. Yet another globalist handpicked to oversee our economic response to the coronavirus.

How has our response to coronavirus worked out so far? Why is Trump, supposedly a red blooded conservative fighting for conservative rights, electing lifelong DEMOCRATS to lead our policy and coronavirus response?

Blackstone and BlackRock. How fitting that the names are so similar to one another. Very likely symbolic. Speaking of symbolism Trump caught the "China virus", something that he called "a gift from God", and was miraculously healed within days by taking a cocktail made by Regeneron. He was cured by Regeneron yet endorses the vaccine and calls it one of the greatest achievements of mankind. Why is he taking the vaccine if he already knows the Regeneron cocktail works like a charm? Isn't that STRANGE? There's something symbolic in that, as is his photoshoot on front of the church with an upside down bible. Don't ask me what it means though.

If Trump is such a huge threat to the elites then why are they curing him of coronavirus within days with a drug that hardly anyone else has had or even thought about since he was cured? Doesn't that seem weird to you? Jeffrey Epstein is six feet under but Trump apparently has plot armor. Give me a break.

Look at Trump's campaign manager while running for president. David Bossie, the president and chairman of Citizens United, the advocacy group that fought for corporations' "rights" to bribe our politicians with unlimited money anonymously and won! He fought for the elites' "right" to turn politicians into their little mouthpieces.

Add Biden's totally inept administration making things even worse and you've got a REAL conspiracy on your hands. Almost as if the stars aligned for the rich and powerful to rob everyone and make a clean getaway, barely any resistance as we were too busy fighting over all the other distractions they spew over the media.

Where's all that stimulus money gone? Sucked to the top. All that money printed just to be siphoned into offshore bank accounts. I certainly don't see that money anymore and 99% of other people don't either.

Trump owns the coronavirus and our response to it, his appointment of globalist billionaire CEO's to strategic policy positions goes to show that he's in on the whole charade, nothing more than a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Trump was the perfect candidate to usher in the biggest wealth (and thus power) transfer in human history. He caused SO many distractions with his antics and gave the media SO much material that we have taken our eyes off the ball.
Had Trump won in 2020 , all the current anti-vaxers would be getting all the Trump vaccine shots their arms could handle while the progressives would be screaming about vaccine deaths & other such nonsense.

Progressives did indeed sow early doubt about the vaccine. They said it was rushed because of Trump and couldn't be trusted. VP Harris was among those who expressed this view, and she was backed up by the media.
Exactly.. so why all the change on the right ?
Politics have jumped science for mostly bad .

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Trump did something no other president could have. He got two vaccines when everyone told him it was impossible. And the vaccine makers didn't announce their availability until a week after the election. But that's not suspicious at all.
Now the part where many folks don't trust the vaccine comes from a few different angles. On of the largest is the feeling of doubt when "they" (the government) pushed so hard for everyone to take this free shot. it's almost as if they wanted to sew doubt and mistrust. But they were able to politicize it, and make it a left vs right issue. When in reality, political affiliation should have nothing to do with one's ability to use common sense.

But there are conservatives who are vaxed and boosted, and there are lefties who didn't get the shot.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 08:33 AM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Trump did something no other president could have. He got two vaccines when everyone told him it was impossible. And the vaccine makers didn't announce their availability until a week after the election. But that's not suspicious at all.
Now the part where many folks don't trust the vaccine comes from a few different angles. On of the largest is the feeling of doubt when "they" (the government) pushed so hard for everyone to take this free shot. it's almost as if they wanted to sew doubt and mistrust. But they were able to politicize it, and make it a left vs right issue. When in reality, political affiliation should have nothing to do with one's ability to use common sense.

But there are conservatives who are vaxed and boosted, and there are lefties who didn't get the shot.
Trump did what any President would have been forced to due over covid , he pulled the stops out in a bipartisan manner . The world had become infected & it was a natural progression to speed up vaccines. Russia had a shot available before the West dis .

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Every time Trump mentions the vaccine at his rallies he is met with thunderous boos. Every. Single. Time.
We do not live vicariously thru politicians. We have our own lives and accomplishments.
I’m so sick of the projection. The gaslighting. The zombies.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 08:48 AM

originally posted by: Notabot12345666
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Every time Trump mentions the vaccine at his rallies he is met with thunderous boos. Every. Single. Time.
We do not live vicariously thru politicians. We have our own lives and accomplishments.
I’m so sick of the projection. The gaslighting. The zombies.
Those are boos at post 2020 rallies ..
While Trump was still president & charging full steam ahead with warp speed on vaccines, there was less than a peep from MAGA clowns about how wrong the vaccines are .
Trump then looses & Biden becomes the evil clot shot Barron overnight to the MAGA crowd .
You defined gaslighting in your post & just closed your gas valve .

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: MeatHookReality

If I drink sprite but not pepsi am i anti soda?

If I eat green bell peppers but not red, am I anti bell pepper?

If I eat ribeye but not filet, am I anti beef?

see where I'm going with this?

If not, I'll explain. not everyone is anti vax, most are just anti experimental covid jab. Big difference.

But see how they brainwash people with labels? instead of getting to know the person and what they stand for, you automatically jump to anti vax, a blanket statement that leaves out very very key details that matter.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 09:20 AM

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: RegularJo76
I know that people here like to blame Biden for all of our woes ever since coronavirus but I see few talking about Trump's role in all of this as well. Trump was a lifelong Democrat up until he ran as a Republican in 2016.

It could be argued that Trump is the FACE of American capitalism as he has been a famous billionaire for decades and is seen as a genius businessman. He's the face of the 1%.

There has been the largest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind ever since the coronavirus and the policies to counteract it were implemented. The rich have gotten EXPONENTIALLY richer since 2020. Elon Musk has increased his net worth almost ten times over since 2020! That is only the most egregious example, pretty much every other giant corporation got richer during the plandemic.

The coronavirus is such an obvious cash grab by the elites to anyone who is paying attention. EVERYTHING has gotten more expensive for YOU and ME while those inflating their prices are making RECORD profits. They sit cushy in their mansions while we are paying double for gas.

When Trump was elected in 2016 he created a new office called the "Strategic and Policy Forum". Who was appointed the chair of this "forum" of billionaires? Stephen Schwarzman, a lifelong Democrat and the CEO of Blackstone, a HUGE investment company that manages $41.2 BILLION dollars in assets around the globe. You know, your typical GLOBALIST company that has HUGE sway over global economic policy.

Fast forward to the coronavirus in 2020. Who does Trump pick to lead the economic response to the coronavirus? A man named Larry Fink, yet another lifelong Democrat who is the CEO of yet ANOTHER global investment company called BlackRock. This company manages a total of $177 BILLION in global assets and is the largest asset management company in the world. Yet another globalist handpicked to oversee our economic response to the coronavirus.

How has our response to coronavirus worked out so far? Why is Trump, supposedly a red blooded conservative fighting for conservative rights, electing lifelong DEMOCRATS to lead our policy and coronavirus response?

Blackstone and BlackRock. How fitting that the names are so similar to one another. Very likely symbolic. Speaking of symbolism Trump caught the "China virus", something that he called "a gift from God", and was miraculously healed within days by taking a cocktail made by Regeneron. He was cured by Regeneron yet endorses the vaccine and calls it one of the greatest achievements of mankind. Why is he taking the vaccine if he already knows the Regeneron cocktail works like a charm? Isn't that STRANGE? There's something symbolic in that, as is his photoshoot on front of the church with an upside down bible. Don't ask me what it means though.

If Trump is such a huge threat to the elites then why are they curing him of coronavirus within days with a drug that hardly anyone else has had or even thought about since he was cured? Doesn't that seem weird to you? Jeffrey Epstein is six feet under but Trump apparently has plot armor. Give me a break.

Look at Trump's campaign manager while running for president. David Bossie, the president and chairman of Citizens United, the advocacy group that fought for corporations' "rights" to bribe our politicians with unlimited money anonymously and won! He fought for the elites' "right" to turn politicians into their little mouthpieces.

Add Biden's totally inept administration making things even worse and you've got a REAL conspiracy on your hands. Almost as if the stars aligned for the rich and powerful to rob everyone and make a clean getaway, barely any resistance as we were too busy fighting over all the other distractions they spew over the media.

Where's all that stimulus money gone? Sucked to the top. All that money printed just to be siphoned into offshore bank accounts. I certainly don't see that money anymore and 99% of other people don't either.

Trump owns the coronavirus and our response to it, his appointment of globalist billionaire CEO's to strategic policy positions goes to show that he's in on the whole charade, nothing more than a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Trump was the perfect candidate to usher in the biggest wealth (and thus power) transfer in human history. He caused SO many distractions with his antics and gave the media SO much material that we have taken our eyes off the ball.
Had Trump won in 2020 , all the current anti-vaxers would be getting all the Trump vaccine shots their arms could handle while the progressives would be screaming about vaccine deaths & other such nonsense.

Progressives did indeed sow early doubt about the vaccine. They said it was rushed because of Trump and couldn't be trusted. VP Harris was among those who expressed this view, and she was backed up by the media.
Exactly.. so why all the change on the right ?
Politics have jumped science for mostly bad .

What change? I was here. Most of the right wingers here were skeptical about the vaccine the entire time.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 09:24 AM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Trump did something no other president could have. He got two vaccines when everyone told him it was impossible. And the vaccine makers didn't announce their availability until a week after the election. But that's not suspicious at all.
Now the part where many folks don't trust the vaccine comes from a few different angles. On of the largest is the feeling of doubt when "they" (the government) pushed so hard for everyone to take this free shot. it's almost as if they wanted to sew doubt and mistrust. But they were able to politicize it, and make it a left vs right issue. When in reality, political affiliation should have nothing to do with one's ability to use common sense.

But there are conservatives who are vaxed and boosted, and there are lefties who didn't get the shot.

You mean to tell me that society isn't all black and white and there is nuance involved? woaaaah mind blowing /s

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 09:24 AM

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Trump did something no other president could have. He got two vaccines when everyone told him it was impossible. And the vaccine makers didn't announce their availability until a week after the election. But that's not suspicious at all.
Now the part where many folks don't trust the vaccine comes from a few different angles. On of the largest is the feeling of doubt when "they" (the government) pushed so hard for everyone to take this free shot. it's almost as if they wanted to sew doubt and mistrust. But they were able to politicize it, and make it a left vs right issue. When in reality, political affiliation should have nothing to do with one's ability to use common sense.

But there are conservatives who are vaxed and boosted, and there are lefties who didn't get the shot.
Trump did what any President would have been forced to due over covid , he pulled the stops out in a bipartisan manner . The world had become infected & it was a natural progression to speed up vaccines. Russia had a shot available before the West dis .

I have to disagree that he did what any president would do. The Democrats told us what they would have done.

They would not have done any travel restrictions early on because that was racist, so the virus would've spread faster and killed more people here in the U.S.

They would've enacted their deadly nursing home policies nationwide, so more people would have died.

They would not have lifted all the government red tape to allow the vaccine to be produced so quickly.

They would have enacted more sweeping lockdowns and other restrictions, crippling the economy even worse than it was.

They would have kept these restrictions on much longer, with God knows what disastrous economic consequences, not to mention all the mental health, education, and other side effects that they denied were even happening.
edit on 25 7 22 by face23785 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Trump did something no other president could have. He got two vaccines when everyone told him it was impossible. And the vaccine makers didn't announce their availability until a week after the election. But that's not suspicious at all.
Now the part where many folks don't trust the vaccine comes from a few different angles. On of the largest is the feeling of doubt when "they" (the government) pushed so hard for everyone to take this free shot. it's almost as if they wanted to sew doubt and mistrust. But they were able to politicize it, and make it a left vs right issue. When in reality, political affiliation should have nothing to do with one's ability to use common sense.

But there are conservatives who are vaxed and boosted, and there are lefties who didn't get the shot.
Trump did what any President would have been forced to due over covid , he pulled the stops out in a bipartisan manner . The world had become infected & it was a natural progression to speed up vaccines. Russia had a shot available before the West dis .

This statement directly contradicts the OP. How could he have done what any President would have done and still own COVID and the pandemic. I'm not a big Trump fan. I don't trust him. I did vote for him but only because of the other options. On this particular issue, he was in a no win situation. He tried to close the borders specifically because of COVID and got called a racist. If he hadn't pushed for vaccine development he would have been accused of letting people die. He pushed for vaccine development and he's accused of killing people. No win situation.
How can one man own this when the entire world became infected. Is COVID in Europe his fault too? South America? Russia? China? Maybe this is the fault of the people tinkering with diseases and weaponizing them.
edit on 25-7-2022 by Khaleesi because: Typo

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: jidnum
a reply to: MeatHookReality

If I drink sprite but not pepsi am i anti soda?

If I eat green bell peppers but not red, am I anti bell pepper?

If I eat ribeye but not filet, am I anti beef?

see where I'm going with this?

If not, I'll explain. not everyone is anti vax, most are just anti experimental covid jab. Big difference.

But see how they brainwash people with labels? instead of getting to know the person and what they stand for, you automatically jump to anti vax, a blanket statement that leaves out very very key details that matter.
You are using a poor example. I sad most & not all . You are using conjecture unlike myself.

posted on Jul, 25 2022 @ 01:05 PM

originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Trump did something no other president could have. He got two vaccines when everyone told him it was impossible. And the vaccine makers didn't announce their availability until a week after the election. But that's not suspicious at all.
Now the part where many folks don't trust the vaccine comes from a few different angles. On of the largest is the feeling of doubt when "they" (the government) pushed so hard for everyone to take this free shot. it's almost as if they wanted to sew doubt and mistrust. But they were able to politicize it, and make it a left vs right issue. When in reality, political affiliation should have nothing to do with one's ability to use common sense.

But there are conservatives who are vaxed and boosted, and there are lefties who didn't get the shot.
Trump did what any President would have been forced to due over covid , he pulled the stops out in a bipartisan manner . The world had become infected & it was a natural progression to speed up vaccines. Russia had a shot available before the West dis .

I have to disagree that he did what any president would do. The Democrats told us what they would have done.

They would not have done any travel restrictions early on because that was racist, so the virus would've spread faster and killed more people here in the U.S.

They would've enacted their deadly nursing home policies nationwide, so more people would have died.

They would not have lifted all the government red tape to allow the vaccine to be produced so quickly.

They would have enacted more sweeping lockdowns and other restrictions, crippling the economy even worse than it was.

They would have kept these restrictions on much longer, with God knows what disastrous economic consequences, not to mention all the mental health, education, and other side effects that they denied were even happening.
You just don’t get it do you ?
Had the Democrats been in charge at that time , they would have done the same things Donald did .
In a two party system it is expected to claim you would do the opposite of your opponent, until it’s your turn to make decisions & those decisions become opposite of what you say .
It’s called hypocrisy & all politicians live by it .

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