I know that people here like to blame Biden for all of our woes ever since coronavirus but I see few talking about Trump's role in all of this as
well. Trump was a lifelong Democrat up until he ran as a Republican in 2016.
It could be argued that Trump is the FACE of American capitalism as he has been a famous billionaire for decades and is seen as a genius businessman.
He's the face of the 1%.
There has been the largest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind ever since the coronavirus and the policies to counteract it were implemented.
The rich have gotten EXPONENTIALLY richer since 2020. Elon Musk has increased his net worth almost ten times over since 2020! That is only the most
egregious example, pretty much every other giant corporation got richer during the plandemic.
The coronavirus is such an obvious cash grab by the elites to anyone who is paying attention. EVERYTHING has gotten more expensive for YOU and ME
while those inflating their prices are making RECORD profits. They sit cushy in their mansions while we are paying double for gas.
When Trump was elected in 2016 he created a new office called the "Strategic and Policy Forum". Who was appointed the chair of this "forum" of
billionaires? Stephen Schwarzman, a lifelong Democrat and the CEO of Blackstone, a HUGE investment company that manages $41.2 BILLION dollars in
assets around the globe. You know, your typical GLOBALIST company that has HUGE sway over global economic policy.
Fast forward to the coronavirus in 2020. Who does Trump pick to lead the economic response to the coronavirus? A man named Larry Fink, yet another
lifelong Democrat who is the CEO of yet ANOTHER global investment company called BlackRock. This company manages a total of $177 BILLION in global
assets and is the largest asset management company in the world. Yet another globalist handpicked to oversee our economic response to the coronavirus.
How has our response to coronavirus worked out so far? Why is Trump, supposedly a red blooded conservative fighting for conservative rights, electing
lifelong DEMOCRATS to lead our policy and coronavirus response?
Blackstone and BlackRock. How fitting that the names are so similar to one another. Very likely symbolic. Speaking of symbolism Trump caught the
"China virus", something that he called "a gift from God", and was miraculously healed within days by taking a cocktail made by Regeneron. He was
cured by Regeneron yet endorses the vaccine and calls it one of the greatest achievements of mankind. Why is he taking the vaccine if he already knows
the Regeneron cocktail works like a charm? Isn't that STRANGE? There's something symbolic in that, as is his photoshoot on front of the church with an
upside down bible. Don't ask me what it means though.
If Trump is such a huge threat to the elites then why are they curing him of coronavirus within days with a drug that hardly anyone else has had or
even thought about since he was cured? Doesn't that seem weird to you? Jeffrey Epstein is six feet under but Trump apparently has plot armor. Give me
a break.
Look at Trump's campaign manager while running for president. David Bossie, the president and chairman of Citizens United, the advocacy group that
fought for corporations' "rights" to bribe our politicians with unlimited money anonymously and won! He fought for the elites' "right" to turn
politicians into their little mouthpieces.
Add Biden's totally inept administration making things even worse and you've got a REAL conspiracy on your hands. Almost as if the stars aligned for
the rich and powerful to rob everyone and make a clean getaway, barely any resistance as we were too busy fighting over all the other distractions
they spew over the media.
Where's all that stimulus money gone? Sucked to the top. All that money printed just to be siphoned into offshore bank accounts. I certainly don't see
that money anymore and 99% of other people don't either.
Trump owns the coronavirus and our response to it, his appointment of globalist billionaire CEO's to strategic policy positions goes to show that he's
in on the whole charade, nothing more than a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Trump was the perfect candidate to usher in the biggest wealth (and thus power) transfer in human history. He caused SO many distractions with his
antics and gave the media SO much material that we have taken our eyes off the ball.
edit on 23-7-2022 by RegularJo76 because: (no reason