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Is There A Middle Ground For mRNA "Vaccine" Side Effects?

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posted on Jul, 22 2022 @ 11:36 AM
Recently I was contemplating how every one is so divided on nearly every issue, but none more so than the mRNA vaccines. Like many other issues most people are on EXTREME ends of the spectrum. I personally am one of these people, but I'm trying to look at them through more of a neutral lens to see if anyone else has that perspective as well.

My rationale is that pretty much every big pharma corporation has allowed people to knowing die in order to profit. In 2009 Merck's drug Vioxx, killed killed between 100,000 and 500,000 Americans, and they knew it would do so, but chose to allow it to be on the market in order to profit. There is a documentary called The Devil We Know about telflon and how DuPoint chemical created it many decades ago. They basically contamined the world with it, and knew it caused cancer and other health conditions, but they fought for decades to deny it, even completing a corporate capture of the EPA to defend their story. The point is, corporations can and will do anything if the cost/risk benefit is on their side.

Extreme end of the spectrum supporting the mRNA vaccines: There are no side effects except a few and the vaccine has done an amazing job saving people. The data shows that the vaccine does a great job against severe side effects from corona virus. Corona virus is very deadly and should be taken seriously for all age groups.

Extreme other end of the spectrum against mRNA vaccines: The globalists ensured the vaccines will kill as many people as possible through hot batches, infertility, auto immune issues, cancers, and heart diseases. There are some other weird transhuman aspects to the vaccine, possibly graphene, and other strange things that can't be determined. Overall they are toxic and should be avoided at all costs.

So we now have a middle ground which I'm going to call "business as usual." The business as usual is to allow big pharma or any corporation to get away with as much as possible until they get caught and then pay a small fine relative to the profits they made. In many cases the gamble will pay off for them.

Is it possible, that the WARP SPEED mRNA vaccines that were rushed, barely tested, and pushed extremely hard, to the point of loss of job / live hood ARE causing many side effects and deaths, but it's not because of Klaus Schwab it's just business as usual? Not every person who gets vaccinated will die but more than an acceptable number will, and that is much greater than 50 which is generally when a new product gets pulled. Big Pharma demonized any other drug such as ivermectin and even vitamin D because it could threaten their profit margins? They completed a corporate capture of the CDC and FDA and had enough money and resources to force doctors to go along with the narrative or risk losing their license, in the name of profit? There are some strange things going on and some of them are related to the vaccine and some of them aren't. We really need to get to the bottom of this, but until both sides agree to give a little bit there will never be a middle ground.

edit on 22-7-2022 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2022 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Yeah. The middle ground is that every drug has side effects.

posted on Jul, 22 2022 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: tamusan
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Yeah. The middle ground is that every drug has side effects.

That's why there is an acceptable number. What is acceptable to you?

posted on Jul, 22 2022 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

A lot more than what the mRNA vaccines are actually causing.

posted on Jul, 22 2022 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: tamusan
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

A lot more than what the mRNA vaccines are actually causing.

How many do you think they are causing?

Also is the risk worth it for people who aren't at risk like children?

posted on Jul, 22 2022 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: tamusan
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

A lot more than what the mRNA vaccines are actually causing.

How many do you think they are causing?

Also is the risk worth it for people who aren't at risk like children?

My opinion is that only those with chronic illness need to be vaccinated against covid. How many times do I need to repeat that?

posted on Jul, 22 2022 @ 11:51 AM

originally posted by: tamusan

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: tamusan
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

A lot more than what the mRNA vaccines are actually causing.

How many do you think they are causing?

Also is the risk worth it for people who aren't at risk like children?

My opinion is that only those with chronic illness need to be vaccinated against covid. How many times do I need to repeat that?

You are aware the shots reduce immunity at least temporarily, right? And the alleged protection only lasts a short period of time against current variant? So how many shots could it take to reach an adverse effect?

posted on Jul, 22 2022 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Just an offshoot point here...Side effects...ARE the middle ground between illness and wellness. Just sayin".
(and also big $$$.)

Med Responder

posted on Jul, 22 2022 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

I am of the thought that the current climate is one of misdirection, lies, and obfuscation. If you don't think that's true, you are likely either really stupid, or one of the obfuscators. That isn't to say everything is a lie, but that is to say that lies are involved in a lot of what's going on. having said that, you cannot just point to a set of circumstances and say they = (X). They may be evidence that can be used to compile more data and come to a logical conclusion in the near future, which is what I personally think we should be doing. Saying things definitively at this stage will just cause anger and bring that action/reaction situation I continually bring up.

The vaccine was rushed. I don't give a rats ass who you wish to blame for that, they just were. Maybe for noble purposes, maybe not, it really doesn't matter. The part that went clown world on us, was where we were FORCED to take the jab. A brand new technology that not ONE person on the planet can say with certainty is 100% safe. If someone does say that, they need to be laughed at and never trusted with pointy objects.

As it stands now, we don't know at all what long term side effects may come from the vaccine if any. I know of people who died and while they weren't spring chickens, they were in good health, and died just the same. Curious, and sad, but not something I can say "it was the juice". But I can suspect it, and be cautious of it, and if I don't want to take it, I won't.

We do need to have rational, truthful discussion of this topic, real data does need to be accrued, and real people with real credentials need to look at this with an UNBIASED approach.

But I will say that the guy who denies everything brought up as a problem is no different at all from the guy who calls everything vax related. We need to move past this barrier, exactly as the OP has opined.

Our leaders will not, maybe at least here, we can find that elusive middle ground, a place called "truth".

posted on Jul, 22 2022 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

The truth is, that those mRNA injections are not vaccines, but bio weapons .

Dr. David Martin: 700 million worldwide will die from Covid shots by 2028

A lot people will die is my opinion. I cant see how middle ground would be possible in something like this. Peoples perceptions are often fake on much more simplyer things than this , like the colour of dress, and part will see other colours than the other part .

posted on Jul, 22 2022 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: tamusan

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: tamusan
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

A lot more than what the mRNA vaccines are actually causing.

How many do you think they are causing?

Also is the risk worth it for people who aren't at risk like children?

My opinion is that only those with chronic illness need to be vaccinated against covid. How many times do I need to repeat that?

It's worth repeating for the sake of this conversation as v1rtu0s0 has stated that the intent of this thread is to discuss the middle ground which we probably have to understand in order to end the divide in society.

I would have said the exact same thing as you in the beginning that, if a vaccine was available and may benefit those with chronic illness, then they should have that option.

What set off my suspicion was the way the vaccine was pushed on healthy people who were at ages where they were barely at risk of the disease in the first place. That, as well as my background, sent me immediately to the extreme end of negative thought toward the shots. Many of us feel the same about it here but it's hardly a normal percentage out in society where most people take the middle ground.

If the middle ground is that every drug has side effects, which is true, I still don't understand why they thought it was ok to force it on healthy people, who didn't want to take the chance of any side effects. And then why did society demonize them?

So my parallel example would be like this... in canada, at the moment, we have a massive doctor shortage. I have adhd and am prescribe stimulants for it. Online doctors are not able to prescribe or refill this class of drugs so it means seeing a doctor in person, which is pretty impossible unless you already have a family doctor. I had one but he quit during the pandemic. So the only other options I have are non stimulant drugs which work great for some people but have a whole range of potential side effects that I'm not willing to experiment with during the summer, as I have a seasonal job and it's critical the season run smoothly. So I make the choice to go without, accepting the familiar downsides but knowing I won't mess anything up by trying something new, introducing new factors.

No one would judge this medical decision but yet when the drug is swapped for the covid drug it suddenly becomes everybody's business. The big argument being that covid is contageous is logical but the fact people are not seeing the endless boosters as sign of waning efficacy is strange to me. My friend, who has copd, just told me she got covid twice despite having had four total shots, but it would have been so much worse without. Perhaps, in her case, but for a healthy person I don't understand why they take the risk of the shots in the first place.

I'm on an extreme end of opinion because I simply don't understand where the middle ground and pro mandate people are coming from.

The only thing I can think of is I never had any fear of covid as I'm healthy so I remained skeptical. Had I been compromised I may have feared for my safety and felt differently.

posted on Jul, 22 2022 @ 01:29 PM
The middle ground is simple.

If it was meant to save lives, then very little profits should come from the advent. Not billions. It shouldn't be subsidized by gov't departments across the globe either. Also, all information should be made public from the start. Not hiding behind a 75 year paywall.

There is no middle ground.

Only motive.

posted on Jul, 22 2022 @ 01:42 PM
Dont quote me on this but people are noticeably more sluggish and slow in the head as compared to before the plandemic. Just seems that way dont ask for irrefutable proof.

posted on Jul, 22 2022 @ 01:47 PM

originally posted by: SeriouslyDeep
Dont quote me on this but people are noticeably more sluggish and slow in the head as compared to before the plandemic. Just seems that way dont ask for irrefutable proof.

I have noticed this too. I think it's from thick blood and microclotting which can go unnoticed for a long time before it becomes a blood clot.

posted on Jul, 22 2022 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: tamusan

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: tamusan
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

A lot more than what the mRNA vaccines are actually causing.

How many do you think they are causing?

Also is the risk worth it for people who aren't at risk like children?

My opinion is that only those with chronic illness need to be vaccinated against covid. How many times do I need to repeat that?

You are aware the shots reduce immunity at least temporarily, right? And the alleged protection only lasts a short period of time against current variant? So how many shots could it take to reach an adverse effect?

Source for literally any of that.

posted on Jul, 22 2022 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: SeriouslyDeep
Dont quote me on this but people are noticeably more sluggish and slow in the head as compared to before the plandemic. Just seems that way dont ask for irrefutable proof.

I have noticed this too. I think it's from thick blood and microclotting which can go unnoticed for a long time before it becomes a blood clot.

Source for literally any of that.

posted on Jul, 22 2022 @ 01:56 PM

originally posted by: havok
The middle ground is simple.

If it was meant to save lives, then very little profits should come from the advent. Not billions. It shouldn't be subsidized by gov't departments across the globe either. Also, all information should be made public from the start. Not hiding behind a 75 year paywall.

There is no middle ground.

Only motive.

I know I would feel better if a deep intrusive study was done on the profitability of this pandemic, who profited off of it, and by how much. If the same names come up getting lots of profit as those who pushed for the mandates, then Houston, we have a problem.

posted on Jul, 22 2022 @ 01:56 PM

originally posted by: SeriouslyDeep
Dont quote me on this but people are noticeably more sluggish and slow in the head as compared to before the plandemic. Just seems that way dont ask for irrefutable proof.

Of course, this could just be due to people socializing less, and spending more time in front of the TV.

Or it being 2022.

I could take everything that you said and dial it back to the 1980s, maybe.

posted on Jul, 22 2022 @ 01:57 PM
According to the MSM they are safe and effective.

posted on Jul, 22 2022 @ 01:58 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


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