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I think humanity is in checkmate.

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posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 05:43 AM
a reply to: incoserv

So basically, humanity is doomed because of Dutch farmers being screwed and the NWO?


posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 07:18 AM
a reply to: incoserv
It's not checkmate yet. We can still castle, but if we don't do it soon, the game will be over.

edit on 7/21/2022 by Klassified because: reword

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 10:39 AM
It’s a battle for control of your mind. The rest is collateral damage.

a reply to: incoserv

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 10:47 AM
There comes a point where you realize that many (if not most) people are content being mindless obedient slaves. I've actually come to that point many times, then I'll back up a bit and try to engender a little hope, only get slammed with the reality again.

Enjoy your servitude, folks ... if you survive the purging. Yeah, it'll be that rough.
edit on 2022 7 21 by incoserv because: always typos

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: incoserv

Maybe the framing things into a game of chess or other things is the issue?

Here's another way of framing things... Dutch farmers being part of a large corporate international order are now frustrated with the choices of those above them.

See what I did there? I lumped the farmers into the NWO malarkey. Because practically they rely on said order for their business. But enough of that... I have a question for you, how do you feel about the grape farmers of Southern France when they violently protest the importation of cheap Spanish wine?

Do you support the curtailing of free trade?

I only mention that because ultimately it'll all come down to ideology and there's 100's more shades of grey than there is black and white.

But if you must insist on black and white board (and boring) games then I'd wholeheartedly and lovingly suggest you divorce yourself from the 'NWO' and learn to live independently from their systems and subjugation. Which is back to ideology, how much are you willing to suffer for yours?

Most won't, most want just cushy lives and never rock the boat till their particular seat gets wet. We humans are naturally selfish. Which is why I think getting all all asymmetrically warfare-like with the 'NWO' is the height of stupidity. If either side is serious about the supposed future then their actions will leave countless dead.

Personally I'm not seeing that but if I did then I'd get a divorce. I hate to go all circular on logic but I'm not just talking about the 1st and 2nd party when it comes to abuse either. All actions have consequences and they often reach further than we see.

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 12:51 PM
All your farm are belong to us.

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 03:28 PM
That’s something many did. Remember the “pussy hats”

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
Great advice. If you think you're beaten be a sore loser and act like a spoiled child.

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 04:36 PM
We could bring an end to them and this so easily, SO easily. The power always rests with the people, but the people are so easy to control. We could rise and shake these parasites off, but we won’t, most of us anyway, slumbering into a nightmare of their own making.

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: incoserv

What makes you any different? What are you doing that’s so amazingly rogue and independent?

Posting on the internet about the NWO doesn’t make you any different than the people you’re criticising.

posted on Jul, 22 2022 @ 02:03 AM
a reply to: ARM1968

We could bring an end to them and this so easily, SO easily. The power always rests with the people, but the people are so easy to control. We could rise and shake these parasites off, but we won’t, most of us anyway, slumbering into a nightmare of their own making.

Can we really? When getting into the testimony of people like Ronald Benard, it does provide some situational awareness to the scale and resources of the forces behind the global agenda. I know people that have tried, got some bad blow back.

Don't get in the way of an enemy destroying themselves is my general approach for now. With the Degal population forecast in the realm of possibility with the trends going on. These large corporate and government chambers are going to lose a lot of capability in be able to do anything, things are already under streee. Prepare for things returning to a more basic way of life. Maybe it will lead to a new age of progress, maybe it all goes Mad Max, maybe a bit of both?

To shake these parasites off, step out of your dependency on them where you can. If they want to do crazy stuff, that's on them. All I really have control of is how I respond to it. Getting involved in the local community with others that can also see the problems helps when looking for solutions.

posted on Jul, 22 2022 @ 05:15 PM

originally posted by: kwakakev
a reply to: ARM1968

We could bring an end to them and this so easily, SO easily. The power always rests with the people, but the people are so easy to control. We could rise and shake these parasites off, but we won’t, most of us anyway, slumbering into a nightmare of their own making.

Can we really? When getting into the testimony of people like Ronald Benard, it does provide some situational awareness to the scale and resources of the forces behind the global agenda. I know people that have tried, got some bad blow back.

Don't get in the way of an enemy destroying themselves is my general approach for now. With the Degal population forecast in the realm of possibility with the trends going on. These large corporate and government chambers are going to lose a lot of capability in be able to do anything, things are already under streee. Prepare for things returning to a more basic way of life. Maybe it will lead to a new age of progress, maybe it all goes Mad Max, maybe a bit of both?

To shake these parasites off, step out of your dependency on them where you can. If they want to do crazy stuff, that's on them. All I really have control of is how I respond to it. Getting involved in the local community with others that can also see the problems helps when looking for solutions.

If the world rose as one we could tear down and destroy everyone of them and every pillar of their ivory tower. It would be a chaotic, apocalyptic event and it will never happen.

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