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Canadian Chief Of Medicine - Olympic Sailor - Marathon Runner - Dies Suddenly

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posted on Jul, 20 2022 @ 05:46 AM
Long long before Covid vaccines there were always healthy people who suddenly die while doing exercise. The key difference now is people are looking for these common cases & labeling them as vaccine deaths .
Before, Covid when these things happened it was tragic, but none of those cases were news .
There are people searching for anything that can support their narrative.
Ive know no one who has died from a vaccine, but I knew multiple people who died from Covid -19 complications.
Just stop all this conjecture, because it is foolish.

posted on Jul, 20 2022 @ 05:52 AM

originally posted by: ElitePlebeian
Without a comparison of statistics this proposed trend really says nothing...

posted on Jul, 20 2022 @ 05:56 AM

originally posted by: Zenchuck

originally posted by: ElitePlebeian
Without a comparison of statistics this proposed trend really says nothing...


Now I've been around the sun nearly 50 times, and during this last trip I was eating a Big Mac at McDonalds when I was asked to leave on account of one of the staff dropping dead. Also witnessed a shopper dropping at the local grocery store who was then wheeled out on a gurney. Later the same day I went to the local school to find out one of the teachers had a heart attack. My neighbor was hit with a weird neurological problem which has him falling over all the time. My best friends mother and wife were diagnosed with cancer in the same week. His mother was dead in a month and his wife battles on. The wood delivery guy told me his wife is battling cancer. The pastor of a local church had a sudden heart attack and died while on a hike - extremely fit. We couldn't schedule a meeting at work because all the big shots were away at funerals.

Is this just conformation bias...

I guess when I wake up one morning and everyone is dead I'll consider the idea that something is out of the ordinary.
Your story sure seems suspicious. Can you provide all the evidence for your personal witness of mass deaths & cancer in your small circle ?

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