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Award-winning LGBT activist charged with child pornography

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posted on Jul, 18 2022 @ 08:16 PM

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: M5xaz
a reply to: trollz

Man with sexual drag queen fantaisies - Check

Same man reads to J-K children in his sex-fetish drag queen outfit - Check

Same man later found out to have pedo photo collection - Well, duhhh.....

How could anyone not see this coming ?
How can some parent even think of letting their 4-5 year olds close to Drag Queens ?
Outcome is predictable

Uh sometimes its not a turn on to dress up. so thats not always the case. some are able to feel better by just dressing up. those with gender dysphoria who want to go on hormones have to dress as female for a few months while seeing a pschologist before being approved most of the time.

THAT "person" who had kiddie porn,was a minority of the trans/cross/lgbt people,and gives everyone of them a bad rap for just being how they are.

And plenty of drag queens are not molestors btw. I seem to recall ru paul doing work with children and not having any such problems.

Dressing up is one thing

Dressing up and wanting to go "read" to 4-5 year olds is VERY disturbing and should raise alarm bells in any normal parent.

Ru-Paul has NOT YET been exposed as a pedo/molestor. His Jimmy Saville day will come..

So just take it out on all who are different right?

No, taking it out against those that act out their sexual fetish in front of children

The same way people dressed in BDSM outfits in front of children would be innapropriate

....DUH !!
edit on 18-7-2022 by M5xaz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2022 @ 11:22 PM

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: M5xaz
a reply to: trollz

Man with sexual drag queen fantaisies - Check

Same man reads to J-K children in his sex-fetish drag queen outfit - Check

Same man later found out to have pedo photo collection - Well, duhhh.....

How could anyone not see this coming ?
How can some parent even think of letting their 4-5 year olds close to Drag Queens ?
Outcome is predictable

Uh sometimes its not a turn on to dress up. so thats not always the case. some are able to feel better by just dressing up. those with gender dysphoria who want to go on hormones have to dress as female for a few months while seeing a pschologist before being approved most of the time.

THAT "person" who had kiddie porn,was a minority of the trans/cross/lgbt people,and gives everyone of them a bad rap for just being how they are.

And plenty of drag queens are not molestors btw. I seem to recall ru paul doing work with children and not having any such problems.

Dressing up is one thing

Dressing up and wanting to go "read" to 4-5 year olds is VERY disturbing and should raise alarm bells in any normal parent.

Ru-Paul has NOT YET been exposed as a pedo/molestor. His Jimmy Saville day will come..

So just take it out on all who are different right?

No, taking it out against those that act out their sexual fetish in front of children

The same way people dressed in BDSM outfits in front of children would be innapropriate

....DUH !!

So just ignore the WHOLE POST AND CHERRY PICK A SINGLE SENTENCE. ALOT of CD's are not doing it for sexual purposes if they are in public,ESPECIALLY to children.
its a very low percentage,but why Am I posting this when its not going to be quoted properly?

posted on Jul, 19 2022 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: yuppa

True, and I don't care how you feel as long as you don't go around innapropriately touching children or worse. That goes for how I feel towards anyone however they identify or feel.

posted on Jul, 20 2022 @ 11:56 PM

originally posted by: WIKDHOTSNOMAN
a reply to: trollz

Grown men who dress up like anything shouldn't be around children.

Especially if they dress up like women.

These are sick depraved people using an excuse given to them.

LGBT+ anything should be adults only.

ANYTHING of a sexual nature should be adults only. When did it go so wrong? If a normal hetro chick was to go to a school in a g-string and nipple tassles to read to the kids, the uproar would be extreme. Hell, theres a million Karens out there complaining that the Mum's that pick up their kids are wearing 'provocative' attire.

How is it wrong for a woman who identifies as a woman to wear a low cut top to school pickups, but we are meant to celebrate a trans wearing something that should only be seen in the bedroom or a strip club out in the general public.

This is a big problem WELL before introducing the potential for pedo's to be added into the mix.
Many comments above have correctly pointed out that LGBTQ does not equal PEDO. There are sick deviants on all sides of the equation.

But the fact of the matter remains, this celebration of Trans is exposing children to something they should not be thinking about that young
edit on 21-7-2022 by IxTheReaper because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2022 @ 11:55 PM

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: M5xaz
a reply to: trollz

Man with sexual drag queen fantaisies - Check

Same man reads to J-K children in his sex-fetish drag queen outfit - Check

Same man later found out to have pedo photo collection - Well, duhhh.....

How could anyone not see this coming ?
How can some parent even think of letting their 4-5 year olds close to Drag Queens ?
Outcome is predictable

Uh sometimes its not a turn on to dress up. so thats not always the case. some are able to feel better by just dressing up. those with gender dysphoria who want to go on hormones have to dress as female for a few months while seeing a pschologist before being approved most of the time.

THAT "person" who had kiddie porn,was a minority of the trans/cross/lgbt people,and gives everyone of them a bad rap for just being how they are.

And plenty of drag queens are not molestors btw. I seem to recall ru paul doing work with children and not having any such problems.

Dressing up is one thing

Dressing up and wanting to go "read" to 4-5 year olds is VERY disturbing and should raise alarm bells in any normal parent.

Ru-Paul has NOT YET been exposed as a pedo/molestor. His Jimmy Saville day will come..

So just take it out on all who are different right?

No, taking it out against those that act out their sexual fetish in front of children

The same way people dressed in BDSM outfits in front of children would be innapropriate

....DUH !!

So just ignore the WHOLE POST AND CHERRY PICK A SINGLE SENTENCE. ALOT of CD's are not doing it for sexual purposes if they are in public,ESPECIALLY to children.
its a very low percentage,but why Am I posting this when its not going to be quoted properly?

You have it completely ass-backwards

Drag queen is overwhelmingly a sexual fetish

It is innapropriate to "read " to 4-5 year olds while dressed that way, or in a BDSM outfit, or while pole dancing topless.

What is it you don't understand ?
MIXING KIDS AND SEX is WRONG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why do you keep defending this ? Exposes who you are....

posted on Jul, 24 2022 @ 02:50 AM

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: M5xaz
a reply to: trollz

Man with sexual drag queen fantaisies - Check

Same man reads to J-K children in his sex-fetish drag queen outfit - Check

Same man later found out to have pedo photo collection - Well, duhhh.....

How could anyone not see this coming ?
How can some parent even think of letting their 4-5 year olds close to Drag Queens ?
Outcome is predictable

Uh sometimes its not a turn on to dress up. so thats not always the case. some are able to feel better by just dressing up. those with gender dysphoria who want to go on hormones have to dress as female for a few months while seeing a pschologist before being approved most of the time.

THAT "person" who had kiddie porn,was a minority of the trans/cross/lgbt people,and gives everyone of them a bad rap for just being how they are.

And plenty of drag queens are not molestors btw. I seem to recall ru paul doing work with children and not having any such problems.

Crossdressing is not a part of LGBT. Crossdressing is a fetishization. Drag is a performance aspect of that but often still draws heavily on the erotic aspects. There are also lots of comedy drag, but it's largely inappropriate for children.

Trans people should not be conflated with crossdressers and they don't seek to be garish and to stand out. Feeling like the opposite gender does not make one wish to be a caricature of that gender. Trans people have fought for decades just to be a regular part of society. They aren't screeching on social media and shaking their genitals at children. That's sexual deviancy and narcissism.

This has been shoehorned in and anybody that disagreed was pushed out like the progressive identity politics machine always does. If you don't agree you aren't really gay or trans, you ain't black, you ain't your identity, because it all depends on accepting their projections onto communities they aren't a real part of. You have to accept sexual festishization as a wonderful thing to introduce in the classroom. It's not. It's a fake argument to make those people who depend on that community for support afraid of speaking out. The left victimizes their own pet groups for non-compliance.

Drag in the childrens spaces being rejected is not an indictment on America being homophobic, it's an indictment on the alt-left being out of control.

The only people defending this either don't understand the community or are complicit in allowing children to be targeted. This was never the goal of normal people trying to live their lives in peace, this was a political agenda thrust upon a minority population by the party that allegedly supported them. I highly doubt anybody in the community has found being lumped with pedophiles is a milestone for LGBT. Pedophiles aren't going to speak up against it, nor the fetish movement that literally derives pleasure from the exhibitionism, so it's up to the regular LGBT community to start denouncing this assault on children.

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