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Award-winning LGBT activist charged with child pornography

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posted on Jul, 15 2022 @ 05:52 PM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
Yes, I'm sure straight guys would never molest children.

Opps, just googled it, and it seems plenty of filthy straight men molest children and have kiddie porn too.

Guess that brush will have to be bigger.

Yes, child porn and child molesters are disgusting, but please, let's not pretend that all drag queens do this, and I won't pretend all the straight guys here do it either.

Your agenda is clear, your thinking is not.
What happened here is grooming kids & molesting. The democratic lgbtq agenda is to groom kids into sex and transgenderism at a way to young age. Let kids at least reach puberty before any sex education (note not showing porn etc) and they should never talk to them about transgenderism !

posted on Jul, 15 2022 @ 09:28 PM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
Yes, I'm sure straight guys would never molest children.

Opps, just googled it, and it seems plenty of filthy straight men molest children and have kiddie porn too.

Guess that brush will have to be bigger.

Yes, child porn and child molesters are disgusting, but please, let's not pretend that all drag queens do this, and I won't pretend all the straight guys here do it either.

Your agenda is clear, your thinking is not.

Looks like this thread was SPECIFICALLY about a drag queen & LGBT activist. Nothing is stopping you from making your own threads about straight guys busted for the same thing, have at er.

posted on Jul, 15 2022 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: trollz

Man with sexual drag queen fantaisies - Check

Same man reads to J-K children in his sex-fetish drag queen outfit - Check

Same man later found out to have pedo photo collection - Well, duhhh.....

How could anyone not see this coming ?
How can some parent even think of letting their 4-5 year olds close to Drag Queens ?
Outcome is predictable
edit on 15-7-2022 by M5xaz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: M5xaz
a reply to: trollz

Man with sexual drag queen fantaisies - Check

Same man reads to J-K children in his sex-fetish drag queen outfit - Check

Same man later found out to have pedo photo collection - Well, duhhh.....

How could anyone not see this coming ?
How can some parent even think of letting their 4-5 year olds close to Drag Queens ?
Outcome is predictable

Uh sometimes its not a turn on to dress up. so thats not always the case. some are able to feel better by just dressing up. those with gender dysphoria who want to go on hormones have to dress as female for a few months while seeing a pschologist before being approved most of the time.

THAT "person" who had kiddie porn,was a minority of the trans/cross/lgbt people,and gives everyone of them a bad rap for just being how they are.

And plenty of drag queens are not molestors btw. I seem to recall ru paul doing work with children and not having any such problems.

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 07:53 PM
The parents who willingly put their kids in that kind of environment should know better. I'm willing to bet they are either super ignorant and think nothing bad ever happens or actually support exposing their children to groomers and child molesters. By that metric I'd even go so far as to say the parents themselves are groomers and liable to have at least some illegal material on their personal devices.

This person will just be yet another LGBTQ person who gets ostracized to some degree while all the others gatekeep and say we're not all like this and LGBTQ as a community doesn't condone it. If they truly don't they should be more active in making sure that children aren't exposed and molested during their parades and they should really reconsider sponsoring having children in drag clubs, gay bars, and strip clubs.

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 08:10 PM

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: M5xaz
a reply to: trollz

Man with sexual drag queen fantaisies - Check

Same man reads to J-K children in his sex-fetish drag queen outfit - Check

Same man later found out to have pedo photo collection - Well, duhhh.....

How could anyone not see this coming ?
How can some parent even think of letting their 4-5 year olds close to Drag Queens ?
Outcome is predictable

Uh sometimes its not a turn on to dress up. so thats not always the case. some are able to feel better by just dressing up. those with gender dysphoria who want to go on hormones have to dress as female for a few months while seeing a pschologist before being approved most of the time.

THAT "person" who had kiddie porn,was a minority of the trans/cross/lgbt people,and gives everyone of them a bad rap for just being how they are.

And plenty of drag queens are not molestors btw. I seem to recall ru paul doing work with children and not having any such problems.

To be fair we live in a world where it would be unwise to just assume someone isn't something just because they haven't been caught yet. Especially when it comes to worling with children and other vulnerable people. The very places they are supposed to feel safe always attract those who are looking to take advantage of the already at risk people seeking suppprt and protection.

This isn't just relegated to LGBTQ matters.

I'm suspicious of all people who want to work with kids regardless of ideology, culture, sex or gender. Same goes to those who wish to work with women or any other people who are the victims of abuse.

Besides the actual perpetrators of these terrible acts there are even more people who work alongside them, who may even be aware that said things are going on, but are too weak to take a stand for the very people they claim to care for. In my mind they are just as bad.

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 08:13 PM

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: M5xaz
a reply to: trollz

Man with sexual drag queen fantaisies - Check

Same man reads to J-K children in his sex-fetish drag queen outfit - Check

Same man later found out to have pedo photo collection - Well, duhhh.....

How could anyone not see this coming ?
How can some parent even think of letting their 4-5 year olds close to Drag Queens ?
Outcome is predictable

Uh sometimes its not a turn on to dress up. so thats not always the case. some are able to feel better by just dressing up. those with gender dysphoria who want to go on hormones have to dress as female for a few months while seeing a pschologist before being approved most of the time.

THAT "person" who had kiddie porn,was a minority of the trans/cross/lgbt people,and gives everyone of them a bad rap for just being how they are.

And plenty of drag queens are not molestors btw. I seem to recall ru paul doing work with children and not having any such problems.

Dressing up is one thing

Dressing up and wanting to go "read" to 4-5 year olds is VERY disturbing and should raise alarm bells in any normal parent.

Ru-Paul has NOT YET been exposed as a pedo/molestor. His Jimmy Saville day will come..
edit on 16-7-2022 by M5xaz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 11:39 PM

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: M5xaz
a reply to: trollz

Man with sexual drag queen fantaisies - Check

Same man reads to J-K children in his sex-fetish drag queen outfit - Check

Same man later found out to have pedo photo collection - Well, duhhh.....

How could anyone not see this coming ?
How can some parent even think of letting their 4-5 year olds close to Drag Queens ?
Outcome is predictable

Uh sometimes its not a turn on to dress up. so thats not always the case. some are able to feel better by just dressing up. those with gender dysphoria who want to go on hormones have to dress as female for a few months while seeing a pschologist before being approved most of the time.

THAT "person" who had kiddie porn,was a minority of the trans/cross/lgbt people,and gives everyone of them a bad rap for just being how they are.

And plenty of drag queens are not molestors btw. I seem to recall ru paul doing work with children and not having any such problems.

Dressing up is one thing

Dressing up and wanting to go "read" to 4-5 year olds is VERY disturbing and should raise alarm bells in any normal parent.

Ru-Paul has NOT YET been exposed as a pedo/molestor. His Jimmy Saville day will come..

Now how many dress up and go read to children? less than 1-to-5 percent of the total percentage of people are doing so.

So now that we established that its a minority of a minority that fit your mold,what about the rest? I have no desire to even associate with people who are attracted to children.
Those people are from ALL STRIPES,and all backrounds.
Priest do it,police do it,masculine men do it,women do it to a lesser degree.
And not a one of them are LGBTQ or crossdress and are what are called straight.
Its a crime that goes across all parties,and beliefs.
Even the knights templar had pedos in its ranks.
ANYONE wanting to go read to children who does not have their own are weird.

So just take it out on all who are different right?

posted on Jul, 17 2022 @ 07:30 AM

originally posted by: trollz
In another surprise to nobody, a prominent LGBT activist has been arrested for possessing numerous pornographic videos and photos of prepubescent children engaging in sex acts.

Brice Williams, a drag queen who goes by the stage name of ‘Anastasia Diamond’, has been charged with 25 counts of possessing child pornography. Williams was previously honored for his work with LGBT youth and more controversially, was filmed performing a drag show for minors.

Williams admitted to police that he had viewed child porn since 2014

The accused did . . . prevention work with GLO Harrisburg, a center that provides a “safe space” for minority LGBT youth.

An undated video shared by the ‘Libs of TikTok’ Twitter account showed Williams performing for a group of children, apparently in a gay bar.

It boggles my mind that these perverts are being openly allowed to involve children in their sexually-deviant activities.
Grown men who dress up in lingerie and dance for children are perverts and pedophiles.
Grown men who dress up in lingerie and actively seek out opportunities to surround themselves with vulnerable children are perverts and pedophiles.
Grown men who encourage children to dress up in lingerie and dance for attention/money are perverts and pedophiles.
Is anyone truly surprised that this man has been found to have a bunch of videos of prepubescent children having sex with grown men?

The fact that these people are being celebrated and encouraged to involve children in their sexual perversions across the country instead of vehemently opposed is a sign that our society has become truly sick. I'd ask how far we can possibly fall, but we're at the bottom. We really are.

In another slightly related piece of news, a drag queen in nothing but panties and with very visible breasts was recently seen on video parading a little girl around a bar to collect money for her. I thought about posting it but felt too grossed out to even bring it up, but these things can't be ignored. We have a moral obligation to call this crap out and stand up for whatever ounce of decency is even still left.
Source 2
Im more liberal than most here & disagree with many , but people who exploit or destroy children should be feed to sharks ..

posted on Jul, 17 2022 @ 08:46 AM

The accused did . . . prevention work with GLO Harrisburg, a center that provides a “safe space” for minority LGBT youth.

That's the entire reason people get into this kind of thing. Gives them access to victims.

This also applies to male feminists. They always turn out to be the biggest predators.

posted on Jul, 17 2022 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: trollz

This is what you get when we let people have access to our children like this. This is why we should not allow teachers/LGBTQ activists "Teach" 4 year olds about sex in school, or in drag parties at school or anywhere else. Putting children in drag shows IS sexualisation by definition. So no you are not "Saving Lives" by doing that.


posted on Jul, 17 2022 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: timewarpedbrain7
That linked video is truly disgusting.

I don't understand when this started to get so normalized and I know I'm not going to just take this or let it be around my kids.

For the past decade already. It has gotten progressively worse.( No pun intended here either)

posted on Jul, 17 2022 @ 12:42 PM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
Yes, I'm sure straight guys would never molest children.

Opps, just googled it, and it seems plenty of filthy straight men molest children and have kiddie porn too.

Guess that brush will have to be bigger.

Yes, child porn and child molesters are disgusting, but please, let's not pretend that all drag queens do this, and I won't pretend all the straight guys here do it either.

Your agenda is clear, your thinking is not.

But those have not organized themselves under a brand like LGBTQ and taken control of schools and other places where they have direct access to children every day, having all that time for their grooming practices that are very low risk and even protected.

posted on Jul, 17 2022 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: trollz

Grown men who dress up like anything shouldn't be around children.

Especially if they dress up like women.

These are sick depraved people using an excuse given to them.

LGBT+ anything should be adults only.

posted on Jul, 18 2022 @ 02:44 AM
no mate they want hell here on earth a reply to: Violater1

posted on Jul, 18 2022 @ 10:43 AM

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: M5xaz
a reply to: trollz

Man with sexual drag queen fantaisies - Check

Same man reads to J-K children in his sex-fetish drag queen outfit - Check

Same man later found out to have pedo photo collection - Well, duhhh.....

How could anyone not see this coming ?
How can some parent even think of letting their 4-5 year olds close to Drag Queens ?
Outcome is predictable

Uh sometimes its not a turn on to dress up. so thats not always the case. some are able to feel better by just dressing up. those with gender dysphoria who want to go on hormones have to dress as female for a few months while seeing a pschologist before being approved most of the time.

THAT "person" who had kiddie porn,was a minority of the trans/cross/lgbt people,and gives everyone of them a bad rap for just being how they are.

And plenty of drag queens are not molestors btw. I seem to recall ru paul doing work with children and not having any such problems.

Dressing up is one thing

Dressing up and wanting to go "read" to 4-5 year olds is VERY disturbing and should raise alarm bells in any normal parent.

Ru-Paul has NOT YET been exposed as a pedo/molestor. His Jimmy Saville day will come..

Now how many dress up and go read to children? less than 1-to-5 percent of the total percentage of people are doing so.

So now that we established that its a minority of a minority that fit your mold,what about the rest? I have no desire to even associate with people who are attracted to children.
Those people are from ALL STRIPES,and all backrounds.
Priest do it,police do it,masculine men do it,women do it to a lesser degree.
And not a one of them are LGBTQ or crossdress and are what are called straight.
Its a crime that goes across all parties,and beliefs.
Even the knights templar had pedos in its ranks.
ANYONE wanting to go read to children who does not have their own are weird.

So just take it out on all who are different right?

Agree with ya for the most part, but women only do it to a lesser degree, because the vast majority of studies have focused on men, and ignored that women are capable of being attracted to children as well. People don't like thinking about this topic and they especially don't like thinking that women who are supposed to be nourishing supporting figures in a childrens lives can also be predators.

posted on Jul, 18 2022 @ 10:49 AM

I was a supporter of LGBTQ as a community when I was younger. It was nice finding other people who wouldn't judge me for being a bisexual man in what used to be a place where gay people were only tolerated as long as they weren't open about it.

But that ended the day I went to a pride parade and saw children being twerked on and groped and cheered on by adults.

People can say LGBTQ"+" doesn't support pedophiles, because they don't want to believe it, but they sure do a good job of ignoring what really goes on at their events.

posted on Jul, 18 2022 @ 06:25 PM

originally posted by: AutomateThis1v2

I was a supporter of LGBTQ as a community when I was younger. It was nice finding other people who wouldn't judge me for being a bisexual man in what used to be a place where gay people were only tolerated as long as they weren't open about it.

But that ended the day I went to a pride parade and saw children being twerked on and groped and cheered on by adults.

People can say LGBTQ"+" doesn't support pedophiles, because they don't want to believe it, but they sure do a good job of ignoring what really goes on at their events.

All groups have pedos in them,so its not a surprise. Im gender dysphoric myself btw.

posted on Jul, 18 2022 @ 07:15 PM
Never saw this coming.

posted on Jul, 18 2022 @ 07:22 PM
LGBTQ "P" (P = Pedos ) should be the new acronym for these POS!

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