Our known universe exists as 3 spatial dimensions and 1 time dimension. In light of Einstein's theory of relativity where space and time are
interchangeable, Physicists have wondered whether or not there could be other assortments of combinations that would allow a stable universe.
According to MIT physicist Max Tegmark there are only two assortments of spacetime that would allow a possible universe. One is our conventional
universe, and the other is a universe that consists of 3 time dimensions and 1 spatial dimension:
This other possible universe is called the Tachyon Universe. It consists of particles that never travel less than the speed of light, and therefore it
is unable to be measured directly. Although we cannot observe this universe directly, I believe we have been seeing shadows of this dimension for the
past known history. Consider a being that exists in this dimension, being unrestrained by time or space due to its ability to surpass the speed of
light. It would be able to appear spontaneously on a mountaintop, fly at speeds that are impossible for human technology, interfere with electronic
systems, interact with your neural circuitry, and so on. These descriptions account for mostly all miraculous occurrences and UFOs throughout history.
When these beings transition into our 3-dimensional world, it is often observed as the appearance of a light out of nowhere. They are coming from the
Tachyon universe.
Above is a representation of a simple tachyon entity (the grey sphere in the background) which is observed in our physical world as two lights
departing away from each other. UFO enthusiasts may be familiar with these types of peculiarities. Synchronized lights that converge or diverge from
each other, and appear/disappear spontaneously are strong indications that these are actually extra-dimensional Tachyon beings:
(skip to 2:30)
I believe the Tachyon universe is what has been conventionally known as the Spirit world, otherwise known as Heaven. This matches mostly all
metaphysical depictions of this realm. It manifests in our world as light, and is quite literally existent within the light itself.
“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12
Essentially, Jesus was teaching us how to access this world. It is a common misconception that you have to die to get to Heaven, but in actuality the
kingdom of Heaven is already at hand. It is within us, and around us. It is the Tachyonic universe that pervades all things and is no longer limited
to time or space. In the beginning, Adam and Eve existed in the Tachyon universe, and they could literally do anything besides the one thing that
would inevitably plunge them into the material dimension, also referred to as the shadow of the valley of death.
After the fall, the material beings still had a fairly close link with the Tachyon universe, despite not being able to permanently cross back into it.
This allowed unbelievable longevity among them, depicted not only in the Bible but also in the Sumerian pre-flood Kings List. The old world had to be
destroyed though, because the bridge to the tachyonic universe was so easily traversable, that angels from the Tachyon (Heavenly) world came to the
earthly realm and mated with the women. These were known as the Nephilim.
They were deified among other cultures, most notably the Greek Pantheon. When Tachyon beings manifest in the physical world, they take the human form.
This is what it means to be made in the image of God. The human vessel is the ideal creator vessel in the 3D realm. Many of the other miraculous
occurrences in the Bible and other holy texts describe some sort of transition from the Tachyon universe. Take for example Ezekiel's vision of
other-worldly entities that visited him.
Or the flying machine "Vimanas" described by the Hindus
This is how the Tachyon universe, or Heaven, remains hidden despite inhabiting all space and time. It is a state of consciousness that allows the
perception of extra-dimensional existence. All of our vices keep us from perceiving heaven, because it is obviously God's will that we receive our
birthright of limitless Tachyonic existence. Jesus taught the psychological archetypes that would begin to reveal this world to us. This is why
'repent' simply means "to change your mind away from wrong-doing".
"Change your mind, because the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand"
In the Tachyon universe, everything is disclosed (Luke 12:2). There is plenty of "space" to be inhabited by its inhabitants (John 14:2). Nothing is
impossible in this realm (Matthew 17:20).
The parable of the mustard seed is on point. It is the smallest of the seeds, meaning it is not a matter of spatial dimension or size. Faith is the
substance in this realm that creates and manifests potential. It is also the treasure that was hidden in the field. In Buddhism, a Bhodisattva is a
being who has realized this realm but chooses to stay behind on earth temporarily to help others to find it as well.
"But if I go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. So what shall I choose? I do not know. I am torn between the two. I desire
to depart and be with Christ, which is far better indeed. But it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. Convinced of this, I know that I
will remain and will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith" Philippians 1:22-25
Do the things you know you ought to do, it is through this moral compass that the Spirit is constantly leading us towards the ultimate revelation..
edit on 14-7-2022 by cooperton because: (no reason given)
Until you start rambling about Jesus that's where you drift away from reality.
Just as
It is the Tachyonic universe that pervades all things and is no longer limited to time or space.
makes you think that?
Why would you think that? They're just as limited as we are 3+1, just in a different composition. They're 'dot of existence' if we take the universe
as our system has just 3 coordinates in time and one in space, but they're also incredible 'fast' if you can even call it that jumpy from our
Appreciate it for its strangeness for a second without any unnecessary interpretation.
And imagine as we are 3d in ourselves they're 3d in t.
#ing Christ. This is scientific disclosure.
I mean obviously if they we're able to evolve into intelligent life.
Until you start rambling about Jesus that's where you drift away from reality.
Let go of your bias, it's only making you resentful.
If you're that pre-judiced against Christ, then think of it as Plato's world of forms. Akasha. The Homecoming in the Odyssey. The 90 degree shift in
Egyptian Hieroglyphics. The infinitely expanding fractal lotus. Moksha. Etc, etc.
"It is the Tachyonic universe that pervades all things and is no longer limited to time or space."
makes you think that?
Faster-than-light travel theoretically allows you to freely pass through time. The tachyon universe inhabits time as space, so they could
theoretically move freely throughout it. If their "speed" were to ever decrease below the speed of light, they would manifest on our 3D spatial realm.
I can't help but think this is exactly the phenomenon behind UFOs and other miraculous entities that have been described throughout history.
Appreciate it for its strangeness for a second without any unnecessary interpretation.
I did.... And then I let my mind wonder. Without application science becomes sterile.
I mean obviously if they we're able to evolve into intelligent life.
I believe we're fallen Tachyons. To suppose otherwise, For random chance to generate extra-dimensional super-intelligence, is infinitely less likely.
Physical forms are the manifestation of Tachyon archetypes.
edit on 14-7-2022 by cooperton because: (no reason given)
Just through 1 time in space kind of freely, yes sure, but the equivalent from us going to Alpha Centaury. So very theoretical. Not impossible, but
hard. What takes for us a lot of time, takes for them the same 'vector' of space.
How would a one dimensional line of space even look like?
That's the strangeness to appreciate.
Not your.. hooey about almighty gods and consciousness.
Unfortunately i believe you are getting things all messed up.
Firstly, a great deal of what you call real, like this physical world, isn’t.
There is nothing physical about this “3 dimensional space”.
It is merely and illusion. Very persistent, but an illusion.
In fact what actually exists is no space. No dimensions. A zero point. Like what happens at a black hole. Its a singularity. Space curves back in on
itself leaving no dimensions. There’s something there to make it curve back around on itself, but there’s also nothing there because there’s no
space for anything to exist there. It’s that something thats nothing.
That something that is nothing is taking up and existing in all points and moments in space time and because of that it’s absolutely everything in
existence. It is existence itself. It’s at rest because it’s got nowhere to go. Nowhere to move too. Energy at rest is said to be infinite.
Because its an infinite amount of nothing, it can create an infinite amount of everything. You need a blank slate to be able to create.
The source of all creation, is something existing as nothing, infinitely.
What’s the only thing that you know to be true?
Would it be that you are conscious? Have consciousness? Awareness?
If you delve into spirituality and double check the religions you can see what they are talking about.
Let me try break it down.
Black hole = singularity = zero dimensions = no space.
Yet to that singularity all of space exists there, which is no space.
When your body dies, your conscious energy comes to rest from the active state of consciousness that you are currently experiencing.
Energy not at rest has space to move and vibrate and wiggle etc.
Energy at rest has no space to move and cant vibrate and wiggle.
Energy at rest takes up all the space available to it.
Energy at rest is infinite.
When you “die”, your consciousness will lose its sense of self, and your consciousness will merge with and become one with the entire multiverse.
All of infinite existence. Throughout all of space, all of time. As everything. Infinitely everything. Infinitely everyone. Experiencing that, is
called “heaven”. Unconditional love. Because why would you, an infinite conscious being, who exists as everything and everyone, for all time, and
creating everything, hate yourself?
Since you are infinite, you are currently experiencing this version of you, experiencing duality, a sense of seperatism. A sense of individuality
instead of everyone. A sense of limited self.
Hell aka Hel’ whose origins meant rebirth, to go back to the womb, aka reincarnation.
You live and its called duality. A sense of seperatism.
You die and experience individuality. The only thing in all of existence. Absolute infinity. You being nothing. Yet everything.
This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.
1 John 1:5
I'd also like to ad this quote:
The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist. But at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.
...Werner Heisenberg, Father of Quantum Physics
Truly a thread of reveal regarding how the unknown becomes
manifest in the known. In perfect alignment with history, phenomena,
the paranormal, the miracles of the Bible and defines why Christ
was called Teacher. Grand slam Coop!
How do you think our Holy Father is in relation to this Tachyon universe?
God created the Heavens and the Earth so the Creator is never captured
by the creation right? He must be able to exist outside his creation
as well as with in it I guess. Sort of like a house we build it and exist
both inside and out.
Thought provoking and I never thought of the concept used with Star Trek on Tachyons being real in that manner. I envisioned it as an energy release
byproduct. I can see you put a good deal of thought into this. It is indeed interesting. Something allowed the fallen ones to be stuck here and I
think you have a working theory. Realize that theories don't mean the science is settled. One day it could become a "law of nature", however.
And I just want you to know:
I gave you s&f as appreciation for how you found sthg new to me and interesting.
A sincere 'thank you'
Even if our interpretation is totally different and otherwise too we basically never agree:
I appreciate it.
Thank you
It is advisable for almost every human being to visit the spirit realm, without it, one has a very poor chance to understand even a small fragment
about the meaning of our existence.
It also helps us appreciate the way we are, and to make changes and adjustments accordingly.
Unfortunately in these times only a small group of humans make these journeys, and it really shows judging by the way we have let things go,
everything is falling apart.
How would a one dimensional line of space even look like?
That's the strangeness to appreciate.
Consider a 'point' in time, and how the entirety of all space in our universe is encapsulated in that moment. Take that 'point' and stretch it into a
1-dimensional spatial string which consists of the entirety of all time, beginning to end. Since the Tachyons inhabit 3 time dimensions, they are able
to move freely throughout time, and enter any point along the 1D spatial string that represents the entirety of human time.
This ability for extra-dimensional beings to plop-in every once in a while would make sense of so many stories of our past. Take Nibiru for example,
which means "Planet of the crossing". This was obviously not some stray material planet in our solar system, but instead a temporary Tachyonic bridge
that allowed the Anunnaki to "cross" into our 3D world. The Sumerians are likely referring to the same event that the Hebrews call the Nephilim.
originally posted by: ColeYounger
Another scripture referencing God and light:
This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.
1 John 1:5
Yeah as I read more about Tachyons it repeatedly insisted upon all the musings of the heavenly realms that I have read. I like this one:
“It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.” Psalm 25:2
How do you think our Holy Father is in relation to this Tachyon universe?
He is the Apex of the Tachyon realm, and the earth is His footstool. I think this temporal world that we inhabit is a means for us to develop into the
eternal realm.
edit on 14-7-2022 by cooperton because: (no reason given)
I would imagine the appearance of a one dimensional line of space would be perceived by our brains like something in the lines of the paintings done
by HR Giger or Alex Gray.
This of course is how i personally would imagine it, we are all different after all.
I would imagine the appearance of a one dimensional line of space would be perceived by our brains like something in the lines of the paintings done
by HR Giger or Alex Gray.
This of course is how i personally would imagine it, we are all different after all.
Yeah that's what I was picturing too.
Somewhat like this. except instead of a man, it would be for the entirety of all space in the universe.
The above photo is what I suppose 3 dimensions of time would look like. Being able to 'see' the entirety of someone's life. In the case of Tachyons,
they can 'see' the entire course of time for the whole universe. "Alpha-Omega".
edit on 14-7-2022 by cooperton because: (no reason
But I don't believe that immediately means any being over there is smarter and super powerful.
I mean if I turn around what you say:
Because we are beings of space we can access every point out there instantly. That's not true. Our 3 coordinates in space are limiting us to this very
narrow pale blue dot. And what time in my opinion really is is the events, like two atoms creating a molecule, or boy meets girl, or a supernova. I
don't think time makes those happen, but they propell time.
Nevertheless as we are very challenged by time if we want to access far away space,
so are they probably challenged by space if they want to access far away points in time.
Even if I can't imagine how space appears to them I reject your flimsy explanation.
It doesn't work.
Anunnaki too? You really believe everything, don't you?
Ramesses II, Pharao of Egypt, Africa, had red hair....
What conclusions do you draw from that?
Just for research...
lol XO
Anunnaki too? You really believe everything, don't you?
If it corroborates with multiple independent historical accounts, then it is likely to be actual history. It reads exactly like the story of the
Nephilim. Our ancestors weren't as dumb as we were erroneously taught in school.
originally posted by: Justoneman
Thought provoking and I never thought of the concept used with Star Trek on Tachyons being real in that manner. I envisioned it as an energy release
byproduct. I can see you put a good deal of thought into this. It is indeed interesting. Something allowed the fallen ones to be stuck here and I
think you have a working theory. Realize that theories don't mean the science is settled. One day it could become a "law of nature", however.
Yeah it doesn't help that these other-worldly things are so elusive. Even if one managed to get captured by a government or whatever, I doubt we would
ever get full disclosure on what it is. It can get really deep, given theories that suppose these extra-dimensional beings have major corporate and
government control on the earth. The fallen apparently did it in the Genesis times.. no reason it wouldn't still be going on
edit on 14-7-2022
by cooperton because: (no reason given)
The problem with those stories is you have to factor in Prometheus, as archetypical myth of the rebellious hero who fights and puts up with scars for
life, just to give us fire. The mightiest of the gods didn't even want us to have that.
If you talk about Nephilim there it's the same story, those you condemn gave us mining. Geometry.
Jesus actually borrowed us time like one of the other heroes but his time is over too.
The one from the evangelicals, the original Luther he wrestled with God over the injustice of the Catholic Church.
Can you see the pattern?
God wants you to suffer. I think that's the issue why you keep hoping for Jesus. Because deep down you know, because he loves you he wants you to
suffer. There's no evil in that. Just as it is our job from time to time to argue for better conditions and more time.
However I guarantee you those are seperate issues, from the story of the Tachyons.
Because to me a God would be the encompassing intelligence, the management of our universe, this one. ...wait a minute #...
They would still be part of this universe, right lol
It's still that I don't think they're like God, that God picks up a body. Or any of that.
I think the derivation of space in Tachyon would be stories. Information packages. Just as it is with us here, we tell stories to make sense out of
our experience, so they too go through their very own thing. Because different does not equal superior.