a reply to:
network dude
I dont buy the butterfly effect is that effective. That sorta wide-reaching determinism bugs the everloving s# outta me.
I think it dissipates not amplifies. Unless you literally tried to test the grandfather paradox or did something extreme I dont think you'd change
much of anything..
Lets just say you kill the damn butterfly.
What do you change? One butterfly doesn't reproduce again or end up as food?
I feel a great way to conceptualize it is to think about it like taking one person out of an arena and trying to explore what would change.
So 5 minutes into a game you decide to kick a single person out. What is lost is a few hundred bucks at most and the random interactions he might have
And it dissipates.
"Most of the time" Example:
Let's say the selected patron had stayed and bumps into some guy that causes a new chain of events.
Strongest event is the bumping incident. Person gets pissed at the rudeness, demands an apology, and the guy slinks away scared of confrontation.
But the dude he bumped has added anger which he takes out on others including the parking attendant leaving. He yells and spreads his testosterone
heavy behavior a bit. But not as confrontational as initially.
Then the parking attendant leaves thinking, "Wow that dude got to me". He isn't as emotional, just bugged. So he talks to his wife and she feels a
dissipated degree of anger on his behalf. They talk. He feels better.
And by the time she brings it up to the friend at work the next day it's so far removed from the impact of the preceding interactions that is dies
like a ripple on water.
So disorder increases to make the event irrelevant before it spreads too far. Unless the event is like shooting The Arch Duke.
Just how I view it anyway. In a thought experiment sorta way.
edit on 22-8-2022 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)