Last year I posted an analysis of the U* Ufo Database :
The U* UFO Database & Analysis
After looking for a simple and free solution, I’ve now managed to publish a compacted searchable version online here :
The U* UFO Database
The U* UFO Database was originally an MS-DOS based piece of software designed and sold by Larry Hatch dating way back to the 1990s. Sourced from UFO
literature with over 18,000 cases, in the main, from the 20th century. The *U* Database could perform queries based on key words, geographical
location, and descriptions provided by witnesses. Larry also programmed an impressive UFO mapping tool to display the locations of the sightings.
Sadly, Larry Hatch suffered health problems in the mid 2000s causing him to drop out of the UFO field. Tragically, on August 3rd, 2018 Larry passed
Various efforts have been made in the past to save the U* project in one form or another. In 2010 another member of ATS created a simple web page to
query the data here :
In 2020 Adam Kehoe published a
JSON and a
CSV file of the data from the original program.
However, while these solutions preserved the data, neither of them were particularly user-friendly.
I’ve since been able to come up with a simple user interface and functional, compacted version online. All by utilizing free resources and a Google
website. Leaving it cost free, ad free and also free for users.
** Note that this is currently unlikely to work on most smartphones.
Link :
The U* UFO Database
Above : Screenshot of the U* Database
Where necessary, various fields from the original database have been combined or discarded altogether for simplicity. Leaving the following :
🌍 Country - Nation (or an area of the planet) where the sighting occurred. Larry tended to group some nations together at times for this purpose.
However, wherever possible the correct nation is now displayed
Hover the mouse over the flag if you aren’t sure what country it
⏲️Time - the original database included separate fields for day, month, year and time. Here they are combined into a single date & time field.
📍Location - The location data is preserved from the original data.
🗒️ Details - This is a combination of the title and details in the original database. Which were heavily abbreviated due to the storage
limitations of the times.
🕵️ Observation - This is a combination of the large amount of flag/keyword fields. Noting type of object, occupants, effects etc.
🗺️ Maps - Provides a link to Google Maps of the original location of a sighting (where given) based on the longitude and latitude fields in the
original database.
🏛️ Locale - This is the type of terrain in the locality of the sighting. Preserved as is with an added icon for illustrative purposes.
↗️ Credibility - was a highly subjective rating from 0 to 16. A rating of 5 or 6 would be his start point, and then add or subtract points
according to Larry’s own judgement. Some cases were even deleted at a later date when they were discredited.
👾 Strangeness - (also subjective) - Another highly subjective factor rating the "weirdness" of the case. A structureless light in the night sky
would be rated at 5 or less. With points then added for landings, occupants, missing time etc. The format here is the same as for credibility
**Some events like the Chernobyl nuclear accident and the moon landings were added for illustrative purposes.
📘Source - This is the original source used for the case details. But excluded from the search function.
🔍Search Function - Keywords or dates, can be entered to filter the records accordingly. To search a specific phrase just add "quote " marks
around the words. For example "saucer humanoid".
Note that the source data is excluded from the search function and boolean operators do
not work.
↑ ↓ Sort Filters - Click these to sort or reverse sort by column.
The data is not user updatable as it was in the original program, and there are a few errors which have not been corrected. Various other statistical
functions have not been recreated either. However, if you have the skills then you can download the
raw data (7MB approx.) into a spreadsheet for such