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Internalised homophobia, queer fascists and uncle toms.

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posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 05:07 AM
Over the past few years I'm noticing this trend that to not be in total lock step on an aspect of LGBTQ discussion is to open yourself up to accusations of internalised homophobia and being a dupe for the far right. Groups such as the LGB Alliance - who broke away from Stonewall because they felt the LGB was being sidelined by the TQ - are labelled as hate groups. On a personal level I was hounded out of a discussion forum by a radical queer contingent who took exception to my having my own difference of opinion - often quite trivial at that. I've noticed a similar trend around racial issues and people from ethnic groups being labelled uncle toms etc. I'm just wondering how many intersectional boxes do you have to tick before you're allowed to challenge, be critical or disagree without character assassination in train. Or is that the whole point. No amount of boxes can justify it. I can't believe that many many within the gay community aren't alarmed by the radical path we seem to be going down and the way that the vocal minority has somehow come to dominate the field so much it gets to create the rules of discourse. Isn't it a sign of being secure in your sexuality that you can accept criticism around and engage with it, not attack and shout it down?

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 05:28 AM
Seriously, what do you mean by someone being gay?
In my time the word gay meant happy and enjoying life with your friends. Had nothing to do with the pen.. going up another ones a...

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 05:32 AM
Well you seem to have a grasp on what it now means as you've just mentioned it. Although that being an aspect of it not a requirement.a reply to: musicismagic

+3 more 
posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 05:38 AM
I never cared about rainbows busting out of closets until it was shoved down my throat. A legitimate movement for equality was hijacked and radicalized. I have seen many comments from older folks who are LGB, who are appalled at it all. They are not in agreement with what society has twisted their sexuality into.
It has become extremely perverse, via political correctness/ agenda and has strayed so far from it's roots that it is unrecognizable.
I don't need to turn on my TV and see two men dressed as women teaching my grandchildren the alphabet. I'm not "phobic" by any means....I don't have a "fear" of those whose sexuality differs from mine. I do however, feel that there are certain places in modern society where sexuality has no place being woven in. If you wouldn't bring up your hetero status in a situation, we don't need to know your queer status either.
The racist card as well, is a division old as time that is nothing more than a ploy used by government for the most part to keep us squabbling amongst ourselves instead of uniting against those that truly keep us oppressed. THAT is the true meaning of "white privilege" . Old white men making all the decisions.
I have never been racist. I hold account a person's morals, values, and how they are used in their actions. Not one race is all good or all bad.
That's my two cents, but because I'm Canadian and we no longer have pennies, I'll just quite Lucy from the Peanuts.... "5 cents please!"

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 05:44 AM
a reply to: fastzombie

Yup. I’ve experienced the same thing for more than a decade. It’s the brainwashed towing the line for their handlers. I’ve got a friend who’s black and gay, and also a conservative, and he gets it even worse than I from his friends and family.

originally posted by: musicismagic
Seriously, what do you mean by someone being gay?
In my time the word gay meant happy and enjoying life with your friends. Had nothing to do with the pen.. going up another ones a...


posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 05:45 AM
a reply to: fastzombie

Dude the same is the true for the pro-life folks, the political discussion, pet owners, climate change sub-groups and every other vocal group.
That just seems where an overdose of chemicals in your food and environment leads to in reaction with internet communication.
We've collectively lost our minds because we can't handle how many of us are out there, for some that means the control freak in them takes frontstage and center. It's a competitive instinct you have or don't.
I don't think they notice though.
Self-reflection has been replaced by self-projection.
And a whole host of other issues.

edit on 28-6-2022 by Peeple because: spelling

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 05:50 AM
a reply to: AccessDeniedI can't disagree with you. And I suspect there is a generational aspect at work. People of my generation were more interested in pushing for equality, now it seems they are pushing for some kind of sacred position within society - which is not equality. Also I suspect that the older generation - largely - did not take themselves as seriously as the younger do. But I think that's largely across the board not confined to sexual identity. I also agree that demographic groups are being exploited to create division, none of which is going to ultimately turn out to be for their benefit.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 05:58 AM
a reply to: ColdWisdom

Diversity in everything but thought.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 06:02 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic
Seriously, what do you mean by someone being gay?
In my time the word gay meant happy and enjoying life with your friends. Had nothing to do with the pen.. going up another ones a...

in the gay 90's?

i believe that was the 1890's.

oh as to the op,

the boxes have all been checked so they have to find something else.

to me it seems like thought crimes now.

no need a box, for that. just accusations of wrong thought.

edit on 03/22/2022 by sarahvital because: (no reason given)

+3 more 
posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: fastzombie

Transvestites are perverts, gender dysphoria is a mental illness, homosexuality has nothing to do with either as it’s simply a sexual preference, all the other letters of the rainbow brigade are just people who want to be different and seek attention. You club all these people together into a movement and you have a bunch of bat sh1t crazy, attention seeking, sexual deviants.

There I said it and no amount of pressure will change anything.

edit on 28/6/22 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: AccessDenied

No more Canadian pennies? I used to get them in my change all the time in Detroit. The older pennies have a higher copper purity than our U.S. pennies. I started saving Canadian change because the middle eastern store owners would pawn it off on their customers. I always suspected they used it to increase their profit margins, so I'd take them out of circulation. I like the older pennies with the dove on the back.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 06:23 AM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: fastzombie

Transvestites are perverts, gender dysphoria is a mental illness, homosexuality has nothing to do with either as it’s simply a sexual preference, all the other letters of the rainbow brigade are just people who want to be different and seek attention.

There I said it and no amount of pressure will change anything.

Whatever the causes of transvestism and gender dysphoria I'm not actually opposed to it, each to their own and consenting adults and not frightening the horses etc. I don't think there is as much commonality as has been claimed by the LGBTQ though and when parts of trans ideology begins to contradict sexual preference and claims it's all gender I disagree. The queer part just seems to be anything people want it to be and is becoming meaningless and a beacon for any number of bad actors.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 07:04 AM
a reply to: Grenade

The US military is giving in.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 08:16 AM
Groups like lgbtwhatever will always seek to empower themselves by claiming their opposition is afraid of them.

That is always step one in the handbook. It isn't even remotely true but its always the first step.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 08:48 AM
For nearly the entirety of human history this has been the rule- crush your opposition for even the slightest of differences.

The US and a small handful of historical exceptions sought to break this rule.

But it seems none of that was durable. We are simply reverting back to the mean of collective human nature, I guess.

'Progressives' are anything but. They set everything back and shout they're making progress, when in fact, they're just ensuring the same conditions that lead to our long history of misery and human oppression.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: loam
For nearly the entirety of human history this has been the rule- crush your opposition for even the slightest of differences.

The US and a small handful of historical exceptions sought to break this rule.

But it seems none of that was durable. We are simply reverting back to the mean of collective human nature, I guess.

'Progressives' are anything but. They set everything back and shout they're making progress, when in fact, they're just ensuring the same conditions that lead to our long history of misery and human oppression.

Perhaps because we've been gas lit and drip fed by the radicals to believe that is inevitable. We all have to devolve into our groups and our groups are essentially the totality of who we are when the chips are down. It's certainly what the right and left extremist nutters want us to think. I hope it's not true for many reasons not least because I can think of nothing more boring than being defined by sexuality and why I think those in these groups who speak out are crucial to challenging the more destructive elements of identity politics.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 09:22 AM
The progressive worldview is built on complete and total relativism. They have no moral anchor, no philosophical Northstar, no spiritual lodestone. There is nothing that gives intrinsic meaning to anything they do, think, believe or say because they have no fixed point of reference from which to analyse or determine their own actions or position.

Given this lack of any moral or philosophical compass, the only thing that they can do under their worldview, the only thing that gives value to their existence, and the only possible aim and result of their actions is destruction. To destroy is the only thing that gives them meaning, that evinces any "progress" for their movement. Given this, it is no surprise that they turn on those whom one would assume to be there allies.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: fastzombie
I would just as soon go back to not giving a crap about what someone does with what is between their legs because I don’t really care it does not affect me if I’m not involved. And I am not involved with hardly anybody so the fact that our society is so fixated on this area just demonstrates how infantile and simplified and primitive most folks are.The fact that this is part of a national discussion just shows we don’t have everything that’s important to discuss on our agenda.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: fastzombie
I would just as soon go back to not giving a crap about what someone does with what is between their legs because I don’t really care it does not affect me if I’m not involved. And I am not involved with hardly anybody so the fact that our society is so fixated on this area just demonstrates how infantile and simplified and primitive most folks are.The fact that this is part of a national discussion just shows we don’t have everything that’s important to discuss on our agenda.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 10:49 AM

originally posted by: machineintelligence
a reply to: fastzombie
I would just as soon go back to not giving a crap about what someone does with what is between their legs because I don’t really care it does not affect me if I’m not involved. And I am not involved with hardly anybody so the fact that our society is so fixated on this area just demonstrates how infantile and simplified and primitive most folks are.The fact that this is part of a national discussion just shows we don’t have everything that’s important to discuss on our agenda.

I have the suspicion that the whole debate around pronouns, micro aggressions, being triggered, invalidating, silence is violence blah blah blah is all a symptom of first world problems that aren't looking for solutions. The demand has outstripped supply so they turn to ever more trivial things.

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