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Two killed and ten critically injured in Oslo terror shooting

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posted on Jun, 29 2022 @ 05:12 AM
a reply to: fastzombie

The thing is, people are getting sick to death of the non-stop force feeding of the aggressive LGBTQ+ narrative and agenda.
The vast majority of people couldn't give a toss about what consenting adults get up to with each other in private.
They are just sick to death of having this rammed down their throat at every given opportunity.
Here in the UK it is generally accepted that 94% of the population identifies as would never believe that if you were to take how over-represented non-heterosexuals are in MSM.

You're right, not all Muslims are extremists.
But how many Muslims turn a blind eye to the activities of the extremists....and the terrorists?
The brands of Islam practiced by these extremists are incredibly intolerant and are diametrically opposed to 'western' values.
That is undeniable.

About 4.5% of the UK population regards itself as Muslim - its just over 3% in Norway.
Again, they are massively over-represented in MSM and have a say and influence that far outweighs their numbers.

People are sick to #ing death of this.
They are sick of people making excuses for their actions and behaviour and glossing over the numerous problems we have with Muslim communities.

People are sick of watching MSM push this message that all that is bad in the world stems from white people and 'The West'.
Its a constant drip feed.....and its getting to the tipping point.
There is going to be a HUGE backlash if this isn't addressed pretty damn sharpish.

We have to stop pandering to minorities and the woke is doing far more harm than good.

posted on Jun, 29 2022 @ 05:28 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: fastzombie

The thing is, people are getting sick to death of the non-stop force feeding of the aggressive LGBTQ+ narrative and agenda.
The vast majority of people couldn't give a toss about what consenting adults get up to with each other in private.
They are just sick to death of having this rammed down their throat at every given opportunity.
Here in the UK it is generally accepted that 94% of the population identifies as would never believe that if you were to take how over-represented non-heterosexuals are in MSM.

You're right, not all Muslims are extremists.
But how many Muslims turn a blind eye to the activities of the extremists....and the terrorists?
The brands of Islam practiced by these extremists are incredibly intolerant and are diametrically opposed to 'western' values.
That is undeniable.

About 4.5% of the UK population regards itself as Muslim - its just over 3% in Norway.
Again, they are massively over-represented in MSM and have a say and influence that far outweighs their numbers.

People are sick to #ing death of this.
They are sick of people making excuses for their actions and behaviour and glossing over the numerous problems we have with Muslim communities.

People are sick of watching MSM push this message that all that is bad in the world stems from white people and 'The West'.
Its a constant drip feed.....and its getting to the tipping point.
There is going to be a HUGE backlash if this isn't addressed pretty damn sharpish.

We have to stop pandering to minorities and the woke is doing far more harm than good.

Maybe white people should step up and actually become the problem. If I am being accused already, then maybe I should make it even harder for everyone that is not white to have a voice or an action in anything. Maybe we shouldn’t be tolerant. Maybe we shouldn’t be quiet. Maybe we shouldn’t accept what is happening.

Who would stop us?

posted on Jun, 29 2022 @ 05:52 AM
a reply to: wdkirk

You've got me way, way wrong if you think I advocate anything like White Supremacy #e.....far from it.

I'm just sick of the non-stop bombardment of this woke nonsense.
I'm sick of pandering to a religion that is actively seeking destroy the fundamental principles that our nations and societies are built on.
I'm sick of being told that everything wrong in the world is the fault of exploitative, white, heterosexual males.

I can't turn the TV on without every single advertisement and programme having disproportionate numbers of minority presenters/actors/commentators etc.
Without there being some sort of moralistic story that portrays white, heterosexual males as bad.
Without the villain of the piece being some sort of right-wing extremist - for the record, I am most definitely NOT right-wing.

It really is a non-stop drip feed....a type of water torture.

I hate the fact that I have to issue disclaimers, but....
I am not homophobic - I don't care what adults do with each other.....I just don't want to watch it on every, single TV programme, movie, book or article in a newspaper etc.
I am not Islamophobic - I just want them to stop killing people for having different views/opinions etc.
I am not racist - I am just sick of being told that I should be ashamed of being white and that I have somehow benefited from some imaginary 'white privilege'.

I could go on....and on....and on.
But I've done enough ranting for the time being and probably gone way off topic....and I don't want to bore the tits off everyone.

posted on Jun, 29 2022 @ 06:02 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: fastzombie

The thing is, people are getting sick to death of the non-stop force feeding of the aggressive LGBTQ+ narrative and agenda.
The vast majority of people couldn't give a toss about what consenting adults get up to with each other in private.
They are just sick to death of having this rammed down their throat at every given opportunity.
Here in the UK it is generally accepted that 94% of the population identifies as would never believe that if you were to take how over-represented non-heterosexuals are in MSM.

You're right, not all Muslims are extremists.
But how many Muslims turn a blind eye to the activities of the extremists....and the terrorists?
The brands of Islam practiced by these extremists are incredibly intolerant and are diametrically opposed to 'western' values.
That is undeniable.

About 4.5% of the UK population regards itself as Muslim - its just over 3% in Norway.
Again, they are massively over-represented in MSM and have a say and influence that far outweighs their numbers.

People are sick to #ing death of this.
They are sick of people making excuses for their actions and behaviour and glossing over the numerous problems we have with Muslim communities.

People are sick of watching MSM push this message that all that is bad in the world stems from white people and 'The West'.
Its a constant drip feed.....and its getting to the tipping point.
There is going to be a HUGE backlash if this isn't addressed pretty damn sharpish.

We have to stop pandering to minorities and the woke is doing far more harm than good.

I'm not essentially disagreeing with you, people are sick of it, even the people these radical activists claim to speak for and yes people should be able and willing to speak up and challenge it but I'm not sure this isn't happening because of covert support rather that the radical narrative and rhetoric has such a stranglehold over so many of our institutions that it's now so risky to do so. Obviously there is a rot on place that has been allowed to spread and adversely effect public discourse and that needs to be acknowledged and stopped. But, innocent people being harmed or worse and that being justified by those concerns isn't the way this will be resolved. Dont forget this violent religiously extremist response to a community wasn't about anything other than the fact they exist, regardless of what gains they've made.

posted on Jun, 29 2022 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: StoutBroux

If people thought before doing things the world could be a much better place...

posted on Jun, 29 2022 @ 06:37 PM
It will be interesting how the corporate-promoted “progressive” movement juggles the inherently contradictory interests of LGBT rights and Radical Islamism. I’m not sure if you could find other groups as diametrically opposed as those ones.

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