posted on Jun, 23 2022 @ 08:16 PM
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Industrious/inventive people that sling dope have found that straws are a good container for their enterprise as an "entrepreneur" just look up the
word "bindle".
Tackling the issue is likely two-fold drugs and stolen stock to make them into drug paraphernalia. Cutting off how the supply is moved will make the
demand rear its head so the problem can be removed at a faster pace. Unfortunately it means everyone has to suffer and be strawless in the meantime of
that occurring.
There's A lot of money when people play Auntie and Uncle RICO on both sides of the issue... there are still states and politicians investors etc
licking their lips like hungry dogs of how long can we keep illegally persecuting people in mafia style sanction of one black market after another?
It is seen as at least a billion dollar industry in every state in legal and illegal senses of the word...
How is it unconstitutional? Liberties of more than those are involved in this case: straws, pursuit of happiness use of straws and quality of life
better with or with the straws? It's cruel and unusual punishment on all of California and elsewhere considering the same police state cartel in
Why should I care if someone gets ahold of a drug in their pursuit of happiness and die from it? No seriously; Why should I care?