a reply to:
Interesting, reading between the lines not Russia's but China's.
They believe they can become the dominant world power and with the idiocy and internationalism that bled our economy's of our industry's in the west
as greedy corporations wanted to capitalize on the cheap labour China was offering as soon as the cold war was over ALL protections on our essential
industry's vanished and China got ever stronger not off of it's own back but from the idiots in western governments that allowed those greedy
corporation's to build China up while demolishing our own industry's as they wholesale moved there business and production out of the west.
Of course even if China had not turned sour and been planning pretty much this all along it would have still ended up being disastrous since without
our own industry we eventually will no longer even be consumer society's but fall slowly into a third world status, those that call this levelling
global economy's up are lying as it has inertia and once the bleed began it then became a haemorrhage of our industry, expertise and finally knowledge
to these other economy's.
China played this like an old hand, being nice while holding the knife behind it's back he smiled and welcomed the idiots that brought there
corporations, expertise, training and technology right into there hand's.
Now we are entering a NEW cold war and despite Russia's apparent weakness this new Cold War will not only be against Russia a vassal state of China
in the making but against China itself and we have only gone and given them the best of our technology, built there factory's for them and destroyed
our own so they have already won that battle without ever having to lift a hand in open aggression.
So how are our governments Stuffed as they are with utter incompetent right wing short sighted anti patriotic idiots and morons EVER going to rebuild
our industry's to strengthen our nations back up to at least were they used to be, simple answer is they wont because they don't work for you or me
they work for the corporations and the bankers and the bankers and corporations are likely to not give a damn about our nations so long as they
We are in dire straits and it is all America's fault since the US started the investments in China, Started building it's factory's over there and
exported it's company's to that nation which in turn in order to remain competitive caused every other western nation to do pretty much the same
thing, now in Europe Britain once the birthplace of the industrial revolution has hardly any industry left, France, Italy pretty much the same has a
tiny bit and only Germany is noteworthy since they for some reason seemed hell bent on maintaining there industry as if they could see what was coming
down the line.
They said it was to exploit the cheap labour, that our company's had to export there jobs to those country's.
Greed led to this, the US caused it by arguing down other western nations import tariffs and industrial protectionism all while exporting it's own
jobs to a Communist superpower on the side of the Pacific from it and US bankers and corporate heads burned the world down just so they could make a
quick buck at the expense of our future.
IF and I do say IF our nations are serious about getting back on top, not just thinking we are but actually getting back up and maintaining our
position, then we HAVE no if's and no but's we HAVE to rebuild our industrial base and stop haemorrhaging money to Asia (Specifically China and those
under it's sphere of influence) and through the back door to Russia because that money then build's them up while impoverishing us.