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The real attitude of Russians towards Western countries

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posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: JustAnotherHappyCamper
After being trolled online/offline by some "locals" and "Americans" I decided to go to a "Russian" office of culture of something to ask for the area code, to share some "huge" conspiracy with RT. I show him the video and he told me that he didn't see anyone asking me to stare at the sun, but at least he gave me the area code. When I reached my house and saw the area code, the number was: 007, such a cool troll.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: Cutepants
a reply to: Dalamax

lol, no. A court can come up with their own definition for anything if you let them. They can decide that men are actually women or whatever. That doesn't mean I'm uneducated for not caring about the technicalities of their definition.

If a court can just make up whatever rules they want, then that's not justice at all, is it? That court is reduced into a tool of oppression. Just like the court that convicted these soldiers.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Just curious, why arent you critical of the war and putin regime?

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 03:46 PM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
Hello ATS!

Mr. Kissinger is a Jewish veteran of World War II and the organizer of the denazification of the city of Krefeld. I am sure that he understands the current situation much better than the idiots who now manage US policy. It is for this reason that the old diplomat is dangerous for Russia. Russia's interests do not imply any reconciliation. The Russians need to break and destroy the modern West, the resumption of normal equal relations with the US and Europe would be a disaster for Russia.

I would say there are few, if any, fans of Henry Kissinger on this forum.

originally posted by: RussianTroll
There is only one way for Russia to protect itself from the betrayal of the West - to keep the West in the position of a dangerous open enemy until the West suffers a convincing defeat in the spirit of the Soviet 1992. .....

After that, help the West carry out a total purge of the elites, removing not only Henry Kissinger, who dreams of setting Russia against China, but also all the promoters of the American agenda, and all warmongers, into a shameful retirement.

It is ironic that you basically want the same things as most of the people on this site.

I'm absolutely overjoyed to see the Petro Dollar in danger, as Russia begins to insist on trading Petroleum in Rubles. I'd love to see the Federal Reserve get overturned.

I just.......... wish you didn't have to kill so many Ukrainians to do it. I have friends in that country, and I can't see the price in blood as being worth paying.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 04:48 PM
This is so much utter bull#, just today I got 87 applications of russsian IT specialists.

Most of them seem to be rather eager to gtfo of the developing #storm that is your country.

There might even be some surprises in there. 🙃

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 06:29 PM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
There is only one way for Russia to protect itself from the betrayal of the West - to keep the West in the position of a dangerous open enemy until the West suffers a convincing defeat in the spirit of the Soviet 1992. After that, help the West carry out a total purge of the elites, removing not only Henry Kissinger, who dreams of setting Russia against China, but also all the promoters of the American agenda, and all warmongers, into a shameful retirement.

Since Russia is a peaceful country, and since a big war is not in Russian interests, Russia will not seek the defeat of the West by military force. Defend - yes, attack first - no. But most likely, you won’t have to defend yourself, since frank psychopaths still do not have access to military levers in the West, they are allowed to the “post a tweet” button, but not to the “launch a rocket” button.

Wait... so ruSSia has it feelings hurt, and to make it self feel better and for everyone to understand how it feels its gonna lash out and attack everyone. "Honey I only hit you because you make me feel so bad inside"... so ruSSia is literally an abusive partner? I mean sure us in the west have known this for decades, thanks for admitting that out in the open now... ruSSia is a peaceful country? Defend yes, attack no? who invaded its neighbours after saying it wasnt going too while amassing its army on its border a week before hand...

originally posted by: RussianTroll
It follows that Russia has one weapon left - time. The Russian task is to sever as many ties with the West as possible and wait until it collapses under the weight of its own problems.

Wait... RT did you honestly just use the 'You cant fire me because I quit' argument? That indicates to me, the sanctions ARE working on hurting ruSSia. Long may they continue.

The west has no power?.. I guess ill use that common phrase these days '# around and find out'. You're country cant even take over a smaller one next door in over 109+ days of invading it with a large portion of your standing army... you expect victory over larger and far far faaaaar more technologically superior armies?

*shrug* if thats what ruSSia wants, its your funeral.

It is funny though, that RT seems to be parroting the changes coming out of Moscow recently in terms of rhetoric, I mean they've gone from saying its this, to that, then to another and now simply admitting their goals outright even though they contradict their original excuse... and given how they've been changing the goal posts on ruSSian state TV over there every other week I think RT might be watching a little to much of the old putler box... but I guess ruSSian state tv isnt the MSM?

And boy, theres a number of suspect 'New Chronology' aspects dropped into RT's post here too... I mean throw in things like the huge push of the Popadansty genre of media over the decades (sure its crap and from what i gather hardly sells, but its been pervasive in ruSSia from all apparent sources to the point i doubt not many ruSSians havent seen or been exposed to it) and im not surprised the average ruSSian thinks as they do... they've been prepping the ruSSian populace for this for ages, thank god government corruption screwed over their army so badly its incapable of functioning.

Its funny RT uses the word 'Betrayal' though as a key reason behind ruSSias dislike of the west and its actions, because from what i understand historically, is ruSSia only really disliked hitler for one simply reason, not because of what he did to the world, and did to the ruSSians, but because he betrayed them... which indicates to me that ruSSia sees anyone they perceive as a betrayer, as a nazi... the terms lost its entire meaning to them and is nothing but a label to throw on anyone that hurts them real or otherwise, and for the high ups, its a perfect excuse to justify 'denazifying' anyone they see fit... since everyone is a nazi to them.

Honestly... # ruSSia.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Wow. NATO is in no way Nazi Germany. Their expansion, is in response to the threats from Russia.

I'm no fan of Ukraine, ya'll can have that country. I care not.

But your smugness is intolerable lately. You think Russia has done, and can do no wrong, and that in and of itself makes you completely laughable.

No one, and no country is innocent. NONE.

Keep this in mind.... your invasion of Ukraine has done nothing but prove that NATO and the countries looking to join, were right about Russia's ambitions and threats.

You took Crimea, Obama let you.

You stayed quiet under Trump, because, lets face it, Putin was afraid of Trump. Deny it all you like, but Trump was an unknown factor to Putin, and he likes things he thinks he knows.

You're taking Ukraine, and like Obama, Biden will let you.

You partner with countries the majority entire world hates. And you like it.

Russia likes to be contrary to what "The West" wants even when that is to simply live in peace next to you.

Look in the mirror, actions speak louder than words.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Generic Response , AKA " I Do Not Know For Certain " . Ah Yeah , I Agree . Insufficient Data at this Time * .

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

Miles away there kid and just about ready for shut eye but can you tell me what you mean?.

Besides I have no been following this thread much, far more interested in the Ancient Navigators thread which I was just commenting on than this bull.

Everyone knows that Russia is acting unlawfully, evil and without justification in this invasion, they DID have some justification in taking the Crimea though but if we dissect that actually no they did not as Stalin murdered most of the Tartars that once called that THERE home and settled it with Russians in an act of soviet era ethnic cleansing.

So in reality Russia also does not have any REAL claim to the Crimea, they STOLE it from the native population the Tartars in an act of ethnic cleansing or GENOCIDE may be a far better term and settled it with Russians, Russia's only real claim therefore is that there are Ethnic Russians that live there NOW because Stalin planted them there as an occupying population to take over the area.

That will also explain why there are Tartars fighting in the forces of the Ukraine and that have no love for the Russians, they cry for there lost homeland.

Now the Tartars may themselves have been an invading group at some point before this OR they could simply have been a native population that converted after being conquered by Islamic Turk tribes but that is something best known by a properly informed historian whom has researched that part properly which I have not.

edit on 13-6-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 07:24 PM

edit on 13-6-2022 by elevatedone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

" Everyone knows that Russia is acting unlawfully, evil and without justification in this invasion "

This Can be Said for Every Sovereign Country on Earth Right Now . Are you Possibly Implying that the Nation of Ukraine is Not > ? Evil Breeds Everywhere , who is to Say they are Solely Somehow Immune to it ? Civilizations Continue their Existence through Compromise . Give and Take in a Diplomatic Manner . That is How Man does Not Actually Self Destruct Himself into Extinction .

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

There is evil and GOOD in every nation.

And in every people.

I personally just wish we could get along and NOT covet what is our neighbours, I certainly never have.

The fact is Russia could have had everything, an economic bridge between east, a great investment region for European business AND Chinese investment as well has had it's own industry homegrown that was slowly catching up BUT for some reason Putin saw the Ukraine's faster increasing quality of life despite similar Oligarchy's and corruption in BOTH nations as a threat, they were certainly not a military threat to Russia and I am open to some of the claim that ethnic Russians may have been persecuted in some parts of the Ukraine being a fact BUT in reality a western looking Ukraine with also close business ties to Russia would have played into Russians economy very well indeed.

So let's be fair what was this invasion really about?.

Greed, Jealousy, National Security when we were actually NOT threatening Russia at all and NATO was under funded due to the OLD cold war being OVER, not any longer the member nations are now investing heavily and bringing NATO up to speed not to threaten Russia but to defend against an AGGRESSIVE and INVASIVE Russia.

Face it Russia is thoroughly in the wrong on this one.

You know what is sad, I actually liked the Russian people and probably still do but I don't like what is being done to the Ukraine and it's people with BANNED CLUSTER BOMBS now being used in Civilian areas by the Russians.

And let's be fair this is TOO Close for Europe to just sit idly by, we may very well end up doing something, believe me when the Russians whom have struggled against the Ukrainians meet a REAL army they will not know what hit them.

The Spetsnaz do not even come close to an SAS soldier in terms of lethality and skill or a US delta or Navy Seal whom all well and truly outclass the Russian elite, the only really lethal soldiers Russia has are ex KGB agent's and guess what the Ukraine has some as well if they choose to use there expertise.

And I do NOT want that to happen, I don't wand blood spilled, innocent lives lost but remember this.


We meant it and we still do does Putin even realize that.

Putin is taking Russia back into the Soviet Era and only God can help them now, there church is just an apparatus of state and many of it's priests including probably Kyrill are members of Russian intelligence or trained by them, a large number of the older priests are actually trained KGB members and many of the newer ones are undoubtedly FSB or SVR members, same difference really.

They USE God and don't SERVE him.

edit on 13-6-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 08:09 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

" I personally just wish we could get along and NOT covet what is our neighbours "

Then Become a Priest Brother . God Knows Human Nature Needs Guidence........

edit on 13-6-2022 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

I will agree with that, I actually once considered it but that was a long time ago and I have too much of an eye for the lady's so would never have worked out.

But what I said about the Russian church being a tool of state is true and very interesting.

That is not to say the entire church is corrupt over there, there are many genuine priests and the church is not it's priesthood but the members which are the people that believe in God, all they need to do is put there faith into practice to stop this bloody war.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 10:18 PM
I've lived with a Russian. She met a guy off those Russian wife sites... moved to Seattle and became a teacher for an elementary school.

Her family owns a business in Russia, her mom visits Seattle sometimes and she visits Russia annually. She's been trying to move her family here but they don't want to lose the business.

I've asked her how her and her family think of Putin and Russia as a country. She hates it due to how controlling their laws are and believe Putin is a lying crook. I've expressed that some things could be said of the U.S. though, she replies again about how it is not debatable... even with some silly laws, owning a business in the U.S. is far superior. Not nearly as much taxes and she can go wherever whenever in the U.S. without any problems. It's totally legal to randomly walk out of a job and leave to the other side of the country... 3am Beach party out of the blue? Heck yeah!!! You cannot do that in Russia. Police are not allowed to just walk in your living space. You have the freedom to cuss out your waitress even if she dropped a bloody tampon in your sweet tea... no legal issues and you can take anyone to court.

After hearing how they are compared... I'm not sure how anyone could possibly think the U.S. is inferior to Russia.

But this is a heavily watched media website; so we will not see the true opinions of Russia without compromise. It would be against the law for them to express these opinions. *this factor alone makes this entire thread poppycock

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 01:55 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

You are right in your vilification of American foreign policy. Russia's enemy are the designers of this dinosaur, the brown nosers who think they will get given brownie points for denigrating Russia, are of no consequence. They might only exist as algorithms anyway. The West is in no shape to go to war with anyone at the moment. Refusing cheap Russian gas to keep warm was not a decision made by those who must decide if they can buy food or electricity because many in the west can't afford both.
No rational person wants anything from Russia except friendship and stronger cultural ties. You must realize by now that what the mainstream western media is propagating is not the general will or mood of the people. The majority of the working class has had no say about the sanctions on Russia. Using Russia as the scapegoat for all the world ill is another tired gambit but you have to be aware that when the West takes this stance against Russia it knows that Russia will at some stage do what they have to to protect itself, it is a manipulation play. At the moment the governments seem to be doing the bidding of the NWO if things keep going this way they will have constant surveillance on the average citizen. I ask you one question is Russia also going down this path?

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 02:45 AM
a reply to: anonentity

Hello, my friend. I'll try to answer your question.

1. Of course, the West is forcing Russia to take some steps. He just leaves her no choice. For example, back in November, Putin offered ways out of the crisis, but they did not listen to him, on the contrary, they made the situation even more dangerous. Putin responded, and six months later the West proposes to return to the November proposals. But now it is no longer possible, the situation has changed a lot and then the Russian people will not understand Putin.
In general, the West cannot understand that Putin's first proposal is always the softest one. Then it gets much tougher. They do not accept the first, the situation worsens for them, they think about accepting, but "the train is already leaving", and the West is faced with a new reality that it does not want to accept. Time passes again, the situation worsens even more, the West thinks about agreeing to accept the second proposals, which are worse for it. So time passes, the situation becomes catastrophic and the West accepts conditions that are much worse for it than the original ones. This happens in all areas - politics, economics, energy, etc. The only problem is how to "save face". But experts in PR solve this problem.

2. Now Russian society is so united that the authorities do not need to study public opinion. The peoples of Russia are united now more than ever. the only task for the authorities is to replace the former hardened liberal elites with new, honest and patriotic ones so that this happens with minimal losses. After all, any breakdown always comes with losses. Therefore, in Russia everything happens slowly and carefully, without sudden movements. society understands this and supports the authorities.
Thank you.

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 03:00 AM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
a reply to: anonentity

Hello, my friend. I'll try to answer your question.

1. Of course, the West is forcing Russia to take some steps. He just leaves her no choice. For example, back in November, Putin offered ways out of the crisis, but they did not listen to him, on the contrary, they made the situation even more dangerous. Putin responded, and six months later the West proposes to return to the November proposals. But now it is no longer possible, the situation has changed a lot and then the Russian people will not understand Putin.
In general, the West cannot understand that Putin's first proposal is always the softest one. Then it gets much tougher. They do not accept the first, the situation worsens for them, they think about accepting, but "the train is already leaving", and the West is faced with a new reality that it does not want to accept. Time passes again, the situation worsens even more, the West thinks about agreeing to accept the second proposals, which are worse for it. So time passes, the situation becomes catastrophic and the West accepts conditions that are much worse for it than the original ones. This happens in all areas - politics, economics, energy, etc. The only problem is how to "save face". But experts in PR solve this problem.

2. Now Russian society is so united that the authorities do not need to study public opinion. The peoples of Russia are united now more than ever. the only task for the authorities is to replace the former hardened liberal elites with new, honest and patriotic ones so that this happens with minimal losses. After all, any breakdown always comes with losses. Therefore, in Russia everything happens slowly and carefully, without sudden movements. society understands this and supports the authorities.
Thank you.

1 that just sounds like an abusive father that beats there child, dont do what i say now you will get beat. lol which is obviously psychotic.

2. From what i see on you tube there are plenty of Russians that do not support what there government are doing lol.

posted on Jun, 14 2022 @ 07:57 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: RussianTroll

Refusing cheap Russian gas to keep warm was not a decision made by those who must decide if they can buy food or electricity because many in the west can't afford both.

The USA itself is self sufficient in this area. We're net exporters of natural gas, but we can't pipe it to its destination. Has to go on boats.

No rational person wants anything from Russia except friendship and stronger cultural ties.

Except people who want the same things with Ukraine. Russia is clearly the aggressor.

originally posted by: RussianTroll

2. Now Russian society is so united that the authorities do not need to study public opinion. The peoples of Russia are united now more than ever. the only task for the authorities is to replace the former hardened liberal elites with new, honest and patriotic ones so that this happens with minimal losses. After all, any breakdown always comes with losses. Therefore, in Russia everything happens slowly and carefully, without sudden movements. society understands this and supports the authorities.
Thank you.

Maybe Moscow does.

Putin is well on his way to becoming the "Mayor of Moscow".

Russia outside of that city soon won't exist, except on paper. The army will go out there to conscript soldiers and they'll just say "no".

posted on Jun, 15 2022 @ 05:07 AM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
a reply to: Cutepants

All of Europe was with Hitler. You will never get rid of this fact.
As the world-famous Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov wrote, "manuscripts and documents do not burn."

Including the USSR. The USSR signed an alliance with Nazi Germany and helped them invade Poland. Nazi Germany and the USSR were 2 peas in a pod, with the exact same goals.

They both lost..

Russia can barely handle Ukraine so this "we will attack and demilitarize NATO" bs would be the end for Putin.

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