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Knock Knock, Who’s There? Recession That’s Who!

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posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 10:36 AM

The pendulum swings in retail: Target, other big chains now have too much stuff on hand

A perfect storm is brewing, a perfectly crafted storm that is.
Stimulus out the yin yang, high gas prices, high housing prices, work at home, student loan debt paused, food prices through the roof.

All those things are bad, but you put them all together and what we are going to see is a recession that I believe will be worse than 2008.
I could see what was happening with the student loan pause a mile away. They paused it, and people just used the money on crap at places like Target, but now they don’t have money to pay their loans??!!! Okay, whatever. Same with the stimulus. The government is really good at Pavlov conditioning us aren’t they. Some conditioning just takes a little longer.

This whole Target thing. When Target and other big retailers say they have too much inventory that means one thing. People don’t have money to spend on anything other than basics. It can also mean that those that do have extra funds are holding on to it tight. Neither of those things are good for the economy. For those of us that are old enough, we’ve been through this once or twice, or three times before. It’s never exactly the same, but the feeling sure is. This feels like 2008 to me. I don’t necessarily think housing is going to crash like last time, but I think people are going to really struggle. Back to Target, remember when we were told supply is tight, so is it or isn’t it? Do me a favor and don’t run out next time they say there is a tp shortage. There really isn’t!

I’ve already seen things and here’s what I think is going to get hit hard.
Lower middle class is going to be knocked down into the poor category, it might be the only way for them to survive because the price of food and gas.

I really hope they keep their sticky fingers off of 401K’s!

I think food prices will continue to inflate. Keep an eye on produce, I think that is going to get crazy.
TPTB are trying to get rid of any form of self reliance, self health, small hobby farms, bartering, real money. Attack on all these things will come from every direction.
The one that I don’t think people are expecting, utilities. I think we are all going to see raised rates for them too. Just watch.

I’ve also seen a huge moment in young people. They are buying thrifted clothing. They are saying it will help the environment. I do believe that but it’s also because it’s a way to justify not being able to buy new clothing and not feel bad. With the price of gas I don’t think as many young people will be driving, this might be the push for more public transportation.

Here’s another sector that doesn’t see it coming but I do…………..The service industry.
People like landscapers, house/office cleaners, window washer and others that I consider somewhat luxury services. These industries have been able to name their price and what job. I’m now hearing that the pendulum is indeed swinging, people are pulling back and letting go of these types of services. When there isn’t enough work, these workers have to find other service industry work, possibly food service, retail etc.

It’s not all doom and gloom. I think absolute great things come out of recession too. You learn how resilient you are. You learn what is important. You learn how to improvise. This is also a time when people can get filthy rich. It is also a time when necessity breeds invention. I think entertainment is better during recession years.

Good luck to everyone!

edit on 8-6-2022 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

What are you talking about?

Clearly you are getting your news from right wing white supremacist propaganda sites , because we had the most robust recovery ever. Everything is great right now, we recovered baby.

as a matter of fact things are so good that gas prices, food, supplies, and everything is at record highs while wages are low. Biden even told you that Inflation only happens when the economy is strong and hot. We are HOT BABY

edit on 47630America/ChicagoWed, 08 Jun 2022 10:47:01 -0500000000p3042 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: interupt42

I’ve read that several times this week and just goes to show they can spin just about anything.

That’s like giving starving people some food then having them rate it a 5* restaurant.

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 10:52 AM

originally posted by: interupt42

I may not know much about the history of all previous Presidents, but Biden must be the most senile delusional President we've ever had. As far as I can tell, he's #1 in that area.

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Knock Knock, Who’s There? Recession That’s Who!

I was almost wiped out in 08, covid destroyed my Retail biz. Now working union gigs; blessed to have recession proof skills and a plan.

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: BrokenCircles

originally posted by: interupt42

I may not know much about the history of all previous Presidents, but Biden must be the most senile delusional President we've ever had. As far as I can tell, he's #1 in that area.

Biden is proof positive of an external force controlling our gov't since he can't even remember what he is talking about in the middle of a sentence let alone make any decisions as POTUS.

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

This is a global phenomena caused by global issues. It's effecting most of the larger world economies, and is wrecking havoc on smaller nations too.

Much of the problem appears to be caused by the relative inter-reliance of said economies. Whereby a problem in one has a knock on effect on the others. For example, a reduction in agricultural yields in one food exporting economy causing an increase in food prices in another.

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Never did like Knock Knock jokes and that one's no different , the 21st Century sucks so far.

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

This is a global phenomena caused by global issues

Those globalist issues are caused by unknown globalists that are controlling the world gov'ts. The MSM and BOTH party are helping to support them along with other nations counterparts. It is also why our DOD looks the other way as contractors subcontractors-subcontractors source chips form non friendly states that end up in our DOD systems. It appears that our masters no longer want only control of a Nation but have grown to wanting control of the world.

The whole Covid strategy was shown to have been blown out of proportion and their willingness to never let a good crisis go to waste and if one is not available manufacture it.

Sadly for Biden his winter of death never came and hopefully people start to wake up to how much BS we are being fed by our gov't officials on BOTH sides and the media.

What ever they are up to it surely looks globally coordinated and likely not for the benefit of the majority.
edit on 15630America/ChicagoWed, 08 Jun 2022 11:15:40 -0500000000p3042 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: olaru12

I was almost wiped out in 08, covid destroyed my Retail biz. Now working union gigs; blessed to have recession proof skills and a plan.

Same here, it was a great learning lesson. One that I hope to never repeat!

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I may be wrong, but I think the surplus at target and walmart are just casual clothes, TVs, small kitchen appliances, and other stuff that people were buying a lot of when most people were staying home all of the time. Now people are spending money on travel, nights out for dinner and dressier clothes—a change that arrived much faster than major retailers had anticipated.

I still believe that plenty of people are having a difficult time affording things, but lower purchasing power is only half the story of the surplus.
edit on 8 6 2022 by tamusan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: tamusan

Also people are worried about what the market is going todo.

I know several people have put on hold major projects due to the economic state. I myself was planing on spending over $200K in renovations on a house , and now I'm holding out. I even got my wife to agree without even a discussion, which was to me a sign of how fkd things are , as she is not one that pays attention to politics or is hesitant to spend money. Even the normal non crazy conspiracy theorist are aware a major storm is brewing.

More than 8 in 10 Americans hate this economy. That’s the highest number since the poll began

edit on 29630America/ChicagoWed, 08 Jun 2022 11:29:04 -0500000000p3042 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: interupt42

I've been wanting to have a few hundred thousand of renovations done to my house, too. I heard that the price of lumber is coming down.
edit on 8 6 2022 by tamusan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 12:07 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: JAGStorm

This is a global phenomena caused by global issues. It's effecting most of the larger world economies, and is wrecking havoc on smaller nations too.

Much of the problem appears to be caused by the relative inter-reliance of said economies. Whereby a problem in one has a knock on effect on the others. For example, a reduction in agricultural yields in one food exporting economy causing an increase in food prices in another.

Yes. The problems are caused by the people running things and promoting these policies.

They're very appreciative of your tireless support for every dumb thing they do. They couldn't do it with you and the masses of people that have no concept of cause and effect. Just happy to be on the "right side of history" with all your fellow "right side of history" pals.

I think you'll find many here are fans of cause and effect and your lamentations about the dire situations that you supported through cheerleading crappy policy will not be forgotten. You can ignore cause and effect, but you won't escape it here nor will you be allowed to forget it exists.

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 12:07 PM

originally posted by: tamusan
a reply to: interupt42

I've been wanting to have a few hundred thousand of renovations done to my house, too. I heard that the price of lumber is coming down.

Down here the market is insane. 3 different places I called about redoing our dock and adding a boat lift have all said that realistically I would be looking at 1 to 1.5 years before its completed.

I called several places to add a pool and they said the same thing or that they would take my number than call me back in 5 weeks to then have a sales person call me to setup an appointment.

I suspect within this time next year it will be a turn of events and a different market. The economic wheel is often slow to reach the market but its already beginning to take effect. Houses are now selling with only a couple bidding wars where as before everything was a bidding war or hidden off market sales. This might be the first month I go without getting a letter ,text, or phone call to sell one of my houses in the area.

edit on 12630America/ChicagoWed, 08 Jun 2022 12:12:51 -0500000000p3042 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: interupt42

Part of the difficulty for us is that we only have a handful of licensed contractors in our area. We were supposed to have the house renovated in the spring of 2020, but the shutdown and eviction moratorium put that on hold (we need to rent a house to live in during the renovations). Now the contractor I want to use has a huge backlog of work.

And it is really just my wife that wants to have the house fully renovated. I'm content to live in it as is until our dogs die, at which point we are going to live in Japan.
edit on 8 6 2022 by tamusan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I voted for Trump.

Not my fault.

But I do hope that everyone that didn't vote for Trump suffers worse.

edit on 8-6-2022 by DBCowboy because: day drinking

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 12:20 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: JAGStorm

I voted for Trump.

Not my fault.

You think you voted for trump . You could be 1 of the trillion Biden voters.

edit on 20630America/ChicagoWed, 08 Jun 2022 12:20:49 -0500000000p3042 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: interupt42

True ,I live in Oregon. Mail-in voting.

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

I voted for Trump.

I know this isn't popular to say, but if Trump was still in office I really believe we would still have some of these problems.
I do admit it probably would not be as severe but it was coming no matter who was elected.

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