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Recent 411 case in Montana averted.

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posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: kangawoo

there was a big creek that led into a larger body of water that was accessible via the path i was on.

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Same outcome of realization for me as well. He made more money from 411 than he did Bigfoot.
Just another circus barker šŸ‘

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Still a fan of Paulides and 411, but dang that documentary was hard to watch. A big part of his method is that he tries to rule out cases where there could have been regular human foul play and that Kunz case just seemed super straight forward for the human angle. Definitely made me question the whole thing a bit, but the truly mysterious ones keep me guessing.

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: JFBlair
I noticed all of his books I've read re-used the stories with just a few new ones added that from more recent events, so it ceased to be worth the price, for me.

I did enjoy his books, but I can tell you from experience it's not a good choice of reading material when you're camping in really remote areas. There are far too many sounds you never hear when living in town.....

At Vance:

Same outcome of realization for me as well. He made more money from 411 than he did Bigfoot.

I have that one as well, and didn't find it nearly as well-written or informative as I'd hoped. It left me wondering if he'd hired someone to transcribe his ensuing books for him.
edit on 200000088America/Chicago301 by nugget1 because: eta

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 04:40 AM

originally posted by: KTemplar
a reply to: Kurokage

Was that the robot grandma in the cave one, whereas the grandmother a week or so previous to the grandson going missing woke up on the ground with her spouse outside of her tent?

Yeah, that was the one.

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 09:07 AM
a reply to: nugget1

However, if there was an agenda to undermine the efforts and research of Paulides a good start WOULD be to discredit him. It comes down to, at this point, choice. Do I choose to see the merit behind ALL of his effort, or do I choose to buy into he is more of a con and somebody looking to make coin on selling books.

He may have become a little caught up on production. He may have become a little sloppy. But when I do independent research on old and older cases which feature the mysterious beyond any disappearances, I have to ask myself about Green Berets, who activated them en mass and the timing of their arrival with a suddenly missing child; dead seasoned Forest Rangers found months later with no obvious signs of injury; an old account of an upright bear "carrying" a stolen child as it fearfully avoided a determined young woman screaming at it to put the child down....over the course of minutes and in sight of no less than a dozen or so various people. Nothing to see here? State and Provincial parks would have us all believe that.

I will not let a few naysayers (who I might add have done NOTHING to champion missing souls) get in my way of the microscope Paulides has provided.

One wonders if State and Provincial park designations are perhaps a little more sinister than what they appear to be.

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: BiffTannen

Having gone missing once for 6 hours, only to appear back home during a heavy downpour with no shoes on and the visitations Iā€™ve had Iā€™m am very grateful someone is trying to find answers!

David Paulides Is the real deal!

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: KTemplar

K, glad you stayed with us in this realm. If you don't mind my asking, where did this occur and how old were you when it happened? If too sensitive a matter, please forgive the curiosity.

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: BiffTannen

Me too!

I was either 12 or 13. Canā€™t really remember,

It happened at a park in Rockland, MA. Park is Hartsuff Park.

I was lured there by my friend and neighbor with a story of a plane crash. It was Sept I believe, after school approximately 3 something.

We rode our bikes there, which now that Iā€™m older and question things, I should have realized there should have been no way she could have predicted where this plane crashed, it was miles from our houses, and way too specific in retrospect.

I made a thread about it here!

Long story short, against my gut feeling, I followed her to the swimming hole. Witnessed a huge bipedal creature, machine head spinning bot high in the trees fly towards us, and as I turned to tell her to run, she was no longer there, when I turned to run I was confronted by a grey alien literally 2 inches from face.

I have no recollection after that, donā€™t remember how we got home, but occasionally have images of running through the woods telling her to hide and not breath.

According to my mom, who never remembered anything lol. When those particular memories came back 25+ years later, and I asked her if she remembered anything weird about me Becky and Hartsuff Park. She gasped and said omg yes, I asked her what she remembered and she said. You and Becky went missing on your bikes, our families searched whole neighborhoods, went through woods in back of houses, contacted all friends. They had just decided to contact the police, it was about 9:00pm so any flashlight tag games should have ended and it started to
Pour out. They were growing desperate when we suddenly appeared on our bikes, no shoes, pouring rain (wasnā€™t raining before that). Also, no damage to feet.

When they asked where we were, we told them we saw a monster at Hartsuff Park.

I blocked it out for years , Becky contacted me some years later to get together since we both moved and she wanted to see me. Towards the end of the night, she asked me what did we see that day, unfortunately, I got very upset and refused to talk about it.

The only comment that made it out of my mouth, and I didnā€™t even know why I said it was, ā€œI donā€™t know what we saw, all I know is I donā€™t like red eyesā€.

I wish I had spoken to her now, and I havenā€™t been able to locate her. Iā€™m always hoping sheā€™ll come here and see our story and reconnect so we can fill in some 6 hour gaps šŸ„²

edit on 10-6-2022 by KTemplar because: Autocorrect why

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: KTemplar



posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

I actually drove past that park 2 days ago, and it definitely triggered my ptsd a bit. Although, Iā€™ve had so many strange things happen that I no longer fear it like I used to! I am still alive after all.

Iā€™m more curious and would love answers. If nothing else, to prevent it from happening to other people.

I believe asking Jesus for helped has saved me, and noticing the signs when youā€™re being lured.

Curiosity can kill the cat if youā€™re not protected!

edit on 10-6-2022 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: KTemplar

I'm sure about you wanting more answers.

I've had some low-grade odd experiences in my life; nothing like what you describe.

But one thing has bugged me a bit over the years. When I was a kid, the topic of UFOs and entities came up. My father dismissed the whole thing as hogwash. He accepted the view proffered by the media.

What bugs me is that when I heard those stories, I was seized by a deep fear, and my father's disregard of the topic did nothing to reassure me. And I've on occasion wondered since then, "now where did that (the fear) come from?"


posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

My guess is the unknown! Suppressed memories maybe!

Was your father ever in the military?

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: KTemplar

Was your father ever in the military?

Ding ding ding.

I've wondered about precisely what you mentioned.


posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

My father was in the Army, fought in Korea.

Was highly intelligent, and not to ever be argued with lol!

He also had what I thought at the time were some strange beliefs about the paranormal, but didnā€™t elaborate much on it. It was like following the clues to figure him out sometimes!

He passed way too soon šŸ„²

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: KTemplar

Hi KTemplar,

PM for you.

o7 regarding your father's service.


posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: BiffTannen

However, if there was an agenda to undermine the efforts and research of Paulides a good start WOULD be to discredit him. It comes down to, at this point, choice. Do I choose to see the merit behind ALL of his effort, or do I choose to buy into he is more of a con and somebody looking to make coin on selling books.

In researching the stories he features, it's a little of both. The new story additions in his latter books include incidents that have far more evidence of human interference than paranormal, which is why I think he's become caught up in the financial aspect of his research.

That doesn't discredit all of his stories, especially the older ones. It's easy to independently research them and see where 'rush to judgement' is playing a part in more recent events.

To use the DeOrr Kunz story as the main feature of his film was knowingly deceptive on his part; there was more than enough evidence to indicate foul play from the very beginning, and Paulides had access to that information. That begs the question of motive, and the only answer that makes any sense is money, with perhaps a bit of ego/notoriety envolved.

posted on Jun, 11 2022 @ 06:42 AM
a reply to: nugget1

Fair points and there are some, as in the movie, where I wondered if human intervention was indeed sort of obvious. I am glad you see the value in his work though, especially the original 2 or 3 books.

posted on Jun, 11 2022 @ 08:47 AM
Funny I saw something on. Eugenists and it mentioned how some were believers based on the effect iff high population and the damage to the ecosystem done by people. They also said that many of these people took up careers in such industries as forestry and national parks and other affiliated career choices. So strange but true many o0f them may not be greatly upset by some missing persons vanishing on their shift in their area on their grounds. They get on the radio to call all crypts calling all crypts dinner comi along trail 33 for you hungry ones its two course with an entire. (thats a family of three mum, cad and child). a reply to: ColeYounger

posted on Jun, 15 2022 @ 10:16 AM

originally posted by: KTemplar
a reply to: BiffTannen

Me too!

I was either 12 or 13. Canā€™t really remember,

It happened at a park in Rockland, MA. Park is Hartsuff Park.

I was lured there by my friend and neighbor with a story of a plane crash. It was Sept I believe, after school approximately 3 something.

We rode our bikes there, which now that Iā€™m older and question things, I should have realized there should have been no way she could have predicted where this plane crashed, it was miles from our houses, and way too specific in retrospect.

I made a thread about it here!

Long story short, against my gut feeling, I followed her to the swimming hole. Witnessed a huge bipedal creature, machine head spinning bot high in the trees fly towards us, and as I turned to tell her to run, she was no longer there, when I turned to run I was confronted by a grey alien literally 2 inches from face.

I have no recollection after that, donā€™t remember how we got home, but occasionally have images of running through the woods telling her to hide and not breath.

According to my mom, who never remembered anything lol. When those particular memories came back 25+ years later, and I asked her if she remembered anything weird about me Becky and Hartsuff Park. She gasped and said omg yes, I asked her what she remembered and she said. You and Becky went missing on your bikes, our families searched whole neighborhoods, went through woods in back of houses, contacted all friends. They had just decided to contact the police, it was about 9:00pm so any flashlight tag games should have ended and it started to
Pour out. They were growing desperate when we suddenly appeared on our bikes, no shoes, pouring rain (wasnā€™t raining before that). Also, no damage to feet.

When they asked where we were, we told them we saw a monster at Hartsuff Park.

I blocked it out for years , Becky contacted me some years later to get together since we both moved and she wanted to see me. Towards the end of the night, she asked me what did we see that day, unfortunately, I got very upset and refused to talk about it.

The only comment that made it out of my mouth, and I didnā€™t even know why I said it was, ā€œI donā€™t know what we saw, all I know is I donā€™t like red eyesā€.

I wish I had spoken to her now, and I havenā€™t been able to locate her. Iā€™m always hoping sheā€™ll come here and see our story and reconnect so we can fill in some 6 hour gaps šŸ„²

You used the word "lured", which to me suggests trickery. You could have said enticed but didn't. I have to wonder why. I'm not saying you know why, but perhaps your subconscious is aware of something.

At 13 if my close friend told me of a plane crash location I'm reasonably certain my sense of curiosity and intrigue would have trumped any reasoning as to how they could know the exact location. Hindsight of course sheds a telling light on such matters.

K, do you recall any strange scent or aroma in the immediate moments leading up to this bipedal-robot-grey experience?
Did you not explain your Dad had been in the military? Wondering if Becky's Dad/uncle/somebody close had a military connection as well.

I lost two days of recollection back in 74-75. I do not recall anything leading up to the moment or the point when I completely got back to being my regular observant memory-taking self. All I recall was wondering what had happened to my Sat/Sun sometime around Wednesday the next week.

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