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Baby Die-Off: Lactation Issues, Miscarriages, and Neonatal Death

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posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 09:27 AM
Once again, I can only speak from experience, but both my wife and I got vaccinated at the beginning of last year. We started trying to get pregnant in June and conceived in July. The wife got her booster, along with a flu shot and the TDAP vaccine while she was pregnant. In March we gave birth to a healthy baby girl who will be three months old next week.

On top of that, our inducement date was pushed back a day because Labor & Delivery was so busy. When it came time for delivery, the doctor told us we were the first of six deliveries she had that day.

So if the vaccines are supposed to be causing people to become sterile, or cause spontaneous abortions, or health defects they certainly seem to be doing a bad job.

By the way, the fact that the source for this thread uses the claim that miscarriages are way up in Ontario, despite that having been debunked months ago, certainly calls into question all of their other claims.

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 09:33 AM
As someone sitting on the fence and trying to figure out solid sources on this topic, I'm curious if Razor would be willing to answer a couple questions.

  1. 1, In your experience, are you 100% comfortable that the covid mrna vaccine is safe to the young/old population, short and long term?

  2. 2, During your medical career, have you ever had concerns about a vaccine or medicine?

  3. 3, In regards to Pfizer, Moderna, Biobot Analytics and AstraZeneca, does their business history cause you any concerns?

I appreciate your input on this.

edit on 7-6-2022 by devilsadvocatetoday because: clarify which mrna vaccine was being referenced in question 1

edit on 7-6-2022 by devilsadvocatetoday because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 10:24 AM

originally posted by: Xcalibur254
Once again, I can only speak from experience, but both my wife and I got vaccinated at the beginning of last year. We started trying to get pregnant in June and conceived in July. The wife got her booster, along with a flu shot and the TDAP vaccine while she was pregnant. In March we gave birth to a healthy baby girl who will be three months old next week.

On top of that, our inducement date was pushed back a day because Labor & Delivery was so busy. When it came time for delivery, the doctor told us we were the first of six deliveries she had that day.

So if the vaccines are supposed to be causing people to become sterile, or cause spontaneous abortions, or health defects they certainly seem to be doing a bad job.

By the way, the fact that the source for this thread uses the claim that miscarriages are way up in Ontario, despite that having been debunked months ago, certainly calls into question all of their other claims.

It hasn't been debunked. There are teams of thousands of doctors working through the Pfizer documents.

Also, you can't just read one thing and then use some anecdotal account to think that it counts for anything.

There are bad batches and different batches, just because you got placebo or a "good batch" doesn't mean everyone else did. Also it doesn't mean the next generation isn't affected.

Only about 50% of the mRNA in the vax codes for the Spike; the remainder has unknown effects

The ingredients are kept a strict secret even from those operating the manufacturing plants

mRNA for mutant versions of proteins CYP19A1, and CDKN1B are also added to the vaccine. These mutant versions cause loss of fertility.

Adjuvenants are added that upregulate LINE-1, causing reverse transcription of the above mentioned mRNA for CYP19A1 and CDKN1B, so that these mutations become integrated into the DNA and passed on to the next generation.

LNPs specifically target the Liver and Gonads (as found by the Japanese study)


posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 11:54 AM
The increase in infant deaths is indeed alarming and expected for those who knew this was coming. All one has to do, if they doubt this fact, is follow their local obits. Check as many towns and cities around your area and see for yourselves the obits of infants. This was a planned genocide by jab - FACT. There are also plenty of "died unexpectedly" obits for ages 20's - 50's as well as teens. Another interesting observation are the number of Vietnamese and Hispanic deaths I am seeing in our surrounding area, and I am in central USA, not CA or NY where those populations are much higher.

I have been saying for over a year, people had better prepare themselves for mass deaths - the die off - because we are in the beginning phase of that now.

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 12:30 PM
This disease and vaccine was an IQ test and I feel bad for these kids but sometimes dumb people get what they need.

If you took an experimental vaccine for a genetically engineered disease that you had a .007 of dying from then oh well. Bye.

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 06:10 PM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04
a reply to: Grenade

Are you obtuse? You post something from 4 days ago which is caused by Omicron and my post says the vaccine does almost nothing against Omicron.

Where does your disconnect come from?

Seriously? If you actually took the time to read the link that you are criticizing, you would have read the sentence

Notably, the study didn't cover the time period in which the omicron variant and its subvariants have circulated.

That’s some need for the “truth” you have there…
edit on 7-6-2022 by andr3w68 because: adding content

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 07:02 AM
Did OccamsRazor04 disappear? Still hoping you'll answer a few questions.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 12:57 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Just read the local newspaper and the birth announcements. Down 50% from last year.

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