posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 11:20 AM
I leaned over the gunwale forgetting there was nothing to drink the last time I looked and lo and behold I started picking cotton as wet as the sea...
Oh no the Taniwa has me!
My face as wise looking as an owl and arms as tangly as a vine warning people to not pick clouds out of their shorts.
The unknown name of anything until its known is the Taniwa...
People may come along and call it tides and erosion etc. but once they leave it's still the Taniwa. In realizing in other cultures the word "devil" is
the same? Maybe they can come to peace until that unknown rattles around making their eyes as wide as the sea partially hoping they do see and don't
see at the same time.
Knowing one's range? Oh the devil is everywhere... Yes but have you ever heard of the Taniwa? No. what's a Taniwa? The hair standing up on the back of
your neck!
If anyone has ever walked coastal one can understand why boat become the preferred method of expeditions and charting courses. Traveling
islands/disappearing islands or land masses without an anchor were thought to be large sea turtles. Seeing those and being on those could also be
thought of as Taniwa,
Being of island and fishing heritage there was no end to tales sitting with my grandfather and the other older men... the younger teen one's were
happy to go out and nearly have us all meet "Taniwa" at every opportunity... or so it seemed but I think that was just to get the parents to stop
making them baby sitters when they were wanting to get into other types of trouble and the adults knew it and just wanted the full report of all they
did if you were stuck with them and of course the threats if you did say since they knew parents would want to know.
Such a thing I suppose will never really end since such a thing likely has no beginning to it either.
edit on 5-6-2022 by Crowfoot because: editing