posted on May, 25 2022 @ 06:57 PM
Just some random thoughts...I am sure I will have more....
As a parent to one who just graduated HS....I can give a pretty good perspective of teens in schools these days. All the crap I have witnessed and my,
now 18 yr old has. She spent her entire school career in Colorado public schools. She has gone thru multiple lockdowns with possible shooter threats
and lockdowns due to a recent school shooting a few minutes from her school.
'The shooter being 'bullied' is a cop out. More than likely, they were the bully.
You know which kids are bullied in schools? Conservative kids. White rich kids. The 'normies' are the ones who are being bullied by the weirdos,
lgbtabcdefg, progressives/leftists/socialist, 'minority', kids. --Those kids are protected species in schools across the country. Staff/teachers cater
to them, kowtow to them, protect them at all costs. And those are the kids who end up shooting up schools. THEY are the bullies.
You know what is not allowed in schools? You are not allowed to judge people's appearance, behavior, or actions. There will ALWAYS be flags of these
mentally disturbed kids before they do these things. ALWAYS. Yet, what can anyone do about it? Tell who? Staff/teachers/parents will just say "now
dont judge". When they bully and you go to staff/teachers - nothing will ever be done because unless it is witnessed - it is hearsay. Or you are
gossiping or you are racist or homophobic whatever stupid excuse they can come up to keep from holding a BAD KID accountable for their behavior.
I have countless stories of very bad behavior of kids at my daughter's school and staff doing nothing. Kids that should have been watched. The
Colorado STEM shooter -
BULLY He was a weirdo. There were signs. I know parents who's kids were at that school when he shot it up. THERE WERE SIGNS...but the leaders
of that school were uber progressives and refused to listen to students pleas!!
Adults set kids up to fail by telling them "never judge anyone and dont tattle tail on anyone". I taught my daughter different.
edit on 2022
by shaemac because: (no reason given)