a reply to:
You are on the right path, but your are wasting time analysing the veil translations. They are not correctly translated. They are not even close to
I'll give you a few things to consider that will help you, if you are interested
1) Not only are the English translations incorrect. The original Hebrew and Greek translations are also corrupt
2) There are no "names" used in the correctly translated Bible. It is a compendium of important information about how the world works. Not stories
about people
Wherever a persons name is used, you need to translate it as a word, not a persons name
For instance; Samuel means "Emotions"
Every time you read the name in the Bible, you need to translate it as "Emotion", not as a person named Samuel
The same mistake has been made with all mythology, not just the Bible
The Egyptian "Thoth", the Norse "Thor" and the Greek New Testament "Theos" (which is meant to mean "God"), all mean "Thought"
They don't refer to a particular person or entity, they refer to the character trait
"El'ohim" is "Equilibrium", not "God"
It is all physics
3) The words within the Greek and Hebrew language have been corrupted within their use in the Bible
For example, the word "Kakos", said to mean "Evil", actually means "Conclude/End"
You need to correlate the Biblical stories with the older mythologies in order to find what they are trying to teach about how the world works
It is all allegory, written by people who didn't understand the original wisdom they were trying to translate
The best example of this is that Revelation is a book about Frequency, Resonance and Spectrum. It is physics. Detailing the 7 tones of the octaves
Mark of the beast is literally resonant frequency, or "key signature"
Beast out of the earth is the timing and cycle of the frequency
"Two witnesses" explains principles of "Harmony"
"Two witnesses killed and raised" explains the difference between "minor and major" harmony. Hence "killed and raised"
My point is, that your are wasting your time arguing the veil translations with Theists
You need to concentrate your efforts on uncovering the root teachings their translations came from
This makes any veil arguments irrelevant and powerless
edit on 23 5 22 by Compendium because: Spelling