posted on May, 7 2022 @ 08:45 AM
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Humans are not quite obsolete just yet. Lots of people will be needed to work the scythes to harvest the wheat to be ground into flour by turning the
millstone. No fuel for tractor and other farm equipment means we are going to need the old fashioned way of doing things.
Now everyone knows I like to make light of things, and then drop in some seriousness here and there to somber the mood. Makes the lighter stuff
funnier that way. But back in 2008 the US railroad companies were going to buy more locomotives than ever before. They were going to lay track
parallel to every line they could. I worked for a company that made parts for EMD (GE is the only other locomotive manufacturer) back then. Because
fuel was pushing $5/gal with no end in sight.
January 2009, the day after inauguration all but a skeleton crew were laid off with more cuts expected. The orders and plans were cancelled because
the Banks locked up short term business operating loans tighter than anything. You have to pay operation costs (mostly parts and labor) while building
and you pay off those loans when the locomotive sold. That was the way it has always been. CSX couldn’t just hand over cash that wasn’t being made
off the loads of that new locomotive that wasn’t built yet.
Politicians called it a Housing Bubble as a CYA and a dig at unrestricted free loans and poor monetary policy of unregulated banks (Credit Default
Swaps and worse practices) Notice interest free loans to the Banks from the Fed for the purpose of making loans, was what was done to get the economy
back on track? CSX said that is nice, but we are sill not gambling billions that fuel is going or staying at $5/gal because it already dropped to $3
by then. Supply and Demand, when unemployment is high no one buys gas to sit at home. See also Covid Lockdowns.
Banks had all this free cash and no one wanted to borrow it that they wanted to lend it to because by then Banks needed you to put up a dollar
collateral to borrow a dime. So they pumped up the deflated stock market because when Ford was $86 a share before and $16 a share afterwards, there
was nowhere to go but up. (Not the actual prices but the difference was that striking they may even went down to $8 an was higher to start).
Took all of Obama’s presidency to recover. And to be fair, it would have taken the discovery of Anti-Gravity Technology or an honest to god Free
Energy Device or something as spectacular to recover any sooner. And then there is Trump. Trump being moderately intelligent knows that you have to
identify a problem to fix a problem. And that problem is that the US economy is too unprotected to outside influences.
Trump figures that a return to domestic production is the key to insulating the economy so China is the lynchpin. Unfortunately too many fingers are
in that China pie and were going to have the door slammed shut. Impeachments are not working so welcome to SARS 2:Electric Boogaloo or Covid as it
came to be called. The original SARS stayed in Asia because the world locked them down to travel. Not so this time, because that’s
Supercali-xenophobic-expialidocious…or as Nancy “you have to catch it to find out what’s in it” Pelosi said “Come on down to Chinatown”
Joe, my super invention for you is to buy a Pez dispenser and fill it with Imodium AD tablets. It won’t fix the economy because it is well and truly
FUBAR now, but it will keep you from crapping your pants. And we have to start somewhere.