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Pfizer - Documents released 80k - 12% efficacy. Pfizer knew it killed the unborn

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posted on May, 6 2022 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: DaRAGE

I find it amusing how the MSM is still defending Pfizer.

When you get paid billions it's easy.

posted on May, 6 2022 @ 12:10 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

I'm not, you are trying to suggest that only a doctor can interpret the data when presented with the evidence. It's your avoidance tactic when presented with the truth.

No, I'm saying I trust others who have more experience in all this than you. Appeal Authority fallacy is when you suggest you are right based on your authority when your authority has little to do with the topic.

An Appeal to Authority Fallacy is when an argument is made by citing someone to support the argument even when that person’s expertise is not relevant to the topic. An Appeal to Authority Fallacy is a weak argument because the person being cited as an authority does not have the necessary knowledge or expertise in the field.

When I say I like to actually listen to experts involved over you all has nothing to do with AAF. That is why I suggested you reread it again and not argue some incorrect point that you seem to do a lot.
edit on 6-5-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2022 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: DaRAGE

I find it amusing how the MSM is still defending Pfizer.

When you get paid billions it's easy.

MSM claimed those documents are outdated, yet the MSM are still not talking nor are they showing their audiences the new leaked documents that Pfizer wanted to hide for 50 years.

Either in the end its going to be quite bad for MSM in the near future.
edit on 6-5-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2022 @ 01:54 PM
All of the evil perpetrated by Pfizer, Moderna etc. could have been avoided if people paid attention and were willing to act.

posted on May, 6 2022 @ 02:06 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

In case you didn't know, I don't give a crap... You seem very aggressive in your stance even when I say have fun, enjoy whatever it is you got going on here.

I'm not picking a fight. Merely a question. I have watched quietly since about 2005 on this site. left for a decade and came back. I wonder if you have considered each others views and done the research to try to prove yourselves wrong. As in one person does who has a stand for big pharma do the research against them and for those who have something against big pharma do research to prove that they are not liars.

Once again it was just me pondering. I feel that if you truly stand for something then trying to also see the negative or positive can give you a pretty good scope of things.

The documents released by BIG PHARMA themselves are pretty hard to dispute. In your honest opinion why have you chosen not to look through them? If you are so firm in your belief there would be evidence of falsehood in the actually documents that lend them more to a lie then actual truth correct.

Typing this out made me have a thought. Are you worried about admitting you are wrong(not saying you are), that it may just make you look bad. Well to be perfectly honest, admitting one is wrong is actually a huge sign of growth.

I feel that Big pharma isn't trust worthy. Thats just me. There are good sides to them,yes but, on this one the evidence seems to point out they did do more harm willing then good. We just want to know why. The lack of knowing can cause people( including myself) to become irate easily, especially when possible friends and family might get involved.

So yes we have been on your side. Holding on the beliefs that no one is out to get us. We wanted to stay ignorant. Its not peaceful know we are right when its something bad like this. Ignorance is bliss and some of us miss it.

posted on May, 6 2022 @ 03:40 PM
I have the same question.

Document name please?

a reply to: myselfaswell

posted on May, 6 2022 @ 04:49 PM

originally posted by: HarlokOmega

I'm not picking a fight. Merely a question. I have watched quietly since about 2005 on this site. left for a decade and came back. I wonder if you have considered each others views and done the research to try to prove yourselves wrong. As in one person does who has a stand for big pharma do the research against them and for those who have something against big pharma do research to prove that they are not liars.

Two wrong assumptions on your part...

1. That I lack research and that is far from the truth
2. I'm for big pharma, I'm actually not for or against them, but I am against extremists points in general.

This is why I can care less now. Everyone is stuck in their point of view and it is not changing, they just keep feeding it with fear porn or whatever else matches up.

The documents released by BIG PHARMA themselves are pretty hard to dispute. In your honest opinion why have you chosen not to look through them? If you are so firm in your belief there would be evidence of falsehood in the actually documents that lend them more to a lie then actual truth correct.

I did and even gave an example with the 12% in a recent post as to what I mean when you have data and people manipulate it for their agenda.

Typing this out made me have a thought. Are you worried about admitting you are wrong(not saying you are), that it may just make you look bad. Well to be perfectly honest, admitting one is wrong is actually a huge sign of growth.

Wrong about what? Its not about being right or wrong , but with many here it is more about winning some debate I have no interest in. I put forth my points in the past, so I don't see a reason to keep doing it.

I feel that Big pharma isn't trust worthy. Thats just me. There are good sides to them,yes but, on this one the evidence seems to point out they did do more harm willing then good. We just want to know why. The lack of knowing can cause people( including myself) to become irate easily, especially when possible friends and family might get involved.

I agree to a point, and the Goverment this last year or more have been very untrusting too, but to go down the path of a few here would be every Goverment every institution is also the same well except for a few that push the fear porn. I would bet I have done a much wider research into all this then you have.

posted on May, 6 2022 @ 06:13 PM
Well, it ain't a surprise. I know little about medical science and even less about virology, but I do recognize when someone is trying to sell me a low quality product. Luckily I could avoid getting vaccinated for covid without my livelyhood being threatened, but I hope that those will see justice who pressured others to do it.
edit on 6-5-2022 by eitea because: wrong thread, oops

posted on May, 6 2022 @ 06:47 PM
Really? ...No kidding?
I guess that's the difference between being a human lab rat and monkey.
Sad thing now? As humans? We apparently have to listen/obey, the "EDUCATED" monkeys, or we're all "uncivilized".

The same names/groups/organizations of people, that howl/growl/froth at the mouth/ pay for/, and call for, "depopulation"? ....Them People?

The same people, ....the same people, creating a "vaccine" to "save" the "population"?

Yeah?... No thanks.

I'll take some vitamin C, D, A, B and good/hard work, over your "vaccine". Any day. .... And I will shoot/punch/stab YOU between the eyes", burn your village down and eat your house pet, before you can force me to take your "science".

Just so "they/you" understand.
That is a threat, not just a promise.
Plan accordingly.

posted on May, 6 2022 @ 09:23 PM
a reply to: murphy22

I wouldn't force any science on anyone, but I am interested in any recipes for house cat.

posted on May, 6 2022 @ 10:46 PM
The jab was 95% effective....

.... at earning billions for Pfizer.

posted on May, 6 2022 @ 11:21 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

People who fail to see how wicked man can be are easy prey.

posted on May, 6 2022 @ 11:23 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
The jab was 95% effective....

.... at earning billions for Pfizer.

After the first dose they couldn't resist the billions, millions for more.

posted on May, 6 2022 @ 11:34 PM
Well, I knew from the initial release that me taking the vaccine was not I researched others legitimate research and found ways to prevent the virus from going covid. That information should have been stressed to the public but they wanted people to only trust the vaccine....that seems evil to me. It was all NIH or medical groups research and it led to a few patented treatments for covid being approved by making similar chemistries they could patent and sell at high prices.

If I could have taken the vaccine would I have...not if I had known what I know about the side effects and fact that it does not stop you much from getting the virus and passing it on. I think they messed up with the covid vaccines but are in protection mode and won't admit they screwed up.

Could they have developed a better vaccine using alternate technology...I think the answer is yes. Most of the covid deaths in this country are not caused by covid alone, but they want us to believe that covid played a significant they twisted the evidence to fit their desires. Why did so many die from this about the fact that there are so many baby boomers that are old...they are the ones that are dying, they have also been eating too much junk food and taking lots of meds. Yes, this virus is a problem for these very old people and also for some who have their immune systems suppressed by medicines...which right now is a lot of people. But if we had a very virulant strain of pneumonia going around, those people would have died too....which some of those who died had both pneumonia and this virus...listed as a covid death.

It sucks living in a world where deceivers are gaining too much power. The government has not done hardly anything to stop the people calling and scamming old people. I guess they cannot arrest deceivers when Washington DC is so full of them.

posted on May, 7 2022 @ 01:24 AM

originally posted by: projectvxn
Hopefully this will lead to the destruction of Pfizer.

I'd love to see their HQ burn to the ground with every one of those Joseph Mengele wannabes in it.

I agree with you.

But it won't.


Can I say revolution without it being inciting? At what point, do we have the freedom to say the things we need to say, and the things that need to happen. By the grace of law we should hold our tongue? I respect the staff here, and their choice if they come across this post, but it is what it is. We are people and power is bestowed upon all of us by our creator, not by government and not by ATS.

So again, I respect ATS and the opportunity given to discuss issues here in the public commons, understandably a privatized company and in tune with the same argument, you can dictate your creation how you please. I'll take my repercussions of censorship, it's merely a drop in a bucket. Nor did I explicitly say it has to be a violent revolution, but I think we all know the truth.

In either sense, the words can be censored online, but they last in the hearts and minds of us all. Sorry for saying something we all know needs to happen.

Arguments for:
Coordination between state and corporation to coerce Americans.
Mentioned coordination to shut down churches.
Mentioned coordination to shut down speech.
Mentioned coordination to shut down press.
Mentioned coordination to shut down gatherings/assembly.
Barring citizens from public places.
Coordination between state and media corporation to disseminate propaganda/manipulation on Americans *against smith mundt act before 2012 revision by Obama*
State involvement in the production and manufacturing of the Pfizer vaccine.
State coordination to destroy small business' and prop up the aforementioned corporations.
State coordination to cause famine whether intentional or not through immediate regulatory blocks in the name of a more distant threat.
Corrupt deals/rampate corruption.
Imprisonment of political prisoners.

This is just in the last 2 years...Need I go further? The middle class (wholey) and the lower class (in part) are the ultimate victims here, to a elitist caste system. This is the French Revolution all over again, only this time, King Louis XVI learned how to weaponize media to have the plebians fight eachother.
edit on J35522 by JimmyNeutr0n because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2022 @ 02:27 AM
hey ATS freeky friends I have been watching the tv series Supernatural. yep Sam and dean and all that stuff, now ive seen the series back in 2009 ish and the 5th series is from 2004/2005.
first up they had a virus sweeping the world called crotoan virus (no #) and in that episode someone tells dean to stock up on dunny rolls.
a few episodes on they have some swine flu epidemic going on and the company that makes the vaccine are hell bent on spreading there demon blood as a vaccine which turns people into crazed murderers.
it's only a show but #... that's surely coincidental
just my thoughts and no one needs agree

posted on May, 7 2022 @ 02:28 AM
i just realized that if you type the word # it comes out as #

a reply to: imdfreek

posted on May, 7 2022 @ 02:46 AM

originally posted by: imdfreek
i just realized that if you type the word # it comes out as #

a reply to: imdfreek

But if you type the symbol # it comes out as FOOOOK!

Swings and roundabouts

posted on May, 7 2022 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

That's called the appeal to authority fallacy. It's funny, when you are given someone like this, then you question their credentials, but if you are given the evidence you say you need someone who is smarter to interpret it.

This is exactly how someone acts when they are in the middle of denial.

We no... You are applying that fallacy wrong, go reread it

I'm not, you are trying to suggest that only a doctor can interpret the data when presented with the evidence. It's your avoidance tactic when presented with the truth.

I love it when they do that.

First it is only a doctor can interpret the information. Then it becomes only an approved doctor can interpret the information. Then it changes to only the top title holding approved doctor can interpret the information.

They always use the appeal to authority defense.. just as they were brainwashed into doing since a young age by - get this... people holding such titles and positions that would qualify as authority. Reinforced constantly by the media and others in positions of authority. How dare anyone go against the narrative provided by the approved authority figure on any subject. They are infallible when it comes to their fields and everyone else is too stupid to form their own educated opinion.

Only a biologist can define a woman after all.

If anything it let's you spot who the subjects are vs the citizens.

posted on May, 8 2022 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: DaRAGE

The document in question is not part of the 80k released, in fact it has been public a long time iirc.

Do you think someone with nausea, and 3 negative PCR tests should be considered a covid positive result? Your source does.

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