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Statements from civilians in Popasnaya-Bakhmut-Luhhansk, Ukraine

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posted on May, 5 2022 @ 05:44 AM

The residents of the Luhansk region tell about the atrocities of the Nazis (Right Sector) of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the city of Popasnaya:

"On March 8, it was. I hear a car coming, a big white car. Representatives come out of there, there was a black and red flag on this car. They take a machine gun and say 'Let's congratulate these creatures."
They shot at windows, at residential buildings, at civilians. A tank or APC would drive down the street and just start shooting. This was before Russian forces appeared. When asked they said they were shooting at separatists. The lady being interviewed states she can hear and all the shelling is coming from the so-called "defenders."

Evacuated residents of Popasnaya said the Ukrainian security forces and national battalions did not allow them to leave and shot at their homes. The residents call them Nazis. They do not see them as defenders. The man in the interview says that he saw them shoot at civilians and that they shot at him. He said they were even fighting against each other.

"The tank was constantly driving down the street and shooting at every house constantly, around the clock. So you are waiting for the time when he will pass and return to your house"

Citizens of Mariupol who had escaped to Bakhmut tell how, people were held against their will, women were raped, and men were beaten in Bakhmut on Levchenko street.

People were told "If you leave, we will shoot you. You are traitors."

They see themselves as being liberated by Russia. The woman said she cooks for DPR soldiers now.

That is not even half of what the civilians in the videos say. What I think this video shows us is that the treatment and actions of UAF against civilians aren't secluded events in Mariupol.



Psychological operatives are nothing new on these boards. ATS is one of the few places left where a conversation can be had on almost any subject without moderators and their version of the ministry of truth stepping in to determine what can and cannot be shared and discussed which makes it a target. The threads themselves are archives people will be able to look back on. If those people find nothing but bickering and egos they will lose interest in whatever was discussed.
Operatives closely mimic trolls. One does it for fun but generally has a life, they will eventually grow bored and find something else to do or a different subject to be annoying about. The operative has a schedule and will never relent.
The operative's goal isn't to change minds. It isn't to win debates or look smart. Their goal is to stop meaningful conversation in these threads by steering it off-topic. The more they look like a fool, deficient, or just a creep the less on guard you are. Simply interacting with them helps to accomplish their goal. They will goad you, they may continually repeat mantras or slogans trying to push your buttons.
When the current crisis or event that brought them into our community is over they will quietly leave the boards. If needed again they will make another anonymous account.

There is only one way to overcome such operatives. Do not engage. If they are not willing to discuss the subject simply write "Deny Ignorance" and move on. The same method is also effective against trolls.

edit on 5-5-2022 by Grimpachi because: grammar

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 06:00 AM
a reply to: Grimpachi

Was this one also created by russian press officers?

Did those russian press officers make the people they 'interviewed' available to anyone other than russian propagandists for once?

Have you retracted the now debunked lancaster videos you posted yet?

But sure, I 'believe' this one.

edit on 5-5-2022 by PatriotGames4u because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 06:11 AM
lol grimpachi are you schizophrenic?

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

I actually watched this video.

How do we know that these people come from where they say they do ? We don't.

For non native speakers how do we know what the subtitles read is what they are actually saying ? We don't.

Is this more Russian propoganda ? It is.

With these Russian propoganda videos, there is never a balanced view, where people from both sides of the conflict can make their opinions known.

It is fake, fake fake.

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 06:30 AM
a reply to: alldaylong

All of it's fake, take what you said about the Russian side and apply it to the Ukraine side, it's a distraction from the payoff that is going on, among other things it's to keep you moody, irrational, and unable to think for yourself.

These events and the emotional control media has on the public is what is going to allow this nonsense to continue. Censorship, choosing sides and flipping claims to suit your"cause".

Take everything both sides say with a grain of salt. Because the more you allow these events to control you, the less likely you will break the chain for the past couple of years and wind up repeating the same pattern.

The only way the bad guys win is by controlling your thoughts and forcing you to choose.

Doing this repeatedly embeds a pathway in the brain that becomes easier and easier to access, making you easier and easier to control. I know there is a scientific term for it as it is the foundation on how the brain operates by memory and recovery as it uses the same functions you use when you remember your 18th birthday.

So in short it becomes a cause and effect in your brain because that link becomes used more frequently.

Making you play their game, where they will win no matter what.

Think long and hard over the past couple of years.

Hate the Chinese - they created covid.

Hate white people(guilty for something your ancestor probably wasn't even a part of as the only people to have ancestors linked to slavery are big business owners),

hate black people(violent protests/city raising),

hate Mexicans(border issues on a scale by international law is deemed as an invasion; makes you wonder why we don't have a neighboring war of our own..(votes and favors by headmaster/mistresses of immigration housing that gets millions of funding by the democrats),

Taliban - helicopter rides by noose; remember?

hate the immigrants from Haiti (raping people, spreading disease and more),

Hate Puerto Rico (cause of that fentanyl drug issue killing thousands, increases in prostitution and sex crimes),

Hate the homeless (murdering people - no wait love them for abducting kids, cars and sitting outside on your lawn and middle school yards and parks doing drugs (reverse psychology makes you hate them when they camp on your yard, #ting and littering everywhere)...

Hate Russia or Ukraine hatred(your choice, or is it? Considering the next agenda; your a troll if you side with Russia and censored as well. Just proof you have no choice - your cancelled) if you research and believe their military is Nazi.

Hate china again; they told Russia our plans!

Hate India and a lost of other countries; they want Russian oil, and didn't vote to regulate it.

Now it's hate the Republicans for a leak created by democrats who destroyed your life for the past 2 years just so they can stay in office. (Considering the last agenda proves you have no choice, you will comply.)

This has been nothing but a recipe for hate and redirection - who to hate next. Be careful who you let control that power.

**Some of these has been less effective then others, but they remain a seed that can be nurtured and grown in the future. Once that seed has been planted, hatred can grow easily as well as spread.
edit on 5-5-2022 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 06:37 AM
a reply to: Grimpachi

It's sick what lengths the US, EU, NATO, UN et al will go to so they can cover up their crimes and hold on to their precious "perceived" power. This video makes complete sense with what I know to be going on. I always take everything with a grain of salt but when you resonate with something, even partially, you know there is truth to it.

Also you are correct about the operatives, (glad you see the writting on the wall)I have identified quite a few of them here in my time with ATS. It's very very obvious and frankly I don't know how some here do not see it. It's IIA (Information Influence Activities) operatives from the Clowns in America to GCHQ. Isn't nice how they call psychological warfare and propaganda "IIA operations"? Lol

edit on 5 5 2022 by BerkshireEntity because: Sp

edit on 5 5 2022 by BerkshireEntity because: Addition

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: Grimpachi

Just more Russian propaganda imagine that.

""Psychological operatives""

The paranoia just oozes out of you, so it does.

Plenty of moderators here by the way, so there is that.

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 06:48 AM
a reply to: BerkshireEntity

Just normal communication can be considered "information influence activities" thats how people learn. Your like amber heards lawyer grasping at straws for a failing case, why are you triggered? I mean its obvious your problem solving skills are lacking, you sound like a culmination of years absorbing false information mixed with no one to tell you why your wrong and now you have your own narrative that releases a feel good hormone for perceived "unknown information" that only you know. you are a slave to your own psyche and you just don't know it.

why cant you realize that despite all the corruption on both sides that exists and potentially exists, the bottom line is Russia is the aggressors here and they are wrong for it. plain and simple. Stating anything otherwise should be followed by why you think Russian indiscriminate bombardment is a valid tactic against a superior military.

there is no "perceived" power behind a properly maintained vehicle that doesn't host Chinese military tires and can handle real operation in a theater. Where is the strings to the "perceived power" thin? Please tell me because its sounds like your BS to me.

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 07:12 AM

originally posted by: alldaylong
a reply to: PatriotGames4u
With these Russian propoganda videos, there is never a balanced view, where people from both sides of the conflict can make their opinions known.


You guys are killing me.

Every thread is like a box of chocolates, but this is extra special. There's not enough balance in the war propaganda? At some point I fully expect you'll run out of bizarre excuses and just start criticizing the way the witnesses cut their hair.

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 07:16 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

I was looking for something to watch with the weans this afternoon down to it being Polling day at the primary school.

"Forest Gump" it is then.
edit on 5-5-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 07:17 AM

originally posted by: alldaylong
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

I actually watched this video.

How do we know that these people come from where they say they do ? We don't.

For non native speakers how do we know what the subtitles read is what they are actually saying ? We don't.

Is this more Russian propoganda ? It is.

With these Russian propoganda videos, there is never a balanced view, where people from both sides of the conflict can make their opinions known.

It is fake, fake fake.

I enjoy watching crazy propaganda & conspiracy theory videos of all sorts, just not when folks actually believe it as 'news'.

I even check out before... clown houses when bored, but never for 'news'.

I can't stomach watching any more of these dumb russian propaganda videos though, they're all the same nonsense.

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

just in time for the first phase of the 2014 russian invasion i see. has your time on ATS been chill? hope so.

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

criticizing the way the witnesses cut their hair.

Witnesses ?

That really made me laugh. I think you mean " actors "

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: Grimpachi

Psychological operatives are nothing new on these boards. ATS is one of the few places left where a conversation can be had on almost any subject without moderators and their version of the ministry of truth stepping in to determine what can and cannot be shared and discussed which makes it a target. The threads themselves are archives people will be able to look back on. If those people find nothing but bickering and egos they will lose interest in whatever was discussed. Operatives closely mimic trolls. One does it for fun but generally has a life, they will eventually grow bored and find something else to do or a different subject to be annoying about. The operative has a schedule and will never relent. The operative's goal isn't to change minds. It isn't to win debates or look smart. Their goal is to stop meaningful conversation in these threads by steering it off-topic. The more they look like a fool, deficient, or just a creep the less on guard you are. Simply interacting with them helps to accomplish their goal. They will goad you, they may continually repeat mantras or slogans trying to push your buttons. When the current crisis or event that brought them into our community is over they will quietly leave the boards. If needed again they will make another anonymous account. There is only one way to overcome such operatives. Do not engage. If they are not willing to discuss the subject simply write "Deny Ignorance" and move on. The same method is also effective against trolls.

So does this mean when it's over you'll leave to? Cause I got to tell ya what your doing is no different than the so called Psychological operatives / paid shills your talking about. You have no proof other than video that can't be independent;y confirmed by anyone. In fact instead of posting from the original source, it seems you have made a youtube channel the grim channel which seems kind of suspicious to me and post from there. So how do we know for sure your not editing them and hiding sources.

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: BlackArrow

"Three Minutes Hate?"

Seems like it's become "24/7 Hate."

But people will not stop letting themselves be manipulated. I am amazed how few people are actually capable of independent critical thinking. It's become a Orwellian wet dream for Big Brother.
edit on 2022 5 05 by incoserv because: I could.

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: BernnieJGato

Look at my post and thread history.

An operative will not engage in any meaningful debate on the subject matter. Their soul focus is derail the thread and disrupt real conversation on the topics.

Take a look through some of the threads I have made recently. Look at who posts in every single one and see if they ever discuss the topic of the thread.

That should be enough for you to figure it out.

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: Grimpachi

Your post history doesn't prove anything about you being a Psychological operatives or paid shill. For all we know, you could be a immigrant from russia that loves the motherland and being paid by them.

And when I look at your recent threads you say in all of them say Ukraine / Ukraine nazis bad, russians good. talk about being one sided, never mind that russia has been instigating since 1990's, and taken land that russia gave up when the USSR disolved.

Want to prove me wrong find something that really proves what you post besides videos that are from questionable sources, or edited and put on a youtube channel that has no othere videos listed other than ukraine war videos that was started in 2013.

A screen shot from the grim channel, on May 5th 2022, 9:08 AM

The Grim Channel Upload page on May 5th 2022, 9:08 AM

edit on 5-5-2022 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-5-2022 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: BernnieJGato

No, I am not going to try to prove you wrong. In fact, I stated in the thread that if you believe someone is an operative to ignore them.

You are free to believe whatever you want about me. You are free to read or ignore the threads I create.
The reminder in the thread is not intended as the topic. It is a reminder. I will be placing it in all my threads going forward and intend to only respond to those posting on the subject matter. The subject matter is not me.

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: Grimpachi

I guess others need to place a reminder that Psychological operatives / paid shills work for both sides and you never can tell for sure who they are.

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: Grimpachi

it is when your trying to get paid for your BS

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