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The Reactionary Conspiracy 6. Modus Operandi II

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posted on Aug, 13 2023 @ 04:14 PM

Two examples of how the reactionary conspirators announce that they manipulate election results:

• The March 1933 German federal election was the last election of the Weimar Republic.

A chart with the official results of this election:

The nazis (NSDAP) won 288 seats, a reference to 88, that is HH = Heil Hitler.

The communists (KPD) won 81 seats. 81 is reversed 18, and 18 = AH = Adolf Hitler.

The social-democratics (SPD) won 120 seats. 120 would be a reference to the planned duration of the Phase 5 (2023-2033): 120 months or ten years.

The catholic parties (Zentrum + BVP) won 92 seats. 92 would be a hint to the 92 months the second part of the 5th phase is planned to last.

The national-conservatives (DNVP, allied to the nazis) won 52 seats. 52 is backwards 25, an allusion to 2025, the year of Hitler’s planned return.

The turnout (88.7%) would be another allusion to 88 = HH.

• The 2020 United States presidential election are the last presidential election of this country.

Joseph R. Biden had 81 million votes. 81 is reversed 18, meaning AH = Adolf Hitler.

Donald J. Trump had 74 million votes. 74 is backwards 47, an allusion to Adolf Hitler, since Hitler had a 47 on his signature:

Biden got 306 electoral votes (56,88% of the total, source), which are respectively a reference to 1936, the year the Spanish Civil War began, and to 88, meaning HH.

Trump got 232 electoral votes, which is a palindromic number hinting to 2023, the start year of the Phase 5.

If we look closer to the official results (source) we can find more hidden clues:

Jo Jorgensen (red underlining) has two 18s on her results (red squares). Moreover, her name reminds of the first word from the title of the 2019 film Jojo Rabbit, whose argument is about a German child joining the Hitler Youth.

Roque De La Fuente (blue square) got a results (brown square) that look like a hidden 14/88.

Christopher Lafontaine (blue square), whose surname/last name is very similar to the above candidate’s one (The fountain in Spanish and French) and Kyle Kenley Kopitke (black underlining) both have number of popular votes starting with a 88 (brown vertical line). The initials of the latter are KKK.

In conclusion: Elections in capitalist countries have always been rigged by the reactionary conspirators, who decide the outcome of elections before they take place.

The rigging of the elections was announced by Joseph Stalin in 1923 when he said: "It's not the people who vote that count, it's the people who count the votes."

Apparently what he actually said is this sentence:

Even if he didn’t say the first, and most popular, version of the quote (It's not the people who vote that count, it's the people who count the votes), and even if he was referring to a particular election of the Central Committee of the CPSU and not to general elections, the sense of the sentence is the same, and this is what matters for the purpose of investigating the conspiracy and knowing how it works. Stalin was a member of the reactionary conspiracy, one of its most important members in the XX century. And the chosen year for him to say it, 1923, is a very symbolic year, since it’s exactly 100 years before 2023, the starting year of the Phase 5, it is also the year the failed Nazi coup, the Munich Putsch took place and the year the Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera (1923-1930) began. General Miguel Primo de Rivera was the father of José Antonio Primo de Rivera, founder of the Spanish Phalanx.

In conclusion: The conspirators announced through this Stalin quote that they rig elections by controlling who count the votes and how they are counted.

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 02:28 PM
Another two examples in which the conspirators announced/confessed the rigging of elections, this time with more hidden information:

• The 1860 United States presidential election took place on 6 November 1860.

Abraham Lincoln won 180 electoral votes, carried 18 states and had 1.8 million votes. The turnout of this election has been estimated to be 81.8%. All of these figures are hints to Adolf Hitler, since 18 = AH.

Lincoln’s running mate was Hannibal Hamlin, whose initials are HH, and who died on 4 July 1891, aged 81.

Hamlin was ambassador to Spain in 1881-1882, a years that have two 18s and two 88s. He was commissioned on 30 June 1881 and presented credentials on 20 December 1881, exactly 92 years before the killing of Admiral Carrero Blanco, Prime Minister of Spain, that occurred on 20 December 1973. The only Olympiad ever celebrated in Spain took place in 1992.

Between 30/06/1881 and 20/12/1881 there are 173 days, an allusion to 1973.

Hamlin left post on 17 October 1882.

474 is a palindromic number pointing to 47, a hint to Adolf Hitler, since Hitler had a 47 in the first half of his signature:

The number of votes of the Republican ticket was 1,865,908, the first four numbers form 1865, the year U.S. President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. President Lincoln died on 15 April 1865, that is four years, five months and nine days after the 1860 election.

In the above image (source), there is a 59 in the number of popular votes in both the first and third candidacies (black rectangles), and they are followed by a 08 and a 09 respectively (red underlinings).

Hannibal Hamlin was Vice President of the United States from 5/March/1861 to 5/March/1865, that is exactly four years. He was the 15th Vice President of this country. 15 = AE = Arriba España.

Also, the Southern Democratic ticket got 18.1% of the votes.

• The 1960 United States presidential election took place on 8 November 1960, 100 years and two days after the 1860 one.

Here the conspirators put too references to the future date in which John F. Kennedy was going to be assassinated, that is 22 November 1963.

The turnout was 63.8%, the Democratic ticket got 303 electoral votes and carried 22 states. 63 would be a reference to 1963, 303 to the three years than there are between 1960 and 1963, and 22 is the day of November in which the assassination took place.

President Kennedy died 3 years and 14 days after the 1960 election. The Republican ticket got 34,108,157 votes in this election, the first three numbers of that figure are 341, an allusion to the time passed between the election and the murder.

Senator Harry F. Byrd, who was not a candidate, got 15 electoral votes, 14 from unpledged electors (6 in Alabama and 8 in Mississippi) and one from a faithless elector from Oklahoma, this last one vote as Vice President Senator Barry M. Goldwater instead the candidate all the other 14 electors voted for: Senator James Strom Thurmond, who lived 100 years, an allusion to the 100 years that had passed since 1860.

That 15 electoral votes would be another reference to AE, meaning Arriba España. Senator Byrd died on 20 October 1966, 66 = FF = Francisco Franco. Franco died on 20 November 1975.

In conclusion: The conspirators left clues in these two particular elections not only of their electoral manipulation, but also of the assassinations of two U.S. presidents and, in addition of that, about Spain. Notice how the three states (Alabama, Mississippi and Oklahoma) that had electors that voted for non-candidate Harry F. Byrd, all were part of the Confederate States of America when this entity existed (Oklahoma was named Indian Territory back then), and also the three are formed on land that once belonged to the Spanish Empire.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 02:31 PM
• The 1990 East German general election was the last election of the German Democratic Republic (GDR), commonly called East Germany in English, and also the only reportedly “free” election ever held by this country.

The official results of this election:

The Social Democratic Party (SPD) got 21.88% of the votes and 88 seats. 88 = HH = Heil Hitler.

The Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS, heirs of the SED, the ruling party of the GDR) got 16% of the votes and 66 seats. 16 = AF = the first and last letters of the name Adolf; 66 = FF = Francisco Franco.

The B90 (Bündnis 90 = Alliance 90) presented a candidate with the surname Reich, and got twelve seats. When Hitler’s regime lasted twelve years.

Turnout was 93.4%, an indirect hint to 6.6 = F.F. = Francisco Franco.

A more detailed version of this election’s results:

All left-wing political parties had at least one allusion to fascism, even the smaller ones. It’s marked with red underlining in the above image.

United Left got 0.18% of the votes.

The Communist Party (a one-election party created in 1990 by ex-members of the SED) got 8,819 votes and 0,08% of votes.

Federation of Socialist Workers got 386 votes, a 8 (H) between a 36, a reference to 1936, the year the Spanish Civil War began.

The conspirators even left clues in the overall votes:

Both the number of valid votes and the percentage of invalid/blank votes had a 55 (red underlining).

Number of Invalid/Blank votes, 63,263 (blue underlining) means two 63s, a hidden reference to 1963, the year U.S. president John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

Number of total votes has another hidden reference, 604,41 (blue underlining). As the zeros don’t count, 604 would be 64, that is 46 backwards. Joseph R. Biden first year as 46th president was 2021, 41 years after 1990.

To the conspirators: Could you release the real results of the 1990 East German general election, please?

• More information regarding the 1933 German federal election:


(Notice the typo of putting Frankfurt in the place where Berlin is).

In addition to all I told above, this election was the 8th federal election of the Weimar Republic. So this would be another allusion to Hitler, since 8 = H.

Diputados = Deputies

Exterior = Foreign

Hacienda = Treasury

Trabajo = Employement

Correos = Postal service

Ministro sin cartera = Minister without portfolio.

Hitler’s first cabinet had 12 ministers, a hint to the twelve years this regime was going to last, as had been decided beforehand by the conspirators. It’s also an allusion to the Twelve Apostles.

posted on Aug, 21 2023 @ 05:57 AM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker

The Communist Party (a one-election party created in 1990 by ex-members of the SED) got 8,819 votes and 0,08% of votes.

This Communist Party wasn’t a one-election party as I mistakenly said, it still presented candidates in 2019. It doesn’t change anything about the investigation of the conspiracy, but I want to be as precise as possible.

posted on Aug, 25 2023 @ 04:39 PM
• The conspirators announced/confessed that they manipulated the results of the 1972 United States presidential election in the following motion picture:

Blow Out is a mystery thriller, it was released on 24 July 1981.

Towards the minute 6 we can see the news in the television talking about a poll of fictional candidates to the U.S. presidency:

This fictional Governor George McRyan is a hidden allusion to the real life 1972 Democratic candidate George McGovern

There is a hidden 1972 (red squares) in the numbers of that poster:

The 31 in between is a 13 backwards, meaning the Thirteen Colonies, a symbolic way of referring to the USA.

In another scene the protagonist talks briefly to a policeman:

This policeman reminds of a sergeant, when the 1972 Democratic Vice presidential candidate was Sargent Shriver.

The pattern of this wall from the house of main protagonist symbolize the conspirators control the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, the two main parties of that country:

The place where the protagonist works:

The protagonist drives through a Liberty Day parade:

In this scene nobody gets hurt, this means that the conspirators are announcing, in this case, a non-violent act: the rigging of this 1972 election.

In conclusion: George McGovern won 62% of the vote in the 1972 U.S. presidential election, therefore Richard Nixon did not win in a landslide, as the official version claims. What actually happened was exactly the opposite.

The conspirators manipulate all elections in the countries under their control, but this election in particular was important because it was the first since the ratification of the 26th Amendment to the U.S. constitution, which lowered in this country the voting age from 21 to 18. They not only manipulated the percentages, but also the number of votes, since Richard Nixon officially got 47 million votes in this election, and Hitler had a 47 in the first half of his signature

To the conspirators: Could you release the real results of the 1972 United States presidential election, please?

edit on 25 8 2023 by MarxistDebunker because: Typo

edit on 25 8 2023 by MarxistDebunker because: (no reason given)

edit on 25 8 2023 by MarxistDebunker because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2023 @ 11:51 AM
Blow Out was released on 24 July 1981, exactly nine years and eleven days after the end of the 1972 National Democratic Convention, which took place on 10-13 July 1972. This was the convention that elected George McGovern as presidential candidate of the Democratic Party.

So this hidden allusion to the 9/11 attacks is a proof of the existence of the conspiracy, since the release date of this film shows that there were people with prior knowledge of those attacks twenty years before they took place.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 02:12 PM
Man on the Moon is a biographical film released on 22 December 1999.

In it we can see, at the minute 11, a scene in which the symphonic poem Also sprach Zarathustra, composed by Richard Strauss in 1896, is played:

This symphonic tone is widely associated to the film 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Additionally, towards the end of the credits, we can see the number of the AHA (blue rectangle) assigned to this motion picture:

90111 is a hidden way of putting the date 09/11/01

2 would be a reference to the Twin towers.

In conclusion, this 1999 film would be another proof of the existence of the conspiracy, since it shows that there were people with prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks.

posted on Nov, 4 2023 @ 02:16 PM
D.O.A. is a mystery film released on 18 March 1988.

On it there is this scene with two professors (the protagonist and main secondary character) where a portrait of William Shakespeare can be seen in the background:

One of the members of the crew of this film is surnamed Cervantes:

It is a reference to the Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes.

In addition to that, main protagonist is shown drinking water many times, when one of the symptoms Cervantes had before dying was intense thirst.

Early on this film, these two same characters can be seen walking before a banner that says “Christmas Carnival”:

The two cees in green mean: Catholic Church.

I think the initials SIC are a hint to the Latin adverb sic, meaning “thus” or “just as”. And sic comes from the Latin phrase sic erat scriptum, “thus was it written”.

Main secondary fells on the same spot where another character had died about a day before:

It symbolizes the fact that Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare died one day apart, the former on 22 April 1616 and the later on 23 April 1616.

A yellow sphere can be seen on the door of the protagonist home:

It is of the same color than the one that can be seen in the 1976 film At the Earth’s Core:

And both yellow spheres represent the inner level of the conspiracy.

Decoded meaning: Both William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes belonged to the reactionary conspiracy.

posted on Nov, 19 2023 @ 03:54 PM
I discovered a new strategy used by the conspirators: replacement of famous people who are not members of the conspiracy.

I learned this particular case using three interconnected films:

Monsieur Klein is a mystery film released on 23 September 1976. Set in 1942 nazi-occupied France, it tells the story of a art dealer who is seemingly mistaken by a Jewish man of the same name.

At the beginning of it we can see the protagonist buying a painting:

It is a painting of Adriaen van Ostade:

It is a 1666 painting called L’Analyse (“Analysis”, in English):

The one shown in the film has some variations from the original:

The original does not have a sphere on top of the closet, and the measurements of the film’s one differ from the real one:

The film’s one is 50 by 30 cm.

This motion picture was titled El otro Sr. Klein (“The Other Mr. Klein”) in Spain:

Abstract paintings can be seen at the protagonist home when the police is there:

In this same scene, one character can be seen playing The Internationale:

Both are hints to the Spanish painter Pablo Ruiz Picasso, commonly known as Pablo Picasso, who created many abstract artworks and who famously joined the French Communist Party in 1944.

Later, a female character is wearing an outfit that reminds of a bullfighter:

It would be a reference to Spain.

A calendar can be seen showing the days 17 and 18:

It is a reference to the beginning of the Spanish Civil War, which took place on 17 (Spanish Morocco) and 18 (Spain properly) July 1936.

At one moment it can be seen this painting with women on it:

It would be a hint to the 1907 Picasso painting titled Les Demoiselles d’Avignon.

At one moment, the protagonist of this film is detained in the July 1942 Roundup of Parisian Jews.

Surviving Picasso is a biographical film released on 20 September 1996.

At the beginning of it we can see Picasso being conducted to a underground chamber by German soldiers:

There, he plays a joke to this militaries by briefly locking them:

This would mean that the exact opposite happened in real life: Picasso was locked by the nazis.

Later on, we can see this scene with a closet in the background:

There is a guitar on top of that closet:

This guitar would be a reference to both the sphere of the Analysis painting shown in Monsieur Klein and also to the 1942 painting by Picasso titled Still life with Guitar:

The number 30 also appears on this film:

It is a connection with the 30 cm from the measurements of the Analysis painting shown in Monsieur Klein.

The Roundup is a historical war drama film released on 10 March 2010. It is about the 1942 roundup of Parisian Jews.

At the beginning of it we can see this brief scene showing a man painting in the street:

He represents Pablo Picasso.

In conclusion: Pablo Ruiz Picasso was kidnapped by the conspirators in 1942 in Paris and was replaced by a lookalike who impersonated him for the remainder of his life.

edit on 19-11-2023 by MarxistDebunker2 because: Improved post

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 04:18 PM
More clues supporting my finding about the replacement of Picasso.

The Train is a war film released on 24 September 1964. It is also set in Paris, towards the end of the nazi occupation, and paintings play a key role. It’s about a German colonel trying to transport a train full of artworks of famous painters from Paris to Germany.

At the beginning we can see this sign:

The film starts on 2 August 1944:

It is a way of alluding secretly to 1942, the year Pablo Picasso was kidnapped:

1511 would mean, in my opinion, AEAA, that is Arriba España y Arriba Alemania, “Up with Spain and Up with Germany”.

Many paintings can be seen inside this museum, including abstract ones:

The box with Picasso paintings has a 2 on it:

The box with Joan Miró paintings has a 4 on it:

The numbers on the boxes of the two Spanish painters make a 42, another hint to 1942.

A wagon with the number 2 can be seen:

It means that Joan Miró was also kidnapped and replaced by a double.

Towards the end of this film, a box with the name of Picasso can be seen next to other boxes:

Oben = Oven

Degas = Gas chamber


- Some time after being kidnapped, Picasso was gassed and his remains cremated, maybe at some point between Paris and the German border.

- Like Picasso, Joan Miró was also kidnapped and replaced by a double after returning to Spain in 1941.

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 08:05 PM
Joan Miró returned to Spain in 1940, not in 1941 as I mistakenly said in the above post.

posted on Mar, 14 2024 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

I have found another source by which the conspirators claimed responsibility of the 9/11 attacks:

The Bunker is a war horror film released on 14 September 2001.

At the beginning we see this date:

It could be a reference to some event planned for June 2024.

Then, at 5th minute we see this information:

In my opinion, it is just a reference to the man-made Apocalypse (the 4 horsemen) that started in 2023, first year of the phase 5. Also, it is an indirect allusion to the number nine (4 + 5).

At 51st minute we see this inscription in a door:

Mun is the first syllable of the Spanish word “mundial”, meaning “world”, which is a reference to the World Trade Center. Also, R = 18 = AH = Adolf Hitler.

Then, we see another inscription in an ammunition box:

If we look closer, we can find hidden information on it:


3 = 3 days

1 = A = after

5 = E = event

A direct allusion to 9/11, and the sentence “three days after event”. This film was released three days after the September 11 attacks.

A second reference to the 9/11:

A closer look:

This actor has a II shaved on his head, this would be an allusion to the Twin Towers and also to the number eleven.

Third reference to the attacks:

The two fingers would have the same meaning as the previous one, and in both cases they happen while being at the 28th second, although in different minutes.

posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

I have found more clues left by the conspirators in the 9/11 attacks:

Ziad Jarrah was one of the four hijackers of United Airlines Flight 93.

This is his driver’s license:

On it we can see many references to Adolf Hitler, including on Jarrah’s own surname.

• Jarrah was a member of the Hamburg cell, a German city whose name starts with the reversed initials of Adolf Hitler.

He and other hijackers were in Spain in July:

We find here a hint to the Schutzstaffel (SS).

And to the SturmAbteilung (SA).

Furthermore, 25th of July is the festivity of James the Great, patron saint of Spain:

• Flight 93 crashed in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. As I said in this thread, this county is one of the places in which a German dialect is spoken.

It is well known that the hijackers of this flight waited 46 minutes before launching their assault. In a terrorist attack planned years or decades in advance, nobody would have done that “by mistake”.

They waited 46 minutes on purpose. And deliberately crashed this aircraft in Somerset to send the message that this was an attack on behalf of the Axis.

• A musician, using the artistic name Vatican Shadow, published an album in 2016 titled Media in the Service of Terror. This is its cover:

First song is titled “ Ziad Jarrah Studied Mathematics”:

In conclusion, these are other examples of how the conspirators claim responsibility for the attacks they carry out.

posted on Sep, 10 2024 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

• The concordat between the Holy See and Nazi Germany, known as the Reichskonkordat, was signed on 20 July 1933.

It was effective on 10 September 1933.

The 20 July plot took place on 20 July 1944, exactly eleven years after the signing of the Reichskonkordat.

By combining the dates of these two historical events, we uncover a hidden reference to another date:

Read from right to left, it says 11 September 2001.

In conclusion: This would be another example of how the conspirators claimed responsibility for the September 11 attacks. In this case they used a combination of enigma and time capsule, a formula they have used in other occasions.

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