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The Reactionary Conspiracy 6. Modus Operandi II

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posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 05:46 PM
• The SS City of Everett, the first U.S. steamship to pass through the Suez Canal and the first to circumnavigate the globe, sank on 11 October 1923.

• The DeAutremont Brothers killed four people when trying to rob a train also on 11 October 1923.

• The 1983 Beirut barracks bombings were two suicide attacks against American and French military bases that took place on 23 October 1983.

The City of Everett was build in the state of Washington and was known for having tried to help the sinking RMS Republic, the DeAutremont brothers robbed the train number 13. All of these are references to the United States. The surname DeAutremont is of French origin, so this is a reference to France.

These brothers killed 4 people while 26 people died in the sinking of the City of Everett. In the attack to the American base died 4 times more people than in the attack to the French compound. So in the first half (the two 1923 events) of this reversed duality we have the brothers (symbolizing France) and the steamship sinking (symbolizing the USA) and the fact that far more people died in the sinking than in the attempted robbery mirrored in the death toll of both attacks in Beirut.

The city of Everett was incorporated in 1893, the Beirut attack took place in 1983. Washington achieved statehood in 1889, the year Hitler was born.

In an strange incident, the unarmed SS City of Everett apparently captured the city of Málaga, Spain when it entered the harbor of this city seeking fresh water, which occasioned a surrender by the city’s inhabitants during the Spanish-American War.

This steamship sank while going from Cuba to New Orleans. One of the U.S. marine’s units from the attack in Beirut had partaken in the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.

Roy DeAutremont died on 17 June 1983, aged 83. Ray DeAutremont died on 20 December 1984, aged 84.

17 + 3 = 20. 20 + 3 = 23. The Beirut bombings happened on a 23rd.

Also, between 17 June 1983 and 23 October 1983 there are 4 months and 6 days, an allusion to the 46th presidency of the USA.

Admiral Carrero Blanco, Prime Minister of Spain when Franco was alive, died on 20 December 1973, the Beirut attacks happened 1 month and 27 days before the 10th anniversary of Carrero Blanco’s death, this is a reference to the 27 Club.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 05:13 AM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

Rudolf Hess, deputy leader of the NSDAP (the Nazi Party), died on 17 August 1987, fourteen days before the release of Bad. Also, Hess famously flew solo to Scotland on 10 May 1941, fourteen days after his 47th birthday.

A special edition of Bad was released in 2001, fourteen years after the original release, a reference to the demise of Hess and also to his famous flight. It contained seven new bonus tracks:

10 (from the original release) + 7 new ones = 17, another allusion to the day Hess died.

Track number 17 contains the phrase “fly away”, track number 18 contains the same phrase. Track number 18 would be the number 17 if we don’t count track number 11, which wasn’t included in the original release. So here we have a double reference (a usual characteristic of the conspiracy) to both Adolf Hitler (18) and Rudolf Hess (17) with the peculiarity that Hess’ reference is also double, depending on wether we count track number 11 or not.

The three numbered interviews to Quincy Jones could be a reference to January 2023, the beginning of the 5th phase.

The single of the 7th track (Man in the Mirror) was released on 6 February 1988, eighteen days before the 68th anniversary of the foundation of the NSDAP. This single’s music video features clips, among others, of Adolf Hitler, George Rockwell, leader of the American nazi party, and Pieter W. Botha, leader of South Africa from 1978 to 1989.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 06:58 AM
• Prime Minister Spencer Perceval was assassinated on 11 May 1812 in Westminster, London.

Osama Bin Laden was killed on 2 May 2011 in his Pakistani compound, shortly after 1:00 AM local time, when it was still 1st of May in the Americas and Western Europe.

While Bin Laden was killed on May 2, his death was announced by Barack Obama on May 1, U.S. Eastern time. So this reversed duality could be represented by the subtraction 2-1= 1, or simply putting a “1/2” which is the one I chose, it works both ways.

PM Spencer Perceval was the first and only British prime minister ever killed. Osama Bin Laden was the first General Emir of al-Qaeda, so he was also the first leader of this terrorist group to be killed.

Both this PM and Bin Laden had an unusual number of children, 13 the former and 20-26 the latter.

Both of them were the sons of rich men. Both were killed in the middle of a war, the Napoleonic wars in the case of the PM and the War on Terror, in the case of Bin Laden.

Perceval wore (he was the last British PM to do so) a powdered wig, while Bin Laden had a grey beard.

Both killings have an American factor: Osama was killed by American soldiers while PM Spencer Perceval was killed just a few weeks before the start of the War of 1812.

Since Washington was burned in this war, this reverse duality could be also an announcement of something (maybe an attack) related to an important capital city.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 02:03 PM
• The vessel HMS Hermes, the first purpose-designed aircraft carrier to be built, was laid down in Britain on 15 January 1918.

• In this same day the U.S. Army established the I Corps in Neufchâteau, France, during the First World War.

Mark Sheridan, an English music hall comedian and singer, committed suicide on 15 January 1918 in Glasgow, Scotland.

• The shooting in the offices of Charlie Hebdo, a French satirical weekly newspaper, took place on 7 January 2015 in Paris.

The HMS Hermes was sunk by Japanese aircraft in 1942. The First Corps fought against the Japanese Empire in the Pacific Theater of the Second World War and after it took part in the occupation of this country, nowadays they have a forward headquarters in Japan. The precursor of Charlie Hebdo was a magazine called Hara-Kiri.

Hara-kiri is a form of Japanese ritual suicide; Mark Sheridan died by suicide.

This singer was born on 11 September 1864, exactly 137 years before the 9/11 attacks. Also, the 64 is backwards 46, a reference to the 46th presidency of the USA. He was born in Hendon, a name resembling Hebdo.

The name of the HMS Hermes is a reference to Hermés a French brand of luxury goods founded in 1837, this would be a reference to 137.

The god Hermes from the Greek mythology is an herald. An herald could be defined as someone who brings news, like a journalist.

Additionally, Hermes Trismegistus is a legendary Hellenistic figure that originated as a combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth. His name means in Greek "Hermes the Thrice-Greatest", so this could be a reference to the III Reich. Also, the conspirators seem interested in the philosophical system known as Hermetism .

This ship had a pennant number 95. The Charlie Hebdo shooting happened 48 days before the 95th anniversary of the foundation of the NSDAP (The Nazi Party). The First Corps ended the purely Japanese occupational mission in 1948.

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 07:58 PM
This is the method the reactionary conspirators are using to try to create an artificial Apocalypse (or artificial extinction event):

I wrote a message in another thread giving several examples of self-fulfilling prophecies actually created by this conspiracy, which I reproduce here below:

I don’t know who is David Wilcock, but a self-fulfilling prophecy isn’t repeating the same thing for many years till one day you are right.

Self-fulfilling prophecies (or predictions) means stating something will happen in the future and then putting all your means in making that thing happen.


Saying “a sign of the Tribulation/Apocalypse/Doomsday will be big plagues around the world” and then developing the coronavirus in one of your laboratories and releasing it in a Chinese city.

Stating “a sing of the Tribulation/Apocalypse/Doomsday will be big wars and rumor of wars around the world” and then installing in power co-conspirators like Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelensky who will create such wars, and sending thousands of disinformers all over internet who will create such rumors of wars.

Claiming that “a sign of the Tribulation/Apocalypse/Doomsday will be that the frontier between men and women will be diffuse” and then ordering co-conspirators (or their sons) to become transsexuals or shemales for the purpose of broadcasting them regularly on media owned by you.

This is what self-fulfilling prophecies mean.

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 04:54 PM
Randall Davidson, Archbishop of Canterbury, died on 25 May 1930.

• The opera Transatlantic premiered in Germany also on 25 May 1930.

• The conspirators are planning the return of Adolf Hitler on 30 May 2025, twenty-eight months after the beginning of the 5th phase on January 2023.

I explained how I have arrived to this conclusion on this thread.

posted on Oct, 7 2022 @ 02:58 PM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker

Sirhan used a Iver Johnson revolver. This company was headquartered in Arkansas.

Sirhan was born in Mandatory Palestine, a territory administered by the United Kingdom under a mandate of the Society of Nations. Randolph Churchill, the only son of Winston Churchill, died also on 6 June 1968, same day as Robert Kennedy.

Stonycreek Township has FIPS code 42-111-74440, the 11 is a reference to 1911, the year Randolph Churchill was born.

This means the conspirators killed both Robert Kennedy and Randolph Churchill.

The conspirators claimed responsibility for these two assassinations through the movie The Eagle Has Landed, for doing so they put clues in this fictional work related to these crimes.

1) Using the time passed between the two dates:

This film was released on 25 December 1976 in Finland and Sweden.

Robert F. Kennedy and Randolph Churchill died on 6 June 1968.

“8 years, 6 months, 19 days” meaning:

8 = H = Hitler

6 = F = Finland

19 = S = Sweden.

2) Using the dialogues:

“102 months, 19 days”: At time mark 1:00:23 one of the main characters says: “I hope Winston Churchill appreciates our sense of humor”.

1:00:23 would be a hint to both this 102 and to 2023. And both 102 are a allusions to 2022, their year zero, since 1920 (year of NSDAP’s foundation) + 102 = 2022.

The word sense starts with an s, meaning 19.

3) Through the characters:

One of the main characters is an Irish man who has been in the IRA, and his main motivation for helping the nazis seems to be his desire for revenge against the British. This is an allusion to the Irish ancestry of Senator Robert Kennedy, but also to the fact that Sirhan Sirhan was born in Mandatory Palestine.

This same character has a dialogue with another female character one at time 51:22 in which they’re mentioned the following words: 19, February, 25 and 22.

19 = S = Sirhan. Please, note how the number 19 appears twice in the first image of this post.

Mentioning 25 and 22 while referring to February is an indirect allusion to 24th of February, the day the NSDAP was founded. Also, Sirhan Sirhan was 24 years old when he assassinated Robert Kennedy.

In this same dialogue, this male character mentions the tobacco being unhealthy when in that time (1943/1944) it was uncommon to say that. This is probably a reference to the murder of Randolph Churchill, maybe suggesting he was poisoned by the conspirators.

This dialogue takes place at minute 51. This is connected to the “3124” from the first image, since (19)20 + 31 = 51, and the NSDAP was founded on a 24th.

And as always, the 22 and 25 are references to 2022 (their year zero) and to 2025 (the year of the return of Hitler).

4) Putting the murder of a civilian by another civilian in this war film:

At 1:03: 08 the mentioned female character shoots another one in the back. This seems to be a reference to both 2023 and to the assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy.

posted on Oct, 8 2022 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

The conspirators also used The Eagle Has Landed to announce that Stalin was a member of the reactionary conspiracy and that he killed President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

• In this film the character named Arthur Seymour represents Franklin Roosevelt, while the character called Molly Prior represents Stalin.

• Arthur Seymour is introduced in a scene where he reprimands the Irish collaborationist (whose name is Liam Devlin) for entering a bar with a shotgun. Arthur starts talking at 45:40, a reference to April 1945, the month President Roosevelt died. This reproach seems to symbolize the USA recriminating nazi Germany for invading other countries that aren’t the USA, like Hitler telling the Allies: “These countries aren’t yours, who are you for telling me what to do outside your house?”.

• In the scene starting at 51:00 (51 = reversed 15 = AE = Arriba España) there is a dialogue between Liam and Molly Prior in the beach.

The beach symbolizes Warm Springs, the Georgian city where Franklin Roosevelt died. Stalin was from Georgia, the country, then a Soviet republic.

The name Molly is a variant of Mary. Stalin’s first name was Joseph.

Prior is the name of a religious top official:

This would be an allusion to Stalin being the leader of the Soviet Union. Also, the conspirators used this surname to announce that Stalin was a cleric, most probably a deacon of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Molly says she’s 18, almost 19, years old. Since this movie is set in 1943, this would be a hint to the fact that Stalin became leader of the USSR around the years 1925/1926. Her birthday is said to be on February, a reference to the Yalta Conference, held in February 1945 and the place where Stalin poisoned Franklin Roosevelt.

• At time 1:02:18 begins a scene where Molly kills Arthur by shooting him in the back with Liam’s shotgun. This is probably a symbolic reference about how the assassination of Franklin Roosevelt took place, with Stalin puncturing Roosevelt with some mini device concealed in Stalin’s hand, likely while the President was sitting distracted.

• Towards the end, at about time 2:11:40, after a killing, one character talks, while looking at his clock, about the Tehran Conference and Franklin Roosevelt is named. This is a hint to the Yalta Conference, where President Roosevelt was probably poisoned, but also to the “first 28 months” (January 2023 - May 2025) of the 5th phase, since the Tehran Conference started on 28 November 1943.

posted on Oct, 8 2022 @ 08:50 AM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker

The name Molly is a variant of Mary. Stalin’s first ñame was Joseph.

Sirhan Sirhan was born on 19 March 1944.

The 19th of March is Saint Joseph’s Day.

posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 05:41 AM
Another recent case of what I call “reversed duality”, a type of terrorists attacks made by the reactionary conspirators.

• On 23 April 1913 an explosion killed 96 miners in Pennsylvania.

• A few days ago, on 13 April 2023, another explosion killed 18,000 cows in Texas.

An image showing this reversed duality:

The key to solve this part of the Conspiracy (the reversed duality) is to pay attention at the insignia of two Waffen-SS Divisions:

- The 6th one:

- And the 35th one:

This last one, the 35th, is also directly connected to the 9/11 attacks through those two rectangles which represent the Twin Towers.

posted on Apr, 22 2023 @ 10:02 AM
This same asterisk symbol can be seen profusely in the recently released remake of the video game Resident Evil 4. Just two expamples of this:

posted on Apr, 23 2023 @ 11:23 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker
I'm going to start this out by saying that I am generally skeptical of conspiracies. It's usually pretty hard for a group to carry out any long term operation in secret. Sure, there certainly ARE real conspiracies such as those listed in another thread in this forum. But one thing they all have in common is that they were eventually exposed, and it usually did not take long.

There are also agendas that some rich and powerful people have. But those are rarely carried out clandestinely. Think of George Soros. He has things on his agenda but he is pretty transparent about his agenda. Same with Bill Gates and the Koch brothers.

MarxistDefender, I will say that I find your posts entertaining. You have really connected a lot.

But you've got some incorrcet information. GHW Bush and GW Bush were NOT the only father and son to both be president of the United States. Blacksburg Virginia is not named "Blacks"-burg because it was a town for black people. It is named for Samual Black who first established an outpost and trading post there in the 1600s. I don't think either of these factual errors have a significant impact on the connections you've made but some others do. For example, you have said certain words or names were anagrams for other names when they aren't. At other times you pick random, unconnected events to tie to something simply because it was 214 (or whatever) years before. It would be more believable if you picked events that seem to be related or connected.

I would also appreciate it if you could provide thesis statements to summarize in advance what you are proposing. That makes it much easier for any reader to follow your argument. As they say..."tell them what you are going to tell them, then tell them, then tell them what you told them."

You clearly work very hard to develop all these connections and post here. I can only assume you do that to convince people of your theories. If so, don't you think that would be easier if you provided thesis statements to make it easier for readers to follow?

Good luck and I look forward to continuing reading.

posted on Apr, 24 2023 @ 01:02 AM
Clearly this is all pointing us to Olivia Newton-John as one of the leaders of this plot. Her father is the guy who arrested Rudolph Hess after his infamous solo flight to England. And she died on 8/8/2022 - there's that 88 and 2022 again! She also died only 105 miles from Valencia California in Santa Ynez which is named for St. Agnes of Rome, yet another connection to Italy. I always knew that girl was up to no good!

Incidentally, the land where she died and where the Newhall incident occured was part of the Mexican Cession created by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that ended the Mexican American War. Most of the state of New Mexico was acquired by the United States as part of the very same Mexican Cession (a little sliver in the south was bought a few years later under the Gadssden Purchase.) So who ever was ticked off about New Mexico being stolen could plausibly have had a similar grievance against the CHP officers in 1970! I bet Olivia was there in her later years to keep an eye on things.

Olivia Newton John's Grandfather was Max Born, a prominent Jewish physicist who worked with Albert Einstein and won a Nobel prize in 1953 for his work in the statistical interpretation of the wavefunction which is important in both quantum mechanics and optics. He was the co-author of the most fundamental treatise on optics and the physical nature of light that is still used to this day in most graduate programs in optics around the world. If anyone was an expert on light and darkness it was him!

Finally, since you have tied all this to the Mexican Cession, I would be remiss if I did not point you to a significant conspiracy/agenda connected to this that is documented to have existed. The Gadsden Purchase was spearheaded by Jefferson Davis, at the time Secretary of War under US President Franklin Pierce, but you may know him better by his next job, the only president of the Confederate States of America. He advocated for the Gadsden Purchase to secure a southern railroad route across the continent so that the South would have a way to transport its cotton to west coast ports and on to markets in China after the South seceeded. So he and several others in the US Government actually were conspiring to this end. A lot can be connected to this including the possible stockpiling of hay for troops at Butterfield Stage stations. Butterfield later founded the American Express Company that still exists today and was closely associated with Henry Wells and William Fargo (as in Wells Fargo Bank).

How such a sweet girl like Olivia got herself involved in all this is beyond me. But I've always believed that "where there's smoke there's fire!" So hopefull you can run all this to ground Mr. MarxistDebunker!
edit on 24-4-2023 by skeptical808 because: typo

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: skeptical808

Please, don’t spread disinformation on my threads.

I am doing this because I want to believe that at some point in the near future (hopefully before 2025) some intelligent people will realize something really suspicious is going on before it is too late and then, if they can reach somehow this information I am writing here on ATS, it could be very helpful for helping them to know who is the real enemy.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

What disinformation did I post?

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 02:05 AM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker
a reply to: skeptical808

Please, don’t spread disinformation on my threads.

If you are going to accuse me of posting disinformation, please have the courtesy to respond when I ask you to tell me what you think is disinformation. Everything I posted about Jefferson Davis, the Mexican Cession, Olivia Newton-John, and American Express company can be easily verified. Where is the disinformation please?

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 02:19 AM
Seeing double, man. Fix it.

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 09:47 AM
• The German submarine SM-12 was sunk on 10 March 1915 in Eyemouth, Scotland.

• The Christchurch Mosque shootings took place on 15 March 2019 in New Zealand.

Clues that reveal us the connection between this two incidents (apart from the dates):

1) The Christchurch shooter used two AR-15 rifles, this is a reference to 1915, the year that submarine was sunk.

2) He also used two 12-gauge shotguns, this would be an allusion to the name of the submarine.

3) He too used a rifle from the brand Uberti, a hint to the German word for submarine, U-Boot.

In this case, like in others, they don’t used a direct transposition of the number 10 (the day the U-12 was sunk) but instead they used the sum (9+1) in the year of the second event. They probably did this to make the connection between the two incidents more difficult to detect or perhaps because the year 2019 suited them more for their plans than the year 2010.
edit on 28 4 2023 by MarxistDebunker because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2023 @ 01:08 AM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker
In this case, like in others, they don’t used a direct transposition of the number 10 (the day the U-12 was sunk) but instead they used the sum (9+1) in the year of the second event. They probably did this to make the connection between the two incidents more difficult to detect or perhaps because the year 2019 suited them more for their plans than the year 2010.

Early on you stated that the conspirators want to send clear signals and now you are saying they want to conceal their involvement. Which is it? Can you clearly explain when they choose to hide and when choose to broadcast their actions?

posted on Apr, 29 2023 @ 01:31 PM

originally posted by: skeptical808

Early on you stated that the conspirators want to send clear signals and now you are saying they want to conceal their involvement. Which is it? Can you clearly explain when they choose to hide and when choose to broadcast their actions?

Yes, you are right, this needs a clarification and I am going to try to do it in this message.

I’m quoting myself from the first post of this thread:

Like all terrorists, the reactionary conspirators like to claim responsibility for their attacks. But sometimes they can’t do it straightforward because they don’t want anyone else knew of their existence before time. Instead, in this few cases they claim responsibility by committing attacks on important dates related to the Second World War or to the history of the N.S.D.A.P. (The Nazi Party).

The terrorist attacks are carried out by what I call the Level Two of the reactionary conspiracy, which is composed mainly by the jihadist groups (Al Qaeda, ISIS, etc) and the violent fascists, many of these last ones are called “white supremacists” by the media and the manipulated public. So let’s take a look at the most active segment of this level: ISIS and Al Qaeda. The jihadists always (or almost always) claim responsibility for their attacks around the world, so everybody else know who have committed them, but among these attacks there are some in which the reactionary conspirators have put hidden clues connecting these attacks to the Axis/Fascism.

And they do that because they have a kind of rule by which they have to warn their enemies/victims about their true intentions, so putting hidden clues in some of their actions is a way of abiding by their rules without exposing themselves more than is strictly necessary. And the most common forms of hidden clues I have found so far are references to the history of fascism and its leaders, to events of the Second World War, to events of the First World War, to Christian Saints and to Catholic schemes like the Gunpowder Plot.

So the breakdown of the terrorist attacks regarding the clues the conspirators leave could be this one:

1) Attacks committed by ISIS or Al Qaeda without any hidden clues. Examples: Most of the attacks carried out by the Jihadists in the Middle East.

2) Attacks committed by ISIS or Al Qaeda with hidden clues. Examples: The most important ones committed in Western countries, namely the September 11 attacks, as I explained in the 1st post of this thread.

3) Attacks committed by extreme-right terrorists with hidden clues. In this section we have two subtypes:

A) Those carried out by so-called white supremacists: here the perpetrators do not hide their ultra-right ideology but do hide the fact that they are members of the reactionary conspiracy and not "lone wolves" as they want to be portrayed. Examples: The Charleston church shooting or the Christchurch mosque shootings.

B) Those perpetrated by people apparently unrelated to the extreme-right. In this case the perpetrators conceal both their ideology and their membership in the conspiracy. Examples: The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, the 2017 Las Vegas Shooting or the Parkland high school shooting.

I hope this clarifies this important part of the conspiracy for you all.

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