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Panic in Boris Johnson’s UK as Fully Vaccinated have a higher Covid Hospitalisation-Rate

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posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 02:45 PM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04
I find it curious how people focus on only one part of the data, that which they think supports their beliefs, and then ignore the rest. So looking at the data here we can deduce two things.

1. More vaccinated people are getting hospitalized.
2. Unvaccinated people have a much greater risk of hospitalization.

I made this post in response to another person posting this as an example of how the vaccine is bad, proven by the data. Here are the numbers.

Week 13 data.
Vaccinated 80+ population: 95%
Unvaccinated 80+ population: 5%

Vaccinated 80+ covid hospitalizations per 100,000: 217.88
Unvaccinated 80+ covid hospitalizations per 100,000: 123.5

Unvaccinated 80+ are 10.77x more likely to be hospitalized for Covid than vaccinated 80+

So while there are almost 2x as many hospitalizations in the 80+ vaccinated group, that group comprises 95% of that population.

I don't think you're reading this right. The two sets of data have nothing to do with one another - the hospitalization rate per 100k is not based on overall vaccination rate. When you look at this figure:

Vaccinated 80+ covid hospitalizations per 100,000: 217.88
Unvaccinated 80+ covid hospitalizations per 100,000: 123.5

All that's saying is that when you take 100k vaccinated people over 80, 217.88 are likely to be in the hospital. When you take 100k unvaccinated people over 80, only 123.5 of them are likely to be in the hospital. That's a huge difference in favor of the unvaccinated.

What's more important is converting those figures to percentages: Hospitalized vaccinated people are only .2% per 100k. Hospitalized unvaccinated people are only .1% per 100k. These are incredibly small numbers either way.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 02:46 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Soloprotocol
But why are the vaccinated ending up in the hospital...and dying from covid?. They're vaccinated, right?

Because the vaccines are real world medicines which don't always protect perfectly, but do protect most of the time.

What alternative medicine or treatment do you have to offer, that is better overall, than vaccination?

You don't even know the ingredients or the effects of the vaccine/s you are pushing.
Admit it

edit on 4 by Mandroid7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

That's normal, exactly the breakpoint.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: Mandroid7

We know the ingredients as much as we know the ingredients of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: Subsonic

Nope, because we have the raw figures as well. Total number of hospitalizations.

80+ Vax (95% of the population) - 224
80+ unvax (5% of the population) - 147

If the data was as you suggested then EQUAL risk would be 200 hospitalizations for vax and 10 hospitalizations unvax.

Again, the data shows over 10x more risk of hospitalization for the unvax, yet people are using that exact same page to show how much more likely you are to get sick after vaccination because of the headline and they want it to be true.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Exactly where dis go????

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

If they protect, then how are there so many people vaccinated in hospital?
Surely it is not protecting that well then?

Last time I heard about vaccines I was taught that they prevented illness.
Now apparently they do not.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

I'm paniking , I'm pregnant and un-vaccinated .... and a male !

Don't panic. Tomorrow you can self-identify as a vaccinated, not-pregnant female and everything will be just fine.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: derfreebie
a reply to: gortex
But gor, you can trade any of the three OFF for the opposite
if you wish. But to stay barren, calm and at the same time
vaxxed with the same thing as red kryptonite for terrans
maybe isn't a healthy path. Or sane.
I kept begging those around me, family and others to reconsider...
but the programming for this go-around was way too strong.
Now we may actually be seeing the truth they can't hide
with false numbers anymore. Glad indeed I'm not a white coat.

World birth rates have been declining almost linearly since the 1950's.

If the vaccines affected fertility, I would expect to see some sort of change in the slope, after a year.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: 1947boomer

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

I find it hard to accept any info/link from a site that has a paywall.

The data is available for free from the UK government.

(Sarcasm alert for the slow witted ...)
Oh, it's on a government website. Well, that'd be trustworthy, then.

edit on 2022 4 27 by incoserv because: formatting.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 03:22 PM

originally posted by: chris_stibrany
a reply to: chr0naut

If they protect, then how are there so many people vaccinated in hospital?
Surely it is not protecting that well then?

Last time I heard about vaccines I was taught that they prevented illness.
Now apparently they do not.

But they don't protect you from illness and infection. They just protect you from not protecting others.

Or something like that.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Curious; do you think all those domain names and charities that have been set up due to and with covid ' vaccine' harmed people are full of liars? I have read untold personal stories of infertility and messed up menstrual cycles.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 03:39 PM

originally posted by: chris_stibrany
a reply to: chr0naut

If they protect, then how are there so many people vaccinated in hospital?
Surely it is not protecting that well then?

Last time I heard about vaccines I was taught that they prevented illness.
Now apparently they do not.

The vaccines are protecting people, right now, from developing severe disease, and from dying. The few vaccinated who do develop severe disease or die, are called breakthrough cases, and are of a very low percentage of those both infected and vaccinated. That is the 'real world' part of the way things are, as opposed to the fantasy of magical perfect cures.

But the infection has already spread to greater numbers of people, and has developed more infectious strains, than there were back in the times before the vaccines were available, and so now there are a lot more cases of the infection 'going around'.

The vaccines don't begin to help your body fight the virus until the virus is in your system - infecting you. They aren't a magic shield outside of your body.

Over time, as numbers of people develop an immune response (either from being vaccinated, or from getting over an infection of the disease) the virus will abate in the population pool and then the cases will decline. But that will take time, and is a balance between the infectiousness of the virus, and the percentage of the population with an immune response (herd immunity).

edit on 27/4/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 03:43 PM

originally posted by: Soloprotocol
But why are the vaccinated ending up in the hospital...and dying from covid?. They're vaccinated, right?

Impossible. The head of America says being vaccinated keeps you from getting Covid. Those who are vaccinated and in the hospital, must be there for another reason. Can't be Covid-19. Nope.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 03:47 PM

originally posted by: chris_stibrany
a reply to: chr0naut

Curious; do you think all those domain names and charities that have been set up due to and with covid ' vaccine' harmed people are full of liars? I have read untold personal stories of infertility and messed up menstrual cycles.

Now I am curious. You mean there are people giving money away to those who claim to have been harmed by the vaccine? I suddenly feel adversely affected. I'll have to put in a call to have my personal physician conjure up some medical documentation for me.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: chris_stibrany
a reply to: chr0naut

If they protect, then how are there so many people vaccinated in hospital?
Surely it is not protecting that well then?

Last time I heard about vaccines I was taught that they prevented illness.
Now apparently they do not.

The vaccines are protecting people, right now, from developing severe disease, and from dying. The few vaccinated who do develop severe disease or die, are called breakthrough cases, and are of a very low percentage of those both infected and vaccinated. That is the 'real world' part of the way things are, as opposed to the fantasy of magical perfect cures.

But the infection has already spread to greater numbers of people, and has developed more infectious strains, than there were back in the times before the vaccines were available, and so now there are a lot more cases of the infection 'going around'.

The vaccines don't begin to help your body fight the virus until the virus is in your system - infecting you. They aren't a magic shield outside of your body.

Over time, as numbers of people develop an immune response (either from being vaccinated, or from getting over an infection of the disease) the virus will abate in the population pool and then the cases will decline. But that will take time, and is a balance between the infectiousness of the virus, and the percentage of the population with an immune response (herd immunity).


posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: CptComa88
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Exactly where dis go????

USA Deaths on 4.22.2022 = 7,400

USA Deaths of Covid-19 infected on 4.22.2022 = 104

20 times more American babies are killed by their Mother/Doctor every day, than there are Covid-19 deaths.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: carewemust

thread about UK hospitization rate of vaxxed over unvaxxed, not politicial BS which you are entangled to 24/7 or abortion

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 04:11 PM

originally posted by: Soloprotocol
But why are the vaccinated ending up in the hospital...and dying from covid?. They're vaccinated, right?

the fact that you feel the need to ask this question, strikes me as you had not been paying attention to what we were told about the vaccines, their purpose, and what they are actually for. but then i have to remember that what you understand is all based on what people have actually been told. by their governments and news sources. the thing is depending on where you live, and what your government and media has told you, you were almost getting the complete opposite information. in fact from what i was seeing, that divide of what information you were even seeing on facebook, and i am NOT talking about what people themselves were posting (another can of worms all together), but "official" type sources depended on where you lived. which has led to an awful lot of confusion around the world with people getting hit with ALL sides. and this is why so many are and have been pushing for internet censoring, because of the confusion caused by "fake news and information" they were getting, causing people to believe pretty much the opposite things about the vaccines. but who, or which information is actually right and truthful?

in other words which side should actually be censored? is it what mainstream media puts out? even discounting the fact that many people don't believe main stream media, due to their obvious political bias, twisting of the truth, into lies, and strait out lies over the years. but which mainstream media, from what countries are right, and which is the actual true information?. since what mainstream media said depends on their political leanings, and country, and what THEY were told. and that doesn't even take into account that you could actually find MULTIPLE SIDES, and even almost opposite information, being put out by the same media source (although only one side was generally pushed at a time).

well i guess we should listen to the government and their versions of the CDC then right? i mean the ARE the experts, and/or have the best, most currant information after all? yet again what THEY were saying, yet again depended on where you lived. and especially in countries like the US and Canada for example, on which political party/leanings of "your side" had,with yet again almost the opposite things about the entire pandemic. (of course this has caused an even wider gap and division between people who support the different political parties, with everyone of course "believing THEIR political side.

how about the world health organization, and the UN? surly you could rely on them for the truth. after all they are the experts, and have all the information, from everywhere to work with. and thus being "politically and nationality neutral" (yeah right), wouldn't they be the ones to trust? well it would seem from what i saw, that the WHO was also plying both sides of the fence, with the information from them, also seemingly defendant on where you lived.

and people were being bombarded by conflicting information about the vaccines from all sides. so it is understandable that people such as yourself can't seem to grasp why people who are vaccinated are still getting sick, and even being hospitalized, or dying. after all that is what leaders like Biden, and Trudeau and the parties in power were telling people. and their government controlled medical bodies like the CDC "backing them up". with most mainstream media of their countries (and remember in Canada, at least most print "main stream news" services have been quite literally bought off, with millions of tax dollars each), following their direction for the most part. and the message about vaccines in the US and Canada was quite literally "that ONCE VACCINATED you would NO LONGER HAVE TO WEAR A MASK". and that once enough people were vaccinated, there would be no more danger and that everything could open up and get back to normal. and thus their reasoning for trying to force everyone to be vaccinated. which of course since it became a "political issue", with the sides often being completely opposite of each other in many respects, has caused even more hate and division between supporters of each party. with many of those on the liberal/democrat side upset at the fact that Republicans/Conservatives endangering THEIR lives by refusing to take this vaccine. while on the other side people are pissed off at being forced to take an experimental, never properly tested and studded vaccine (a process that takes many years, not just a month or two), putting THEIR lives in danger. (by the way, what tends to happen when two groups of people are (in their eyes), justifiably scared for their lives of the other group and what they are doing/not doing? hint it is not peace).

so here is the thing you question why people that have been vaccinated are still getting sick is not as whacked as it would first appear, since you have been told over and over again that the vaccine will end the problem, and keep people from getting sick. which according to all the information i got, where i was living was saying quite the opposite, where we were being told that the vaccines were ONLY to "try" to "keep people from getting AS SICK" from the virus. and that the vaccines only purpose was to ONLY "stop the worst of the health effects suffered IF you got sick from it". that hopefully once vaccinated, you would be LESS LIKELY to die or suffer permanent, serious health effects.. absolutely no talk at all about anything like the vaccines stopping you from getting sick.

in fact as soon as the news came out with leaders like Biden and Trudeau, their governments and media stating that once vaccinated you no longer needed a mask, and would end the pandemic, we were hit with an almost spam tsunami of official posts on platforms like facebook, from the government where i was, backed up by the WHO, and other countries in the region, stating very specifically. "ONCE VACCINATED, YOU STILL NEED TO WEAR A MASK, because the vaccines DO NOT STOP YOU FROM GETTING THE VIRUS, NOR DO THE VACCINES STOP YOU FROM PASSING THE VIRUS ONTO OTHERS. that ALL the vaccine does is to help protect the individual vaccinated person, from getting as sick FROM the virus.

and at this point it would seem that unlike countries like the US and Canada (and i believe much, but not all of western Europe), have been the ones lying, since your very question shows that what we were told was the truth, or at least a lot closer to the truth then the apparent LIES told in countries like the US and Canada.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 04:11 PM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04
a reply to: Soloprotocol

The vaccine is not 100% protection. Why are the unvaccinated in the hospital and dying at a rate 11 times greater? I answered you, will you answer me?

which is it, are they dying at 11 times the rate, or hospitalized at 11 times the rate, or both?

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