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The Nightmare - mRNA Vaccines Produce Persisting Spike Protein

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posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 04:01 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 04:24 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 04:39 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: justsomerandomdude

As opposed to endless threads on here with links sponsored by questionable sources?



posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 05:00 PM

originally posted by: justsomerandomdude

why are you labeling them anti-vax? from what i see the majority of the posts are about the possibility of the danger that the covid 19 vax might present. NOT all vaccines.. im down to read both sides of this matter... but when its the same people over and over going out of their way to say the same crap over and over... it makes me question their purpose.

You talking about the OP that puts out 5+ fear porn anti COVID vac posts a day, or someone else?

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 05:45 PM
The body actually produces spike proteins in response to the vaccine or the virus, so really everyone is at risk of spike protein damage and complications. I'm not vaxed, but I had a cold a couple of times, and the last time I completely lost my smell, so I'm pretty sure that I'm dealing with it, as I'm having issues that are odd and won't clear up completely. Ivermectin and some other things have helped, but I can't seem to recover 100%. Some reports are saying that spike protein can reek havock for up to a year.

And all because governments had to go and genetically engineer a deadly virus that they didn't contain.

If there is any truth to spike protein causing a list of serious health problems over time, it's more than likely, in my opinion, that this virus was designed to do just that, and we are in the middle of a carefully crafted and engineered population reduction, and or, average maximum age reduction. I could honestly see Bill Gates thinking that viruses are a great way to slow or reduce population growth, and I could see him selling that idea to governments around the world.

The virus also served to reduce government's social liabilities, aka old and sick people.
Social security could go on forever if the average age of death was lowered to 65.
edit on 27-4-2022 by IndieA because: added info

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 06:00 PM

originally posted by: justsomerandomdude
a reply to: LordAhriman

why are you labeling them anti-vax? from what i see the majority of the posts are about the possibility of the danger that the covid 19 vax might present. NOT all vaccines.. im down to read both sides of this matter... but when its the same people over and over going out of their way to say the same crap over and over... it makes me question their purpose.

Whenever someone labels me “antivax” the next thing they say has already lost a measure of credibility.

I have to ask myself-If they are that wrong and opinionated about the first thing they say what else are they wrong about?

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 08:13 PM
So originally it was normal mRNA that was bad for you and caused all kinds of unwanted side effects.

But now the problem is that vaccine mRNA isn't the real mRNA and thats what is causing all kinds of unwanted side effects.

I wish people would make up their minds. Its exhausting being scared of a new thing every day.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 10:26 PM
a reply to: dandandat2

Fear and pain are very tiring, it cant be good for a nation to be constantly getting misery fed to them hourly through the box. After a while, its effect should lessen with constant exposure but then you get immune to the fear and suffering, which again is not a great thing when most people are naturally empathetic.

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 10:06 AM

originally posted by: NorthOfStuff

originally posted by: justsomerandomdude
a reply to: LordAhriman

why are you labeling them anti-vax? from what i see the majority of the posts are about the possibility of the danger that the covid 19 vax might present. NOT all vaccines.. im down to read both sides of this matter... but when its the same people over and over going out of their way to say the same crap over and over... it makes me question their purpose.

Whenever someone labels me “antivax” the next thing they say has already lost a measure of credibility.

I have to ask myself-If they are that wrong and opinionated about the first thing they say what else are they wrong about?

Exactly, it's the usage of these words that immediately discredit someone.

Some other ones are "conspiracy theorist", "Q", "But what about Trump"..etc

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 03:15 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Or spending an awful lot of time posting endless confirmation bias anti vaccine threads?

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 03:41 PM

But, while the April 2020 and January 2021 COVID-19 deaths peaks show the usual age distribution, with deaths experienced in greater numbers for older age groups, the September 2021 does not. In September 2021, recorded COVID-19 deaths show 65-74 years old died in greater numbers than 75 years and older, and COVID-19 deaths for the 45-54 years old were as high as for the 85 years and older.

This has never happened before for deaths due to respiratory diseases, from 1999 to 2019. These September 2021 peaks for “younger” age groups are consistent with the vaccine deaths hypothesis.

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: IndieA

But, while the April 2020 and January 2021 COVID-19 deaths peaks show the usual age distribution, with deaths experienced in greater numbers for older age groups, the September 2021 does not. In September 2021, recorded COVID-19 deaths show 65-74 years old died in greater numbers than 75 years and older, and COVID-19 deaths for the 45-54 years old were as high as for the 85 years and older.

This has never happened before for deaths due to respiratory diseases, from 1999 to 2019. These September 2021 peaks for “younger” age groups are consistent with the vaccine deaths hypothesis.

I saw this, that spike is pretty damning. It's not like we need more evidence, but you set the truth free, it's like a lion and will defend itself, as they say.

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 04:18 PM
If everyone will forgive me for addressing the actual science here...

I have followed the discoveries of this virus and the vaccine since it started over 2 years ago. I have spent way, way, way too much time reading over medical reports, talking to doctors, looking up and analyzing datasets, and I have some knowledge now of how this particular virus operates:

Many of the serious side effects are due to the spike protein itself. The inflammation (remember that most deaths originally were due to pneumonia after starting recovery) problem is a direct result of the spike protein; it is the major mechanism used by the virus to enter the cells via the ACE-2 receptors. The body uses the ration of ACE-1 and ACE-2 receptors to determine whether or not to create inflammation (the result of combating a virus). If the virus utilizes too many ACE-2 receptors, the ratio of ACE-1 to ACE-2 changes and the body responds with inflammation. Since this was occurring even after the virus itself was neutralized ("dead"), the body was responding to a false infection and over-inflaming the area.

The vaccine is designed to produce that same spike protein. With the virus, the vast majority of cases never see the virus entering the bloodstream; it remains in the lungs and causes pneumonia. In the bloodstream it tends to cause excess inflammation in other areas, like the heart.

What I couldn't figure out was, if the body was creating antibodies to the spike protein, the spike proteins created by the vaccine should be neutralized fairly quickly and far before some of the vaccine effects were occurring. However, if as these researchers claim, the mRNA is not destroyed after being utilized, that would explain the continual long-term risks as well.

I am no expert in immunology; therefore I bow to others that are experts. Those who claim the vaccine is safe have been proved wrong on many occasions, while those who claim some safety considerations have been proved likely correct. Therefore, as behooves anyone who claims "science" as their motivation, I tend to look beyond the official stories. So far, everyone who has touted the official narrative has been unable to explain the real-word results, while those who do not have given reasonable explanations for what is being experienced.

That's science. Hard data and reasoned, critical thinking. Scientism says follow the official narrative, whether it makes sense or not; science says if the explanation doesn't make sense, keep looking until it does.

Thank you, OP. This information ties together a lot of the loose ends.


posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 04:19 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Or spending an awful lot of time posting endless confirmation bias anti vaccine threads?

Not as much time as you thread stalking me and posting troll comments in my threads.

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 04:28 PM

originally posted by: IndieA
I could honestly see Bill Gates thinking that viruses are a great way to slow or reduce population growth, and I could see him selling that idea to governments around the world.

The virus also served to reduce government's social liabilities, aka old and sick people.
Social security could go on forever if the average age of death was lowered to 65.

What people do not understand is 11 billon is the max the human race will top out at and that is around 2100. All that is based mostly on economics where poor cultures have more kids because they are free labor, and middle class cultures have less kids because they are a liability and extremely expensive. Africa will grow another 2 billion, Asia 1 billion and living longer will add 1 billion all by 2100.

Places like All Americas, EU, China Japan etc etc are already negative growth right now.

edit on 28-4-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

That is my problems from the beginning, using a synthetic particle does not take a genius to understand that the body is going to fight to the end to get rid of it, this is because the body is a fine tune machine, it will recognize what does not belong in it.

Is a reason why those that receives organ transplants have to take medications for or life the body will fight back regardless and this are human organs from matching donors.

My point is that as more of this new mRNA technology keeps invading all the medical procedures the more of this synthetic particles will keep accumulating in our bodies, eventually will bring the human system down and the future will not look soo promising, unless those behind this crap are banking on having us human taking autoimmune suppressants so we do not reject this crap, while they keep injecting it with all kind of treatments in the future.

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Thread stalking?!!????

Ooooh... Clutches pearls....

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Is a reason why the medical community does not want to address this type of topics, because it will bring their introduction of the mRNA technology to a standstill and by god this needs to be pushed regardless.

We all know for a fact that the way pharma fix their blunders with wit pay outs and making more crap to cover up the side effects of their other crap, the records of blunders can be found in the net.

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 04:38 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
If everyone will forgive me for addressing the actual science here...

I have followed the discoveries of this virus and the vaccine since it started over 2 years ago. I have spent way, way, way too much time reading over medical reports, talking to doctors, looking up and analyzing datasets, and I have some knowledge now of how this particular virus operates:

Many of the serious side effects are due to the spike protein itself. The inflammation (remember that most deaths originally were due to pneumonia after starting recovery) problem is a direct result of the spike protein; it is the major mechanism used by the virus to enter the cells via the ACE-2 receptors. The body uses the ration of ACE-1 and ACE-2 receptors to determine whether or not to create inflammation (the result of combating a virus). If the virus utilizes too many ACE-2 receptors, the ratio of ACE-1 to ACE-2 changes and the body responds with inflammation. Since this was occurring even after the virus itself was neutralized ("dead"), the body was responding to a false infection and over-inflaming the area.

The vaccine is designed to produce that same spike protein. With the virus, the vast majority of cases never see the virus entering the bloodstream; it remains in the lungs and causes pneumonia. In the bloodstream it tends to cause excess inflammation in other areas, like the heart.

What I couldn't figure out was, if the body was creating antibodies to the spike protein, the spike proteins created by the vaccine should be neutralized fairly quickly and far before some of the vaccine effects were occurring. However, if as these researchers claim, the mRNA is not destroyed after being utilized, that would explain the continual long-term risks as well.

I am no expert in immunology; therefore I bow to others that are experts. Those who claim the vaccine is safe have been proved wrong on many occasions, while those who claim some safety considerations have been proved likely correct. Therefore, as behooves anyone who claims "science" as their motivation, I tend to look beyond the official stories. So far, everyone who has touted the official narrative has been unable to explain the real-word results, while those who do not have given reasonable explanations for what is being experienced.

That's science. Hard data and reasoned, critical thinking. Scientism says follow the official narrative, whether it makes sense or not; science says if the explanation doesn't make sense, keep looking until it does.

Thank you, OP. This information ties together a lot of the loose ends.


I think the idea that you have to have a degree to understand something is a way to justify institutional authority, and those authorities try to instill that idea to maintain power, but it's completely untrue. The basic concept of a foreign substance entering the body and causing the immune system to react to it is very basic. Depending on what cells the mRNA ends up in, those cells present the spike proteins on the cell surface, and your immune system will target and destroy those cells. What's happening in a lot of cases is that the lipid nano particles end up in the vascular system which circulates blood through the heart. The lipid nano particles penetrate those cells, and begin producing spike, then your immune system destroys a massive amount of heart cells, which don't regenerate, and that would be myocarditis or pericarditis. Depending on where they end up it could cause an entirely different adverse effect.

In another thread I wrote:

The vaccine doesn't cause viral myocarditis, it's not a virus. It causes direct t-cell infiltration via stimulating the immune system to attack cardio muscle IF the spike proteins end up in the heart, which is seems they do often.

It makes sense because the spike proteins are seen as antigens that get presented on the cell surface of vascular cells in the heart. Your immune system attacks and destroys the cell to get rid of the threat. That destroys heart cells, and they don't regenerate because cardiac tissue doesn't regenerate.


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