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Remaining unvaccinated increases risk to the vaccinated, says U of T COVID study

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posted on Apr, 30 2022 @ 02:58 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: vonclod
They need to STFU and let it go. But, they bought so much vax..has to go somewhere

I have gotten 38 vaccines so far, come on they are free.

Ha, no doubt, your super hero name will henceforth be..The Pincushion! ..jk man

You know me, I'm not anti, but I am anti coercion, Canada is 90% + vaxxed, if that isn't enough, there will never be enough.

posted on Apr, 30 2022 @ 03:45 PM
The vaccine is supposed to make your infection "less severe", not prevent it. That's awfully convenient, they just say if you hadn't been vaxxed it would have been worse. Or they say if you got the vax, it wouldn't have been as bad.

Must be nice to be the company that makes and sells such a thing, with NO quantifiable benefit other than a SUGGESTION that it makes symptoms less severe. There's absolutely no way to check if it does in fact lessen severity, or by how much. When they say it lessens severity, it could be by .0000563% for all we know.

What if I were to get a pill mold, and manufacture pills. I could say it "lessens the severity" of your symptoms, GUARANTEED. By 0.0000053832%. And I'll just make the pills out of wet tissue paper, and putt an ad on craigslist. They'd sell, bc I have the MSM advertising for me. With a presidential mandate i would be raking it in.

posted on Apr, 30 2022 @ 04:15 PM
This study is being shredded on Twitter by other docs. The nasty author, Fisman, was viciously defending it but now announced he is leaving hell-hole Twitter for another social media site and taking his fans with him. Too bad our MSN ran with this study and the damage is done.

You wont be missed

posted on Apr, 30 2022 @ 07:20 PM

originally posted by: vonclod

Ha, no doubt, your super hero name will henceforth be..The Pincushion! ..jk man

You know me, I'm not anti, but I am anti coercion, Canada is 90% + vaxxed, if that isn't enough, there will never be enough.

I'm the same in there is other things afoot here than the discussion of how effective the vaccines are. We lost the whole ideas of flattening the curve, or gaining herd immunity a long time ago to get past what we once called a new virus. Well we are past herd immunity, we are past flattening the curve, we are past "new" virus, so all these governments need to give it a rest and move on. This doesn't mean the vaccine isn't useful, but they should have kept it to the old and high risk that need everything they can get, just like the yearly flu shots.

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