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Remaining unvaccinated increases risk to the vaccinated, says U of T COVID study

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posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 10:44 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: M5xaz
a reply to: vNex92

These "covid vaccines" do NOT provide immunity.

Allow me to correct you. The current President of the United States says if you get vaccinated, you're not going to catch Covid-19.

Oh, OK then !!

If Joe says it, it must be true then !

Joe has never lied.
C'mon Man !!

I stand corrected.

posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 11:32 PM
Makes complete sense to me. since the vaccine doesn't work like it is supposed to, they are blaming the unvaccinated people with giving vaccinated people covid. If the vaccine worked as stated, the vaccinated would not have anything to worry about...but it doesn't.....blaming the spread of the disease in vaccinated people on the un-vaccinated is idiotic.

posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 11:57 PM
a reply to: wdkirk

Is anyone even listenigmng to this crap anymore?

Nope. Their two weeks is up.


posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 12:25 AM

originally posted by: vonclod
They need to STFU and let it go. But, they bought so much vax..has to go somewhere

I have gotten 38 vaccines so far, come on they are free.

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 12:27 AM

originally posted by: ConcernedCanadian

100 billion of us have prospered alongside our microbial kin for millions of years without coup flu vaccines. I'm more concerned with the genocidal dictators in power.

You might be right, they should just do away with all drugs and let nature do its thing.

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 09:41 AM
Typical reaction from the pro jab crowd.
They were talking about a crappy flu shot and you turned it into an absolute,
that all the anti jabbers are saying all drugs are bad.

a reply to: Xtrozero

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 10:12 AM

originally posted by: abigredneck
Typical reaction from the pro jab crowd.
They were talking about a crappy flu shot and you turned it into an absolute,
that all the anti jabbers are saying all drugs are bad.

I was being sarcastic...

I just get tired of the hyperbole and fear porn that pours out as people justify their reasons not to get it when all they need to say is "I feel the risk from the virus for me is low enough I do not see the vaccine as a need" or something like that, but that isn't how it goes.

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 10:39 AM
I wish he could explain to me then how my heathen unvaxxed kid got it (mild) from his vaxxed, twice covid infected girlfriend's dad if it is the unvaxxed who are the threat.

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

I just get tired of the hyperbole and fear porn that pours out as people justify their reasons not to get it when all they need to say is "I feel the risk from the virus for me is low enough I do not see the vaccine as a need" or something like that, but that isn't how it goes.

If all that needed be said was "I feel the risk from the virus for me is low enough I do not see the vaccine as a need," then that's all people would say. But it doesn't work like that and you know it. We have government officials trying to force us to take that thing, using every possible trick in the book (even not letting people work if they won't take it), others berating us for not taking the thing, and some even claiming that the unvaccinated are the reason the vaccinated are getting sick!

Governor Kay Ivey, a supposed conservative governor in freakin' Alabama, even said the "it's time to start blaming the unvaccinated and not ordinary people." So now I'm someone to blame when the vaccine doesn't work, which means I'm not an "ordinary people." I guess I'm extraordinary?

The proponents of this failed witches' brew started this whole argument. I'm finishing it:


That simple enough for ya?


posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck

The proponents of this failed witches' brew started this whole argument. I'm finishing it:


That simple enough for ya?


The issue is people, you included, are combining two arguments in the same bucket. The Goverment sucking does not automatically suggest the vaccine is bad too. we can discuss both cases separately, and should.

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 04:22 PM
Then the sucky government should stick to important issues and not play games when holding office.

Like the safety and security of their nation and it’s people and developing a prosperous attitude amongst it’s people.

Not everyone is equal and that should be recognised and celebrated. That fact will never change.

a reply to: Xtrozero

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 04:36 PM
Is interesting how these entities call governments, and their studies think that the people are dumb and stupid, really, how is that? well people should feel offended by this corrupted trash, then again if you control the media and push for certain narrative, is always those gullible enough to believe anything that is been told to them by the control media.

Still common man, really, unvaccinated is a danger to those that took 2, 3, 4 and soon 5 jabs?

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

So it's not that simple, eh? I didn't think so.

The two issues are not separate. They are inherently deeply entwined. If this vaccine is such a lifesaver, why use force to have everyone take it? If force is being used to get people to take it, what is the ulterior motive? Why the argument that the unvaccinated are infecting the vaccinated when the very idea of vaccination is personal protection against infection?

All of those questions address both efficacy/safety of the vaccine and government corruption. But folks like you don't want to hear that. Fine. Don't hear it. But stay off my case about it! I meant what i said, and this is one old redneck that is hard as hell to kill.


posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck

The two issues are not separate. They are inherently deeply entwined. If this vaccine is such a lifesaver, why use force to have everyone take it?

OK, so it is dangerous and NWO wants to kill off 1/2 the planet, or.... Our Government has gone all totalitarian on us and they do not care about individual rights anymore, and only care about people blindly doing what they say.

ALL drugs are dangerous to someone, ALL

The Government doesn't care and are playing the acceptable losses game that a communist country would do. I think you know my stance on all this, I have said it enough, but once again. I do not see the need for everyone to get it. I also do not think anyone under 18 should get it. It should be 100% your choice. If you are older and/or high risk you really need to weigh your risk as to how you would handle the actual virus which is 100x worst than the vaccine for people in those groups.

On the other hand I really dislike the hyperbole and fear porn people put out about the vaccine. Some here pretty much spend their whole day digging anything they can to post it in some weird psychosis they have formed. People should not fear either the vaccine or virus, but they need to take care of themselves in what ever is the best situation for them personally to prevent serious issues.

If force is being used to get people to take it, what is the ulterior motive? Why the argument that the unvaccinated are infecting the vaccinated when the very idea of vaccination is personal protection against infection?

Compliance no matter what... Does the mask kill people? Did the lockdown kill? 6 feet? etc. etc.. It is not about killing people, or that the vaccine is bad, its all about control all 1984 level. The vaccine is just one of many things they are trying to do to us like canx culture, doxxing and a dozen of others.

All of those questions address both efficacy/safety of the vaccine and government corruption. But folks like you don't want to hear that. Fine. Don't hear it. But stay off my case about it! I meant what i said, and this is one old redneck that is hard as hell to kill.


No I have concerns too just like with any drug I might take, but not at some extreme level that is displayed here on ATS.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

OK, so it is dangerous and NWO wants to kill off 1/2 the planet, or.... Our Government has gone all totalitarian on us and they do not care about individual rights anymore, and only care about people blindly doing what they say.

I tend to think the latter. Maybe that's naivety speaking, but I just haven't seen anything that convinces me that this is the best "they" can do to kill everyone off. I think it's about money.

ALL drugs are dangerous to someone, ALL

Agreed. For one person, they may be a lifesaver; for another, life-taker.

My point is that, even if someone does think "the vaccines are good but shouldn't be mandated," current events have shot the vaccine into a realm beyond such common sense positions. Pro-vaccine is now pro-mandate. And all because those who are pro-mandate tried to equate anti-mandate with anti-medicine.

I'll say it again: I was at the point of watching the new shingles vaccine in preparation for taking it. It's a very painful disease that I would just as soon not experience personally. However, recent events have shown me that any vaccine is subject to the kind of corrupt demands that the government makes around this one... so now I will not even consider the shingles vaccine. I would prefer the pain over the high probability that the shingles vaccine 1) might not even work, and 2) the fact that the pharmaceuticals have absolutely no qualms over their products being deadly to their customers.

That trust in medical science is going to be awful hard to get back now. If I hear the CDC say something today, I immediately think "what are they trying to do with this propaganda?" I consider anything that comes out of Anthony Fauci's mouth as the ravings of a psychopath, nothing more.

ETA: the masks probably did kill... the mandates to wear them, even though some (like me) could not do so means people like me had less access to things like healthcare. I had to have blood drawn by the local hospital for a special blood test, and I had to have that done sitting in my car in the parking lot! Thank God above I didn't need surgery right then... the opertion would have probably been performed with me spread out across the hood!

As well, the lockdowns did kill... some were prevented from receiving preventative care, while others committed suicide from the isolation.


edit on 4/27/2022 by TheRedneck because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 03:43 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck

I'll say it again: I was at the point of watching the new shingles vaccine in preparation for taking it. It's a very painful disease that I would just as soon not experience personally. However, recent events have shown me that any vaccine is subject to the kind of corrupt demands that the government makes around this one... so now I will not even consider the shingles vaccine. I would prefer the pain over the high probability that the shingles vaccine 1) might not even work, and 2) the fact that the pharmaceuticals have absolutely no qualms over their products being deadly to their customers.

I got the shingles vaccine a couple of years ago. I think people/Government oversell vaccines and do not just lay out plan and simple what they could do or not do such as with the COVID vaccine.

I'm very much in the middle when it comes to the vaccine, or any drugs. As in all cases it makes sense for some and not others. For the Government to mandate everyone is like the most ridiculous concept I have ever heard.

posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 03:20 AM
We the unvaccinated are the control group, we are very dangerous for the jab pushers.

posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 05:12 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck


Loud and clear

Over my dead body!

posted on Apr, 30 2022 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: vNex92

The author actually admits they are just making up numbers.

Here in the article:

The researchers used a mathematical model to estimate how many infections would occur in a population.

However, he (a "researcher") acknowledges that a simple mathematical model doesn't fully reflect the real world.

posted on Apr, 30 2022 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: coamanach

Ha good one. At best, they waste reader's time reading the whole article, just to end it by confessing they are liars.

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