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Obama admits the world's population has been used as guinea pigs.

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posted on Apr, 23 2022 @ 08:08 AM
Not in office but still he stirs the pot.

You pretend that the guy didn't know, he knew and he is telling you that fact. Ignore all you want.

a reply to: AaarghZombies

posted on Apr, 23 2022 @ 08:14 AM

originally posted by: Sander1976
Not in office but still he stirs the pot.

You pretend that the guy didn't know, he knew and he is telling you that fact. Ignore all you want.

a reply to: AaarghZombies

This happened under a Trump Whitehouse, Obama knew what he read in the newspapers. Do you really think that Trump kept him in the loop.

I doubt very much Obama knows anything that isn't publicly available. He's expressing a poorly worded opinion, he soesn't literally mean that this is one great organized science experiment.

posted on Apr, 23 2022 @ 08:15 AM
a reply to: MiddleInsite

Still with Obama yapping his lips and exhibiting disdain for segments of the U.S. population.

He had his 2 terms, it's enough hearing from him.

He's certainly doing himself no favors with the speculation about him reaching his hand up Biden's behind and making the puppet move. Why can't he make like Bush 2 and move someplace quiet, out of the public eye, and take up painting or something, instead of blathering on about current events.

Since Obama is now poking his head out of his post-office shell, and throwing his 2 cents in on current events: has anyone gotten his opinion on the rioting of 2020, the role of BLM in all of that? How about the "defund the police phenomenon?

Has anyone cornered Obama and gotten a quote from him about the profession of Obama's Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, during Obama's presidency, that they (Democrats and Obama) were actively working on making gas as expensive as possible for the American people? And now, wouldn't you know, all these years later, Obama's befuddled, demented VP, is making Obama's fantasy of inflating the price of oil (and thereby transitively inflating ALL U.S. goods transported via gas-burning transportation) a reality.

I'd also like to hear from Obama what he knew about the Biden's cookie jar exploits in Ukraine during his presidency? You know, the Ukraine, the country now being invaded by the country (Russia) on which Obama's presidential campaign opponent advocated tougher policy of engagement, and in reply Obama famously quipped:

...the 1980's called....they want their foreign policy back

Whoops, that joke didn't age very well did it Obama?

Most of all, I'd like to hear Obama pinned down and asked about what he knew of the "Russian Collusion Delusion" and when he knew it. One of the most blatant abuses of the purview of US investigative/law enforcement apparatus in U.S. history, IT HAPPENED UNDER HIS WATCH. What did he know about the bogus, coerced FISA warrants, and the false information used to obtain them?

If this guy is going to start making the rounds again and shooting off his mouth, then I say some tough questions are in order, and he's fair game to be asked them.

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 10:25 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Crackalackin

I've been to a Chinese university, they're just as good as their US equivalents.

I wasn't knocking their education I just doubt alot of Americans go to school there. That's all I was saying.

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