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This Presidential Directive should cause some concern in a possible nuclear attack?

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posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 01:00 PM

edit on 4/21/22 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 01:00 PM

edit on 4/21/22 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: Nirishman
a reply to: nugget1

Well we know that if the US is targeted it will be military targets which would potentially lead to the US looking to join an "Global military" power which would be a huge step in the globalization of military control and as you say "The Great Reset"

It would make more sense to cut the head of the monster off, I.E. the US Capital. With no warning, and the POTUS as well as many of the politicians out of the picture, there would be mass confusion and chaos. I can just picture the power struggle!

Bradley Wheaton, a specialist in hypersonics at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), in Maryland. “In the United States, just 15 minutes can cover the East Coast; a really fast missile takes 20 minutes to get to the West Coast. At these speeds, you have a factor of 50 increase in the area covered per unit of time."
In March 2018, when Russian president Vladimir Putin gave a speech describing his country's plans for a nuclear-powered cruise missile that could fly around the world at blinding speed, then snake around hills and dales to a target.
The hypersonic missiles in use or in testing in China and Russia can apparently carry either conventional warheads, aimed at ships and other small military targets, or nuclear ones, aimed at cities and government centers. These ship killers could deprive the United States of its preeminence at sea, which is more than enough reason for China, for instance, to develop hypersonics. But a nuclear-armed version that leaves the defender too little time to launch a retaliatory strike would do even more to shift the balance of power, because it would dismantle the painstakingly constructed system of deterrence known as mutually assured destruction, or by the jocular acronym MAD.


Picking the winning side without a great degree of personal bias is a crap shoot at best.

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 01:02 PM

edit on 4/21/22 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: peter_kandra

Unlikely to stop it in boost phase...
The way the system works it will take 10 minutes to calculate and launch fighters. Then comes all the unknowns like weather etc.

Trying to pin a mach 20.7 missile with a mach 1.6 plane..... come on. They cant even stop the kalibr...

edit on 21/4/22 by flice because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 01:13 PM
Go to 6:10...

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: flice
a reply to: peter_kandra

Unlikely to stop it in boost phase...
The way the system works it will take 10 minutes to calculate and launch fighters. Then comes all the unknowns like weather etc.

Trying to pin a mach 20.7 missile with a mach 1.6 plane..... come on. They cant even stop the kalibr...

I'm not talking about an intercept with a fighter. I'm talking about missiles...either THAAD or Aegis SM3, etc.

Wouldn't it be ironic though if research into something like Brilliant Pebbles never ended and Starlink was just a cover for deploying it.

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 01:21 PM

edit on 4/21/22 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: Nirishman
Yeah but if that system malfunctions you just nuked a country....

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: flice

The only thing you use fighters for is to extend your sensor envelope for your ground based interceptors. Boost phase intercept is a pipe dream, because you'd have to be in orbit over a hostile country for an extended period of time. That's what did the YAL-1A in. The range of the laser was low enough that they'd have to be practically on top of the missile silo location to hit a missile in boost phase. A mid course interception is more likely, as terminal phase is extremely difficult to pull off with an ICBM.

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: peter_kandra

The only thing currently in our inventory that would stop an ICBM is GBI, and it's got a pretty spotty record in tests. The last I heard, they hadn't even done a full up difficult test yet, that involved decoys and countermeasures.

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 01:55 PM

edit on 4/21/22 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 02:07 PM

edit on 4/21/22 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 02:25 PM

edit on 4/21/22 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 03:28 PM

edit on 4/21/22 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: Zaphod58

ATS has some bot issues?

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: Nirishman

I am not sure you interpreted the LOW guidance properly. The guidance means that the US can launch a retaliatory attack just on the confirmation of a missile launch by an enemy. We don't have to wait to see if it makes it to US soil or not, or, what kind of weapon it actually is. The whole idea is that we can launch a retaliation without having to wait for that information.

With that knowledge, any enemy that launches a missile at the US is probably not messing around. As such, our retaliation is all but guaranteed to be significant.

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 05:02 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

I guess you did not read that Presidential directive.

I even highlighted the part where the US will NOT retaliate when the warning of an Inbound nuclear attack. They will allow it to hit its target.

At least that's what I get from that statement.


posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 05:02 PM
The democrats have been reducing our nuclear deterrent capabilities for decades now. They have no intention of maintaining any sort of defense posture, let alone defeating hostile foreign threats.

Pentagon to scrap nuclear gravity bomb as part of Biden review
B83 was sole weapon capable of blasting deeply buried targets

Reducing U.S. Reliance on Nuclear Weapons While Others Do Not

Biden’s Defense Budget Is Detached From Reality

The biden regime recently said in another article a couple weeks ago, that they would not defend the Continental USofA against an incoming nuclear attack. The democrats have completely lost their collective minds, and have no common sense, and as far as I'm concerned are domestic enemies and anti American.

Defund the DNC and lock up all corrupt career parasite politicians, Gitmo is where they belong.

America, love it or leave it. But enough trying to change it, stop fixing what isn't broken...

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: Nirishman

That's not what it's saying. They're saying that they won't launch immediately, as soon as a missile is in the air, not that they'll let it reach its target. It only takes a minute or two to get a trajectory on a missile, and get an idea where it's heading. If Russia were to launch missiles at, say China, there's no reason for us to launch immediately on Russia, when the missiles won't hit the US. With Launch On Warning, as soon as the missiles were in the air, ours would be too, whether they were coming here or not. By reducing our posture slightly, we take a minute or two to figure out trajectory, and if they're coming this way. THEN we will determine our response, and launch if necessary.

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