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You were right: They lied - Russel Brand nails it again.

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posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: resoe26

Had a choice after moving 4k miles for work as the only breadwinner in the house I had a few days to catch my breath before president pudding brain dropped his mandate and I had to choose or be terminated from employment.

3 yr old kid, and doing a career change at 49 so people weren't beating down the door to employee me, had to get it, wasn't going to make my wife and son homeless.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 08:53 PM
More of the young generation should pop in Dead Kennedys "Give Me Convenience Or Give Me Death" and read along the lyrics with the music like I did back in the late 80's. Actually any of the old Dead Kennedys albums for that matter.
Jello Biafra really laid it down how corrupt governments are and how disgusting and evil the general public is. It opened my eyes to what's behind the glossy curtains at a very young age of 13.
edit on 18-4-2022 by headcheck because: additional comment

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 09:13 PM
This lying and manipulating isn't new, maybe more prevalent and a larger scale but it isn't new.
It just feels like everything has been magnified from the corruption to the exposure of it.

As for Russell Brand - I think he his hysterical, has great delivery and fantastic content (and I have a small crush). His true motivation is suspect though. But I have read some comments on his YT channel and there is a group out there who are "following" him - in the same way certain people follow the left and right. It's really amusing to see it happen to someone who is advocating for critical thought.

But like another poster said, I just eating popcorn and watching it.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 10:14 PM

originally posted by: headcheck
More of the young generation should pop in Dead Kennedys "Give Me Convenience Or Give Me Death" and read along the lyrics with the music like I did back in the late 80's. Actually any of the old Dead Kennedys albums for that matter.
Jello Biafra really laid it down how corrupt governments are and how disgusting and evil the general public is. It opened my eyes to what's behind the glossy curtains at a very young age of 13.
I learned a lot from Jello Biafra in my teens; then saw him perform spoken word in the 90s, he was talking about unions and very relevant, non-celebrity stuff, but still super smart and entertaining. Haven't checked in on him of late; hope to hell he hasn't turned into a mindless woke parrot. Bedtime for Democracy
edit on 18-4-2022 by RedKaliBlack because: I like editing and make a lot of mistakes.

posted on Apr, 19 2022 @ 04:23 AM

originally posted by: RedKaliBlack

And if you ever see him on the Big Fat Quiz of -insert theme- you can see he is a very smart bloke when he's even being ridiculous.

I do love the other poster who said his wife told him to turn it off.. haha..
sometimes you have to be a little bit mental to see the insanity of what's happening..

100%, and putting a plug in here for the Brit tele show 8 Out of 10 Cats, too, which Brand is on sometimes, and which I think is also often quite brilliant.

I binge watch those shows. Even the repeats. 8 out of 10 cats, 8 out of 10 cats does countdown, the lot..

I love banter comedy. RIP Sean Lock.

posted on Apr, 19 2022 @ 04:24 AM

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: resoe26
my question is, how many people on ATS actually got that vaxxx?

***I haven't been in here a very long time... but my first inclination would be that nobody or very few on this website actually got that vaxxx.

Lots did, for differing reasons

We are still here bitches!!

Who will be the winner? You with heart issues, or us with liver issues?

I guess we both did it to ourselves. But at least I had a good time.

posted on Apr, 19 2022 @ 04:27 AM
a reply to: Irishhaf

Strange how when this all started, pudding brain a precious fauci said no one would be forced to take it.

The entanglement of words and meaning.

everything they promised would not happened has happened. ahh but conspiracy theorists... get out of jail free card.

posted on Apr, 19 2022 @ 04:33 AM
a reply to: headcheck

Or this, some words will be censored by the autobot, but still, how right he was, way back then.

So, you've been to school for a year or two
And you know you've seen it all
In daddy's car, thinking you'll go far
Back east your type don't crawl
Playing ethnicky jazz to parade your snazz
On your five-grand stereo
Braggin' that you know, how the 'n-word's feel cold
And the slums got so much soul
It's time to taste what you most fear
Right Guard will not help you here
Brace yourself, my dear
Brace yourself, my dear
It's a holiday in Cambodia
It's tough, kid, but it's life
It's a holiday in Cambodia
Don't forget to pack a wife
You're a star-belly snitch, you suck like a leech
You want everyone to act like you
Kiss ass while you bitch, so you can get rich
But your boss gets richer off you
Well, you'll work harder with a gun in your back
For a bowl of rice a day
Slave for soldiers till you starve
Then your head is skewered on a stake
Now you can go where people are one
Now you can go where they get things done
What you need, my son...
What you need, my son...
Is a holiday in Cambodia
Where people dress in black
A holiday in Cambodia
Where you'll kiss ass or crack
Pol Pot, Pol Pot
Pol Pot, Pol Pot
Pol Pot, Pol Pot
Pol Pot, Pol Pot, Pol Pot, Pol Pot
Pol Pot, Pol Pot, Pol Pot, Pol Pot
Pol Pot, Pol Pot, Pol Pot, Pol Pot
Pol Pot, Pol Pot, Pol...
And it's a holiday in Cambodia
Where you'll do what you're told
A holiday in Cambodia
Where the slums got so much soul
Pol Pot!

posted on Apr, 19 2022 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: resoe26

Vaxxed here. Well just the first two moderna shots.

Reasoning was simple---since this was a human engineered virus it needed a engineered vaccination

I always accepted that one of the things organizations like the CDC did was use existing science to attempt to map out what the next pandemic would be. So the only nefarious thing I saw in the outbreak from the beginning was gold old fashioned Human Stupidity. And it demonstrably knows no bounds.

The boosters? Well that is the beginnings of shot program much like the flu. And I don't really worry about the flu shot.
All anecdotal evidence indicates I am no less likely to get the flu after getting the shot. But it should be out there for the elderly and perpetually sick

posted on Apr, 19 2022 @ 04:51 PM
Sean Lock is one of my favorite comedians--absolute surreal original, true one of kind freako. Brits are masters of those banter type shows. When Russel Brand is paired with Noel Feilding, that's gold. a reply to: jerich0

posted on Apr, 19 2022 @ 05:06 PM

originally posted by: atlantiswatusi
a reply to: resoe26

Vaxxed here. Well just the first two moderna shots.

Reasoning was simple---since this was a human engineered virus it needed a engineered vaccination

I think about this a lot; it's the main thing in the coming years if and when another, more deadly virus or Covid strain comes around. People who have been turned against the very idea of this vax by the appalling way it was rushed and enforced may be resistant to any such vax in the future, leaving them incredibly vulnerable. The dark hole whispers that this was the elite plan in the first place: injuries, death, collateral damage (NO long term studies available yet, folks, and pharma STILL hiding the data, STILL censoring people!) from the huge group that took the vax in its first, experimental form, thus allowing the vax to be tweaked and perfected based on the data results; and then further culling the herd through the groups who have dug in entirely against any type of gene therapy style vax, which are going to be the kinds used going forward, it seems. Diabolical, brilliant. But then again, the best laid vax plans of mice and men...

posted on Apr, 19 2022 @ 05:19 PM

originally posted by: jerich0

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: resoe26
my question is, how many people on ATS actually got that vaxxx?

***I haven't been in here a very long time... but my first inclination would be that nobody or very few on this website actually got that vaxxx.

Lots did, for differing reasons

We are still here bitches!!

Who will be the winner? You with heart issues, or us with liver issues?

I guess we both did it to ourselves. But at least I had a good time.

I got 2 shots for work, thats it..what makes you think you had any more fun than me? I have been around the block a few times myself, I'm no spring chicken either. This was not some hill I'm dying on, if not for work, might not of bothered. It should of been a choice, and I'm not happy that it was essentially forced, and that people were punished/excluded.

Anyway, no fear here, not worried one bit, life will go on, whether we are here or not..TBH, I don't relish the years ahead.

Cheers, try and enjoy whats left.

posted on Apr, 19 2022 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to: Irishhaf

I want to add.....
An economic gun was put to our heads, most of us were not anti-vaxxers, but super skeptical about this particular shot.
In the end an organization I trust shared some private data with me, and it seemed the potential side effects would not be greater than many other prescription drugs being issued right now. But I waited as late as I possibly could to do it, and felt coerced into it.

Something to think about, if you gave prescription drugs that are known to have potential side effects on 10% of the people which is acceptable, but then gave it to 85% of the population you would automatically increase the number of people experiencing those said side effects. It was a numbers game that was going to increase negative side effects no matter what.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 11:32 PM
a reply to: Snarl

He is pretty good at researching, it seems - his points are pretty good, his information seems relatively solid, and he has taken a stance against the 'wealthy and powerful' and seems to be for 'ordinary people'.

Something about him feels fishy, though, and not only the fact that he seems to have cats that always run from the right side and then disappear behind his back.

His delivery is clear and energetic, but he waves his hands like a Mac-user, and that can be a bit disorienting. Why so many hand movements, and such aggressive delivery? Why praise his subscriber amount in EVERY SINGLE VIDEO, like it's the most important thing in the world? Why try to be 'original' but end up being gimmicky with the 'awakening wonders'? Who says his viewers are 'awakening'? What if they have ALREADY awakened, isn't that kind of an insulting label? He also doesn't vary that opening statement that much - only enough to make people think he's clever and creative, when he just recycles a few variants, and that's it.

He also shamelessly advertises himself and his 'tours', whatever that stuff is, and tells where people can see him - in EVERY SINGLE VIDEO.

His videos are incredibly formulaic, and most of the time, he just shows some boring text on screen while reading that text slower than the viewer can, with ridiculously large font, and a very tiny portion at a time for some reason. Then he uses a printed paper (wasting of nature seems to be natural to some pretentious big-ego people) to supposedly read the stuff he's talking about, then makes some 'imitation skits' where he pretends to be some CEO or politician with a cigar in his mouth, 'clarifying the point' for the dumber people in the audience.

He never seems contemplative or natural in his delivery, it's like a big show, where every line is deeply rehearsed. He never pauses and starts thinking further along some path, it's always pre-packaged for easy consumption. Sometimes his videos seem over-edited, with visible jump cuts all over the place.

He wears all kinds of 'hippy clothes' and such so you can CLEARLY trust him, although he does have a LOT of money that he's not giving to the poor people, and he lives in luxury himself, and probably wouldn't give it up for all the Zen in the world.

What bothers me the MOST about him, however, is his non-changing rhetoric and labels. He calls the masses of people "ordinary people". ORDINARY??

What about extra-ordinary people? What about people that do not conform to the norms, what about people that are special and unique, creative and multi-dimensional as well as multi-planetary, at least when it comes to identity and direct existence? ORDINARY PEOPLE?

Could you find anything more insulting to call a group of individuals, all of which are supposed to be 'special snowflakes'? This guy is like Tyler Durden in that he does seem to have a lot of luck and power in his life, he seems to be telling the truth about corporations and criticize the powerful and wealthy, but at the same time, he's putting people DOWN by labeling them ORDINARY!

Do people have to be ordinary to be oppressed by corporations in this world?

I am not assigning any sinister motivation to the usage of this word, I think he's just a bit thoughtless about these things; how could it be otherwise, if his mind is racing 800 mph at every possible direction while he's wildly and madly swinging his arms and hands about the screen as he's preaching and almost screaming to the camera inbetween his 'unfunny skits'.

Maybe I am too harsh, but something about him rubs me the wrong way, and as I HAVE watched quite many of his videos, I can probably safely come to the conclusion that even his research and knowledge, his understanding of existence, reality and the Universe, his knowledge of how corporate systems and governments works, doesn't reach as far as could be expected, he still believes many 'official stories' (that are lies), and he goes by many things that simply aren't true, and classifies.. well, you get the idea.

He IS a cat-owner, after all.

He claims to be a vegetarian or vegan, and YET he harbours carnivore pets that some study proved are psychopaths. These monsters LUST FOR and need other animals' MUSCLES, bloody flesh, just to exist. No angel ever owned a carnivore pet just to feed other, innocent, brutally murdered animals to them.

In my opinion, he gets many things right, but something about him rubs me the wrong way, there IS something fishy about him and his pretend-innocence. His factual knowledge may be well-researched, but his esoteric understanding of spirituality is not very deep, his more subtle information and deeper knowledge and understanding about the 'legal system' and law is not impeccable, and it seems he's a bit wishy-washy when it comes to certain topics.

Instead of saying vaccines and masks are BS just to control people, he RUSHES to frantically exclaim that he takes NO sides and he supports ANY victims and blahblah. Instead of saying there's something fishy about Ukraine vs. Russia-reporting, he 'pities the brave Ukrainian people' and so on and so forth.

So in SOME ways he has broken new ground in reporting things by giving us details even I didn't know about the corporate-governmental corruption (military-industrial-corporate-complex, perhaps), but at the same time, he's awfully pandering, very pedestrian, and on the other hand, very wishy-washy and careful, while not REALLY knowing the deepest secrets of why and how things are the way they are, and doesn't dare report quite -everything-.

Maybe he's a bit naïve about certain topics, or maybe he's just clueless - maybe he's trying to figure out things from sources that never go deep enough, but always stay at a 'superficial satisfaction' level, I don't know.

But calling people ORDINARY is just so irritatingly insulting. We are ALL special, we are all individuals, we are all.. heck, even Monty Pythons' movie 'Life of Brian' did a better job expressing a much better ideal about people, humanity and how everyone truly is a special, unique individual and should be treated as such.

WHO wants to be thought of as 'ordinary'? Who wants to be treated as 'ordinary'?

Isn't ORDINARY the same as 'NORMAL', which then turns into 'NORMIE'?

Also, what kind of sense does it make to call people 'awakening', and at the same time 'ordinary'? Most people of the unwashed masses are deeply ASLEEP, and worship their chains. THAT would be the most ordinary thing on this planet.

Anyone 'awakening' from that slumber, is definitely not 'ordinary'.

Maybe he's honest, maybe there are some secrets he's firmly keeping off-camera, I don't know. I would like to cheer for him and admire him for being brave enough to report this stuff while full-well knowing he's going to be attacked by it, and that TPTB doesn't like this kind of exposure.

Or could it be that TPTB WANTS this kind of exposure exactly because they want to always tell people what they're doing before they do it, to redeem themselves of any blame or guilt (or care..), so they can always point to some text or video and say "Look! We clearly TOLD you and you didn't object, so you accepted our evil plan to enslave you all!"

They want to hide things in plain sight, but they also want to use their secret weapon of 'plausible deniability'. If they told us, then WE are to blame, not them.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 11:46 PM
If I am perfectly honest (and I am), he comes off as a bit of Rik Clay-ish; a young, successful guy that got too much information too quickly without having the time to process or chew it much, and then moved on to more and more information before QUITE understanding the previous information, so he could jump to wrong conclusions as much as possible, while all this evil crap tainted and shocked their soul to the core.

At some points, he seems like informative and honest guy, but in others, it seems he's a bit way over his head, and doesn't quite understand the ramifications or implications of not only gaining this information but also spreading it around and all the other things he could be doing.

Instead of harmonious and wise, he comes off as frantic, wild and almost panicky. Instead of someone that clearly knows what they're talking about and only choosing the parts of the wisdom that will elevate the viewer, he vomits all kinds of details of all kinds of pieces of information (whether true or false) at such staggering speed, it's hard for the viewer to process it, or even check the background of all of it.

He also uses VERY click-baity, incomplete, vague and non-descriptive titles, like "They lied" or "I knew this would happen" or whatnot, without describing at all WHAT the topic is. It all seems very manipulative.

The background used to look like an actual window to some nature destruction (some trees had to die for that pile of wood), but now it looks like a computer monitor playing an animation of cats and such, taken from much further away - perspective-wise, I can't even understand how such a shot is possible without some kind of manipulation, if we're to think the previous view was an actual window. It seems the room would get in the way if such not only WIDE shot were to be taken, but also from so far away.

He does seem a bit naïve at times, and his spiritual understanding of what reality is does seem extremely limited, it's like 'trendy superficial spirituality' instad of the proper, actual, experience-based cultivated wisdom you could expect from, some Buddhist meditation teacher or at least an enlightened Zen-master (who wouldn't make such videos anyway).

It's also worth pointing out that he simply spews information about 'shocking' things, then asks what YOU think of it, blahblah, without ANY suggestion as to what actions might be taken to change the course of what's occurring. He doesn't give any suggestions as to what the viewers could do about it, so in a way, it leaves his viewers at a helpless stage where they feel they can't actually do or influence anything. All the while this guy can enjoy luxurious cigars and private jets while living in some mansion with all kinds of luxuries 'most people' (that I would never, EVER call 'ordinary people') don't dare dream about.

He doesn't meditate, and let his intuition guide him as to what to talk about, and talk about his own insights, viewpoints and soul, but he always has some 'corporate' or 'governmental' critique from SOMEONE ELSE that he simply parrots, inserting some 'unfunny skits' in the middle, while just reading some paper out loud, while just displaying boring text with overly big fonts on the screen and calls it a day.

I wouldn't call him phony, but what wisdom has he REALLY given to the viewers out of the depths of his own soul and understanding of the Universe? What wise ADVICE has he given to the viewers about what to do? I would, for example, advise everyone to watch those 'The Universe is bigger than you think'-videos (although they have some propaganda and lies, and materialistic, false viewpoint, and do not consider other dimensions or spirituality at all, although that's what existence is - spirit), and then look at some Hubble photos of nebulae, galaxies and especially deep scan images, and then just sit and think about all of that and process it and then clear your mind and just exist.

This guy basically FEARMONGERS us, and seems to want us to think we're 'ordinary people' that have NOT awakened yet ('awakening wonders'), and keep us in state of impótent anger and hopeless despair, stress and fear all the time. By exposing 'conspiracy after conspiracy', he's NOT creating a spiritual cultivation, harmony and happiness, benefit for the viewer, but just pushes people down so the people can live in perpetual nervous stress and fear constantly.

In this way, he's like Alex jones; fearmonger the heck out of his viewers, so they can't have peace of mind. It must be right, because he's basing it all on factual information, after all! (That no one bothers to check..)

After all said and done, this 'dude' is just another youtuber, trying to get more likes, subscribers and viewers, and that's really all there is to it.

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