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950 Thousand Lives Could Have Been Saved If Doctors Were Allowed To Be Doctors

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posted on Apr, 15 2022 @ 12:48 PM

originally posted by: MarlbBlack
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

tested positive, bought zinc, vit D, and took Lypo–Spheric Vitamin C.. took 3 days to feel the head cold... Can't deal back to work.. 5 days later with a rapid test

Zinc can't enter your cells easily, try to add quercetin/quinine/HCQ to the mix, these 3 substances are zinc ionophors. They open the door for zinc to enter your cells and make a good house of them.

I probably had the cohona, but never noticed it. Haven't been sic in decades.
edit on 15-4-2022 by Sander1976 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 08:29 AM
Great post. I've known for a while that HCQ was legit because all you had to do to know that was read the studies that purported to show it didn't work. The studies I saw were always flawed in a very simple way that it doesn't take a PhD to understand: they didn't follow the directions.

The doctors who had success with that drug had given guidelines for when it was best administered and how much. The "HCQ doens't work studies" invariably refused to follow the guidelines, likely on purpose, so that they got no results.

Just imagine if your doctor prescribed you a medication and you refused to take it as recommended and then came back and claimed it didn't work. You'd get laughed at. That was what these "studies" did, and the media ran with them like they were gospel.

It's disgusting that this was done because we all knew it was costing lives. It's insane how the Left became so beholden to Big Pharma after years of demonizing them.

The only thing I'll take issue with is the "link" between low vitamin D and Covid mortality. Almost everyone is low on vitamin D, so such a correlation is essentially meaningless. You might as well say there's a link between breathing oxygen and Covid mortality

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 08:45 AM
a reply to: frogs453

Summary: Doctors get paid to see patients.

Big revelation there

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 12:19 PM
I'm not sure about 950,000 .

But most of the people who died early in the pandemic in New York city could have been spared if the Doctors were given the proper protocol and there hands were not tied .

So so so many people died with respirators down their throat not many needed to , I wonder how those Doctors sleep at night looking back knowing what they Should/Could have done to save those people.

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 12:23 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Even before COVID the Vitamin D issue was a big one. Big pharma doesn't want Vitamin D deficiencies cured because it keeps them in robust business pushing anti-depressants, pain medicine, diet pills, boner pills, and various cold and flu "remedies." Simple fact, the western diet is far too low in organ meats and fish for the average American to naturally have high enough levels of serum Vitamin D. When those levels are critically low, your well being is also critically low... but big pharma needs everyone to believe they have a lab generated pill to fix you (but of course those pills only work on the symptoms, not the cause, because there's no money in curing someone... only in regularly treating their symptoms)

Why don't they just add Vitamin D to their drugs... The person feels and gets better, life long addict for them.

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow

But most of the people who died early in the pandemic in New York city could have been spared if the Doctors were given the proper protocol and there hands were not tied .

So so so many people died with respirators down their throat not many needed to , I wonder how those Doctors sleep at night looking back knowing what they Should/Could have done to save those people.

All kind of Monday morning quarterbacking here in if they only knew what we know today they would have saved lives is just a no sh!t statement with no reality around it though.

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
Doctors have to follow protocols set by hospital administrators or face loosing their hospital privileges. Also, medicine has become so complex they rely on scientific research to help set the policy of what treatments work, and what are too risky.

If the hospital protocol says you WILL NOT use a certain antibiotic to treat pneumonia, it's assumed the research has been done and for whatever reason, it's been proven to be either harmful or ineffective.

Early on, doctors and hospitals were given the protocol they were to follow for treating covid, and were barred from using certain treatments until they were fully researched for use in covid patients, the thought being they could make it worse. Look how long science drug the 'research' out, and then claimed it showed zero benefit.

I don't blame the doctors for following the rules of their profession in order to stay employed anymore than I blame people for rushing to get the vaccine, believing it would prevent infection. The researchers and doctors that spoke out are paying a very heavy price.


I have a friend who is a surgeon. Was all jacked about the vax (outwardly) and went right in for his booster the day he was eligible.

Booster made him sick AF. When I asked him if it was the booster that made him sick he kind of clammed up… was like “ughh… well, I hadn’t felt great right ahead of time so it MIGHT not be.”

Meanwhile, he’s super sick, wife’s sick, etc. and, even as a smart guy, wouldn’t say “yeah, well, it got me sick”.

It’s truly amazing the amount of black white that’s taking place in the medical profession. I used to think doctors were on the patients side. I wouldn’t trust a single one of them at this point.

If you’re a doctor and don’t like my comment above, then you should talk to your doctor friends who ruined your reputation for you.

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 04:40 PM
So, is it simply a case of raging paranoia to add up all of the evidence and come to the glaring conclusion that there are a lot of people in power and influence all over the world who really could not care less if a lot of people die or become permanently health impaired in order for them to meet their goals of more power and wealth?

posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 05:40 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Where I come from all medical facilities are heavily scrutinized, especially the mortality rates.

If they were to go off narrative and if this was reflected in their stats, our primary regulatory body would take notice push whatever action there were taking out to other facilities on a trial basis.

Far from being punished they'd be rewarded for any success that they had.

If these alternative remedies were effective they'd be available at a national level by now, that's how our system does it. It's why we're so much more efficient than places like the US, we get things done faster and cheaper by exploring different avenues and looking for different ways rather listening to people on board rooms who are only interested in their stock values.

We also have a lot of smaller independent establishments who simply aren't beholden to some wider narrative, they have a lot more freedom.

posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

So were you are from it all non-profit free health care and wonderful people freely working for the good of all.

How super for you and your shadow.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: face23785

Regarding Vitamin D, as Dr. Ryan Cole pointed out last year, those who live above 35 degrees north will in the winter months be chronically low on Vitamin D because they cannot get into direct sunlight so that the body can produce its own.

Those who live in the tropics and go outside into the sunlight for a few hours produce all the D their body needs.

Supplementation is very good for the body if one cannot get into the sunlight.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: Salander

This is why I take vitamin D. Nothing new to me.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 10:46 AM

originally posted by: Member3877
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

So, let me get this straight…Peter McCullough personally treated 7000 patents with ivermectin , hydroxychloroquine and other medications/supplements from the the time Covid started in late 2019/ early 2020 until now? The is quite a miraculously feat…. That’s about 10 patients a day, every day for two years…..

Ok, let’s take only week days, that’s about 13 patients a day for two years. But wait, Petey found himself in hot water in late 2020, and before congress in early 2021. That must have taking a lot of time out of his blood letting treatments. So he must have been just forcing these medications on his patients at a tremendous rate.

I am feeling there may be a tad bit of exaggeration…so I have trouble believing anything you or he says.

Also, latest studies found no benefit of the prophylactic use of these is an interesting article I have saved from WebMD.

Lives could have been saved if the government and people as whole did a better job getting this virus under control at the beginning.

Although this troll account has been banned, I still feel the need to reply to it.

This poster claims that "studies" showed Ivermectin didn't work. I had coronavirus for the first time ever back in January. My Aunt had previously given my dad a large syringe filled with 20mL of Ivermectin with explicit instructions on how to use it. 1mL per 100lbs of body weight once per day for three days. I tried it, and by day #2, I felt 100% better. I needed no studies or WebMD or other controlled doctors telling me that it didn't work. It most certainly, 1000% works.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 01:10 PM

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: Member3877
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

So, let me get this straight…Peter McCullough personally treated 7000 patents with ivermectin , hydroxychloroquine and other medications/supplements from the the time Covid started in late 2019/ early 2020 until now? The is quite a miraculously feat…. That’s about 10 patients a day, every day for two years…..

Ok, let’s take only week days, that’s about 13 patients a day for two years. But wait, Petey found himself in hot water in late 2020, and before congress in early 2021. That must have taking a lot of time out of his blood letting treatments. So he must have been just forcing these medications on his patients at a tremendous rate.

I am feeling there may be a tad bit of exaggeration…so I have trouble believing anything you or he says.

Also, latest studies found no benefit of the prophylactic use of these is an interesting article I have saved from WebMD.

Lives could have been saved if the government and people as whole did a better job getting this virus under control at the beginning.

Although this troll account has been banned, I still feel the need to reply to it.

This poster claims that "studies" showed Ivermectin didn't work. I had coronavirus for the first time ever back in January. My Aunt had previously given my dad a large syringe filled with 20mL of Ivermectin with explicit instructions on how to use it. 1mL per 100lbs of body weight once per day for three days. I tried it, and by day #2, I felt 100% better. I needed no studies or WebMD or other controlled doctors telling me that it didn't work. It most certainly, 1000% works.

It is always wise to reply to disinformation on here, because there are other people reading who may need to read your correction. I have to point out that your account is purely anecdotal and doesn't really prove anything.

However, that's not to say you're not telling the truth or that you're not correct. I for one believe it works. The "studies" that purport to show it doesn't work used the same strategy they used with HCQ: they refused to use it as directed. Like any other medicine, there is a specific treatment strategy. It is meant to be given at a certain point after the onset of symptoms or the detection of the disease.

It's like if you doctor gives you a rescue medication for migraines, and tells you to take them at the first signs you have a migraine developing. If you wait until you have a fully developed, debilitating migraine before you take the medicine, and it doesn't help, that does NOT mean the medicine doesn't work.

This is essentially what these studies did. There was a recommended treatment regimen that they refused to follow. They either administered the ivermectin at the wrong time, or in the wrong doses, or didn't use it with complimentary treatments, and then purported to "prove" it didn't work. That is completely unscientific, and in my opinion could not have been done by mistake. They did the studies wrong on purpose to skew the results.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 07:15 AM
a reply to: face23785

If the government and media are advancing the agenda that Ivermectin doesn't work, then considering their strong reputation for mendacity, Ivermectin most likely works great. The propagandists attempt to control the narrative.

Anecdotal or not, I know a handful of people, including 1 doctor, who've had tremendous success with Ivermectin.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 09:09 AM

originally posted by: Salander
a reply to: face23785

If the government and media are advancing the agenda that Ivermectin doesn't work, then considering their strong reputation for mendacity, Ivermectin most likely works great. The propagandists attempt to control the narrative.

Anecdotal or not, I know a handful of people, including 1 doctor, who've had tremendous success with Ivermectin.

If you read the entirety of my post, it makes pretty clear I have no doubt that Ivermectin is effective. Not sure why you're still trying to convince me.

That's great it worked for you and people you know though.
It's too bad more people couldn't have been treated with it because of the media smear campaign. They literally got people killed.

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 09:34 AM
a reply to: face23785

Apologies, I misread your intentions.

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 10:13 AM

originally posted by: Salander
a reply to: face23785

Apologies, I misread your intentions.

It's all good.

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