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Marines Against Vaccines Take A Stand Against Biden's Immoral "Vaccine" Mandates

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posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: TDDAgain
a reply to: Xtrozero

I agree it can be anything as you suggested, but whether we have COVID or the VACC 8000 people will still die everyday in America.

Whataboutism. Tell that to the families of the two in ICU. Or to those that mourn. I think they will feel better afterwards you told them hey it's not that bad, since in your country on a different continent, 8000 people a day die of various reasons.

That has to be the sharpest argument I ever read from you.


I guess my point is we have never evaluated/monitored something at the level we have with the vaccine and virus. It is something unprecedented and also with the level of social media from all sides. I believe you 100% as to what you say, but just like when everything was blamed on the virus as the killer, we are now seeing that anyone who got the vaccine and then anything else happens it is the vaccine fault, and at times it is, BUT most times it isn't.

You have your personal experience and so do I. Mine is I know of 1000s of people vaccinated with zero issues, I know 100s that have not been vaccinated. Most are age 40 to 60 where I work and I'm at the level I can see what is going on across the company. The ones vaccinated and get COVID it is 3 days and done, the ones not vaccinated at ages 40+ is 8+ days and it kicks their asses a good deal. They basically say the worst flu they have ever had. I also know 5+ people that have died from the virus, and about a dozen or more that have spend 2 weeks in the hospital and ALL have been unvacced, but some were before the vaccine was out.

So I'm not trying to belittle your experiences, but I just don't see it on my end as a larger issue across the population as a whole, and the vaccine is better to get than not, but I do have my limitations to that too in if a person is under 40 and healthy I would not get it and just ride with the virus. In the end it is all about risk to reward. If the risk from the virus for younger people is low then why get the vaccine no matter how low the vaccine risk maybe be since there is still risk, if you are old and/or unhealthy then I suggest that the vaccine is your best chance to keep the virus from pushing to a level that you get super sick and/or die.

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 12:50 PM
Biggest argument I see (my personal opinion) is informed consent, they have no idea what the potential long term side effect will be.

I got my jab on a military base, made them bring in the top doc and asked what potential side effects long term, he said we don't know we just have theories.

I still got it because I couldn't afford to lose my job while supporting a wife and kid after a 4k mile move.

Also I am not talking 2 years I am talking a decade+ down the road.

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: TDDAgain
a reply to: Xtrozero

I agree it can be anything as you suggested, but whether we have COVID or the VACC 8000 people will still die everyday in America.

Whataboutism. Tell that to the families of the two in ICU. Or to those that mourn. I think they will feel better afterwards you told them hey it's not that bad, since in your country on a different continent, 8000 people a day die of various reasons.

That has to be the sharpest argument I ever read from you.


I guess my point is we have never evaluated/monitored something at the level we have with the vaccine and virus. It is something unprecedented and also with the level of social media from all sides. I believe you 100% as to what you say, but just like when everything was blamed on the virus as the killer, we are now seeing that anyone who got the vaccine and then anything else happens it is the vaccine fault, and at times it is, BUT most times it isn't.

You have your personal experience and so do I. Mine is I know of 1000s of people vaccinated with zero issues, I know 100s that have not been vaccinated. Most are age 40 to 60 where I work and I'm at the level I can see what is going on across the company. The ones vaccinated and get COVID it is 3 days and done, the ones not vaccinated at ages 40+ is 8+ days and it kicks their asses a good deal. They basically say the worst flu they have ever had. I also know 5+ people that have died from the virus, and about a dozen or more that have spend 2 weeks in the hospital and ALL have been unvacced, but some were before the vaccine was out.

So I'm not trying to belittle your experiences, but I just don't see it on my end as a larger issue across the population as a whole, and the vaccine is better to get than not, but I do have my limitations to that too in if a person is under 40 and healthy I would not get it and just ride with the virus. In the end it is all about risk to reward. If the risk from the virus for younger people is low then why get the vaccine no matter how low the vaccine risk maybe be since there is still risk, if you are old and/or unhealthy then I suggest that the vaccine is your best chance to keep the virus from pushing to a level that you get super sick and/or die.

You know 1000's of people? Really? On a first name basis? Do you know all of their health issues as well?

You're so far off and don't even know the sh# storm that's coming.

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 03:10 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

You know 1000's of people? Really? On a first name basis? Do you know all of their health issues as well?

You're so far off and don't even know the sh# storm that's coming.

I know that many yes based on when they work or not. We also have Timecard codes to use for people who get either sick from the virus or vaccine to use to get full pay and not use PTO as when just sick normally. It is highly beneficial to use the codes as design as it saves them money and PTO time. We also have not mandated the vaccine, so there is no threat as to whether you are sick with or without the vaccine. As to personally know by name it numbers well into the high 100s. I have access to all that information company wide and no one has used the vaccine code while the virus code has been used a good deal. Also, I have not heard a single story within my circle of people with any issues from the vaccine other than maybe 3 days not feeling real good as the extreme.

Don't assume who the people on ATS are, OK?

edit on 12-4-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf

I still got it because I couldn't afford to lose my job while supporting a wife and kid after a 4k mile move.

Also I am not talking 2 years I am talking a decade+ down the road.

Though I agree 100% the mandates were completely wrong in so many ways, No one has held any other vaccine to the same standard of decades of study until use. Hell we get new flu shots every year as example. Zero drugs ae tested over long periods of time and so after phase 3 they all are released to the public and long term monitoring takes place. There really isn't anyway to do what you suggest other than to use some 3rd world country as the guinea pigs. What you think you want is unattainable.

edit on 12-4-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

You know 1000's of people? Really? On a first name basis? Do you know all of their health issues as well?

You're so far off and don't even know the sh# storm that's coming.

I know that many yes based on when they work or not. We also have Timecard codes to use for people who get either sick from the virus or vaccine to use to get full pay and not use PTO as when just sick normally. It is highly beneficial to use the codes as design as it saves them money and PTO time. We also have not mandated the vaccine, so there is no threat as to whether you are sick with or without the vaccine. As to personally know by name it numbers well into the high 100s. I have access to all that information company wide and no one has used the vaccine code while the virus code has been used a good deal. Also, I have not heard a single story within my circle of people with any issues from the vaccine other than maybe 3 days not feeling real good as the extreme.

Don't assume who the people on ATS are, OK?

You're the one assuming. You don't know these peoples personal health issues based on some time code. That's BS, plenty of people live with terrible sh# and still go to work. Also, you're using the same normalcy bias argument. Do you know anyone who died in Ukraine? So no one died in Ukraine right?

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 04:07 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

You're the one assuming. You don't know these peoples personal health issues based on some time code. That's BS, plenty of people live with terrible sh# and still go to work. Also, you're using the same normalcy bias argument. Do you know anyone who died in Ukraine? So no one died in Ukraine right?

Ok, don't care... Your post is all assumptions, read my whole post. I have a rather large friend, family, personal worker relationships list too as I said. One person talked about their personal experienced of knowing 2 people who were vaccine and at some point also got sick. It seems that is all good to you since it fits your agenda, but mine doesn't so you attack it. Once again it is my personal experience too.

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Do the workers have to bring some kind of proof about the sickness? Because that's where I see the issue. My old doctor who was so pushy about the vaccine would rather have written it's covid than from a vaccine.

The doctor I changed to, because I didn't trust my old one after some dangerously flax remarks and sentences I can not laugh about. The new doctor at least looked at my medical history from the flu jabs.

When I had to get the jabs ..(you know the rest)... my doctor initially didn't think it could be from the vaccine. That changed suddenly when I had side effects you won't read in public admitted, but the doctors know about them. They talk to each other too. And when I came down with low kidney functions, liver acting up (very seldom alcohol, no drug or smoking habbits).

The main ICD-10 codes for me are T88.0, T88.1. First it was V for allegedly, then it was G for immediate reaction and hopefully soon I will be downgraded to Z (for, was vaccinated, had complications in the past). I have a hand palm sized list of other codes collected, officially by my doctor.

However, my former doctor, he would still be refusing to acknowledge and give me those codes. So if a doc has to give the code, you can imagine yourself very well why you had no vaccine damage codes (yet).

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 05:25 PM

originally posted by: TDDAgain

Do the workers have to bring some kind of proof about the sickness? Because that's where I see the issue. My old doctor who was so pushy about the vaccine would rather have written it's covid than from a vaccine.

Nothing is required to show. I have about 100 people under me right now, and I actually have COVID right now stuck at home. Most people actually get testing to see, but we do not ask for proof. There has been a few who felt a little sick after the vaccine, but none of them expressed the need to take the day off using the code, so the only thing I can assume there is it wasn't that big of a deal for them when they did have other directions to stay at home and not burn their own PTO.

The doctor I changed to, because I didn't trust my old one after some dangerously flax remarks and sentences I can not laugh about. The new doctor at least looked at my medical history from the flu jabs.

When I had to get the jabs ..(you know the rest)... my doctor initially didn't think it could be from the vaccine. That changed suddenly when I had side effects you won't read in public admitted, but the doctors know about them. They talk to each other too. And when I came down with low kidney functions, liver acting up (very seldom alcohol, no drug or smoking habbits).

Ya who knows, I don't, but don't assume you are common with the vaccine, I guess is just my point. With that said even Aspirin 87mg kills 4000 people in America a year, so people are strangely different when it comes to any drug or treatment. You and I have taken drugs our whole lives with zero issues, but each of them has a laundry list of ill effects that are directly related to people.

The main ICD-10 codes for me are T88.0, T88.1. First it was V for allegedly, then it was G for immediate reaction and hopefully soon I will be downgraded to Z (for, was vaccinated, had complications in the past). I have a hand palm sized list of other codes collected, officially by my doctor.

However, my former doctor, he would still be refusing to acknowledge and give me those codes. So if a doc has to give the code, you can imagine yourself very well why you had no vaccine damage codes (yet).

Well it is good you got a better doctor. I know people who really can not take any vaccines and the mandates did not go down the path of eliminating people from the mandate that should be. I could give you a long list of people I would have on that list not to get it, so in the end it never should had been mandated as everyone's case is different as to what is smart or not.

edit on 12-4-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 08:15 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

You are giving up your rights in what sense though? Are they allowed to torture you and kill you? There must be some fine print somewhere.

You obviously haven't been in the military or have military family.

When you join you are giving up YOU in every sense of the word.

This is a great summary

Military personnel may not exercise all of the
civil liberties enjoyed by civilians.
You will not have the same constitutional rights. Your rights to free
speech, assembly, petition, and exercise of individual expression, such as
clothing or hairstyle, will be restricted. You will be required to follow all
orders given to you, whether you agree with them and consider them right
or fair.

I spoke my mind and "disobeyed" orders that I didn't believe or if they were obvious bull#, AND I was pretty open about being an Anarchist the whole way through. I didn't shave and I wore my hair however I wanted.

My subordinates respected me and trusted me. My peers were envious, and my superiors hated me. Still got an honorary discharge though.

You're still a human being with rights. Joining the backwards ass US military doesn't change that. You just gotta be smart enough to know when to play your cards or hold them.
edit on 12-4-2022 by AutomateThis1v2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: TDDAgain

Do the workers have to bring some kind of proof about the sickness? Because that's where I see the issue. My old doctor who was so pushy about the vaccine would rather have written it's covid than from a vaccine.

Nothing is required to show. I have about 100 people under me right now, and I actually have COVID right now stuck at home. Most people actually get testing to see, but we do not ask for proof. There has been a few who felt a little sick after the vaccine, but none of them expressed the need to take the day off using the code, so the only thing I can assume there is it wasn't that big of a deal for them when they did have other directions to stay at home and not burn their own PTO.

How did you get Covid with your 5 boosters?

You know how ridiculous it sounds that you got "vaccinated" X number of times and still got the virus? Biden said you wouldn't get the virus if you got vaccinated and so did MSNBC, and big pharma knew that was a huge lie.

2 years ago before all the brainwashing you'd say it was ridiculous to get a virus if you were vaccinated for it let alone 3 or 4 times. What a F# joke. But you're in your comfortable mass formation pyschosis right now.

I had it too, I'm not vaccinated, but i keep my vitamin D levels adequate, and it was a joke compared to the flu.

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 09:35 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

as military 99% of the vaccines we have gotten have been in place for years and underwent testing for years before that.

2 that I am aware of Anthrax and Covid weren't, anthrax was rushed as well and eventually they admitted it was a bad idea (health wise) unless you were heading to a conflict area where it was a risk.

At one point we had more casualties from significant side effects than from covid itself, the really stupid thing about it, despite the lockdown and the mandatory isolation days we still met all flying goals at my last base.


posted on Apr, 13 2022 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

but god created all life and lots of things in the Universe can alter your DNA ,viral infections can alter your DNA , radiation can do this , food can do this , mushrooms can do this
that's why animals and humans have a limited diet throughout their evolution in order to reduce mutations ,
god created an entire universe which can mess with his greatest creation
so humans also messing with it is no different right ?

and anyway isn't this all a part of the plan ?

edit on 13-4-2022 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-4-2022 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2022 @ 07:31 AM
a reply to: Irishhaf

I remember the vaccines all being in the news during the gulf war when I was a wee guy

During the Gulf War, a number of different immunobiologics (e.g., cholera, meningitis, rabies, tetanus, and typhoid vaccines) were sent to protect against potential exposures to biological threats (Committee on Veterans' Affairs, 1998). Concerns prior to the Gulf War regarding Iraq's offensive biological warfare capabilities, led to decisions that available vaccines should be utilized as preventive measures against biological warfare agents. It is estimated that 310,680 doses of the anthrax vaccine licensed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) were distributed to the Gulf War theatre and that 150,000 U.S. troops received at least one anthrax vaccination (Christopher et al., 1997; Committee on Veterans' Affairs, 1998).

and then right after all the news about gulf war syndrome

sounds like it was all just a bunch of vaccine side effects

posted on Apr, 13 2022 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: sapien82

The list you showed does not include the shot for Anthrax that was forced on the military during those times.

RFK Jr. details the harm caused to soldiers from that shot. It is very likely that Gulf War Syndrome was actually the many adverse events caused by those shots.

The military have always been guinea pigs for the mad scientists within the Pentagon medical corps.

posted on Apr, 13 2022 @ 09:27 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

How did you get Covid with your 5 boosters?

You know how ridiculous it sounds that you got "vaccinated" X number of times and still got the virus? Biden said you wouldn't get the virus if you got vaccinated and so did MSNBC, and big pharma knew that was a huge lie.

Why do you feel like trying to belittle me when I have supported your decision not to get it. I also told you I don't think everyone should get it and that the mandates are 100% wrong. Our discussions have not been on whether you or I decide to get the vaccine, on my side I have only talked about whether the vaccine works or not, and whether side effects are a issue or not when talking about the population. You always need to throw in Biden, the left, MSNBC, Fauci etc and we are like 100% the same on those other issues, but you can never see it as you are so pig headed in you beliefs that you are 100% right on everything and anything else is wrong.

I got vaccinated Mar 2020 because I'm 62 and the # was playing havoc on older people. I got 1 booster about 90 days ago because I wanted to spend a couple of weeks in Spain and I had to do it to go. Out side of that I wasn't looking to get booster as I'm pretty healthy for a 62 year old. I have always said the vaccine is a risk to reward event. If you do not get much reward out of it like protecting you if you are older and ill-health then the risk is not worth it no matter how small.

You are the one that always takes these discussions on some roller coaster ride

2 years ago before all the brainwashing you'd say it was ridiculous to get a virus if you were vaccinated for it let alone 3 or 4 times. What a F# joke. But you're in your comfortable mass formation pyschosis right now.

I had it too, I'm not vaccinated, but i keep my vitamin D levels adequate, and it was a joke compared to the flu.

Your view of vaccines is warped. You have put them all in the same bucket that for a vaccine to work it must stop the virus from every taking hold in you, and some are like that, but many are not. It all depends on the virus. Is it RNA or DNA based as example. Smallpox virus is DNA based, and so it is much more stable. It has had one variant in 30,000 years, so the Smallpox vaccine has 2 variants in it with no 3rd anytime soon, and it works as you suggest they should. Most other vaccine are not like that where you either need a booster X number of years or it just reduces your chances of having serious illness a good deal. Flying in the Air Force for 28 years there isn't a shot out there I haven't had, so I kind of know every vaccine first hand lol.

There are many I had to get over and over again. Anthrax is one of those. I think I got a set of 3 at first and then over time I got 3 more boosters until I was not going to the places it might be at. All those shots would not stop me from getting it, just slow it down for a real treatment. Same with Rabies, I think it was 3 shots over like 3 months and all it does is give you a little more time to get to treatment. The flu shot every year is because every year there are new variants, and no one complained about that for like 50 years now. I can go on and on but you are stuck in this never ending loop of belief you created for yourself about what a vaccine is or is not.

As to my COVID I'm on day 5 and back to normal. Day 1 and 2 sucked, and right away I felt it go into my chest, but by day 3 I could tell I was getting better and not worst. I really though about if I wasn't boostered right now where would it had progressed to. I can tell you if my lungs got worst I would most likely need to go to the hospital, and that there is the one big difference between vaccinated vs unvacced.

As I said I have about 100 people working directly for me and I interact on a weekly or at least every couple of weeks with about 200 or more outside of my team. Many or prior special forces type of people in their 40s and 50s, but very fit. A good number did not get vaccinated and from my observations for the higher age groups the unvacc would go 8+ days with it really bad before they started to see that they were slowly getting better. This group typically logged 2+ weeks of the COVID code and talking to them almost daily they would say it was the worst Flu they ever hard. Many still have lingering effects like a never ending dry cough or almost COPD type symptoms months and months later. It was kind of weird in they said they felt better in the morning but by 4 or 5 in the afternoon it would hit them real hard until the next morning and that cycle just keep on going over and over. None ended up in the hosbital, though a couple of my wife's friends unvacced did for a few weeks due to low O2 levels.

Now the number of vacced getting it is maybe 60% less from the groups I'm talking about, and in every case it was just like mine where they got it hard for like 2 days then they got better and by the start of day 5 all done. No lingering coughs etc. My lungs are 100% clear now and I'm right back to normal.

So that is all there is as to whether the vaccine works or not, but that is basically what it does to help and is by no means a miracle cure that Facui and the left falsely labeled it at first, and that there is most likely why many like you are concern about it and have zero trust as you do. But, I'm glad I got through it in basally 3 days with pretty much zero issues outside of feeling like crap for 2 of them.

edit on 13-4-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2022 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
as military 99% of the vaccines we have gotten have been in place for years and underwent testing for years before that.

2 that I am aware of Anthrax and Covid weren't, anthrax was rushed as well and eventually they admitted it was a bad idea (health wise) unless you were heading to a conflict area where it was a risk.

At one point we had more casualties from significant side effects than from covid itself, the really stupid thing about it, despite the lockdown and the mandatory isolation days we still met all flying goals at my last base.

First, why do you say COVID vaccine was rushed as compared to other tests? I keep hearing this and I can't get anyone to tell me what was cutout of the testing or was rushed compared to any other phase check. The interesting thing is they used like 30,000 people for phase 3 and that is an unheard of number. Typically phase 3 is like 1000 at best, can be a 100. The reason was that it was easy to get 30,000 so they did. Try and get 30,000 working on the rabies vaccine, as example... It was quicker time wise because they had all the infected people they could possible need ready to go 24/7. Other drugs can take a long time in phase testing just because they can not get sick people to test quickly enough.

Second, when you say casualties, what are you talking about. I just find it strange that you and others talk about high ill effects across in this case your troops, and other areas see pretty much nothing. My two sons in collage and 10,000 of them had to get vaccinated to go and there was zero discussion from them that anyone there had serious issues with the vaccine, but in your case you had many. Not being there in either case I wonder how much is group think or social media driven or not.

The bottom-line is I believe everyone like you with your side of the story, I just have no way to analyze why you case is much different than others.

posted on Apr, 13 2022 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

I do not agree with it and I think it is sad but the Military has done this for such a long time.

Sadly soldiers are guinea pigs. It wasn't so long ago that is how they connected Guillain-Barre & the flu shot.

An increased incidence of Guillain-Barré syndrome (polyradiculoneuritis) occurred in individuals who received the A/New Jersey (swine) influenza vaccine in 1976–1977. A retrospective study encompassing the years 1980–1988 was conducted to determine if the US Army's mass influenza vaccination program has been associated with an increased incidence of Guillain-Barré syndrome in active duty soldiers dunng the study years.

History repeats itself.

posted on Apr, 13 2022 @ 07:36 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: TDDAgain

Do the workers have to bring some kind of proof about the sickness? Because that's where I see the issue. My old doctor who was so pushy about the vaccine would rather have written it's covid than from a vaccine.

Nothing is required to show. I have about 100 people under me right now, and I actually have COVID right now stuck at home. Most people actually get testing to see, but we do not ask for proof. There has been a few who felt a little sick after the vaccine, but none of them expressed the need to take the day off using the code, so the only thing I can assume there is it wasn't that big of a deal for them when they did have other directions to stay at home and not burn their own PTO.

How did you get Covid with your 5 boosters?

You know how ridiculous it sounds that you got "vaccinated" X number of times and still got the virus? Biden said you wouldn't get the virus if you got vaccinated and so did MSNBC, and big pharma knew that was a huge lie.

2 years ago before all the brainwashing you'd say it was ridiculous to get a virus if you were vaccinated for it let alone 3 or 4 times. What a F# joke. But you're in your comfortable mass formation pyschosis right now.

I had it too, I'm not vaccinated, but i keep my vitamin D levels adequate, and it was a joke compared to the flu.

Yes I too am curious about how one gets covid while being fully "vaccinated" and "boosted" or are they? If their GOD the TV comes back on and tells them they need a 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th what point does a persons critical thinking kick in and force them to stop and wonder..."is something else going on here?"

This is literally clown world now.... supposedly smart people taking part in a never approved, experimental and DEADLY drug trial, a drug whose base formula was created by someone who explicitly and publicly stated that "the world is overpopulated and that with vaccines the population can be reduced by 6 billion people... and then attacking those of us who decided "hmm something fishy is going on here and I don't want to die just yet, maybe ill wait and see what happens first"

My perfectly healthy father watches CNN religiously,...guess what? He just had his booster and got a stroke and now, SUDDENLY has congestive heart issues. Gee i thought his doc would have picked up on those years and years of his heart gradually being clogged slowly over time....nope he didn't, you know why? His heart was fine. But now it isn't. And I hate him for beleiving the idiot tube word for word, and I hate that his decision may potentially take my once healthy father away from me. There is a special place in hell for the people pushing a dangerous deadly forced injection, and the people who support them.

You all made your beds, now sleep in them!

But don't you dare try to make us who chose not to be injected go with you into that good night. Not Happening.


posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 01:49 PM
have you heard of ?
a reply to: DaCook

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