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Shanghai a city ready to implode Screams from Buildings

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posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
a reply to: JAGStorm

Replay of 2019-2020.
Get ready for another pandemic hoax coming to the US before the midterms.

Fraudci came out of hiding to announce another plandemic is coming and we need to wear masks in our houses again.

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 11:27 AM
Meanwhile in America it's vanished from MSM ... Something isn't right

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 11:45 AM
Fraudci said get ready for a whopper covid spell this fall. He's still designing it. Just in time for the mid terms.

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 11:57 AM
Ya know ... if someone came along and locked me into my house and left me there to starve ...

It would be a real mistake letting me EVER get back out. There just comes a time, when it's up to you, to take as many of the bastards with you as you possibly can.

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 12:09 PM
thanks JAGstorm for OP and info.

heartbreaking to think of people being so helpless and dependent.

TPTB have hugely overreacted to Covid. we're seeing lots of Covid fatigue now.

I fear that soon we'll have a *REAL* plague / pandemic and most of us won't take it serious.

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: ElGoobero
thanks JAGstorm for OP and info.

heartbreaking to think of people being so helpless and dependent.

TPTB have hugely overreacted to Covid. we're seeing lots of Covid fatigue now.

I fear that soon we'll have a *REAL* plague / pandemic and most of us won't take it serious.

This is my biggest fear about all of this.

While everyone is up in arms about covid, it is creating a “boy who cried wolf” scenario when/if a REAL one hits.

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 02:13 PM
This is just F#ING EVIL.

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: stosh64

Yes that is one of the videos I watched. Sounds like Hell on earth!

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: ElGoobero

I fear that soon we'll have a *REAL* plague / pandemic and most of us won't take it serious.

Wouldn't take much would it? That is what happens when we have people in charge that lie so much. You never know
what to believe.

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

This level of suppression tends to make me wonder just how scared the powers that be are to do these things. this is a numbers game where a large enough mob could just turn on the Cops and take all their weapons and then the boot would be on the other foot. That's probably why everyone is individually locked up and not allowed to gather, it was and is a numbers game.

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 04:30 PM
Last Wednesday I asked my daughter what she thought was going on in Shanghai.
She is not a conspiracy theorist. However, a University friend of hers is living out there with her husband and they have an 18 month old baby.
She confirmed they have been locked up for 2 months, they were up until my daughter spoke/messaged with her getting food delivered and yes, worst of all she also confirmed that people who test positive are taken away to 'treatment centres' and yes that includes children away from their parents!
Her friend has said as soon as restrictions are lifted they are heading back to UK on first flight they can get. Her husband has a job there and his work are happy to relocate him back to UK and they are thinking about getting their offices out of Shanghai, certainly not posting any more Brits out there.
I was gobsmacked when she confirmed about the children.
I'm seeing her again on Wednesday, so I will ask her about any updates aka people jumping out of buildings and the pets etc.
PS my apologies if somebody else has posted similar confirmations, I haven't read all the thread.

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 07:41 PM

originally posted by: iwanttobelieve70

originally posted by: JAGStorm
Anyone following what is going on in Shanghai?

From my sources, and by sources I mean, Youtube/twitter/Tik Tok.
The 25 Million people in lock down have had enough. They are literally prisoners in their own homes.
There are videos of screams like hell on earth from high rise apartments. People are begging for food and supplies.
The very sad part is that people are jumping….. Yes, they are losing their will to live. Their babies are being taken away.

When people have no food, they have nothing to lose.

I’ve seen a few videos from Americans over there and it seems very scary.
How much longer can society tolerate this? I am hearing of friends getting Covid again.

I mentioned this is the year of the Tiger in Chinese Astrology. The tiger means conflict, but it is often the good that prevail. Maybe they have been pushed too far. Is this the straw that broke the camels back of the Chinese people.

See one of the videos of the screams in the link below.

Chilling Vids Show Locked-Down Shanghai Residents Screaming From Their Windows

You know what. If you don’t want to fight for your freedom it might not be worth have and nobody else should care when you are locked up.

Fight and I will care any way I can. Funny how our leaders don’t care about Chinese citizens.

it's go time!

and putin is the bad guy? any sanctions against china?, any state dept condemnation? oh wait, probably after the weeger one with the strongest language.

biden? he is promoting it already. that shanghai bs is coming to your country soon

all these so called leaders have to be taken out in the most horrible painful way. quarantined and alone.

people have to take back their world.

start with the climeist cults. i'm glad they can stop tornados in their tack and reduce a cat 5 hurricane to a summer sprinkle.

these idiots have thrown the first punch. i'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

wonder woman had to be shown where the front was, us? just look around.

rant over for now.

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Fraudci came out of hiding to announce another plandemic is coming and we need to wear masks in our houses again.

The pandemic of the vaccinated is a trend I am preparing to keep growing over the next few years. VAIDS is the big one to watch out for as it will result in all kinds of cancers and other diseases surfacing. With the scale of fraud going on so far, will not be surprised to find it rebranded as some new variant or virus so more lockdowns and other measures that further harms the population.

Our government here has been looking at signing over all of its power to the WHO along with other nations should another pandemic get called. Lockstep 2.0 has bad news all over it.

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 03:42 PM

originally posted by: kwakakev
Our government here has been looking at signing over all of its power to the WHO along with other nations should another pandemic get called. Lockstep 2.0 has bad news all over it.

My government signed this WHO treaty, opening the door to mandates and many other awful things.

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 06:51 PM
It's just 2019/2020 all over again. China started lockdonns and # again, and of course Philadelphia started back with the masking mandates all over again. It probably won't be long before every major city is pushing for mask mandates and lockdowns again. Then they're will probably be more "stimulus" checks.

Facts be damned.

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 08:08 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: stosh64

Yes that is one of the videos I watched. Sounds like Hell on earth!

my wife has friends there and they say some districts are locked down but can get outside only in their complex. her friends are ok.

they heard about the other bad stuff but can't confirm.

they all said its the councils doing the lock downs.

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 09:00 PM
they're all zombies. China is doing the world a favor. Do you want World War Z to be true?

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 09:28 PM
remember all those idiots that said we should follow the china way in regard to covid.

China being insane is nothing new, but the people in the west that said we should follow their lead should be locked up for a psych eval.

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 10:05 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Unless you had Omicron you have no protection against another infection.

posted on Apr, 13 2022 @ 04:54 AM
They are rationing the rest of the resources .

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